I am using ADF4355 PLL Chip.
what is Vtune voltage of this device?
I am trying to check wheather my device is working or not because it is not locking pls help how to verify that as well.
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The ADF4355 allows implementation of fractional-N or integer-N phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers when used with an external loop filter and...
ADF4355 on Analog.com
I am using ADF4355 PLL Chip.
what is Vtune voltage of this device?
I am trying to check wheather my device is working or not because it is not locking pls help how to verify that as well.
Can you provide more information about your application? What is your reference, PFD and output frequencies? What is your loop filter? Can you also share your register configuration?
Ideally, at room temperature, Vtune should be around ~2.5V when the part is locked. When it is not locked, it can go to ~0.5V or ~4.5V.
i am using ADF 4355 for locking at CW.
VCO o/p- 6600MHz & RF o/p 3300 MHz
reference freq = 25 Mhz pulsed signal (Amplitude-4v)
PFD= 25 MHz
CP out & Vtune- 2.7v . Earlier it was 5v by default. but still rf out is 4.7 GHz with -55 dBm level but we are locking for 3.3Ghz RF out.
loop filters value.
C1-100pf; C2- 1.5nf; C3- 33pf
R1- 5.1K ; R2-11K
CE pin high with 3.3v
SPI signals- Amplitude 2 v aproxx
R0= 00201040
R1= 00000001
R2= 00000012
R3= 00000003
R4= 30008984
R5= 00800025
R6= 352080F6
R7= 120000E7
R8= 102D0428
R9= 030ABCC9
R10= 00C00FBA
R11= 0061300B
R12= 0001041C
I would like to know why Vtune should be 2.7v when it is locked.
is logic high or this PLL is 1.8v.
Your Register 9 value seems wrong. You are setting VCO Band Division to 3 while it should be set to 11 at least. VCO Band Division value is calculated according to following formula:
f_pfd/(band division × 16) < 150 kHz which is given in Page 27 of the datasheet. You should set Reg9 to 0xB0ABCC9.
Vtune voltage range is between 0.5 V and 4.5V. At room temperature, it is expected to have a Vtune voltage that is about to mid value of the control range. This is not a digital pin.
Also, if you are aiming to get 3.3 GHz output and set the VCO freq to 6.6 GHz, you should set Register 0 to 0x201080. 0x201040 will result in 6.5 GHz VCO frequency.
i had corrected all register values as you recommended and my VTune and cp is 2.7V still its not locking to 6.6 GHz fixed vco freq and RF out is 3.3 GHz fixed.
there is (freq update sequence) in datasheet is it required to follow for fixed freq.
What is the output frequency you see ?
4.7 GHz level -55 dbm.
Are you following the initializing sequence given in the datasheet?
yes i am following initializing sequence as mentioned in the datasheet.
Do I have to follow update sequence for a fixed frequency? since FRAC1 and FRAC2 both are 0, & I am using this PLL as a INT PLL.
Please help
hello kudret,
my PLL is locked at 3.3 GHz but its no proper i am sharing the image of it.
my loop filter bandwidth id 60 khz. and pfd is 25 MHz.
What is your reference source? You mentioned above that "reference freq = 25 Mhz pulsed signal (Amplitude-4v)" ? 4V amplitude is too high and we suggest to use 50% duty cycle clocks as reference. Is it possible to try a signal generator to see if this is caused by the reference?