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power calculations -  AD6636

This is Naresh kumar.T from satellite and wireless group (C-DOT,Bangalore,India) , we are

using AD6636 (analog devices- down conversion chip) in our GSM design .

  we need to calculate the Average power of digital samples(slot by slot)

taken output from AD6636, since the chip calculates the average power ,is

there any mechanism to read the power from the chip(to take the power output) ??

we are alternatively calculating the power of one slot (156 samples -GSM

slot) manually in FPGA (formula :(I^2 + Q^2)/156)where I and Q are the output

samples of AD6636 , is this the right way to calculate the power and what is

the procedure to map this  value to the input power expressed in db ?

                              kindly reply,

Thnx n Regards

Naresh kumar .T

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