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Footprint for HMC625BLP5E

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: HMC625BLP5E, HMC625B

The datasheet for HMC625BLP5E doesn't contain a footprint. It says REFER TO HITTITE APPLICATION NOTE FOR SUGGESTED LAND PATTERN

The datasheet doesn't give any clue what application note and I can't find anything relevant on the web or on Analog's website. There doesn't appear to be any legacy Hittite QFN 32 package listed.

Does anyone have any clue where to find the proper footprint for this part? The corner pads are bevelled so it is different to a standard QFN32

The footprint for this part on Ultra Librarian is wrong

  • Adding here in case anyone else is looking in the future (perhaps after getting useless boards made using the wrong footprint that's on UltraLibrarian):

    After wasting a whole afternoon googling - I found it appears to be a LFCSP_VQ package which is this one. (which does show as legacy Hittite on the Analog package finder thing. 

    HCP-32-1 (

    There are several very similar footprints but it appears to be this one. And it is in KiCad library as Package_CSP:LFCSP-32-1EP_5x5mm_P0.5mm_EP3.6x3.6mm_ThermalVias