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Least cost 60Ghz 250mW amplifier

Category: Hardware
Product Number: adpa9007

Good morning all,

I'm new here and also new to millimeter microwave electronics.  However, I have an urgent need for a least cost 60Ghz 250mW power amplifier and wave guide assembly for scientific tests related to Climate Change. 

There is no need for signal modulation or programmable tuning via SPI comms; just full power for a typical test duration (5-30 minutes).

I'm pretty sure many of you will have some great ideas about how to proceed with such a project. 

Given my limited knowledge of the subject my first thought was to start with the ADAP9007 as a pre-amp which could feed into a 3x frequency multiplier followed by a 1/4W Amp (rated output).  However I know the power losses at this frequency can be substantial and also that the matching of loads is critical; and of course the circuit layout.

But, is there a more efficient approach that I'm not aware of?

Best regards and thanks in advance,


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