I need to know how much feedthrough to expect from the attenuation control inputs to the RF ports. I am concerned that noise on the digital attenuation control inputs may feed into the RF signal.
The data sheets for the HMC1119 and HMC470 show similar equivalent circuits for the attenuation control inputs. The data sheet for the HMC1119 evaluation board shows 100pF bypass capacitors on the attenuation control inputs. Their presence suggests that the designer was aware of the possibility of noise feed-through. Possibly there are other reasons for putting these rather large capacitors on the attenuation control inputs.
Can you provide data on the amount of feedthrough to be expected. Expressed in S parameters, this informatoin would be expressed as:
S( ATTNx, Dy ) where x=IN/OUT and y=1,2,3,4, ...
Thank you very much!
Max Nielsen
Staff Engineer RF Microwave Design
Northrop Grumman Mission Systems