Q: What material and thickness is used in the HMC263LP4E evaluation board?
The HMC263LP4E is a GaAs MMI C Low Noise
Amplifier (LNA) which covers the frequency range
of 24 to 36 GHz and is housed in a leadless plastic
SMT package...
HMC263LP4E on Analog.com
Q: What material and thickness is used in the HMC263LP4E evaluation board?
A: Board RF layer is rogers 4350 and 10 mils thick. Gerber files are on the web. https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/evaluation-documentation/gerber-files/hmc263lp4e-gerber.zip
A: Board RF layer is rogers 4350 and 10 mils thick. Gerber files are on the web. https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/evaluation-documentation/gerber-files/hmc263lp4e-gerber.zip