I Need application circuit and recommend component list of HMC789ST89E , ADL5320 for 950-1250 MHz band.
Recommended for New Designs
The ADL5320 incorporates a dynamically adjustable biasing circuit that allows for the customization of OIP3 and P1dB performance from 3.3 V to 5 V without...
ADL5320 on Analog.com
I Need application circuit and recommend component list of HMC789ST89E , ADL5320 for 950-1250 MHz band.
Hi Abdul,
I do not have an application circuit for the requested frequency range. I will need approximately 3 weeks to develop this circuit.
Jim B
Thank you so much for you reply.
Dear can you please develop the application circuit and recommended component list for requested frequency range. If you can develop it as soon as possible it will be very effective.
Looking for your response.
Best Regards:)
Hello dear are working on the application circuit ?
Hi Abdul,
I have a circuit designed for the ADL5320. I just received eval boards so I can implement the designed circuit and verify the performance.
Okay dear thanks for your response.After verification share the results with me.
Best regards:)
Hi Abdul,
Attached are the results and the matching circuit. Gain is 16 dB. There is a trade off between IP3, gain and P1dB. I chose to maximize gain & P1dB. The matching components and location of components on thPDFe EVB are in the document also.
Hi Jim,
Hi Jim,
Hi Jim , Thank you so much for your prompt response and helping i am really impressed. I just added the ADL5320 device to my order list. Your efforts and results are amazing. Dear just one more thing i want to know which material sheet and thickness you used for eval board.
Dear i also need you help for HMC1099LPSDE GAn amplifier IC. Can i use it at maximum 1250Mhz frequency because according to datasheet its frequency range up to 1.1GHz. However i did check the graphs of this amplifier and it looks like it will work fine at my frequency range which is upto 1250MHz frequency. Also can you please recommend me a biasing circuit for HMC1099LPSDE. It will be very helpful. You have been so helpful until now so i wanted to know your opinion on this too.Looking for your response.
Best Regards:)
Hi Abdul,
- Since ADL5320 is good enough for you, does this mean you do not need HMC789 tuning?
- when you say biasing circuit for HMC1099LPSDE, do you mean matching circuit or biasing?
if you mean biasing, that can be seen at page 14 in datahsheets.
Keep in mind that this is last time buy part, but you can use HMC1099PM5E instead.
Sorry dear the part number was HMC1099LP5DE GAN amplifier.Actually i was saying about biasing circuit gate supply and drain supply voltages providing circuit.
Sorry dear the part number was HMC1099LP5DE GAN amplifier.Actually i was saying about biasing circuit gate supply and drain supply voltages providing circuit.