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Looking for a power divider

Hi , 

I have a RF signal which i need to provide to 2 different inputs. Basically the same amplitude has to be provided from the same signal source , and they should be closely phase matched. I thought i could use a Power divider but that is not available as a SMD component . How else can I send the same signal to 2 different inputs with the same voltage ?

  • Broadband power divider uses 3 resistor in star configuration, theoretical value is Z0/3. It means for 50Ohm impedance are 3 resistors 18Ohm often used. I.L. is 6dB for this kind of divider and 6dB is also the isolation between output paths. The phase is 0Deg. Of course there are other types of power divider (branch-line, rate-race, Wilkinson) with I.L. of 3dB, but bandwidth is lower.

  • The source impedance I am using is 25Ohms .The RF signal comes out of this . I think 18Ohms is okay to be  used in that . What do you suggest  ? My bandwidth requirements are 3G Max , would the other kind of IL=3dB work for me ? Are these components available with AD ?

  • If you are using the characteristic impedance 25Ohm, I would recommend 8.2Ohm using in the resistive splitter instead.

    Are these components available with AD ?

    I am not an AD employ, I am only member of this forum, but I am afraid, AD does not have such component in their portfolio. AD specializes more on active components. 

    would the other kind of IL=3dB work for me ?

    yes, there are more types of splitters as I wrote you. Depends on the signal phase relation, what you want. I attach example of Wilkinson divider, which simple to design and well known.


  • Thank you for your replies. It is a workable proposition for me to use . The other thing that worries me in implementing is the problem of my current driving ability . Below is snip of the circuit I am trying to implement. 

    The inputs need some driving current which I am sure that using a passive resistive divider , I would not be able to achieve. Is there a way to simulate this on any platform using the ADL5330 ? Only if there was a follower that I could use and it had a dual output mechanism. 


  • Thank you for your replies. It is a workable proposition for me to use . The other thing that worries me in implementing is the problem of my current driving ability . Below is snip of the circuit I am trying to implement. 

    The inputs need some driving current which I am sure that using a passive resistive divider , I would not be able to achieve. Is there a way to simulate this on any platform using the ADL5330 ? Only if there was a follower that I could use and it had a dual output mechanism. 

