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Tx Path Switching Time Test Configuration and Data - ADTR1107

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: ADTR1107

Dear Sir/Madam,

I made ADAR1000+ADTR1107 product.
I want to measure the switching speed on page 3 of the data sheet.

1.  I want to know the configuration for the test method.
2.  I want to receive the measurement result data of the data sheet. (Because I want to compare it with the actual performance.)
3.  I also want to know the Timing Diagram. (tRISE, tFALL, tON, tOFF for measurement)

Best & Regards, 

  • Hi Mike,

                  You want the setup and timing diagram for the ADAR1000 & ADTR1107 combination, correct?


    Jim B

  • Dear Jim,

    Thank you for your quickly support.

    No, I want to measure the timing of ADTR1107 only. (It will be copare my own module.) 

    Best & Regards,

  • Hi Mike,

                    Attached is the setup for standalone testing the ADTR1107 switching time. I don't have any screen shots. I don't have a timing diagram for the standalone testing.


    Jim B

  • Dear Jim, 

    Thank you for your kindly support.

    I will test it.

    Best & Regards,

  • Dear Jim,

    Could you please provide about below request?

    2.  I want to receive the measurement result data of the data sheet. (Because I want to compare it with the actual performance.)
    3.  I also want to know the Timing Diagram. (tRISE, tFALL, tON, tOFF for measurement)

    Best & Regards, 

  • Hi Mike,

                   I've attached a link to the wiki page for the stingray system, (ADAR1000 & ADTR1107). This will be the best Comparision to your system board.

    ADAR1000EVAL1Z Data Set [Analog Devices Wiki]   (You may need to create my analog account if you don't already have one).

    The switching time plots are shown. Timing diagram is in the ADAR1000 data sheet as well as switching plots for the ADAR1000. Te ADAR100 plots cand be subtracted from the measurement to determine the amp switching time. 


    Jim B

  • Dear Jim, 

    I got a read about your information guide.  

    Thank you for your greate support. 

    Best & Regards,