I'm considering to the use an external GaAs switch along with the ADAR1000 in order to have an external LNA and a PA. GaAs switches require two complementary voltages to control the signal path (PA to ANT or ANT to LNA). In my case, to set the TX path I need to set VA=0.5V and VB = -5V and to switch the RX path I need to reverse the voltages, i.e. VA=-5V and VB = 0.5V.
After carefully reading the ADAR1000 datasheet (page 38), I found that it provides two pins for driving an external GaAs switch:
TR_SW_POS = {0, 3.3} V
TR_SW_NEG = {-5, 0} V
TR_SW_POS and TR_SW_NEG are mutually exclusive (datasheet, page 42) so I can't have two wires, one with Vhigh and the other with Vlow, at the same time:
Can the ADAR1000 provide two simultaneous voltages as I mentioned above to drive a GaAs switch? If so, do you have an application example for the ADAR1000 with an external GaAs switch?
Trying to make the explanation a bit clearer...
[edited by: andresmmera at 12:52 PM (GMT -4) on 29 Jun 2023]