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AD8339 Eval, .NET Errors

Category: Software
Product Number: AD8339 Evaluation Board

Dear Reader,

We are having trouble installing the SPI/USB software for the AD8339 Evaluation board.
The install folder has these files:
> AD8339 SPI2.msi, 12/13/2018
> AD8339.pdf, 12/16/2018, Rev B
> setup.exe, 12/13/2018

We have attempted the run "setup.exe" on four computers, with two .NET errors:

(1) Installing on two established Windows 10 Notebooks produced this error:

(2) Installing on a fresh Windows 10 notebook produced this error:

Initially clicking [Yes] browsed to a missing web page at Microsoft.
Repeated clicks on [Yes] installed the latest version of .NET
Despite installation for latest .NET, setup repeated the above Error
Is .NET 2.0 beyond Microsoft "End of Life"?

(3) Installing on an established Windows 7 produced the same error as (1), above.

How do we install the Eval Software on Windows 10?
> Do we need a new version, etc?
> What are the work-around options?
> We need the board to work as soon a possible


  • Hi Dave,

    The AD8339 software was initially created for Windows XP, but if a Windows XP machine isn't readily available, I have had success with using a Windows XP VM and installing that software on the VM. That allowed me to program the AD8339 through the VM that had Windows XP.

    Additionally, the AD8339 SPI interface is a very simple 20-bit shift register interface (no addresses) plus a latch so you should be able to use a generic SPI controller with the AD8339.

