Hello ADI community,
We have a requirement where we want to support the following two use cases:
- Use-case 1
- RFC is the input
- RF1 and RF2 are the outputs
- I want to send the signal from RFC to either RF1 or RF2. This is a demultiplexer operation.
- Use-case 2
- RF1 and RF2 are the inputs
- RFC is the output
- I want to choose which one of (RF1, RF2) I send out through RFC. This is a multiplexer operation.
In order words, I need a 2:1 bidirectional switch. Would either the HMC284A or the HMC435A work to support both use-cases?
Is there a way to figure out, from the data sheets, which of the SPDT switches from ADI are indeed bidirectional?
Thank you ADI community.