LTC5594 - DC2465A and DC590B show the Cannot load module for device with right connection
Recommended for New Designs
The LTC5594 is a direct conversion quadrature demodulator optimized for high linearity zero-IF and low-IF receiver applications in the 300MHz to 9GHz frequency...
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LTC5594 - DC2465A and DC590B show the Cannot load module for device with right connection
Firstly, I configure the DC5990B and LTC5594 with the above instructions and quickEval shows the following results
When i click the Open button, it shows
And I will shows the two photos of the conncected board
And how can I resolve this problem?
Could you try downloading and installing the module directly while we look into this issue?
Is this OK ? The QVal still don't work
Please verify the supply voltage and current are correct. Adjust Vsupply until Vsense is 5V. The supply current should be about 470mA. Vcm should be 0.9V or floating. (Be aware that the 4 IF outputs have 0.9V common-mode voltage on them.) The jumper for Vlogic should be set to "INT" position. Make sure the DC590B's VCCIO jumper is set to 3.3V.
Please verify the supply voltage and current are correct. Adjust Vsupply until Vsense is 5V. The supply current should be about 470mA. Vcm should be 0.9V or floating. (Be aware that the 4 IF outputs have 0.9V common-mode voltage on them.) The jumper for Vlogic should be set to "INT" position. Make sure the DC590B's VCCIO jumper is set to 3.3V.
The supply current should be about 500mA and the current on Vcm is about 7mA. Is it OK? The other connections are corret.
500mA supply current is at the upper limit. There should be no current on Vcm.
my demo supply voltage is 4.75 and supply current is 510 ,So is it normal ?