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HMC 751 LNA Testing

Recently I have requested a sample of HMC 751 LNA with the complete evaluation board from Analog devices that operates from 17-27 GHz with a stable gain of 25 dB. Do i need any additional components to test it? Or I can measure it directly with the VNA to test? Do I need to use any additional attenuator to reduce the signal power?

I am looking forward to hearing your response.



  • Hi SSifat218,

    You should be fine just connecting the board to a VNA. As long as all of the capacitors/components are installed on the EVB (particularly the bypass caps). This part is internally AC coupled so there is no need for DC blocks or bias tees. You should not need additional attenuation measuring small signal of this part.



  • Hello Dan0,

    I am pursuing my PhD studies at Concordia University, Montreal and my research is inclined towards designing microwave passive components, however for one of our work we need to connect the LNA, so i requested a sample evaluation board from Analog devices. I am asking for a recommendation, what type of power supply do you normally use for the DC biasing? We don't have it in our lab, so we have to buy it. Or can we use some batteries to give the power supply for the DC biasing? If we can use batteries, then can you suggest me the batteries suitable for DC biasing? I know its a silly question to ask, but I hope you guys will help me. 


  • Hi SSifat218,

    I would recommend using a Keithley DC power supply (can be purchased through Tektronix or Test Equity). The most common model we use in the lab is the 2400 series, but they are pretty pricey (~$4000). So if you want a cheaper solution they have the PWS2000 series which is significantly cheaper (~$500).



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