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An X-Band transmitter


I am designing an x-band 27 dBm narrow-band transmitter. I am currently looking at I/q modulation solutions to modulate a 45 MHz Baseband signal and upconvert it to 10.5Ghz band.

Due to filtering and losses, I am looking at alternatives to the classical double up-conversion architecture. Is there any sloutions/alternative architectures that are on the market that fits the above criteria?



Parents Reply
  • Yes i am looking at i/q modulator chips that can fit the criteraia for the system mentioned above.

    I found thatone route is using the HMC1097 to upconvert from the 100 MHz to 6 GHz. and then upcovert using the ADRF6780 which is quite expensive.

    Are there any AD ICs that can create a smaller/ cheaper architecture than the one mentioned above?


