On page 4 of the HMC908A data sheet the thermal resistance junction to ambient is given as 46C/W while the junction to case is listed as 71C/W. How can the case thermal resistance be higher than the ambient thermal resistance? Please verify.
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The HMC908A is a compact, gallium arsenide (GaAs), monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), inphase/quadrature (I/Q) downconverter in a leadless...
HMC908A on Analog.com
On page 4 of the HMC908A data sheet the thermal resistance junction to ambient is given as 46C/W while the junction to case is listed as 71C/W. How can the case thermal resistance be higher than the ambient thermal resistance? Please verify.
Thanks for the question. The theta JA number is incorrect and will need to be updated. Please use the theta JC number.