The Ad7124-8 is on a CN0554-RPIZ board. The RPi is running Kuiper Linux. I am using the libiio API to communicate with the Ad7124. The onboard jumpers determining the gain are in their default position. According to the documentation (unipolar operation), the voltage in millivolt should be given by the formula COUNT * 2500 / (2^24) * 11, however I found the formula to be off by about 4% on one board and 8% on another one. I also found that if I remove the jumpers in the input range selection header (in this case the input range is limited to 2.5V), the count is off by a lot more.
I am pretty sure is not a software error, as I get the same counts whether I use the DMM in the IIO oscilloscope app, the official example, or my code.
Does anybody have a clue of what the problem might be?