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Difference in configuration of HMC832LP6GE and HMC833LP6GE

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We have used Raspberry PI to interface HMC832LP6GE and generate output.

Now we want to replace the IC with HMC833LP6GE.

Will the same program help us to generate the same output for same reference clock input or whether there would be changes in that? Reason the chips look to be very very similar

I have a feeling that It may be same.

Requesting the community to confirm or guide with. 

Thanks a lot !!

tagged with part numbers
[edited by: emassa at 2:12 PM (GMT -4) on 14 Sep 2022]
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  • Hi Mohit,

    You have the Raspberry PI code that interfacing with HMC832 well, right? All you need it to change VCO registers and perhaps some PLL registers depending on your configuration, system requirements. 

    If you have any concern with your register settings, please copy and we can give a quick look. 

    Regards, Kazim