Error reported in the simulation file when using ADS to simulate the C parameter of HMC475
The HMC475ST89(E) is a InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) Gain Block MMIC SMT amplifier covering DC to 4.5 GHz. Packaged in an industry standard...
HMC475 on
sorry ,It's the S parameter not the C parameter
Hi Blade,
HMC475 is listed as obsolete. Where did you get the S-Parameter file? I don't have a copy of the S-Parameters. Could you attach a copy of the file you have?
Jim B
Hi Jim B,
I downloaded the S2p file from the simulation tool on the official website,here the fileHMC475ST89 De-embedded.s2p
Hi Blade,
Open you file in a text editor and remove the ! from this line. ! # MHz S MA R 50. The ! on that line prevents the file from running.
Jim B
Thank you very much for your reply, which has helped me a lot!!!~
Thank you very much for your reply, which has helped me a lot!!!~