Could you please let me know if part number - AD5592ABCPZ-1-RL7 is valid/orderable or not? if this is a valid part then please provide its datasheet as well
Could you please let me know if part number - AD5592ABCPZ-1-RL7 is valid/orderable or not? if this is a valid part then please provide its datasheet as well
This part is obsolete. You can download the datasheet at www.analog.com/adl5592. At this web address, you will also find links to distributors who may carry inventory of this part. A quick search on the Rochester Electronics website suggests that they have stock.
This part is obsolete. You can download the datasheet at www.analog.com/adl5592. At this web address, you will also find links to distributors who may carry inventory of this part. A quick search on the Rochester Electronics website suggests that they have stock.
Could you please provide the export control information ECCN code for part number - LTC6431BIUF-20#PBF
This part is EAR99. The attached RFIC selection guide lists the ECCN codes for all of ADI's RF products.