HMC3563 has Reverse Isolation graph on page 4 in the datasheet. But there is no Reverse Isolation graph when power is off. Do you have such measurements? If yes I would appreciate it if you could provide the data.
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HMC3563 has Reverse Isolation graph on page 4 in the datasheet. But there is no Reverse Isolation graph when power is off. Do you have such measurements? If yes I would appreciate it if you could provide the data.
Hi Ivan,
The measurement you request has not been taken. I'm assuming you mean dc power, not RF power correct? It's not something that would be normally considered as part of normal operation…
Hi Ivan,
Attached is the pulse measurement you requested. Not sure why there is a dip in the RF pulse. Couldn't resolve it.
Jim B
Hi Ivan,
The condition with VPD = 0 and VCC = 5V was not measured. I do have data with VPD varied from 4.5 V to 5.5 V.
I have attached that data.
When VPD = 0V, ICC = ~4mA, so the Part is turned off an essentially there is no gain.
Jim B