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HMC8500 : strong compression of positive half-wave

Category: Hardware
Product Number: HMC8500

I am testing the HMC8500 AD eval board with CW sinewave at 330 MHz, Vdd = 28V, Vgg = -2.3V, Iddq = 100mA, load = 50Ohm :

- -4dBm / input -> 15.5dBm / output : slight compression of positive half wave

- 2dBm / input -> 21dBm / output : significant compression of positive half wave

- 7dBm / input -> app. 25dBm / output : very strong compression of positive half wave

I was expecting a nice sinewave output - especially at these low power levels.

Where is my misunderstanding of this device ?

I.e., can I not achieve symmetric output voltages at Pout >> 20 dBm ?

  • Hi Benlumentum,

                                  HMC8500 is fabricated using Gallium Nitride, (GaN). GaN devices exhibit a soft compression characteristic. So, the gain rolls off earlier than GaAs devices do. Refer to Figures 29 thru 33 in the HMC8500PM5E datasheet. This soft gain compression is shown.


    Jim B

  • Thank you, Jim, for the hints.

    But its only the positive half-wave which is heavily compressed. The negative follows the gain of the datasheet.

    Example below : @330 MHz,  7dBm / input -> app. 25dBm / output

    - Positive half-wave = 4.8Vp

    - Negative half-wave = 6.3Vp

    At low power levels, all looks fine.

    But if I go to higher power levels, this asymmetry gets worse and worse.

    Picture below  is 2V / DIV & 1ns / DIV. Scope BW = 1.3 GHz

      Vdd = 28V, Vgg = -2.3V, load = 50Ohm

      Iddq = 100mA (RF off)

      Idd = 120 mA (RF ON)

    Best regards,


  • Hi Marco,

                     It is caused by the device starting to compress. The asymmetry is just how this device behaves.


    Jim B