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Ad8364 1-Channel PCB Layout Issues Detected

Category: Hardware
Product Number: Ad8364

Hi, there

I am using the AD8364 power detector IC for my application. The IC has two separate channels. I am only using one of the channels, channel A. I have laid it out on my own PCB.

I'm having issues with the IC. Basically, the IC seems to be shorted: it's pulling a lot of current from the power supply, and when I limit the current to, say 150mA, the voltage supplied drops to 2v.

I followed advice from a previous post by doing the following:

- Decoupled pin DECB left floating.
- Offset comp capacitor pin CHPB left floating.
- Averaging capacitor pin CLPB left floating.
- Output pin OUTB left floating.

However, in my layout, pins INHB, INLB and VPSB are GROUNDED. My questions is whether this would lead to the issues I'm experiencing?

Thank you!

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