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Supply Voltage Range

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: HMC6380LC4B, HMC6380

Hi !

The datasheet of HMC6380LC4Bdoes not mention any range for the supply voltage for the device.

Since all of the circuit in my board works on 3V or lower and have limited space I cannot go for a device with 5V supply. Please let me know if the device would work at 3V and if so, what changes in its characteristics are to be expected?

Thank you !

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    I meant, what VCO performance is your target? What Vtune level will you be supplying? Are you planning to use a single frequency? If you plan to use the same frequency range as the HMC6380, we don't have a VCO that is spec'd to use 3V supply. 

    We have:

    HMC506 that operates at 7.8 - 8.7GHz.

    HMC514 that operates at 11.17 - 12.02GHz


