Trying to a generate a waveform but output seems to be locked at a particular frequency and doesn't change if we set another frequency in the software. I am using external Loop filter(OP184) and VCO(HMC511).
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Trying to a generate a waveform but output seems to be locked at a particular frequency and doesn't change if we set another frequency in the software. I am using external Loop filter(OP184) and VCO(HMC511).
What frequency is the PLL showing, is it locked or is the VCO railing at its low or high vtune level?
Could you send your ADIsimPLL file of your loop filter design. Also, can you change Muxout setting in Register 0 controls to R divider /2 and N divider /2 settings and probe the muxout pin using a scope for each. You should see stable signals of frequency = PFD freq = 10MHz. The N divider will have a small duty cycle compared to the R counter at muxout.
Closing out from lack of reply