One of my cutomer is tesing EK1HMC6350.
Two questions on this EV Kit.
1. Did somebody test BER Test as below set up ?
Customer did this test but couldn't get succesful test result.
- Can somebody give a kind of application note or test set up configuration(test procedure) on this BER test ?
2. From the data sheet of HMC6300 and HMC6301,
HMC6300 optionally supports MSK(minimum shift keying) with integrated MSK modulator.
HMC6301, there are also options to use on-chip demodulators capable of demodulating MSK waveforms.
But my customer tested MSK Transmission after setting MSK Modulator('ON') at Tx Control SW, then clicked 'transfter' icon. They couldn't get any occupied signal shape from the spectrum analyzer.
Is there any special setting for MSK mod/demod ?
I couldn't catch the meaning of "optionally supports" and "options to use".
Thanks a lot.