Hello team,
I am generating a ramp signal from ADF4159 PLL synthesizer whose ramp duration is 2 micro-seconds and delay between ramps is 39 micro-seconds for a LFMCW Radar application. This ramp signal's covering range is 10MHz. Its start frequency is 9.385 GHz and stop frequency is 9.395 GHz.
Using the ADIsimPLL software, I created a simulation file that meets above specifications. And edited the settings in ADF4158-9 GUI accordingly.
I observed the RFout of PLL in signal hound spectrum analyser.
My questions are as following:
1. Why am I getting a peak at 9.385GHz with power level of +6.91dBm? Does it effect my Radar performance as this RFout is considered as transmitter signal?
2. Can I reduce or overcome it by changing the settings in GUI? If so, please let me know.
Thanks and regards,