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About ACP & PAE of HMC8500 for LTE

Dear Sir,

We have test the ACP & PAE on EVB of HMC8500 as attached. As data, the ACP is insufficient at 30dBm(1W) output power under LTE signal (1.5GHz, 64QAM@20MHz ), which is back off 40dBm(10W) around 10dB. Due to limit dimension of project, DPD can't been used on. In order to improve that, do you have any recommend of input matching on frequency 1.3GHz~1.5GHz or load-pull be provided ? Or others can meet the specification of 35dBm output under LTE @20MHz during 1.3GHz~1.5GHz ?  Thanks.


  • Hello,

    We do not have load-pull data for this part. With respect to the possibility of alternate matching to improve ACP, I will ask a designer for comment and reply soon.



  • Noted. Due to project kicks off in rush, please help to update as soon. 


  • Hi,

    Are you working with the HMC8500LP5DE or the HMC8500PM5E? In case you are not aware, the LP5DE version has Last Time Buy status, while the PM5E version is the one that is Recommended for New Designs. For that reason we recommend you work with the PM5E, rather than the LP5DE. At this point I'll assume you're working with the PM5E.

    Below I summarize what the designer told me:

    • The third order IMD components are what tends to generate spectral regrowth in the adjacent channel
    • For that reason he thinks the ACPR can be improved by reducing the IMD3 components i.e., improving the OIP3
    • While you may in general be able to match for better OIP3, it's difficult to say how much improvement could be obtained and it all depends upon how far you currently are from the optimum impedance
    • With the HMC8500 we did not investigate adjusting the match to optimize OIP3 and/or ACPR
    • Customers can try to optimize the match for OIP3, but they would need to be careful about stability

    From what I remember, during product development our matching activities were mainly focused on optimizing to get the best trade-off of Power, Gain, and PAE across the entire operating frequency range...not just within a narrow range such as your 1.3-1.5 GHz.

    Because our group does not currently have the capacity to try such optimization, I asked the designer if he thinks it's possible to improve the match such that your ACP target of 40 dBc can be met at Pout=+30 dBm LTE (+35 dBm CW) in the 1.3-1.5 GHz range. He said that, if the measurement results you provided are indeed correct then, optimizing the matching would likely not allow an ACP improvement of 10 dB.

    I will see if we have another part that might be expected to meet the requirement.



  • Hi,

    Are you working with the HMC8500LP5DE or the HMC8500PM5E? In case you are not aware, the LP5DE version has Last Time Buy status, while the PM5E version is the one that is Recommended for New Designs. For that reason we recommend you work with the PM5E, rather than the LP5DE. At this point I'll assume you're working with the PM5E.

    Below I summarize what the designer told me:

    • The third order IMD components are what tends to generate spectral regrowth in the adjacent channel
    • For that reason he thinks the ACPR can be improved by reducing the IMD3 components i.e., improving the OIP3
    • While you may in general be able to match for better OIP3, it's difficult to say how much improvement could be obtained and it all depends upon how far you currently are from the optimum impedance
    • With the HMC8500 we did not investigate adjusting the match to optimize OIP3 and/or ACPR
    • Customers can try to optimize the match for OIP3, but they would need to be careful about stability

    From what I remember, during product development our matching activities were mainly focused on optimizing to get the best trade-off of Power, Gain, and PAE across the entire operating frequency range...not just within a narrow range such as your 1.3-1.5 GHz.

    Because our group does not currently have the capacity to try such optimization, I asked the designer if he thinks it's possible to improve the match such that your ACP target of 40 dBc can be met at Pout=+30 dBm LTE (+35 dBm CW) in the 1.3-1.5 GHz range. He said that, if the measurement results you provided are indeed correct then, optimizing the matching would likely not allow an ACP improvement of 10 dB.

    I will see if we have another part that might be expected to meet the requirement.


