We have made a small PA board using HMC8500PM5E, I have few problems.
1- While soldering using hot air gun, top of the IC just melted. Soldering maximum temperature says 260 degrees, but it is just same for other ICs which we dont have any problems at all, I am attaching a picture just to show it. When we soldered from bottom it was fine. We are guessing that, top of the IC is a different material which is a soft one to conduct the temperature, is that right?
2- For Biasing, I follow similar steps to datasheet. I apply -4V to Vgg/RFIN pin, then apply +28V to Vdd/RFout pin, then turn on the RFIN signal. I dont see anything working, when I check the Igg there is no current at all. Design is very similar to the EVAL board. When I remove R1(25ohm, page 14 on datasheet) to check the current, I see no current, and smokes start coming from the PA. What could be the issue?
3- Also, is it normal that when everything is powered off, the resistance between the Vdd/RFout pin and ground is 0.6 ohm?
Best regards.
photo added
[edited by: baykalyu at 12:14 PM (GMT -5) on 29 Dec 2021]