I am currently integrating an AD8317 (replacement for a HMC611LP4) in one of my products. The footprint (LFCSP 8 pins) is not given in the datasheet. There is an application note to help the design with this package (https://www.analog.com/en/resources/app-notes/an-772.html).
I've finaly download a footprint from Ultra Librarian but the footprint I get does not quite respect the AN-772.
The pad width on the footprint is 0.254mm and the max pin width in the datasheet is 0.3mm. The AN-772 state that the foot print should a least fit the pin.
The thermal pad on the footprint is 0.6mm wide. If I consider the worse case coponent side I get a 0.3mm wide thermal pad and 0.2mm isloation betwen thermal and pad. In this configuration the distance between the pin and the thermal pad of the footprint is 0.05mm. It's a bit narrow, but maybe this configuration is impossible to obtain?
The AN-772 say a lot about the thermal pad: vias, paste quantity... The footprint given got no via and the paste layer is just the basic one. For the via I assume that for a little component like this thermal vias are not necessary. More, with a 0.3 to 0.6mm thermal pad it's tricky to put some 0.3mm vias under it.
Ad8317 datasheet:
Ultra Librarian footprint:
Thank's a lot