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HMC636 RF amplifier pin 2 and pin 3 is short?

Category: Hardware
Product Number: HMC636


I am ising HMC636 in my transmitter and receiver circuits. However, if i short pin 2 and 3 without applying the voltage, it acts as short.... however after apply of voltage, of 5.5 Volts, it draws the nominal current as specified in the data sheet.  Is this a normal operation? that it is short at pin 2 and pin 3 with out apply of voltage?

  • I believe that the amplifier uses deplection mode FETs where the channel is on with no voltage applied. When you turn on the device by applying a dc voltage to the OUT pin, the gate bias voltage is set and the channel goes from open to controlled. 

  • Thanks enash for reply. I am concerned is it good to use or not as i did not find other ICs of HMC giving this behaviour. For example HMC 480 is also having the same type of schematic with a diode between 1 and 3 as in case of HMC636. But i did not find the short between pins 2 and 3. Is it possible that the complete lot of HMC636 ICs received is bad or is it the same way?  I have designed my circuit using HMC636.. now facing this issue and not getting my desired output. I suspect this might be  the issue??

  • I double checked with one of our designers and he confirmed that when the part is unbiased, the FET's channel (which runs from pin 3 to pin 2) is conducting. When you bias up the part, a voltage is applied to the gate of the FET which results in the channel partially conducting. As the RF signal is applied to Pin 1 (the gate), that signal essentially modulates the conductivity of the channel. This results in an amplified version of the input signal appearing on the drain pin (Pin 3). So I think that your devices are working fine. 

  • I double checked with one of our designers and he confirmed that when the part is unbiased, the FET's channel (which runs from pin 3 to pin 2) is conducting. When you bias up the part, a voltage is applied to the gate of the FET which results in the channel partially conducting. As the RF signal is applied to Pin 1 (the gate), that signal essentially modulates the conductivity of the channel. This results in an amplified version of the input signal appearing on the drain pin (Pin 3). So I think that your devices are working fine. 

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