I have two queries about ADL5380, which need your confirmation.
1, I want to buy its high band EVB of ADL5380, which balun is soldered on the
board? 3600BL14M050, 5400BL15K050 or just footprint available? 2, If ADL5380 is
used in single-ended of RFin and LOin (without balun), RFIP and LOIP used, RFIN
and LOIN is ac-coupled to ground, what is the performance degradation expected
for single ended operation?
There are two evaluation boards available, one for low freq and another for
high freq. On the high freq board, the 3600BL14M050 is on the board. Both
baluns have the same footprint. Single ended operation of the RF and LO is not
recommended, especially the RF since you’re dealing with GHz frequencies here
and you would want to have as much common mode rejection as possible. If the
customer is restricted to only using single ended signals, then we have mixers
that are particularly designed for single ended operation with optimized
performance. Take a look at the ADL5811/12.