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CN0566 EVK 14GHz

Category: Hardware
Product Number: CN0566

1. CN0566 EVK Board is Developed X Band, Tx Antenna used Vivaldi 10.5GHz shall we make it 14GHz? what are the steps involved while developing the Antenna.
2. CN0566 EVK Rx Band Width 10 to 11GHz, Instead of Centre Frequency 10.5GHz Can we convert it into 14GHz? is there any modification Required?
3. With this EVK what distance will it capture?

 Thanks & Regards


Parents Reply
  • No, I don't have the exact part numbers.  You will need to do your own frequency plan and find compatible filters to swap out with the existing ones.  I've never tried it, but I think it should be possible.  For the LO, you can either use the external LO input, or use a low side LO injection--instead of the existing high side LO freq plan.  But you should study this thoroughly before starting any project.  
