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CN-0288 Software unresponsive

Category: Software
Product Number: EVAL-CN0288-SDPZ
Software Version: 1.0.2

The evaluation (acquisition/display) software of the CN0288 LVDT Signal Conditioning Circuit can connect and display data, but the software cannot be stopped or paused. Every so often, the interface freezes and stops responding. This makes evaluating the AD598 extremely frustrating.

Running Windows 10.

UPDATE: I started to realize that the data streaming can be stopped/started BEFORE the display graph starts to move off screen. So during the first 2 or 3 seconds, I am able to stop and start it. Still not able to store or download data.

Thank you

Updated based on further trial and error
[edited by: Helgard at 5:53 AM (GMT -4) on 3 Apr 2024]