I Need application circuit and recommend component list of HMC789ST89E , ADL5320 for 950-1250 MHz band.
Recommended for New Designs
The ADL5320 incorporates a dynamically adjustable biasing circuit that allows for the customization of OIP3 and P1dB performance from 3.3 V to 5 V without...
ADL5320 on Analog.com
I Need application circuit and recommend component list of HMC789ST89E , ADL5320 for 950-1250 MHz band.
Hi Abdul,
I do not have an application circuit for the requested frequency range. I will need approximately 3 weeks to develop this circuit.
Jim B
Thank you so much for you reply.
Dear can you please develop the application circuit and recommended component list for requested frequency range. If you can develop it as soon as possible it will be very effective.
Looking for your response.
Best Regards:)
Thank you so much for you reply.
Dear can you please develop the application circuit and recommended component list for requested frequency range. If you can develop it as soon as possible it will be very effective.
Looking for your response.
Best Regards:)
I am going to work on HMC789 so I would need your target specs for Gain, RL, P1dB amd IP3?
Following are the parameter for HMC789 :
Gain: 18-20 dB
P1db: +25 dB
IP3: +42 dBm
RL: 20 dB
NF : 3.8 dB
Hi Abdul,
What are your target specs for the ADL5320?
Jim B
Dear same specs gain could be 20-21db with same frequency band as mentioned above.
Dear gain flatness should be as less as possible.
- Is this input or output RL?
- Do you have room to lower specs, some trade off, for example Gain P1dB?
This is output return loss.
Input return loss is 12db.
Dear these specs are the same as you given in the datasheet for other bands.
P1db shoulb be 25 db.
Gain can be 1,2 db lower as i mentioned above.
houlb be 25 db.
Hi Abdul,
Can you tell us about more details about opportunity? What is company name doing this design?
Reason I am asking is because we might be able to find other part fitting your design target.
Our company name is aksa-sds. Aksa-sds is a design house providing engineering solution.
Hi Abdul,
I've been working the ADL5320 matching for 950 MHz - to 1250 MHz. Based on available load pull data the achievable gain in this frequency rang is about 16 to 17 dB? Before I go further and build a physical board will this amount of gain be adequate for your requirements?
Dear thank you so much for your efforts.I think if you get 17dB gain it will be okay.Kindly proceed for further procedure.