In datasheet, HMC8410LP2FE amplifier gain for 8GHz is around 17dB & in sparameter file it is 15.7dB. Please confirm which one is correct?
The HMC8410 is a gallium arsenide (GaAs), monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT), low...
HMC8410LP2FE on
In datasheet, HMC8410LP2FE amplifier gain for 8GHz is around 17dB & in sparameter file it is 15.7dB. Please confirm which one is correct?
The datasheet typically provides a broader overview and averaged typical values based on various conditions and testing scenarios. It aims to present a consistent and conservative estimate for general usage. For further verification, please read the datasheet and the S-parameter files and compare the conditions under which each set of data was obtained to understand the context of the measurements better.