In order to measure the SPI signals from the parallel port, the EVKIT must be completely set up and connected. You must have a Windows machine that runs Windows XP or older. Follow these steps to get the EVKIT up and running:
1) Connect the INTF2300 board to the computer via DB25, and connect a ribbon cable from the pins on the INTF2300 to the pins on the MAX2306EVKIT.
2) Connect VCC of 2.75V to the MAX2306EVKIT. The +5V and -5V supply can be left floating for clock measurement, but they must be connected for full functionality.
3) There are three pins on the INTF2300: VCC, GND, and one that is not labeled. Short together VCC and the unlabeled pin. GND should be floating. Connecting VCC and the unlabeled pin transfers the 2.75V power supply from the MAX2306EVKIT to the INTF2300.
4) Launch the GUI. Probe DATA, \EN, and CLK and press the "Send Data" button on the GUI. All pins should respond as expected.