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ADL5569 with single end input and differential output to AD6674

I'm designing an ADC circuit with 0-100Mhz single end input. suppose to use ADL5569 as input amplifier, which also convert the single end input to differential. as the DC signal have to be sampled, so the whole circuit is DC coupled.

The AD6674 require the Vcom to be 2.05V, therefore a resistor have been add to the VCOM pin of the ADL5569 to adjust the Vcom to 2.05V.  I have calculated the termination resistors and Gain as the file attached below. Could anyone kindly help to review the calculation to see if it's reasonable? and I have not found reference material about setting of resistor setting between ADL5569 and AD6674. so those resistor values are not marked, is there any instruction on how to select these resistors?


Thank you very much!