Hello. I am using an ADF4108 evaluation board for a project. While testing it, I was powering up the +5.5 V rail with a laboratory dc supply and the board worked fine. After a couple of hours that the board was active, I noticed that the voltage dropped, as the supplied current reached the limit set in the source.
At that point, I erroneously supplied the board with ~ +6.5 V for a short amount of time. After that, I couldn't see any more sensible signal from the charge pump (only a constant DC voltage), and the MUXOUT led was always on. More specifically, the board seemed not to react anymore to any changes made through the PLL INT-N software (i.e. I tried to set MUXOUT to AGND, but the led was still on).
I checked the different DC voltages on the board via the test points, as well as directly on the ADF4108 chip using a wire probe and everything is as it should be according to the evaluation board schematic.
According to the schematic, the ADF4108 chip is directly supplied by the ADP150AUJZ-3.3, 3.3 V linear regulator. According to the datasheet, the maximum voltage rating of these components is indeed +6.5 V, but it refers to be intended as a "stress rating". So, I (maybe naively) expect that during the overvoltage, these components might have dissipated a bit more power than usual, but still provided the correct 3.3 V to the chip, especially because they work correctly now. For this reason I am not sure wheter the problem lies in the chip or something else. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to further troubleshoot the board and hopefully repair it?