Can someone explain the datasheet ordering options for the ADL8142S.
There's ADL8142ACPZN-CSL and ADL8142ACPZN-R7-CSL.
Nowhere else in the datasheet is R7 mentioned.
Thanks in advance.
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The ADL8142S-CSL is a gallium arsenide (GaAs), monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT)...
ADL8142S on
Can someone explain the datasheet ordering options for the ADL8142S.
There's ADL8142ACPZN-CSL and ADL8142ACPZN-R7-CSL.
Nowhere else in the datasheet is R7 mentioned.
Thanks in advance.
The information in the Packing Quantity is incorrect. The -R7- model number is a 7 inch reel. If you order ADL8142aCPZN, you will receive the devices on cut tape. In both cases however, the minimum order quantity is 500 pieces. - Eamon
I just noticed that if you buy through distribution (I just checked this on Mouser), you can order smaller quantities of the ADL8142ACPZN-CSL (on cut tape). - Eamon
I just noticed that if you buy through distribution (I just checked this on Mouser), you can order smaller quantities of the ADL8142ACPZN-CSL (on cut tape). - Eamon