The noise figure of the MAX2769, when using the AGC gain setting is detailed according to the Cascaded Gain and Noise Figure vs. Temperature plot on sheet 5 of the datasheet. This characterization is done with an analog output mode when the ADC is bypassed. With this device, there are many possible configurations and not all of them have been characterized. The ADCs contribution to the NF would have little effect on the overall NF. When the MAX2769 LNA is cascaded with the PGA and other receiver blocks, the LNA's noise figure will dominate the overall noise figure according to the Friis equation, the ADC being at the tail-end of the system should have a marginal impact on the overall NF.
How Quantization and Thermal Noise Determine an ADC's Effective Noise Figure
By: Daniel Terlep
How Quantization and Thermal Noise Determine an ADC's Effective Noise Figure | Analog Devices
System Noise-Figure Analysis for Modern Radio Receivers
By: Charles Razzell, Executive Director
How Quantization and Thermal Noise Determine an ADC's Effective Noise Figure
By: Daniel Terlep
How Quantization and Thermal Noise Determine an ADC's Effective Noise Figure | Analog Devices
System Noise-Figure Analysis for Modern Radio Receivers
By: Charles Razzell, Executive Director