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CN0510 calibration reporting integers

Category: Software
Product Number: cn0510

Hi there,

I am not getting repeatable values from the BAT_IMPEDANCE example. this is the result after trying 12 consecutive runs. All over the place:

This is my test set-up:

The calibration results are giving integers and appear to be nonsense

Freq Vexcite Vcal
10.00 3.000 0.000
16.68 3.000 0.000
27.83 3.000 -1.000
46.42 -4.000 -7.000
77.43 0.000 -1.000
129.15 -1.000 -1.000
215.44 -1.000 0.000
359.38 2.000 1.000
599.48 -2.000 13.000
1000.00 2.000 13.000

What I've tried:

 - the basic sample here:

 - adding the extra params to the struct mentioned in fig here:

 - pasting in the code here:

I guess something is wrong with my ADC.  What options do I have to troubleshoot?

Thank you, take care,

  • Hi,

    Could you check with Sensorpal GUI as it has default AFE parameters ideal for battery measurement.

    By calibration output, do you mean the RcalVolt values displayed in the beginning as below:

    Rcalvolt gives Vrcal = current through Rcal X RTIA


    RTIA = feedback resistor of HSTIA 

    Vrcal is shown in Cartesian format.

    It is not clear what you meant by Vcal and Vexcite.

  • I shifted over to the embedded approach because we werent getting anything that looked reasonable from sensorpal

    Here's a result  I took just now using sensorpal on the same battery.  While not as messy, it still seems like nonsense.  Except for the first frequency measurement, the values all say -500milliohm.

    this battery has an open circuit voltage of 4.8V.  According to SensorPal, the DC bias cannot be set above 1200mV.  What is the DC bias referring to?


    For the calibration , yes, those numbers are what I was referring to.  Based on the description I read in the manual, I had the impression that it was doing some form of voltammetry.

    Can you send some kind of paper describing the maths behind the HSTIA calculation and polar coordinates you mention?

    I thought it was referring to the 50mohm calibration

  • The pictures above didn't show battery polarity.

    Have you reversed the polarity and checked yet?

  • I thought it would be self-explanatory what the red wire and black wire signify.  But ok, you are going to dispute that point as well, here you go. The terminal with the red wire coming off it is positive.

    The pictures show in the posts above show the overall wiring, and then zoomed into the connections to the cell (with the alligator clips labelled).  What are you suggesting is ambiguous here?

    I will be in the lab tomorrow to show you what the data looks like when I reverse the polarity.

    Now please answer the original question.  What are these cartesian integer values in the reported calibration measurements referring to?

  • Hi Akila,

    As mentioned yesterday, here are a number of measurements using:

    - correct polarity,

    - reverse polarity, 

    - open circuit

     along with the video (showing correct polarity)

    and picture (showing revers polarity) to see the connections in better detail

    Sensor pal and the sample code are giving quite different resultsXLSX

  • Hi,

    Below is the circuit of AD5940BATZ board:

    As shown in the image, AIN2 and AIN3 are given as input to ADC mux.

    While doing RcalVolt measurement:

    -Voltage across RCAL is made to appear across AIN2 and AIN3.

    -(VAIN2 - VAIN3) is measured for all the excitation frequencies set in the sweep.

    -This measured value is passed to DFT block to obtain real and imaginary components of the measured voltage.

    - This DFT output is displayed as RcalVolt in the terminal.

    RcalVolt will have nonzero imaginary values because of the capacitances at the AIN2 and AIN3 inputs and capacitances in the measurement path.

    So, as mentioned above,

    VRCAL = RCAL* (current through RCAL)

    VBAT = ZBAT * (current through battery)

    Since current through RCAL and battery are same (they are in series),


  • Ok, thank you.  This is helpful.  So just to make sure I understand you:

    I believe that the excitation voltage is 600mV and the excitation current is 50mA. So at any given frequency, when the excitation signal passes through Rcal + Rtia (50mOhm + ???) then that implies a voltage drop of around 2.5mV (about 4.2% of the excitation signal).

    So, when the calibration run reports:

    Freq:42.68  RcalVolt:(-1.000000,0.000000)

    This means Real: -1.0mV Imag: 0.0mV (or uV?)

    I'm used to DFT output being a description of amplitude and phase (whether polar or cartesian).  In this context, we are measuring a voltage drop (which may or may not have a reactive component within the TIA). 

    I can reason about a 2 parameter calibration result in 3 ways:

     1. mV of voltage drop      &     time delay(advance) in milliseconds, relative to input

     2. amplitude as a % of input signal    &     phase in degrees of offset, relative to input

     3. option #2, expressed in cartesian coordinates (real     &       imag)

    Are any of these accurate? or am I missing something?

    In all of these cases, reporting the result in integers seems problematic.

  • Hi,

    In CN0510, the excitation signal does not appear across Rcal or battery. As shown in the figure, excitation signal at CE0 only controls the current through battery (and  RCAL).

    The RcalVolt displayed is just the DFT output (content of DFTReal and DFTImag registers).

    To see the RcalVolt output in Volts, conversion formula is below,

    Volt =  ((ADCcode - 32768)/32768)*(ADCRefVolt/ADCPgaGain)*kFactor


    ADCCode = measured ADC raw data, (content of ADCDAT register)

    ADCRefVolt = Measured voltage on VREF_1V82 pin,

    ADCPgaGain = ADC PGA gain set in code,

    kFactor = 1.835/1.82.

    Volt has the unit of Volts.

  • In CN0510, the excitation signal does not appear across Rcal or battery.

    Fair enough, is this signal available to read from a register? 

    If a DFT were done on the excitation signal, what would you expect the output of the DFTReal and DFTImag registers to read?

    I assume that it would be something like:

    DFTReal = 50mA converted into a signed 16-bits as per the formula you referenced above

    DFTImag = 0

    Is that correct?

    ADCPgaGain = ADC PGA gain set in code,

    I see this variable, but can't tell where this macro is set.  Is it supposed to be 1.5? Or is reading from a pin somewhere?

    The RcalVolt displayed is just the DFT output (content of DFTReal and DFTImag registers).

    So, for example, if DFTReal reports 8.0, then the amplitude of the measured signal is ~0.2mV? 

    If that's right, then I think I should be getting values around DFTReal = 80 when DFTImag = 0

    And if DFTReal reports 0.0, then I guess no signal has been measured at all?

    Here's the calibration data from I posted on Mar 13:

  • Here I've plotted the calculated the length of the resulting lines alongside the calibration values you posted in your first post above

  • Hi  @Akila  any feedback?

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    Just to ensure that you are using the correct library files, could you check battery impedance measurement with below library files?

     * @file       ad5940.c
     * @brief      AD5940 library. This file contains all AD5940 library functions. 
     * @author     ADI
     * @date       March 2019
     * @par Revision History:
     #include "ad5940.h"
    /* Remove below variables after AD594x is released. */
    static BoolFlag bIsS2silicon = bFALSE;
    /* Declare of SPI functions used to read/write registers */
    #ifndef CHIPSEL_M355
    static uint32_t AD5940_SPIReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr);
    static void AD5940_SPIWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData);
    static uint32_t AD5940_D2DReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr);
    static void AD5940_D2DWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData);
     * @addtogroup AD5940_Library
     *  The library functions, structures and constants.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup AD5940_Functions
     *    @{
     *        @defgroup Function_Helpers
     *        @brief The functions with no hardware access. They are helpers.
     *        @{
     *            @defgroup Sequencer_Generator_Functions
     *            @brief The set of function used to track all register read and write once it's enabled. It can translate register write operation to sequencer commands. 
     *            @{
    #define SEQUENCE_GENERATOR  /*!< Build sequence generator part in to lib. Comment this line to remove this feature  */
     * Structure used to store register information(address and its data) 
     * */
    typedef struct
      uint32_t RegAddr  :8;   /**< 8bit address is enough for sequencer */
      uint32_t RegValue :24;  /**< Reg data is limited to 24bit by sequencer  */
     * Sequencer generator data base.
      BoolFlag EngineStart;         /**< Flag to mark start of the generator */
      uint32_t BufferSize;          /**< Total buffer size */
      uint32_t *pSeqBuff;           /**< The buffer for sequence generator(both sequences and RegInfo) */
      uint32_t SeqLen;              /**< Generated sequence length till now */
      SEQGenRegInfo_Type *pRegInfo; /**< Pointer to buffer where stores register info */
      uint32_t RegCount;            /**< The count of register info available in buffer *pRegInfo. */
      AD5940Err LastError;          /**< The last error message. */
    }SeqGenDB;  /* Data base of Seq Generator */
     * @brief Manually input a command to sequencer generator.
     * @param CmdWord: The 32-bit width sequencer command word. @ref Sequencer_Helper can be used to generate commands.
     * @return None;
    void AD5940_SEQGenInsert(uint32_t CmdWord)
      uint32_t temp;
      temp  = SeqGenDB.RegCount + SeqGenDB.SeqLen;
      /* Generate Sequence command */
      if(temp < SeqGenDB.BufferSize)
        SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff[SeqGenDB.SeqLen] = CmdWord;
        SeqGenDB.SeqLen ++;
      else  /* There is no buffer */
        SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_BUFF;
     * @brief Search data-base to get current register value.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param pIndex: Pointer to a variable that used to store index of found register-info.
     * @return Return AD5940ERR_OK if register found in data-base. Otherwise return AD5940ERR_SEQREG.
    static AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGenSearchReg(uint32_t RegAddr, uint32_t *pIndex)
      uint32_t i;
      RegAddr = (RegAddr>>2)&0xff;
        if(RegAddr == SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[i].RegAddr)
          *pIndex = i;
          return AD5940ERR_OK;
      return AD5940ERR_SEQREG;
     * @brief Get the register default value by SPI read. This function requires AD5940 is in active state, otherwise we cannot get the default register value.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param pRegData: Pointer to a variable to store register default value.
     * @return Return AD5940ERR_OK.
    static AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGenGetRegDefault(uint32_t RegAddr, uint32_t *pRegData)
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
      *pRegData = AD5940_D2DReadReg(RegAddr);
      *pRegData = AD5940_SPIReadReg(RegAddr);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Record the current register info to data-base. Update LastError if there is error.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param RegData: The register data
     * @return Return None.
    static void AD5940_SEQRegInfoInsert(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      uint32_t temp;
      temp = SeqGenDB.RegCount + SeqGenDB.SeqLen;
      if(temp < SeqGenDB.BufferSize)
        SeqGenDB.pRegInfo --; /* Move back */
        SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[0].RegAddr = (RegAddr>>2)&0xff;
        SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[0].RegValue = RegData&0x00ffffff;
        SeqGenDB.RegCount ++;
      else  /* There is no more buffer  */
        SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_BUFF;
     * @brief Get current register value. If we have record in data-base, read it. Otherwise, return the register default value.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @return Return register value.
    static uint32_t AD5940_SEQReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr)
      uint32_t RegIndex, RegData;
      if(AD5940_SEQGenSearchReg(RegAddr, &RegIndex) != AD5940ERR_OK)
        /* There is no record in data-base, read the default value. */
        AD5940_SEQGenGetRegDefault(RegAddr, &RegData);
        AD5940_SEQRegInfoInsert(RegAddr, RegData);
        /* return the current register value stored in data-base */
        RegData = SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[RegIndex].RegValue;
      return RegData;
     * @brief Generate a sequencer command to write register. If the register address is out of range, it won't generate a command.
     *        This function will also update the register-info in data-base to record current register value.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param RegData: The register value.
     * @return Return None.
    static void AD5940_SEQWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      uint32_t RegIndex;
      if(RegAddr > 0x21ff)
        SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_ADDROR;  /* address out of range  */
      if(AD5940_SEQGenSearchReg(RegAddr, &RegIndex) == AD5940ERR_OK)
        /* Store register value */
        SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[RegIndex].RegValue = RegData;
        /* Generate Sequence command */
        AD5940_SEQGenInsert(SEQ_WR(RegAddr, RegData));
        AD5940_SEQRegInfoInsert(RegAddr, RegData);
        /* Generate Sequence command */
        AD5940_SEQGenInsert(SEQ_WR(RegAddr, RegData));
     * @brief Initialize sequencer generator with specified buffer.
     *        The buffer is used to store sequencer generated and record register value changes.
     *        The command is stored from start address of buffer while register value is stored from end of buffer.
     *    Buffer[0] : First sequencer command;
     *    Buffer[1] : Second Sequencer command;
     *    ...
     *    Buffer[Last-1]: The second register value record.
     *    Buffer[Last]: The first register value record.
     * @param pBuffer: Pointer to the buffer.
     * @param BufferSize: The buffer length.
     * @return Return None.
    void AD5940_SEQGenInit(uint32_t *pBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize)
      if(BufferSize < 2) return;
      SeqGenDB.BufferSize = BufferSize;
      SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff = pBuffer;
      SeqGenDB.pRegInfo = (SEQGenRegInfo_Type*)pBuffer + BufferSize - 1; /* Point to the last element in buffer */
      SeqGenDB.SeqLen = 0;
      SeqGenDB.RegCount = 0;
      SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_OK;
      SeqGenDB.EngineStart = bFALSE;
     * @brief Get sequencer command generated.
     * @param ppSeqCmd: Pointer to a variable(pointer) used to store the pointer to generated sequencer command.
     * @param pSeqLen: Pointer to a variable that used to store how many commands available in buffer.
     * @return Return lasterror.
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGenFetchSeq(const uint32_t **ppSeqCmd, uint32_t *pSeqLen)
      AD5940Err lasterror;
        *ppSeqCmd = SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff;  
        *pSeqLen = SeqGenDB.SeqLen;
      //SeqGenDB.SeqLen = 0;  /* Start a new sequence */
      lasterror = SeqGenDB.LastError;
      //SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_OK;  /* Clear error message */
      return lasterror;
     * @brief Start or stop the sequencer generator. Once started, the register write will be recorded to sequencer generator.
     *        Once it's disabled, the register write is written to AD5940 directly by SPI bus.
     * @param bFlag: Enable or disable sequencer generator.
     * @return Return None.
    void AD5940_SEQGenCtrl(BoolFlag bFlag)
      if(bFlag == bFALSE) /* Disable sequence generator */
        SeqGenDB.EngineStart = bFALSE;
        SeqGenDB.SeqLen = 0;
        SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_OK;  /* Clear error message */
        SeqGenDB.EngineStart = bTRUE;
     * @brief Calculate the number of cycles in the sequence
     * @return Return Number of ACLK Cycles that a generated sequence will take.
    uint32_t AD5940_SEQCycleTime(void)
      uint32_t i, Cycles, Cmd;  
      Cycles = 0;
        Cmd = (SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff[i]  >> 30) & 0x3;
        if (Cmd & 0x2)
          /* A write command */
          Cycles += 1;
          if (Cmd & 0x1)
            /* Timeout Command */    
            Cycles += 1;
              /* Wait command */
              Cycles += SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff[i] & 0x3FFFFFFF;
      return Cycles;  
     * @} Sequencer_Generator_Functions
     * Check if an uint8_t value exist in table.
    static int32_t _is_value_in_table(uint8_t value, const uint8_t *table, uint8_t len, uint8_t *index)
      for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
        if(value == table[i])
          *index = i;
          return bTRUE;
      return bFALSE;
     * @brief return if the SINC3/SINC2 combination is available for notch 50Hz filter.
     *        If it's not availabe, hardware automatically bypass Notch even if it's enabled.
     * @param pFilterInfo the filter configuration, only need sinc2/sinc3 osr and adc data rate information.
     * @return return bTRUE if notch 50Hz filter is available.
    BoolFlag AD5940_Notch50HzAvailable(ADCFilterCfg_Type *pFilterInfo, uint8_t *dl)
      if((pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_800KHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr == ADCSINC3OSR_2)||\
          (pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_1P6MHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr != ADCSINC3OSR_2))
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR2, for 800kSPS
        //and SINC3 OSR4 and OSR5 for 1.6MSPS,
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_533, ADCSINC2OSR_667,ADCSINC2OSR_800, ADCSINC2OSR_889, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_50Hz[] = {15,12,10,9,6};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_50Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      else if(pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_1P6MHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr == ADCSINC3OSR_2)
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR2 for 1.6MSPS
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_889, ADCSINC2OSR_1067, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_50Hz[] = {18,15,12};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_50Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      else if(pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_800KHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr != ADCSINC3OSR_2)
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR4 and OSR5 for 800kSPS,
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_178, ADCSINC2OSR_267, ADCSINC2OSR_533, ADCSINC2OSR_640,\
                                        ADCSINC2OSR_800, ADCSINC2OSR_1067};
        const uint8_t dl_50Hz[] = {18,12,6,5,4,3};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_50Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      *dl = 0;
      return bFALSE;
     * @brief return if the SINC3/SINC2 combination is available for notch 60Hz filter.
     *        If it's not availabe, hardware automatically bypass Notch even if it's enabled.
     * @param pFilterInfo the filter configuration, need sinc2/sinc3 osr and adc data rate information.
     * @return return bTRUE if notch 60Hz filter is available.
    BoolFlag AD5940_Notch60HzAvailable(ADCFilterCfg_Type *pFilterInfo, uint8_t *dl)
      if((pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_800KHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr == ADCSINC3OSR_2)||\
          (pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_1P6MHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr != ADCSINC3OSR_2))
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR2, for 800kSPS
        //and SINC3 OSR4 and OSR5 for 1.6MSPS,
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_667, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_60Hz[] = {10,5};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_60Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      else if(pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_1P6MHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr == ADCSINC3OSR_2)
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR2 for 1.6MSPS
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_889, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_60Hz[] = {15,10};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_60Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      else if(pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_800KHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr != ADCSINC3OSR_2)
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR4 and OSR5 for 800kSPS,
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_178, ADCSINC2OSR_267, ADCSINC2OSR_533, ADCSINC2OSR_667,\
                                        ADCSINC2OSR_889, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_60Hz[] = {15,10,5,4,3,2};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_60Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      *dl = 0;
      return bFALSE;
     * @brief Calculate how many clocks are needed in sequencer wait command to generate required number of data from filter output.
     * @note When measurement is done, it's recommend to disable blocks like ADCPWR, ADCCNV, SINC2, DFT etc. If blocks remain powered up,
     *       they may need less clocks to generate required number of output. Use function @ref AD5940_AFECtrlS to control these blocks.
     * @param pFilterInfo: Pointer to configuration structure. 
     * @param pClocks: pointer used to store results.         
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_ClksCalculate(ClksCalInfo_Type *pFilterInfo, uint32_t *pClocks)
      uint32_t temp = 0;
      const uint32_t sinc2osr_table[] = {22,44,89,178,267,533,640,667,800,889,1067,1333,0};
      const uint32_t sinc3osr_table[] = {5,4,2,0};
      *pClocks = 0;
      if(pFilterInfo == NULL) return;
      if(pClocks == NULL) return;
      if(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr > ADCSINC2OSR_1333) return;
      if(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr > 2)  return; /* 0: OSR5, 1:OSR4, 2:OSR2 */
      if(pFilterInfo->ADCAvgNum > ADCAVGNUM_16) return; /* Average number index:0,1,2,3 */
        case DATATYPE_ADCRAW:
          temp = (uint32_t)(20*pFilterInfo->DataCount*pFilterInfo->RatioSys2AdcClk);
        case DATATYPE_SINC3:
          temp = (uint32_t)(((pFilterInfo->DataCount+2)*sinc3osr_table[pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr]+1)*20*pFilterInfo->RatioSys2AdcClk + 0.5f);
        case DATATYPE_SINC2: 
          temp = (pFilterInfo->DataCount+1)*sinc2osr_table[pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr] + 1;
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC3;
          pFilterInfo->DataCount = temp;
          AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC2;
          temp += 15;   /* Need extra 15 clocks for FIFO etc. Just to be safe. */
        case DATATYPE_NOTCH:
          ADCFilterCfg_Type filter;
          filter.ADCRate = pFilterInfo->ADCRate;
          filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr;
          filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr;
          uint8_t dl=0, dl_50, dl_60;
          if(AD5940_Notch50HzAvailable(&filter, &dl_50)){
            dl += dl_50 - 1;
          if(AD5940_Notch60HzAvailable(&filter, &dl_60)){
            dl += dl_60 - 1;
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC2;
          pFilterInfo->DataCount += dl; //DL is the extra data input needed for filter to output first data.
          //restore the filter info.
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_NOTCH;
          pFilterInfo->DataCount -= dl;
        case DATATYPE_DFT:
            case DFTSRC_ADCRAW:
              pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_ADCRAW;
              AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
            case DFTSRC_SINC3:
              pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC3;
              AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
            case DFTSRC_SINC2NOTCH:
                pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC2;
                pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_NOTCH;
              AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
            case DFTSRC_AVG:
              pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC3;
              pFilterInfo->DataCount *= 1L<<(pFilterInfo->ADCAvgNum+1); /* 0: average2, 1: average4, 2: average8, 3: average16 */
              AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_DFT;
          temp += 25; /* add margin */
      *pClocks = temp;
       @brief void AD5940_SweepNext(SoftSweepCfg_Type *pSweepCfg, float *pNextFreq)
              For sweep function, calculate next frequency point according to pSweepCfg info.
       @return Return next frequency point in Hz.
    void AD5940_SweepNext(SoftSweepCfg_Type *pSweepCfg, float *pNextFreq)
       float frequency;
       if(pSweepCfg->SweepLog)/* Log step */
          if(pSweepCfg->SweepStart<pSweepCfg->SweepStop) /* Normal */
             if(++pSweepCfg->SweepIndex == pSweepCfg->SweepPoints)
                pSweepCfg->SweepIndex = 0;
             frequency = pSweepCfg->SweepStart*pow(10,pSweepCfg->SweepIndex*log10(pSweepCfg->SweepStop/pSweepCfg->SweepStart)/(pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1));
             pSweepCfg->SweepIndex --;
             if(pSweepCfg->SweepIndex >= pSweepCfg->SweepPoints)
                pSweepCfg->SweepIndex = pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1;
             frequency = pSweepCfg->SweepStop*pow(10,pSweepCfg->SweepIndex*
       else/* Linear step */
          if(pSweepCfg->SweepStart<pSweepCfg->SweepStop) /* Normal */
             if(++pSweepCfg->SweepIndex == pSweepCfg->SweepPoints)
                pSweepCfg->SweepIndex = 0;
             frequency = pSweepCfg->SweepStart + pSweepCfg->SweepIndex*(double)(pSweepCfg->SweepStop-pSweepCfg->SweepStart)/(pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1);
             pSweepCfg->SweepIndex --;
             if(pSweepCfg->SweepIndex >= pSweepCfg->SweepPoints)
                pSweepCfg->SweepIndex = pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1;
             frequency = pSweepCfg->SweepStop + pSweepCfg->SweepIndex*(double)(pSweepCfg->SweepStart - pSweepCfg->SweepStop)/(pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1);
       *pNextFreq = frequency;
      @brief Initialize Structure members to zero
      @param pStruct: Pointer to the structure. 
      @param StructSize: The structure size in Byte.
      @return Return None.
    void AD5940_StructInit(void *pStruct, uint32_t StructSize)
      memset(pStruct, 0, StructSize);
      @brief Convert ADC Code to voltage. 
      @param ADCPga: The ADC PGA used for this result.
      @param code: ADC code.
      @param VRef1p82: the actual 1.82V reference voltage.
      @return Voltage in volt.
    float AD5940_ADCCode2Volt(uint32_t code, uint32_t ADCPga, float VRef1p82)
      float kFactor = 1.835/1.82;
      float fVolt = 0.0;
      float tmp = 0;
      tmp = (int32_t)code - 32768;
      case ADCPGA_1:
      case ADCPGA_1P5:
        tmp /= 1.5f;
      case ADCPGA_2:
        tmp /= 2.0f;
      case ADCPGA_4:
        tmp /= 4.0f;
      case ADCPGA_9:
        tmp /= 9.0f;
      fVolt = tmp*VRef1p82/32768*kFactor;
      return fVolt;
     * @brief Do complex number division.
     * @param a: The dividend.
     * @param b: The divisor.
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexDivFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      float temp;
      temp = b->Real*b->Real + b->Image*b->Image;
      res.Real = a->Real*b->Real + a->Image*b->Image;
      res.Real /= temp;
      res.Image = a->Image*b->Real - a->Real*b->Image;
      res.Image /= temp;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number multiplication.
     * @param a: The multiplicand.
     * @param b: The multiplier .
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexMulFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      res.Real = a->Real*b->Real - a->Image*b->Image;
      res.Image = a->Image*b->Real + a->Real*b->Image;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number addition.
     * @param a: The addend.
     * @param b: The addend .
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexAddFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      res.Real = a->Real + b->Real;
      res.Image = a->Image + b->Image;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number subtraction.
     * @param a: The minuend.
     * @param b: The subtrahend .
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexSubFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      res.Real = a->Real - b->Real;
      res.Image = a->Image - b->Image;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number division.
     * @param a: The dividend.
     * @param b: The divisor.
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexDivInt(iImpCar_Type *a, iImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      float temp;
      temp = (float)b->Real*b->Real + (float)b->Image*b->Image;
      res.Real = (float)a->Real*b->Real + (float)a->Image*b->Image;
      res.Real /= temp;
      res.Image = (float)a->Image*b->Real - (float)a->Real*b->Image;
      res.Image /= temp;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number multiplication.
     * @param a: The multiplicand.
     * @param b: The multiplier .
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexMulInt(iImpCar_Type *a, iImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      res.Real = (float)a->Real*b->Real - (float)a->Image*b->Image;
      res.Image = (float)a->Image*b->Real + (float)a->Real*b->Image;
      return res;
     * @brief Calculate the complex number magnitude.
     * @param a: The complex number.
     * @return Return magnitude.
    float AD5940_ComplexMag(fImpCar_Type *a)
      return sqrt(a->Real*a->Real + a->Image*a->Image);
     * @brief Calculate the complex number phase.
     * @param a: The complex number.
     * @return Return phase.
    float AD5940_ComplexPhase(fImpCar_Type *a)
      return atan2(a->Image, a->Real);
     * @brief Calculate the optimum filter settings based on signal frequency.
     * @param freq: Frequency of signalr.
     * @return Return FreqParams.
    FreqParams_Type AD5940_GetFreqParameters(float freq)
    	const uint32_t dft_table[] = {4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384};
    	const uint32_t sinc2osr_table[] = {1, 22,44,89,178,267,533,640,667,800,889,1067,1333};
      const uint32_t sinc3osr_table[] = {2, 4, 5};
    	float AdcRate = 800000;
    	uint32_t n1 = 0;	// Sample rate after ADC filters
    	uint32_t n2 = 0; // Sample rate after DFT block
    	uint32_t iCycle = 0;
    	FreqParams_Type freq_params;
    	/* High power mode */
    	if(freq >= 20000)
    		freq_params. DftSrc = DFTSRC_SINC3;
    		freq_params.ADCSinc2Osr = 0;
    		freq_params.ADCSinc3Osr = 2;
    		freq_params.DftNum = DFTNUM_8192;
    		freq_params.NumClks = 0;
    		freq_params.HighPwrMode = bTRUE;
    		return freq_params;		
    	if(freq < 0.51)
    		freq_params. DftSrc = DFTSRC_SINC2NOTCH;
    		freq_params.ADCSinc2Osr = 6;
    		freq_params.ADCSinc3Osr = 1;
    		freq_params.DftNum = DFTNUM_8192;
    		freq_params.NumClks = 0;
    		freq_params.HighPwrMode = bTRUE;
    		return freq_params;		
    	/* Start with SINC2 setting */
    	for(uint8_t i = 0; i<sizeof(sinc2osr_table) / sizeof(uint32_t); i++)
    		n1 = sinc2osr_table[i] * sinc3osr_table[1];
    		if(((AdcRate/n1) < freq * 10) && (freq<20e3))
    		/* Try DFT number */
    		for(uint32_t j = 8; j<sizeof(dft_table) / sizeof(uint32_t); j++)
    			n2 = dft_table[j];
    			iCycle = (uint32_t)(n1 * n2 * freq)/AdcRate;
    			if(iCycle < 8)
    			freq_params. DftSrc = DFTSRC_SINC2NOTCH;
    			freq_params.ADCSinc2Osr = i-1;
    			freq_params.ADCSinc3Osr = 1;
    			freq_params.DftNum = j;
    			freq_params.NumClks = 0;
    			freq_params.HighPwrMode = bFALSE;
    			if(n1 == 4)
    				freq_params. DftSrc = DFTSRC_SINC3;
    				freq_params.ADCSinc2Osr = 0;
    			return freq_params;
    	return freq_params;
     * @} Function_Helpers
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
    static void AD5940_D2DWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      if(((RegAddr>=0x1000)&&(RegAddr<=0x3014)))  /* 32bit register */
        *(volatile uint32_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000) = RegData;
      else                                        /* 16bit register */
        *(volatile uint16_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000) = RegData;
    static uint32_t AD5940_D2DReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr)
      if(((RegAddr>=0x1000)&&(RegAddr<=0x3014)))  /* 32bit register */
        return *(volatile uint32_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000);
      else                                        /* 16bit register */
        return *(volatile uint16_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000);
    void AD5940_FIFORd(uint32_t *pBuffer, uint32_t uiReadCount)   
        *pBuffer++ = *(volatile uint32_t *)(0x400c206C);
     * @defgroup SPI_Block
     * @brief Functions to communicate with AD5940 registers following AD5940 SPI protocols
     * @{
     * @defgroup SPI_Block_Functions
     * @brief The basic SPI protocols. All functions are basic on AD5940_ReadWriteNBytes which
     *        provided by user.
     *  ##SPI basic protocol
     *        All SPI protocol starts with one-byte command word. Following are data(16B or 32B)
     *        There are four SPI commands available @ref SPI_Block_Const.
     * @{
      @brief Using SPI to transmit one byte and return the received byte. 
      @param data: The 8-bit data SPI will transmit.
      @return received data.
    static unsigned char AD5940_ReadWrite8B(unsigned char data)
       uint8_t tx[1], rx[1];
       tx[0] = data;
       return rx[0];
      @brief Using SPI to transmit two bytes and return the received bytes. 
      @param data: The 16-bit data SPI will transmit.
      @return received data.
    static uint16_t AD5940_ReadWrite16B(uint16_t data)
       uint8_t SendBuffer[2];
       uint8_t RecvBuffer[2];
       SendBuffer[0] = data>>8;
       SendBuffer[1] = data&0xff;
       return (((uint16_t)RecvBuffer[0])<<8)|RecvBuffer[1];
     * @brief Using SPI to transmit four bytes and return the received bytes. 
     * @param data: The 32-bit data SPI will transmit.
     * @return received data.
    static uint32_t AD5940_ReadWrite32B(uint32_t data)
       uint8_t SendBuffer[4];
       uint8_t RecvBuffer[4];
       SendBuffer[0] = (data>>24)&0xff;
       SendBuffer[1] = (data>>16)&0xff;
       SendBuffer[2] = (data>> 8)&0xff;
       SendBuffer[3] = (data    )&0xff;
       return (((uint32_t)RecvBuffer[0])<<24)|(((uint32_t)RecvBuffer[1])<<16)|(((uint32_t)RecvBuffer[2])<<8)|RecvBuffer[3];
     * @brief Write register through SPI.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param RegData: The register data.
     * @return Return None.
    static void AD5940_SPIWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      /* Set register address */
      /* Add delay here to meet the SPI timing. */
     * @brief Read register through SPI.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @return Return register data.
    static uint32_t AD5940_SPIReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr)
      uint32_t Data = 0;
      /* Set register address that we want to read */
      /* Read it */
      AD5940_ReadWrite8B(0);  //Dummy read
      /* The real data is coming */
        Data = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0);
        Data = AD5940_ReadWrite16B(0);
      return Data;
      @brief Read specific number of data from FIFO with optimized SPI access.
      @param pBuffer: Pointer to a buffer that used to store data read back.
      @param uiReadCount: How much data to be read.
      @return none.
    void AD5940_FIFORd(uint32_t *pBuffer, uint32_t uiReadCount)   
      /* Use function AD5940_SPIReadReg to read REG_AFE_DATAFIFORD is also one method. */
       uint32_t i;
       if(uiReadCount < 3)
          /* This method is more efficient when readcount < 3 */
          uint32_t i;
             AD5940_ReadWrite8B(0);//Write Host status/Don't care
             pBuffer[i] = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0);
          /* 6 dummy write before valid data read back */
          /* Continuously read DATAFIFORD register with offset 0 */
             pBuffer[i] = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0); /*Offset is 0, so we always read DATAFIFORD register */
          /* Read back last two FIFO data with none-zero offset*/
          pBuffer[i++] = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0x44444444);
          pBuffer[i] = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0x44444444);
     * @} SPI_Block_Functions
     * @} SPI_Block
     * @brief Write register. If sequencer generator is enabled, the register write is recorded. 
     *        Otherwise, the data is written to AD5940 by SPI.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param RegData: The register data.
     * @return Return None.
    void AD5940_WriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      if(SeqGenDB.EngineStart == bTRUE)
        AD5940_SEQWriteReg(RegAddr, RegData);
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
        AD5940_D2DWriteReg(RegAddr, RegData);
        AD5940_SPIWriteReg(RegAddr, RegData);
     * @brief Read register. If sequencer generator is enabled, read current register value from data-base. 
     *        Otherwise, read register value by SPI.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @return Return register value.
    uint32_t AD5940_ReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr)
      if(SeqGenDB.EngineStart == bTRUE)
        return AD5940_SEQReadReg(RegAddr);
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
        return AD5940_D2DReadReg(RegAddr);
        return AD5940_SPIReadReg(RegAddr);
     * @defgroup AFE_Control 
     * @brief Some functions to control the whole AFE. They are top level switches.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup AFE_Control_Functions
     *    The top-level control functions for whole AFE perspective. 
     *    @details  This function set is used to control the whole AFE block by block. It's a top-level configuration.
     *              It's convenient when do initialization work with the functions called BLOCK**Cfg**. You can tune the parameters at run-time using more detailed
     *              functions from each block. rather than top-level functions where you need to configure all parameters.
     *    @{
     * @brief Initialize AD5940. This function must be called whenever there is reset(Software Reset or Hardware reset or Power up) happened.
     *        This function is used to put AD5940 to correct state.
     * @return return None
    void AD5940_Initialize(void)
      int i;
      /* Write following registers with its data sequentially whenever there is a reset happened. */
      const struct
        uint16_t reg_addr;
        uint32_t reg_data;
        {0x0908, 0x02c9},
        {0x0c08, 0x206C},
        {0x21F0, 0x0010},
    #ifndef CHIPSEL_M355
        /* This is AD5940 */
        {0x0410, 0x02c9},
        {0x0A28, 0x0009},
        /* This is ADuCM355 */
        {0x0410, 0x001a},
        {0x0A28, 0x0008},
        {0x238c, 0x0104},
        {0x0a04, 0x4859},
        {0x0a04, 0xF27B},
        {0x0a00, 0x8009},
        {0x22F0, 0x0000},
        {0x2230, 0xDE87A5AF},
        {0x2250, 0x103F},
        {0x22B0, 0x203C},
        {0x2230, 0xDE87A5A0},
      //initialize global variables
      SeqGenDB.SeqLen = 0;
      SeqGenDB.RegCount = 0;
      SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_OK;
      SeqGenDB.EngineStart = bFALSE;
    #ifndef CHIPSEL_M355
      AD5940_CsSet(); /* Pull high CS in case it's low */
      for(i=0; i<sizeof(RegTable)/sizeof(RegTable[0]); i++)
        AD5940_WriteReg(RegTable[i].reg_addr, RegTable[i].reg_data);
      i = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_CHIPID);  
      if(i == 0x5501)
        bIsS2silicon = bTRUE;
      else if(i == 0x5502)  /* S3 chip-id is 0x5502. The is no difference with S2. */
        bIsS2silicon = bTRUE;
      else if(i == 0x5500)
        bIsS2silicon = bFALSE;
    #ifdef ADI_DEBUG
        printf("CHIPID read error:0x%04x. AD5940 is not present?\n", i);
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
      ADI_Print("This ADuCM355!\n");
      ADI_Print("This AD594x!\n");
      ADI_Print("Note: Current Silicon is %s\n", bIsS2silicon?"S2":"S1");
      ADI_Print("AD5940LIB Version:v%d.%d.%d\n", AD5940LIB_VER_MAJOR, AD5940LIB_VER_MINOR, AD5940LIB_VER_PATCH);
     * @brief Control most AFE digital and analog block within one register access.
     * @param AfeCtrlSet: A set of blocks that will be controlled select it from @ref AFECTRL_Const Below is two examples to use it.
     *        - AFECTRL_HPREFPWR: Control high power reference(bandgap).
     *        - AFECTRL_WG|AFECTRL_ADCPWR: The OR'ed control set. Control Waveform generator and ADC power.
     * @param State: Enable or disable selected control set signal. Select from @BoolFlag
     *        - bFALSE: Disable or power down selected block(s).
     *        - bTRUE:  Enable all selected block(s).
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_AFECtrlS(uint32_t AfeCtrlSet, BoolFlag State)
      /* Check parameters */
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      if (State == bTRUE) {
        /* Clear bits to enable HPREF and ALDOLimit*/
        if (AfeCtrlSet & AFECTRL_HPREFPWR) {
            tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS;
            AfeCtrlSet &= ~AFECTRL_HPREFPWR;
        if(AfeCtrlSet & AFECTRL_ALDOLIMIT)
          tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_ALDOILIMITEN;
          AfeCtrlSet &= ~AFECTRL_ALDOLIMIT;
        tempreg |= AfeCtrlSet;
        /* Set bits to Disable HPREF and ALDOLimit*/
        if(AfeCtrlSet & AFECTRL_HPREFPWR)
            tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS;
            AfeCtrlSet &= ~AFECTRL_HPREFPWR;
        if(AfeCtrlSet & AFECTRL_ALDOLIMIT)
          tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_ALDOILIMITEN;
          AfeCtrlSet &= ~AFECTRL_ALDOLIMIT;
        tempreg &= ~AfeCtrlSet;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_AFECON, tempreg);
    /** When LP mode is enabled, some functions are under control of LPMODECON, rather than original registers.  */
    /** @warning LPMODE is key protected, this function only takes effect after AD5940_LPModeEnS(bTRUE) */
     * @brief For LP mode, use one register to control most AFE digital and analog block.
     * @details The parameter means the blocks. The selected block will be enabled. All others will be disabled.
     *          The method to enable/disable blocks are defined by register LPMODECON, either by clearing or setting bits.
     * @param EnSet: A set of blocks that will be enabled. Select it from @ref LPMODECTRL_Const. All others not selected in EnSet will be disabled.
     *        - LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR|LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN: Turn on ALDO and HFOSC, disable all others.
     *        - LPMODECTRL_ALL: Enable all blocks.
       @return return none.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPModeCtrlS(uint32_t EnSet)
      /* Check parameters */
      uint32_t tempreg;
      uint32_t DisSet;    /* The blocks to be disabled */
      DisSet = LPMODECTRL_ALL & (~EnSet);
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_LPMODECON);
      /* Enable selected set */
        /* Clear bits to enable HFOSC, HPREF, ALDO */
        if (EnSet & LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN) {
            tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HFOSCPD;
            EnSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN;
          tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HPREFDIS;
          EnSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_HPREFPWR;
        if(EnSet & LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR)
          tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ALDOEN;
          EnSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR;
        tempreg |= EnSet; /* Set other bits to enable function */
      /* Disable other blocks */
        /* Set bits to disable HFOSC, HPREF, ALDO */
        if (DisSet & LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN) {
            tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HFOSCPD;
            DisSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN;
        if(DisSet & LPMODECTRL_HPREFPWR)
          tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HPREFDIS;
          DisSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_HPREFPWR;
        if(DisSet & LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR)
          tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ALDOEN;
          DisSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR;
        tempreg &= ~DisSet; /* Clear other bits to disable function */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPMODECON, tempreg);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
       @brief Set AFE power mode and system bandwidth include HSDAC, Excitation-buffer, HSTIA and ADC etc.
       @param AfePwr : {AFEPWR_LP, AFEPWR_HP}
              Select parameters from @ref AFEPWR_Const
              - AFEPWR_LP: Set AFE to low power mode
              - AFEPWR_HP: Set AFE to High speed mode to support 200kHz.
       @param AfeBw : {AFEBW_AUTOSET, AFEBW_50KHZ, AFEBW_100KHZ, AFEBW_250KHZ}
              - AFEBW_AUTOSET: Set the bandwidth automatically based on WGFCW frequency word.
              - AFEBW_50KHZ: Set system bandwidth to 50kHz.
              - AFEBW_100KHZ: Set system bandwidth to 100kHz.
              - AFEBW_250KHZ: Set system bandwidth to 250kHz.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_AFEPwrBW(uint32_t AfePwr, uint32_t AfeBw)
      //check parameters
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AfePwr;
      tempreg |= AfeBw << BITP_AFE_PMBW_SYSBW;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_PMBW, tempreg);
       @brief Configure reference buffer include 1.8V/1.1V high/low power buffers.
       @param pBufCfg :Pointer to buffer configure structure;
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_REFCfgS(AFERefCfg_Type *pBufCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      /* HP Reference(bandgap) */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS;
      if(pBufCfg->HpBandgapEn == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_AFECON, tempreg);
      /* Reference buffer configure */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_BUFSENCON);
      if(pBufCfg->Hp1V8BuffEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8HPADCEN;
      if(pBufCfg->Hp1V1BuffEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1HPADCEN;
      if(pBufCfg->Lp1V8BuffEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8LPADCEN;
      if(pBufCfg->Lp1V1BuffEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1LPADCEN;
      if(pBufCfg->Hp1V8ThemBuff == bTRUE)
      if(pBufCfg->Hp1V8Ilimit == bTRUE)
      if(pBufCfg->Disc1V8Cap == bTRUE)
      if(pBufCfg->Disc1V1Cap == bTRUE)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_BUFSENCON, tempreg);
      /* LPREFBUFCON */
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pBufCfg->LpRefBufEn == bFALSE)
      if(pBufCfg->LpBandgapEn == bFALSE)
      if(pBufCfg->LpRefBoostEn == bTRUE)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPREFBUFCON, tempreg);
     * @} End of AFE_Control_Functions
     * @} End of AFE_Control
     * */
     * @defgroup High_Speed_Loop
     * @brief The high speed loop
     * @{
     *    @defgroup High_Speed_Loop_Functions
     *    @{
       @brief Configure High speed loop(high bandwidth loop or 
              called excitation loop). This configuration includes HSDAC, HSTIA and Switch matrix. 
       @param pHsLoopCfg : Pointer to configure structure;
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_HSLoopCfgS(HSLoopCfg_Type *pHsLoopCfg)
       @brief Initialize switch matrix
       @param pSwMatrix: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_SWMatrixCfgS(SWMatrixCfg_Type *pSwMatrix)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_DSWFULLCON, pSwMatrix->Dswitch);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_PSWFULLCON, pSwMatrix->Pswitch);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_NSWFULLCON, pSwMatrix->Nswitch);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_TSWFULLCON, pSwMatrix->Tswitch);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SWCON, BITM_AFE_SWCON_SWSOURCESEL); /* Update switch configuration */
       @brief Initialize HSDAC
       @param pHsDacCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_HSDacCfgS(HSDACCfg_Type *pHsDacCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //Check parameters
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pHsDacCfg->ExcitBufGain == EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_INAMPGNMDE; /* Enable attenuator */
      if(pHsDacCfg->HsDacGain == HSDACGAIN_0P2)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_ATTENEN; /* Enable attenuator */
      tempreg |= (pHsDacCfg->HsDacUpdateRate&0xff)<<BITP_AFE_HSDACCON_RATE;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACCON, tempreg);
    static void __AD5940_SetDExRTIA(uint32_t DExPin, uint32_t DeRtia, uint32_t DeRload)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      /* deal with HSTIA DE RTIA */
      if(DeRtia >= HSTIADERTIA_OPEN)
        tempreg = 0x1f << 3;  /* bit field HPTIRES03CON[7:3] */
      else if(DeRtia >= HSTIADERTIA_1K)
        tempreg = (DeRtia - 3 + 11) << 3;
      else  /* DERTIA 50/100/200Ohm */
        const uint8_t DeRtiaTable[3][5] = 
    //Rload  0      10    30    50    100 
    			{0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06}, /* RTIA 50Ohm */
    			{0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07}, /* RTIA 100Ohm */
    			{0x07, 0x07, 0x09, 0x09, 0x0a}, /* RTIA 200Ohm */
        if(DeRload < HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN)
          tempreg = (uint32_t)(DeRtiaTable[DeRtia][DeRload])<<3;
          tempreg = (0x1f)<<3;  /* Set it to HSTIADERTIA_OPEN. This setting is illegal */
      /* deal with HSTIA Rload */
      tempreg |= DeRload;
      if(DExPin) //DE1
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_DE1RESCON, tempreg);
      else  //DE0
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_DE0RESCON, tempreg);
       @brief Initialize High speed TIA amplifier
       @param pHsTiaCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSTIACfgS(HSTIACfg_Type *pHsTiaCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //Check parameters
      if(pHsTiaCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
        /* Available parameter is 1k, 5k,...,160k, short, OPEN */
      if(pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRtia < HSTIADERTIA_1K)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRtia > HSTIADERTIA_OPEN)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;  /* Parameter is invalid */
      if(pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRload > HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;  /* Available parameter is OPEN, 0R,..., 100R */
      tempreg = 0;
      tempreg |= pHsTiaCfg->HstiaBias;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSTIACON, tempreg);
      /* HSRTIACON */
      /* Calculate CTIA value */
      tempreg = pHsTiaCfg->HstiaCtia << BITP_AFE_HSRTIACON_CTIACON;
      tempreg |= pHsTiaCfg->HstiaRtiaSel;
      if(pHsTiaCfg->DiodeClose == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_HSRTIACON_TIASW6CON; /* Close switch 6 */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSRTIACON, tempreg);
      /* DExRESCON */
      __AD5940_SetDExRTIA(0, pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRtia, pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRload);
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
      __AD5940_SetDExRTIA(1, pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDe1Rtia, pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDe1Rload);
      /* Done */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Configure HSTIA RTIA resistor and keep other parameters unchanged.
     * @param HSTIARtia: The RTIA setting, select it from @ref HSTIARTIA_Const
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_HSRTIACfgS(uint32_t HSTIARtia)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_HSRTIACON);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSRTIACON, tempreg);
     * @defgroup Waveform_Generator_Functions
     * @{
     * @brief Initialize waveform generator
     * @param pWGInit: Pointer to configuration structure
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_WGCfgS(WGCfg_Type *pWGInit)
      //Check parameters
      uint32_t tempreg;
      if(pWGInit->WgType == WGTYPE_SIN)
        /* Configure Sine wave Generator */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGFCW, pWGInit->SinCfg.SinFreqWord);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE, pWGInit->SinCfg.SinAmplitudeWord);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGOFFSET, pWGInit->SinCfg.SinOffsetWord);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGPHASE, pWGInit->SinCfg.SinPhaseWord);
      else if(pWGInit->WgType == WGTYPE_TRAPZ)
        /* Configure Trapezoid Generator */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzDCLevel1);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzDCLevel2);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGDELAY1, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzDelay1);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGDELAY2, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzDelay2);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGSLOPE1, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzSlope1);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGSLOPE2, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzSlope2);
        /* Write DAC data. It's only have effect when WgType set to WGTYPE_MMR */ 
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACDAT, pWGInit->WgCode);
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pWGInit->GainCalEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_WGCON_DACGAINCAL;
      if(pWGInit->OffsetCalEn == bTRUE)
      tempreg |= (pWGInit->WgType) << BITP_AFE_WGCON_TYPESEL;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGCON, tempreg);
     * @brief Write HSDAC code directly when WG configured to MMR type
     * @param code: The 12-bit HSDAC code.
     * @return return none.
    AD5940Err AD5940_WGDACCodeS(uint32_t code)
      code &= 0xfff;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACDAT, code);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Update WG SIN wave frequency in Hz.
     * @param SinFreqHz: The desired frequency in Hz.
     * @param WGClock: The clock for WG. It's same as system clock and the default value is internal 16MHz HSOSC.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_WGFreqCtrlS(float SinFreqHz, float WGClock)
      uint32_t freq_word;
      freq_word = AD5940_WGFreqWordCal(SinFreqHz, WGClock);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGFCW, freq_word);
       @brief Calculate sine wave generator frequency word. The maxim frequency is 250kHz-1LSB
       @param SinFreqHz : Target frequency in Hz unit.
       @param WGClock: Waveform generator clock frequency in Hz unit. The clock is sourced from system clock, default value is 16MHz HFOSC.
       @return return none.
    uint32_t AD5940_WGFreqWordCal(float SinFreqHz, float WGClock)
      uint32_t temp;
      uint32_t __BITWIDTH_WGFCW = 26;
      if(bIsS2silicon == bTRUE)
        __BITWIDTH_WGFCW = 30;
      if(WGClock == 0) return 0;
      temp = (uint32_t)(SinFreqHz*(1LL<<__BITWIDTH_WGFCW)/WGClock + 0.5f);
      if(temp > ((__BITWIDTH_WGFCW == 26)?0xfffff:0xffffff))
        temp = (__BITWIDTH_WGFCW == 26)?0xfffff:0xffffff;
      return temp;
     * @} Waveform_Generator_Functions
     * @} High_Speed_Loop_Functions
     * @} High_Speed_Loop
     * @defgroup Low_Power_Loop
     * @brief The low power loop.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup Low_Power_Loop_Functions
     *    @{
       @brief Configure low power loop include LPDAC LPAmp(PA and TIA)
       @param pLpLoopCfg: Pointer to configure structure;
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPLoopCfgS(LPLoopCfg_Type *pLpLoopCfg)
       @brief Initialize LPDAC
       @param pLpDacCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPDACCfgS(LPDACCfg_Type *pLpDacCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = 0;
      tempreg = (pLpDacCfg->LpDacSrc)<<BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_WAVETYPE;
      tempreg |= (pLpDacCfg->LpDacVzeroMux)<<BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_VZEROMUX;
      tempreg |= (pLpDacCfg->LpDacVbiasMux)<<BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_VBIASMUX;
      tempreg |= (pLpDacCfg->LpDacRef)<<BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_REFSEL;
      if(pLpDacCfg->DataRst == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_RSTEN;
      if(pLpDacCfg->PowerEn == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_PWDEN;
      if(pLpDacCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACCON0, tempreg);
        AD5940_LPDAC0WriteS(pLpDacCfg->DacData12Bit, pLpDacCfg->DacData6Bit);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACSW0, pLpDacCfg->LpDacSW|BITM_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPMODEDIS);  /* Overwrite LPDACSW settings. On Si1, this register is not accessible. */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACCON1, tempreg);
        AD5940_LPDAC1WriteS(pLpDacCfg->DacData12Bit, pLpDacCfg->DacData6Bit);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACSW1, pLpDacCfg->LpDacSW|BITM_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPMODEDIS);  /* Overwrite LPDACSW settings. On Si1, this register is not accessible. */
       @brief Write LPDAC data
       @param Data12Bit: 12Bit DAC data
       @param Data6Bit: 6Bit DAC data
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPDACWriteS(uint16_t Data12Bit, uint8_t Data6Bit)
      /* Check parameter */
      Data6Bit &= 0x3f;
      Data12Bit &= 0xfff;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0, ((uint32_t)Data6Bit<<12)|Data12Bit);
       @brief Write LPDAC0 data
       @param Data12Bit: 12Bit DAC data
       @param Data6Bit: 6Bit DAC data
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPDAC0WriteS(uint16_t Data12Bit, uint8_t Data6Bit)
      /* Check parameter */
      Data6Bit &= 0x3f;
      Data12Bit &= 0xfff;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0, ((uint32_t)Data6Bit<<12)|Data12Bit);
       @brief Write LPDAC1 data
       @param Data12Bit: 12Bit DAC data
       @param Data6Bit: 6Bit DAC data
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPDAC1WriteS(uint16_t Data12Bit, uint8_t Data6Bit)
      /* Check parameter */
      Data6Bit &= 0x3f;
      Data12Bit &= 0xfff;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACDAT1, ((uint32_t)Data6Bit<<12)|Data12Bit);
       @brief Initialize LP TIA and PA
       @param pLpAmpCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPAMPCfgS(LPAmpCfg_Type *pLpAmpCfg)
      //check parameters
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pLpAmpCfg->LpPaPwrEn == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_PAPDEN; 
      if(pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaPwrEn == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAPDEN;
      if(pLpAmpCfg->LpAmpPwrMod == LPAMPPWR_HALF) 
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_HALFPWR;
        tempreg |= pLpAmpCfg->LpAmpPwrMod<<BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_IBOOST;
      tempreg |= pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaRtia<<BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN;
      tempreg |= pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaRload<<BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARL;
      tempreg |= pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaRf<<BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARF;
      if(pLpAmpCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPTIACON0, tempreg);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPTIASW0, pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaSW);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPTIACON1, tempreg);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPTIASW1, pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaSW);
     * @} Low_Power_Loop_Functions
     * @} Low_Power_Loop
     * @defgroup DSP_Block
     * @brief DSP block includes ADC, filters, DFT and statistic functions. 
     * @{
     *    @defgroup DSP_Block_Functions
     *    @{
     * */
       @brief Configure low power loop include LPDAC LPAmp(PA and TIA)
       @param pDSPCfg: Pointer to configure structure;
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_DSPCfgS(DSPCfg_Type *pDSPCfg)
       @brief Read AD5940 generated data like ADC and DFT etc.
       @param AfeResultSel: available parameters are @ref AFERESULT_Const
              - AFERESULT_SINC3: Read SINC3 filter data result
              - AFERESULT_SINC2: Read SINC2+NOTCH filter result, when Notch filter is bypassed, the result is SINC2
              - AFERESULT_STATSVAR: Statistic variance result
       @return return data read back.
    uint32_t AD5940_ReadAfeResult(uint32_t AfeResultSel)
      uint32_t rd = 0;
      switch (AfeResultSel)
        case AFERESULT_SINC3:
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_ADCDAT);
        case AFERESULT_SINC2:
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SINC2DAT);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_DFTREAL);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_DFTIMAG);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_STATSMEAN);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_STATSVAR);
      return rd;
     *  @defgroup ADC_Block_Functions
     *  @{
       @brief Initializes ADC peripheral according to the specified parameters in the pADCInit.
       @param pADCInit: Pointer to ADC initialize structure.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCBaseCfgS(ADCBaseCfg_Type *pADCInit)
      uint32_t tempreg = 0;
      tempreg = pADCInit->ADCMuxP;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pADCInit->ADCMuxN)<<BITP_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELN;
      //if(pADCInit->OffCancEnable == bTRUE)
      //  tempreg |= BITM_AFE_ADCCON_GNOFSELPGA;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pADCInit->ADCPga)<<BITP_AFE_ADCCON_GNPGA;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCCON, tempreg);
       @brief Initializes ADC filter according to the specified parameters in the pFiltCfg.
       @param pFiltCfg: Pointer to filter initialize structure.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCFilterCfgS(ADCFilterCfg_Type *pFiltCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON);
      tempreg &= BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN; /* Keep this bit setting. */
      tempreg |= pFiltCfg->ADCRate;
      if(pFiltCfg->BpNotch == bTRUE)
      if(pFiltCfg->BpSinc3 == bTRUE)
       * Average filter is enabled when DFT source is @ref DFTSRC_AVG in function @ref AD5940_DFTCfgS.
       * Once average function is enabled, it's automatically set as DFT source, register DFTCON.DFTINSEL is ignored.
      //if(pFiltCfg->AverageEnable == bTRUE)
      //  tempreg |= BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pFiltCfg->ADCSinc2Osr)<<BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC2OSR;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pFiltCfg->ADCSinc3Osr)<<BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3OSR;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pFiltCfg->ADCAvgNum)<<BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGNUM;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON, tempreg);
      /* SINC2+Notch has a block enable/disable bit in AFECON register */
       @brief Power up or power down ADC block(including ADC PGA and FRONTBUF).
       @param State : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
              - bTRUE: Power up ADC
              - bFALSE: Power down ADC
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCPowerCtrlS(BoolFlag State)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      if(State == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCEN;
        tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCEN;
       @brief Start or stop ADC convert.
       @param State : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
              - bTRUE: Start ADC convert
              - bFALSE: Stop ADC convert
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(BoolFlag State)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      if(State == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCCONVEN;
        tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCCONVEN;
       @brief Configure ADC input MUX
              - ADCMUXP_FLOAT: float ADC MUX positive input
              - ADCMUXP_HSTIA_P: High speed TIA output sense terminal
              - ADCMUXP_P_NODE: Excitation loop P node
              - ADCMUXP_FLOAT: float ADC MUX positive input
              - ADCMUXP_HSTIA_P: High speed TIA output sense terminal
              - ADCMUXP_P_NODE: Excitation loop P node
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(uint32_t ADCMuxP, uint32_t ADCMuxN)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_ADCCON);
      tempreg |= ADCMuxP<<BITP_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELP;
      tempreg |= ADCMuxN<<BITP_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCCON, tempreg);
       @brief Set ADC digital comparator function
       @param pCompCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCDigCompCfgS(ADCDigComp_Type *pCompCfg)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCMIN, pCompCfg->ADCMin);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCMINSM, pCompCfg->ADCMinHys);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCMAX, pCompCfg->ADCMax);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN, pCompCfg->ADCMaxHys);
    /** @} ADC_Block_Functions */
       @brief Configure statistic functions
       @param pStatCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_StatisticCfgS(StatCfg_Type *pStatCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //check parameters
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pStatCfg->StatEnable == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_STATSCON_STATSEN;
      tempreg |= (pStatCfg->StatSample) << BITP_AFE_STATSCON_SAMPLENUM;
      tempreg |= (pStatCfg->StatDev) << BITP_AFE_STATSCON_STDDEV;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_STATSCON, tempreg);
     * @brief Set ADC Repeat convert function number. Turn off ADC automatically after Number samples of ADC raw data are ready
     * @param Number: Specify after how much ADC raw data need to sample before shutdown ADC
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCRepeatCfgS(uint32_t Number)
      //check parameter if(number<255)
       @brief Configure DFT number and source and hanning window
       @param pDftCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_DFTCfgS(DFTCfg_Type *pDftCfg)
      uint32_t reg_dftcon, reg_adcfilter;
      reg_dftcon = 0;
      /* Deal with DFTSRC_AVG. Once average function is enabled, it's automatically set as DFT source */
      reg_adcfilter = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON);
      if(pDftCfg->DftSrc == DFTSRC_AVG)
        reg_adcfilter |= BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN;
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON, reg_adcfilter);
        /* Disable Average function and set correct DFT source */
        reg_adcfilter &= ~BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN;
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON, reg_adcfilter);
        /* Set new DFT source */
        reg_dftcon |= (pDftCfg->DftSrc) << BITP_AFE_DFTCON_DFTINSEL;
      /* Set DFT number */
      reg_dftcon |= (pDftCfg->DftNum) << BITP_AFE_DFTCON_DFTNUM;
      if(pDftCfg->HanWinEn == bTRUE)
        reg_dftcon |= BITM_AFE_DFTCON_HANNINGEN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_DFTCON, reg_dftcon);
     * @} DSP_Block_Functions
     * @} DSP_Block
     * @defgroup Sequencer_FIFO
     * @brief Sequencer and FIFO.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup Sequencer_FIFO_Functions
     *    @{
       @brief Configure AD5940 FIFO
       @param pFifoCfg: Pointer to configuration structure.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_FIFOCfg(FIFOCfg_Type *pFifoCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //check parameters
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, 0);  /* Disable FIFO firstly! */
      /* CMDDATACON register. Configure this firstly */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON);
      tempreg &= BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMD_MEM_SEL|BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMDMEMMDE; /* Keep sequencer memory settings */
      tempreg |= pFifoCfg->FIFOMode << BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_DATAMEMMDE; 				  /* Data FIFO mode: stream or FIFO */
      tempreg |= pFifoCfg->FIFOSize << BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_DATA_MEM_SEL;  		  /* Data FIFO memory size */
      /* The reset memory can be used for sequencer, configure it by function AD5940_SEQCfg() */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON, tempreg);
      /* FIFO Threshold */
      /* FIFOCON register. Final step is to enable FIFO */
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pFifoCfg->FIFOEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOEN;																/* Enable FIFO after everything set. */
      tempreg |= pFifoCfg->FIFOSrc << BITP_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOSRCSEL;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, tempreg);
       @brief Read current FIFO configuration.
       @param pFifoCfg: Pointer to a buffer that used to store FIFO configuration.
       @return return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_FIFOGetCfg(FIFOCfg_Type *pFifoCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //check parameters
      if(pFifoCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      /* CMDDATACON register. */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON);
      /* FIFO Threshold */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_DATAFIFOTHRES);
      /* FIFOCON register. */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Configure AD5940 FIFO Source and enable or disable FIFO.
     * @param FifoSrc : available choices are @ref FIFOSRC_Const 
     *      - FIFOSRC_SINC3       SINC3 data
     *      - FIFOSRC_DFT         DFT real and imaginary part 
     *      - FIFOSRC_SINC2NOTCH  SINC2+NOTCH block. Notch can be bypassed, so SINC2 data can be feed to FIFO 
     *      - FIFOSRC_VAR         Statistic variance output 
     *      - FIFOSRC_MEAN        Statistic mean output
     * @param FifoEn: enable or disable the FIFO.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_FIFOCtrlS(uint32_t FifoSrc, BoolFlag FifoEn)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = 0;
      if(FifoEn == bTRUE)
      tempreg |= FifoSrc << BITP_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOSRCSEL;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, tempreg);
     * @brief Configure AD5940 Data FIFO threshold value
       @param FIFOThresh: FIFO threshold value
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_FIFOThrshSet(uint32_t FIFOThresh)
      /* FIFO Threshold */
     * @brief Get Data count in FIFO
     * @return return none.
    uint32_t AD5940_FIFOGetCnt(void)
    /* Sequencer */
     * @brief Initialize Sequencer
     * @param pSeqCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQCfg(SEQCfg_Type *pSeqCfg)
      /* check parameters */
      uint32_t tempreg, fifocon;
      fifocon = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, 0);  /* Disable FIFO before changing memory configuration */
      /* Configure CMDDATACON register */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON);
      tempreg &= ~(BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMDMEMMDE|BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMD_MEM_SEL);  /* Clear settings for sequencer memory */
      tempreg |= (1L) << BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMDMEMMDE;    										  /* Sequencer is always in memory mode */ 
      tempreg |= (pSeqCfg->SeqMemSize) << BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMD_MEM_SEL; 	
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON, tempreg);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON, 0);  /* Disable sequencer firstly */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQCNT, 0);  /* When sequencer is disabled, any write to SEQCNT will clear CNT and CRC register */  
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pSeqCfg->SeqEnable == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN;
      tempreg |= (pSeqCfg->SeqWrTimer) << BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQWRTMR;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON, tempreg);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, fifocon);  /* restore FIFO configuration */
      // tempreg = 0;
      // if(pSeqCfg->SeqBreakEn)
      //   tempreg |= 0x01;  // add register definition? bitm_afe_
      // if(pSeqCfg->SeqIgnoreEn)
      //   tempreg |= 0x02;  
      // AD5940_WriteReg(0x21dc, tempreg);
     * @brief Read back current sequencer configuration and store it to pSeqCfg
     * @param pSeqCfg: Pointer to structure
     * @return return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGetCfg(SEQCfg_Type *pSeqCfg)
      /* check parameters */
      uint32_t tempreg;
      if(pSeqCfg == NULL)
        return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      /* Read CMDDATACON register */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON);
      pSeqCfg->SeqCntCRCClr = bFALSE; /* Has no meaning */
      /* SEQCON register */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON);
      pSeqCfg->SeqEnable = (tempreg&BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN)?bTRUE:bFALSE;
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Enable or Disable sequencer. 
     * @note Only after valid trigger signal, sequencer can run.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQCtrlS(BoolFlag SeqEn)
      uint32_t tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON);
      if(SeqEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN;
        tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON, tempreg);
     * @brief Halt sequencer immediately. Use this to debug. In normal application, there is no situation that can use this function.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQHaltS(void)
     * @brief Trigger sequencer by register write.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQMmrTrig(uint32_t SeqId)
      if(SeqId > SEQID_3)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_TRIGSEQ, 1L<<SeqId);
     * @brief Write sequencer commands to AD5940 SRAM.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQCmdWrite(uint32_t StartAddr, const uint32_t *pCommand, uint32_t CmdCnt)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWADDR, StartAddr++);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE, *pCommand++);
       @brief Initialize Sequence INFO. 
       @details There are four set of registers that record sequence information. 
              The info contains command start address in SRAM and sequence length. 
              Hardware can automatically manage these four sequences. If the application 
              requires more than 4 sequences, user should manually record the sequence 
              Info(address and length) in MCU.
       @param pSeq: Pointer to configuration structure. Specify sequence start address in SRAM and sequence length.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQInfoCfg(SEQInfo_Type *pSeq)
        case SEQID_0:
        /* Configure SEQINFO register */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQ0INFO, (pSeq->SeqLen<< 16) | pSeq->SeqRamAddr);
        case SEQID_1:
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQ1INFO, (pSeq->SeqLen<< 16) | pSeq->SeqRamAddr);
        case SEQID_2:
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQ2INFO, (pSeq->SeqLen<< 16) | pSeq->SeqRamAddr);
        case SEQID_3:
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQ3INFO, (pSeq->SeqLen<< 16) | pSeq->SeqRamAddr);
      if(pSeq->WriteSRAM == bTRUE)
        AD5940_SEQCmdWrite(pSeq->SeqRamAddr, pSeq->pSeqCmd, pSeq->SeqLen);
     * @brief Get sequence info: start address and sequence length.
     * @param SeqId: Select from {SEQID_0, SEQID_1, SEQID_2, SEQID_3}
              - Select which sequence we want to get the information. 
       @param pSeqInfo: Pointer to sequence info structure. 
       @return return AD5940ERR_OK when succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQInfoGet(uint32_t SeqId, SEQInfo_Type *pSeqInfo)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      if(pSeqInfo == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
        case SEQID_0:
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQ0INFO);
        case SEQID_1:
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQ1INFO);
        case SEQID_2:
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQ2INFO);
        case SEQID_3:
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQ3INFO);
    			return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      pSeqInfo->pSeqCmd = 0;    /* We don't know where you store the sequence in MCU SRAM */
      pSeqInfo->SeqId = SeqId;
      pSeqInfo->SeqLen = (tempreg>>16)&0x7ff;
      pSeqInfo->SeqRamAddr = tempreg&0x7ff;
      pSeqInfo->WriteSRAM = bFALSE;  /* Don't care */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
       @brief Control GPIO with register SYNCEXTDEVICE. Because sequencer have no ability to access register GPIOOUT,
             so we use this register for sequencer.
       @param Gpio : Select from {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
              - The combination of GPIO pins. The selected pins will be set to High. Others will be pulled low.
       @return return None.
    void AD5940_SEQGpioCtrlS(uint32_t Gpio)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE, Gpio);
     * @brief Read back current count down timer value for Sequencer Timer Out command.
     * @return return register value of Sequencer Timer out value.
    uint32_t AD5940_SEQTimeOutRd(void)
      return AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT);
     * @brief Configure GPIO to allow it to trigger corresponding sequence(SEQ0/1/2/3).
     * @details There are four sequences. We can use GPIO to trigger each sequence. For example,
     *          GP0 or GP4 can be used to trigger sequence0 and GP3 or GP7 to trigger sequence3.
     *          There are five mode available to detect pin action: Rising edge, falling edge, both rising and falling
     *          edge, low level or high level.
     *          Be careful to use level detection. The trigger signal is always available if the pin level is matched.
     *          Once the sequence is done, it will immediately run again if the pin level is still matched.
     * @return return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGpioTrigCfg(SeqGpioTrig_Cfg *pSeqGpioTrigCfg)
      uint32_t reg_ei0con, reg_ei1con;
      uint32_t pin_count, pin_mask;
      uint32_t mode, en;
      if(pSeqGpioTrigCfg == NULL)
        return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      reg_ei0con = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_EI0CON);
      reg_ei1con = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_EI1CON);
      pin_count = 0;    /* Start from pin0 */
      pin_mask = 0x01;  /* start from pin0, mask 0x01 */
      pSeqGpioTrigCfg->SeqPinTrigMode &= 0x07;  /* 3bit width */
      mode = pSeqGpioTrigCfg->SeqPinTrigMode;
      en = pSeqGpioTrigCfg->bEnable?1:0;
        uint32_t bit_position;
          if(pin_count < 4) /* EI0CON register */
            bit_position = pin_count*4;
            reg_ei1con &= ~(0xfL<<bit_position); /* Clear bits */
            reg_ei1con |= mode << bit_position;
            reg_ei1con |= en << (bit_position + 3); /* bit offset 3 is the EN bit. */
            bit_position = (pin_count-4)*4;
            reg_ei1con &= ~(0xfL<<bit_position); /* Clear bits */
            reg_ei1con |= mode << bit_position;
            reg_ei1con |= en << (bit_position + 3); /* bit offset 3 is the EN bit. */
        pin_count ++;
        pin_mask <<= 1;
        if(pin_count == 8)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_EI0CON, reg_ei0con);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_EI0CON, reg_ei1con);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Configure Wakeup Timer
     * @param pWuptCfg: Pointer to configuration structure.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_WUPTCfg(WUPTCfg_Type *pWuptCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //check parameters
      /* Sleep and Wakeup time */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[0] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[0] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[0] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[0] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[1] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[1] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[1] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[1] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[2] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[2] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[2] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[2] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[3] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[3] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[3] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[3] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      /* TMRCON register */
      //if(pWuptCfg->WakeupEn == bTRUE)  /* enable use Wupt to wakeup AFE */
      /* We always allow Wupt to wakeup AFE automatically. */
      /* Wupt order */
      tempreg = 0;
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[0]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA; /* position A */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[1]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB; /* position B */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[2]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC; /* position C */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[3]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD; /* position D */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[4]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE; /* position E */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[5]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF; /* position F */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[6]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG; /* position G */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[7]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH; /* position H */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQORDER, tempreg);
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pWuptCfg->WuptEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_WUPTMR_CON_EN;
      /* We always allow Wupt to trigger sequencer */
      tempreg |= pWuptCfg->WuptEndSeq << BITP_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQ;
      //tempreg |= 1L<<4;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_CON, tempreg);
     * @brief Enable or disable wakeup timer
     * @param Enable : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
     *        - bTRUE: enable wakeup timer
     *        - bFALSE: Disable wakeup timer
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_WUPTCtrl(BoolFlag Enable)
      uint16_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_WUPTMR_CON);
      tempreg &= ~BITM_WUPTMR_CON_EN;
      if(Enable == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_WUPTMR_CON_EN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_CON, tempreg);
     * @brief Configure WakeupTimer.
     * @param SeqId: Select from SEQID_0/1/2/3. The wakeup timer will load corresponding value from four sets of registers.
     * @param SleepTime: After how much time, AFE will try to enter hibernate. We disabled this feature in AD59840_Initialize. After this timer expired, nothing will happen.
     * @param WakeupTime: After how much time, AFE will wakeup and trigger corresponding sequencer.
     * @note By SleepTime and WakeupTime, the sequencer is triggered periodically and period is (SleepTime+WakeupTime)
     * @return return none.
    AD5940Err AD5940_WUPTTime(uint32_t SeqId, uint32_t SleepTime, uint32_t WakeupTime)
      switch (SeqId)
        case SEQID_0:
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL, (WakeupTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH, (WakeupTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL, (SleepTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH, (SleepTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
        case SEQID_1:
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL, (WakeupTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH, (WakeupTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL, (SleepTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH, (SleepTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
        case SEQID_2:
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL, (WakeupTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH, (WakeupTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL, (SleepTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH, (SleepTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
        case SEQID_3:
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL, (WakeupTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH, (WakeupTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL, (SleepTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH, (SleepTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @} end-of Sequencer_FIFO_Functions
     * @} end-of Sequencer_FIFO
     * @defgroup MISC_Block
     * @brief Other functions not included in above blocks. Clock, GPIO, INTC etc.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup MISC_Block_Functions
     *    @{
     * @brief Configure AD5940 clock
     * @param pClkCfg: Pointer to configuration structure.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_CLKCfg(CLKCfg_Type *pClkCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg, reg_osccon;
      reg_osccon = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON);
      /* Enable clocks */
      if(pClkCfg->HFXTALEn == bTRUE)
        reg_osccon |= BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALEN;
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCKEY,KEY_OSCCON); /* Write Key */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON, reg_osccon); /* Enable HFXTAL */
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
      if(pClkCfg->HFOSCEn == bTRUE)
        reg_osccon |= BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCEN;
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCKEY,KEY_OSCCON); /* Write Key */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON, reg_osccon); /* Enable HFOSC */
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
        /* Configure HFOSC mode if it's enabled. */
        if(pClkCfg->HfOSC32MHzMode  == bTRUE)
      if(pClkCfg->LFOSCEn == bTRUE)
        reg_osccon |= BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCEN;  
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCKEY,KEY_OSCCON); /* Write Key */  
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON, reg_osccon); /* Enable LFOSC */
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
      /* Switch clocks */
      /* step1. Set clock divider */
      tempreg = pClkCfg->SysClkDiv&0x3f;
      tempreg |= (pClkCfg->SysClkDiv&0x3f) << BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_SYSCLKDIV;
      tempreg |= (pClkCfg->ADCClkDiv&0xf) << BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_ADCCLKDIV;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_CLKCON0, tempreg);
      /* Step2. set clock source */
      tempreg = pClkCfg->SysClkSrc;
      tempreg |= pClkCfg->ADCCLkSrc << BITP_AFECON_CLKSEL_ADCCLKSEL;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_CLKSEL, tempreg);
      /* Disable clocks */
      if(pClkCfg->HFXTALEn == bFALSE)
        reg_osccon &= ~BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALEN;
      if(pClkCfg->HFOSCEn == bFALSE)
        reg_osccon &= ~BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCEN;
      if(pClkCfg->LFOSCEn == bFALSE)
        reg_osccon &= ~BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCEN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCKEY, KEY_OSCCON); /* Write Key */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON, reg_osccon);
     * @brief Configure Internal HFOSC to output 32MHz or 16MHz.
     * @param Mode32MHz : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
     *        - bTRUE: HFOSC 32MHz mode.
     *        - bFALSE: HFOSC 16MHz mode.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_HFOSC32MHzCtrl(BoolFlag Mode32MHz)
      uint32_t RdCLKEN1;
      uint32_t RdHPOSCCON;   
      uint32_t bit8,bit9;
      RdCLKEN1 = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_CLKEN1);
      bit8 = (RdCLKEN1>>9)&0x01;
      bit9 = (RdCLKEN1>>8)&0x01;  /* Fix bug in silicon, bit8 and bit9 is swapped when read back. */
      RdCLKEN1 = RdCLKEN1&0xff;
      RdCLKEN1 |= (bit8<<8)|(bit9<<9);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_CLKEN1,RdCLKEN1|BITM_AFECON_CLKEN1_ACLKDIS); /* Disable ACLK during clock changing */
      if(Mode32MHz == bTRUE)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HPOSCCON,RdHPOSCCON&(~BITM_AFE_HPOSCCON_CLK32MHZEN)); /* Enable 32MHz output(bit definition-0: 32MHz, 1: 16MHz) */  
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HPOSCCON,RdHPOSCCON|BITM_AFE_HPOSCCON_CLK32MHZEN); /* Enable 16MHz output(bit definition-0: 32MHz, 1: 16MHz) */       
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
     * @brief Enable high power mode for high frequency EIS
     * @param Mode32MHz : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
     *        - bTRUE: HFOSC 32MHz mode.
     *        - bFALSE: HFOSC 16MHz mode.
     * @return return none.
    void 			AD5940_HPModeEn(BoolFlag Enable)
    	CLKCfg_Type clk_cfg;
    	uint32_t temp_reg = 0;
    	/* Check what the system clock is */
    	temp_reg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_CLKSEL);
    	clk_cfg.ADCCLkSrc = (temp_reg>>2)&0x3; 
      clk_cfg.SysClkSrc = temp_reg & 0x3; 
    	if(Enable == bTRUE)
    		clk_cfg.SysClkDiv = SYSCLKDIV_2;
    		clk_cfg.HfOSC32MHzMode = bTRUE;
    		clk_cfg.SysClkDiv = SYSCLKDIV_1;
    		clk_cfg.HfOSC32MHzMode = bFALSE;
        clk_cfg.ADCClkDiv = ADCCLKDIV_1;       
        clk_cfg.HFOSCEn = (temp_reg & 0x3) == 0x1? bFALSE : bTRUE;;
    	clk_cfg.HFXTALEn = (temp_reg & 0x3) == 0x1? bTRUE : bFALSE;
        clk_cfg.LFOSCEn = bTRUE;
     * @defgroup Interrupt_Controller_Functions
     * @{
    /* AFE Interrupt Controller */
     * @brief Enable or Disable selected interrupt source(s)
     * @param AfeIntcSel : {AFEINTC_0, AFEINTC_1}
     *        - AFEINTC_0: Configure Interrupt Controller 0
     *        - AFEINTC_1: Configure Interrupt Controller 1
     * @param AFEIntSrc: select from @ref AFEINTC_SRC_Const
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ADCRDY        : Bit0 ADC Result Ready Status
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY        : Bit1 DFT Result Ready Status
     *       - AFEINTSRC_SUPPLYFILTRDY : Bit2 Low Pass Filter Result Status
     *       - AFEINTSRC_TEMPRDY       : Bit3, Temp Sensor Result Ready
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ADCMINERR     : Bit4, ADC Minimum Value
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ADCMAXERR     : Bit5, ADC Maximum Value
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ADCDIFFERR    : Bit6, ADC Delta Ready
     *       - AFEINTSRC_MEANRDY       : Bit7, Mean Result Ready
     *       - AFEINTSRC_VARRDY       : Bit8, Variance Result Ready 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DLYCMDDONE   : Bit9, User controlled interrupt by writing AFEGENINTSTA. Provides an Early Indication for the End of the Test _Block.
     *       - AFEINTSRC_HWSETUPDONE  : Bit10, User controlled interrupt by writing AFEGENINTSTA. Indicates the MMR Setup for the Measurement Step Finished 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_BRKSEQ       : Bit11, User controlled interrupt by writing AFEGENINTSTA.
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CUSTOMINS    : Bit12, User controlled interrupt by writing AFEGENINTSTA. General Purpose Custom Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_BOOTLDDONE   : Bit13, OTP Boot Loading Done 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_WAKEUP       : Bit14, AFE Woken up
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ       : Bit15, End of Sequence Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_SEQTIMEOUT   : Bit16, Sequencer Timeout Command Finished. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_SEQTIMEOUTERR : Bit17, Sequencer Timeout Command Error. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOFULL  : Bit18, Command FIFO Full Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOEMPTY : Bit19, Command FIFO Empty 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOTHRESH: Bit20, Command FIFO Threshold Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOOF    : Bit21, Command FIFO Overflow Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOUF    : Bit22, Command FIFO Underflow Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOFULL : Bit23, Data FIFO Full Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOEMPTY: Bit24, Data FIFO Empty 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOTHRESH: Bit25, Data FIFO Threshold Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOOF   : Bit26, Data FIFO Overflow Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOUF   : Bit27, Data FIFO Underflow Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_WDTIRQ       : Bit28, WDT Timeout Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CRC_OUTLIER  : Bit29, CRC interrupt for M355, Outliers Int for AD5940  
     *       - AFEINTSRC_GPT0INT_SLPWUT: Bit30, General Purpose Timer0 IRQ for M355. Sleep or Wakeup Timer timeout for AD5940
     *       - AFEINTSRC_GPT1INT_TRYBRK: Bit31, General Purpose Timer1 IRQ for M355. Tried to Break IRQ for AD5940
     *       - AFE_INTC_ALLINT        : All interrupts
     * @param State : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
     *      - bTRUE: Enable these interrupt source(s)
     *      - bFALSE: Disable interrupt source(s)
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_INTCCfg(uint32_t AfeIntcSel, uint32_t AFEIntSrc, BoolFlag State)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      uint32_t regaddr = REG_INTC_INTCSEL0;
      if(AfeIntcSel == AFEINTC_1)
        regaddr = REG_INTC_INTCSEL1;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(regaddr);
      if(State == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= AFEIntSrc;    /* Enable this interrupt */
        tempreg &= ~(AFEIntSrc); /* Disable this interrupt  */
     * @brief Check if current interrupt configuration.
     * @param AfeIntcSel : {AFEINTC_0, AFEINTC_1}
     *        - AFEINTC_0: Configure Interrupt Controller 0
     *        - AFEINTC_1: Configure Interrupt Controller 1
    uint32_t AD5940_INTCGetCfg(uint32_t AfeIntcSel)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      if(AfeIntcSel == AFEINTC_0)
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_INTC_INTCSEL0);
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_INTC_INTCSEL1);
      return tempreg;
     * @brief Clear selected interrupt(s) flag(INTC0Flag and INTC1Flag are both cleared).
     * @param AfeIntSrcSel: Select from @ref AFEINTC_SRC_Const
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_INTCClrFlag(uint32_t AfeIntSrcSel)
     * @brief Test if selected interrupt source(s) is(are) bTRUE.
     * @param AfeIntcSel : {AFEINTC_0, AFEINTC_1}
     *        - AFEINTC_0: Read Interrupt Controller 0 flag
     *        - AFEINTC_1: Read Interrupt Controller 1 flag
     * @param AfeIntSrcSel: Select from @ref AFEINTC_SRC_Const
     * @return If selected interrupt source(s) are all cleared, return bFALSE. Otherwise return bTRUE.
    BoolFlag AD5940_INTCTestFlag(uint32_t AfeIntcSel, uint32_t AfeIntSrcSel)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      uint32_t regaddr = (AfeIntcSel == AFEINTC_0)? REG_INTC_INTCFLAG0: REG_INTC_INTCFLAG1;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(regaddr);
      if(tempreg & AfeIntSrcSel)
        return bTRUE;
        return bFALSE;
     * @brief return register value of REG_INTC_INTCFLAGx
     * @param AfeIntcSel : {AFEINTC_0, AFEINTC_1}
     *        - AFEINTC_0: Read Interrupt Controller 0 flag
     *        - AFEINTC_1: Read Interrupt Controller 1 flag     
     * @return register value of REG_INTC_INTCFLAGx.
    uint32_t AD5940_INTCGetFlag(uint32_t AfeIntcSel)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      uint32_t regaddr = (AfeIntcSel == AFEINTC_0)? REG_INTC_INTCFLAG0: REG_INTC_INTCFLAG1;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(regaddr);
      return tempreg;
     * @} Interrupt_Controller_Functions
     * @defgroup GPIO_Block_Functions
     * @{
     * @brief Initialize AFE GPIO
     * @param pAgpioCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_AGPIOCfg(AGPIOCfg_Type *pAgpioCfg)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0OUT, pAgpioCfg->OutVal);
     * @brief Configure the function of GP0 to GP7.
     * @param uiCfgSet :{GP0_INT,GP0_TRIG,GP0_SYNC,GP0_GPIO|
     *               GP1_GPIO,GP1_TRIG,GP1_SYNC,GP1_SLEEP|
     *                GP2_PORB,GP2_TRIG,GP2_SYNC,GP2_EXTCLK|
     *                GP3_GPIO,GP3_TRIG,GP3_SYNC,GP3_INT0|\
     *                GP4_GPIO,GP4_TRIG,GP4_SYNC,GP4_INT1|
     *                GP5_GPIO,GP5_TRIG,GP5_SYNC,GP5_EXTCLK|
     *                GP6_GPIO,GP6_TRIG,GP6_SYNC,GP6_INT0|
     *                GP7_GPIO,GP7_TRIG,GP7_SYNC,GP7_INT}
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_AGPIOFuncCfg(uint32_t uiCfgSet)
     * @brief Enable GPIO output mode on selected pins. Disable output on non-selected pins.
     * @param uiPinSet :Select from {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOOen(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Enable input on selected pins while disable others.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOIen(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Read the GPIO status.
     * @return return GP0IN register which is the GPIO status.
    uint32_t AD5940_AGPIOIn(void)
      return AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0IN);
     * @brief Enable pull-up or down on selected pins while disable other pins.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from: {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOPen(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Put selected GPIOs to high level.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from: {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOSet(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Put selected GPIOs to low level.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from: {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOClr(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Toggle selected GPIOs.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from: {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOToggle(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @} GPIO_Block_Functions
     * @defgroup LPMode_Block_Functions
     * @{
     * @brief Enter or leave LPMODE. 
     * @details Once enter this mode, some registers are collected together to a new register so we can
     *          Control most blocks with in one register. The so called LPMODE has nothing to do with AD5940 power.
     * @return return AD5940ERR_OK
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPModeEnS(BoolFlag LPModeEn)
      if(LPModeEn == bTRUE)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPMODEKEY, KEY_LPMODEKEY);  /* Enter LP mode by right key. */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPMODEKEY, 0); /* Write wrong key to exit LP mode */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Select system clock source for LPMODE. 
     * @note Only in LP Mode, this operation takes effect. Enter LPMODE by function @ref AD5940_LPModeEnS.
     * @param LPModeClk: Select from @ref LPMODECLK_Const
     *       - LPMODECLK_LFOSC: Select LFOSC 32kHz for system clock
     *       - LPMODECLK_HFOSC: Select HFOSC 16MHz/32MHz for system clock
     * @return none.
    void AD5940_LPModeClkS(uint32_t LPModeClk)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL, LPModeClk);
     * @} LPMode_Block_Functions
     * @brief Enter sleep mode key to unlock it or enter incorrect key to lock it. \
     *        Once key is unlocked, it will always be effect until manually lock it
     * @param SlpKey : {SLPKEY_UNLOCK, SLPKEY_LOCK}
              - SLPKEY_UNLOCK Unlock Key so we can enter sleep(or called hibernate) mode.
              - SLPKEY_LOCK Lock key so AD5940 is prohibited to enter sleep mode.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_SleepKeyCtrlS(uint32_t SlpKey)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK, SlpKey);
     * @brief Put AFE to hibernate. 
     * @details This will only take effect when SLP_KEY has been unlocked. Use function @ref AD5940_SleepKeyCtrlS to enter correct key.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_EnterSleepS(void)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQTRGSLP, 0);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQTRGSLP, 1);
     * @brief Turn off LP-Loop and put AFE to hibernate mode;
     * @details By function @ref AD5940_EnterSleepS, we can put most blocks to hibernate mode except LP block.
     *          This function will shut down LP block and then enter sleep mode.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_ShutDownS(void)
      /* Turn off LPloop related blocks which are not controlled automatically by hibernate operation */
      AFERefCfg_Type aferef_cfg;
      LPLoopCfg_Type lp_loop;
      /* Turn off LP-loop manually because it's not affected by sleep/hibernate mode */
      AD5940_StructInit(&aferef_cfg, sizeof(aferef_cfg));
      AD5940_StructInit(&lp_loop, sizeof(lp_loop));
      AD5940_SleepKeyCtrlS(SLPKEY_UNLOCK);  /* Unlock the key */
      AD5940_EnterSleepS();  /* Enter Hibernate */
     * @brief Try to wakeup AD5940 by read register.
     * @details Any SPI operation can wakeup AD5940. AD5940_Initialize must be called to enable this function.
     * @param TryCount Specify how many times we will read register. Zero or negative number means always waiting here.
     * @return How many times register is read. If returned value is bigger than TryCount, it means wakeup failed.
    uint32_t  AD5940_WakeUp(int32_t TryCount)
      uint32_t count = 0;
        if(AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_ADIID) == AD5940_ADIID)
          break;    /* Succeed */
          continue; /* Always try to wakeup AFE */
        if(count > TryCount)
          break;    /* Failed */
      return count;
     * @brief Read ADIID register, the value for current version is @ref AD5940_ADIID
     * @return return none.
    uint32_t AD5940_GetADIID(void)
      return AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_ADIID);
     * @brief Read CHIPID register, the value for current version is 0x5501.
     * @return return none.
    uint32_t AD5940_GetChipID(void)
      return AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_CHIPID);
     * @brief Reset AD5940 by register.
     * @note AD5940 must be in active state so we can access registers.
     *       If AD5940 system clock is too low, we consider to use hardware reset, or 
     *       we need to make sure register write is successfully.
     * @return return none.
    AD5940Err  AD5940_SoftRst(void)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_SWRSTCON, AD5940_SWRST);
      AD5940_Delay10us(20); /* AD5940 need some time to exit reset status. 200us looks good. */
      /* We can check RSTSTA register to make sure software reset happened. */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Reset AD5940 with RESET pin.
     * @note This will call function AD5940_RstClr which locates in file XXXPort.C
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_HWReset(void)
    #ifndef CHIPSEL_M355
      AD5940_Delay10us(200); /* Delay some time */
      AD5940_Delay10us(500); /* AD5940 need some time to exit reset status. 200us looks good. */
      //There is no method to reset AFE only for M355.
     * @} MISC_Block_Functions
     * @} MISC_Block
     * @defgroup Calibration_Block
     * @brief The non-factory calibration routines.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup Calibration_Functions
     *    @{
     * @brief Turn on High power 1.8V/1.1V reference and 2.5V LP reference.
     * @return return none.
    static void __AD5940_ReferenceON(void)
      AFERefCfg_Type ref_cfg;
      /* Turn ON ADC/DAC and LPDAC reference */
      ref_cfg.Hp1V1BuffEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.Hp1V8BuffEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.HpBandgapEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.HSDACRefEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.LpBandgapEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.LpRefBufEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.Disc1V1Cap = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Disc1V8Cap = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Hp1V8Ilimit = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Hp1V8ThemBuff = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Lp1V1BuffEn = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Lp1V8BuffEn = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.LpRefBoostEn = bFALSE;
     * @brief Turn on ADC to sample one SINC2 data.
     * @return return ADCCode.
    static uint32_t __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(int32_t *time_out)
      uint32_t ADCCode = 0;
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ADCCNV|AFECTRL_SINC2NOTCH, bTRUE);/* Start conversion */
        AD5940_Delay10us(1);  /* Delay 10us */
            ADCCode = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_SINC2);
        if(*time_out != -1)
      }while(*time_out != 0);
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ADCCNV|AFECTRL_SINC2NOTCH, bFALSE);/* Stop conversion */
      return ADCCode;
      @brief Calibrate ADC PGA
      @param pADCPGACal: PGA calibration parameters include filter setup and PGA gain.
      @return AD5940ERR_OK.
    AD5940Err AD5940_ADCPGACal(ADCPGACal_Type *pADCPGACal)
      const float kFactor = 1.835f/1.82f;
      ADCBaseCfg_Type adc_base;
      int32_t time_out;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      int32_t ADCCode;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode;
      uint32_t regaddr_gain, regaddr_offset;
      if(pADCPGACal == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pADCPGACal->ADCPga > ADCPGA_9) return AD5940ERR_PARA;  /* Parameter Error */
      if(pADCPGACal->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE; 
       *  Determine Gain calibration method according to different gain value...
       *  and calibration register 
       * */
      static const struct _cal_registers
        uint16_t gain_reg;
        uint16_t offset_reg;
      }cal_registers[] = {
      regaddr_gain = cal_registers[pADCPGACal->ADCPga].gain_reg;
      regaddr_offset = cal_registers[pADCPGACal->ADCPga].offset_reg;
      /* Do initialization */
      ADCFilterCfg_Type adc_filter;
      /* Initialize ADC filters ADCRawData-->SINC3-->SINC2+NOTCH. Use SIN2 data for calibration-->Lower noise */
      adc_filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pADCPGACal->ADCSinc3Osr;
      adc_filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pADCPGACal->ADCSinc2Osr;  /* 800KSPS/4/1333 = 150SPS */
      adc_filter.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_2;         /* Don't care about it. Average function is only used for DFT */
      adc_filter.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;        /* If ADC clock is 32MHz, then set it to ADCRATE_1P6MHZ. Default is 16MHz, use ADCRATE_800KHZ. */
      adc_filter.BpNotch = bTRUE;                 /* SINC2+Notch is one block, when bypass notch filter, we can get fresh data from SINC2 filter. */
      adc_filter.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;                /* We use SINC3 filter. */
      adc_filter.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;        /* Enable the SINC2+Notch block. You can also use function AD5940_AFECtrlS */
      /* Turn ON reference and ADC power, and DAC reference. We use DAC 1.8V reference to calibrate ADC because of the ADC reference bug. */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE); /* Disable all */
      AD5940_Delay10us(25);   /* Wait 250us for reference power up */
      /* INTC configure and open calibration lock */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, KEY_CALDATLOCK);  /* Unlock KEY */
      /* Do offset calibration. */
      if(pADCPGACal->PGACalType != PGACALTYPE_GAIN){  /* Need offset calibration */
        int32_t ExpectedCode = 0x8000;        /* Ideal ADC output */
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_offset, 0);   /* Reset offset register */
        adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_VSET1P1;
        adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_VSET1P1;   /* Short input with common voltage set to 1.11v */
        adc_base.ADCPga = pADCPGACal->ADCPga; /* Set correct Gain value. */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);                  /* Wait for sometime */
        ADCCode = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
        { /* ADC offset calibration register has resolution of 0.25LSB. take full use of it. */
          time_out = pADCPGACal->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
          ADCCode += __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
          if(time_out == 0) goto ADCPGACALERROR_TIMEOUT;  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate and write the result to registers before gain calibration */
        ADCCode = (ExpectedCode<<3) - ADCCode;  /* We will shift back 1bit below */
         * AD5940 use formular Output = gain*(input + offset) for calibration.
         * So, the measured results should be divided by gain to get value for offset register.
        uint32_t gain = AD5940_ReadReg(regaddr_gain);
        ADCCode = (ADCCode*0x4000)/gain;
        ADCCode = ((ADCCode+1)>>1)&0x7fff;      /* Round 0.5 */
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_offset, ADCCode);
      /* Do gain calibration */
      if(pADCPGACal->PGACalType != PGACALTYPE_OFFSET)  /* Need gain calibration */
        int32_t ExpectedGainCode;
        static const float ideal_pga_gain[]={1,1.5,2,4,9};
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_gain, 0x4000);  /* Reset gain register */
        if(pADCPGACal->ADCPga <= ADCPGA_2)
          //gain1,1.5,2 could use reference directly
          adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_VREF1P8DAC;
          adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_VSET1P1;
          ExpectedGainCode = (int32_t)((pADCPGACal->VRef1p82 - pADCPGACal->VRef1p11)*ideal_pga_gain[pADCPGACal->ADCPga]/\
                                        + 0x8000;
          //gain4,9 use DAC generated voltage
          adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
          adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
          /* Setup HSLOOP to generate voltage for GAIN4/9 calibration. */
          HSLoopCfg_Type hsloop_cfg;
          hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.ExcitBufGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_2;
          hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_1;
          hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.HsDacUpdateRate = 7;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.DiodeClose = bFALSE;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaBias = HSTIABIAS_1P1;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaCtia = 31;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel = HSTIARTIA_200;
          hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_PL;
          hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_NL;
          hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA;
          hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bTRUE;
          hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bTRUE;
          hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_MMR;
          uint32_t HSDACCode;
          if(pADCPGACal->ADCPga == ADCPGA_4)
            HSDACCode = 0x800 + 0x300;  /* 0x300--> 0x300/0x1000*0.8*BUFFERGAIN2 = 0.3V. */
          else if(pADCPGACal->ADCPga == ADCPGA_9)
            HSDACCode = 0x800 + 0x155;  /* 0x155--> 0x155/0x1000*0.8*BUFFERGAIN2 = 0.133V. */
          hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.WgCode = HSDACCode;
          //measure expected code
          adc_base.ADCPga = ADCPGA_1P5;
          time_out = pADCPGACal->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
          ExpectedGainCode = 0x8000 + (int32_t)((__AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out) - 0x8000)/1.5f\
          if(time_out == 0) goto ADCPGACALERROR_TIMEOUT;
        adc_base.ADCPga = pADCPGACal->ADCPga;    /* Set to gain under calibration */
        time_out = pADCPGACal->TimeOut10us;      /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);
        if(time_out == 0) goto ADCPGACALERROR_TIMEOUT;
        /* Calculate and write the result to registers */
        ADCCode = (ExpectedGainCode - 0x8000)*0x4000/(ADCCode-0x8000);
        ADCCode &= 0x7fff;
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_gain, ADCCode);
      /* Restore INTC1 SINC2 configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bFALSE); /* Disable SINC2 Interrupt */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      /* Done */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
      AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(bFALSE);  /* Stop conversion */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      return AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
     * @brief Calibrate LPTIA offset
     * @param pLPTIAOffsetCal Pointer to LPTIA offset calibration settings.
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPTIAOffsetCal(LPTIAOffsetCal_Type *pLPTIAOffsetCal)
      AD5940Err error = AD5940ERR_OK;
      LPLoopCfg_Type lploop_cfg;
      ADCBaseCfg_Type adc_base;
      ADCFilterCfg_Type adc_filter;
      int32_t time_out;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      int32_t ADCCode;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode;
      if(pLPTIAOffsetCal == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;  
      if(pLPTIAOffsetCal->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE;
      /* Step0: Do initialization */
      /* Turn on AD5940 references in case it's disabled. */
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpAmpSel = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpSel;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpAmpPwrMod = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpPwrMod;  /* Power mode will affect amp offset. */
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpPaPwrEn = bTRUE;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaPwrEn = bTRUE;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRf = LPTIARF_OPEN;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRload = LPTIARLOAD_100R;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRtia = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpTiaRtia;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaSW = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpTiaSW;  /* Disconnect capacitors so it settles quickly */
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpdacSel = (pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)?LPDAC0:LPDAC1;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DacData12Bit = pLPTIAOffsetCal->DacData12Bit;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DacData6Bit = pLPTIAOffsetCal->DacData6Bit;  
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DataRst = bFALSE;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacRef = LPDACREF_2P5;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacSrc = LPDACSRC_MMR;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacVzeroMux = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpDacVzeroMux;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacSW = LPDACSW_VZERO2LPTIA;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacVbiasMux = LPDACVBIAS_12BIT;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.PowerEn = bTRUE;
      /* Initialize ADC filters ADCRawData-->SINC3-->SINC2+NOTCH. Use SIN2 data for calibration-->Lower noise */
      adc_filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pLPTIAOffsetCal->ADCSinc3Osr;
      adc_filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pLPTIAOffsetCal->ADCSinc2Osr;  /* 800KSPS/4/1333 = 150SPS */
      adc_filter.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_2;               /* Don't care about it. Average function is only used for DFT */
      adc_filter.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;        /* If ADC clock is 32MHz, then set it to ADCRATE_1P6MHZ. Default is 16MHz, use ADCRATE_800KHZ. */
      adc_filter.BpNotch = bTRUE;                       /* SINC2+Notch is one block, when bypass notch filter, we can get fresh data from SINC2 filter. */
      adc_filter.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;                      /* We use SINC3 filter. */
      adc_filter.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;              /* Enable the SINC2+Notch block. You can also use function AD5940_AFECtrlS */
      /* Initialize ADC MUx and PGA */
      if(pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
        adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA0_P;      
        adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA0_N;
        adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA1_P;      
        adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA1_N;
      adc_base.ADCPga = pLPTIAOffsetCal->ADCPga;                 /* Set correct Gain value. */
      /* Turn ON ADC and its reference. And SINC2. */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE); /* Disable all firstly, we only enable things we use */
      AD5940_Delay10us(25);                     /* Wait 250us for reference power up */
      /* INTC configure and open calibration lock */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, KEY_CALDATLOCK);  /* Unlock KEY */
      /* Do offset calibration. */
        int32_t ExpectedCode = 0x8000;        /* Ideal ADC output */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0, 0);   /* Reset offset register */
        if(pLPTIAOffsetCal->SettleTime10us > 0)
          AD5940_Delay10us(pLPTIAOffsetCal->SettleTime10us);  /* Delay 10us */
        time_out = pLPTIAOffsetCal->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate and write the result to registers before gain calibration */
        ADCCode = ((ExpectedCode - ADCCode)<<3);  /* We will shift back 1bit below */
        ADCCode = ((ADCCode+1)>>1); /* Round 0.5 */
        if((ADCCode > 0x3fff) ||
            (ADCCode < -0x4000))    /* The register used for offset calibration is limited to -0x4000 to 0x3fff */
          error = AD5940ERR_CALOR;
        ADCCode &= 0x7fff;
        if(pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0, ADCCode);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA1, ADCCode);
      /* Restore INTC1 SINC2 configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bFALSE); /* Disable SINC2 Interrupt */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      /* Done */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
      AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(bFALSE);  /* Stop conversion */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      return error;
     * @brief Calibrate HSTIA offset-ongoing.
     * @param pHSTIAOffsetCal: pointer to configuration.
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK.
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSTIAOffsetCal(LPTIAOffsetCal_Type *pHSTIAOffsetCal)
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Measure HSTIA internal RTIA impedance.
     * @param pCalCfg: pointer to calibration structure.
     * @param pResult:  Pointer to a variable that used to store result. 
     *                  If bPolarResult in structure is set, then use type fImpPol_Type otherwise use fImpCar_Type. 
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSRtiaCal(HSRTIACal_Type *pCalCfg, void *pResult)
      AFERefCfg_Type aferef_cfg;
      HSLoopCfg_Type hs_loop;
      DSPCfg_Type dsp_cfg;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode = bFALSE;
      uint32_t ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_2;
      uint32_t HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_1;
      float ExcitVolt; /* Excitation voltage, unit is mV */
      uint32_t RtiaVal;
      uint32_t const HpRtiaTable[]={200,1000,5000,10000,20000,40000,80000,160000,0};
      uint32_t WgAmpWord;
      iImpCar_Type DftRcal, DftRtia;
      if(pCalCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCalCfg->fRcal == 0)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel > HSTIARTIA_160K)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel == HSTIARTIA_OPEN)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA; /* Do not support calibrating DE0-RTIA */
      if(pResult == NULL)
          return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCalCfg->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE; 
      /* Calculate the excitation voltage we should use based on RCAL/Rtia */
      RtiaVal = HpRtiaTable[pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel];
        DAC output voltage calculation
        Note: RCAL value should be similar to RTIA so the accuracy is best.
        HSTIA output voltage should be limited to 0.2V to AVDD-0.2V, with 1.1V bias. We use 80% of this range for safe. 
        Because the bias voltage is fixed to 1.1V, so for AC signal maximum amplitude is 1.1V-0.2V = 0.9Vp. That's 1.8Vpp.
        Formula is:    ExcitVolt(in mVpp) = (1800mVpp*80% / RTIA) * RCAL
        ADC input range is +-1.5V which is enough for calibration.
      ExcitVolt = 1800*0.8*pCalCfg->fRcal/RtiaVal;
      if(ExcitVolt <= 800*0.05) /* Voltage is so small that we can enable the attenuator of DAC(1/5) and Excitation buffer(1/4). 800mVpp is the DAC output voltage */
        ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25;
        HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_0P2;
        /* Excitation buffer voltage full range is 800mVpp*0.05 = 40mVpp */
        WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/40*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      else if(ExcitVolt <= 800*0.25) /* Enable Excitation buffer attenuator */
        ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25;
        HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_1;
        /* Excitation buffer voltage full range is 800mVpp*0.25 = 200mVpp */
        WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/200*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      else if(ExcitVolt <= 800*0.4) /* Enable DAC attenuator */
        ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_2;
        HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_0P2;
        /* Excitation buffer voltage full range is 800mVpp*0.4 = 320mV */
        WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/320*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      else /* No attenuator is needed. This is the best condition which means RTIA is close to RCAL */
        ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_2;
        HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_1;
        /* Excitation buffer voltage full range is 800mVpp*2=1600mVpp */
        WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/1600*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      if(WgAmpWord > 0x7ff)
      WgAmpWord = 0x7ff;
      /*INTC configuration */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE);  /* Init all to disable state */
      /* Configure reference system */
      aferef_cfg.HpBandgapEn = bTRUE;
      aferef_cfg.Hp1V1BuffEn = bTRUE;
      aferef_cfg.Hp1V8BuffEn = bTRUE;
      aferef_cfg.Disc1V1Cap = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Disc1V8Cap = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Hp1V8ThemBuff = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Hp1V8Ilimit = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Lp1V1BuffEn = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Lp1V8BuffEn = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.LpBandgapEn = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.LpRefBufEn = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.LpRefBoostEn = bFALSE;
      /* Configure HP Loop */
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.ExcitBufGain = ExcitBuffGain;
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.HsDacGain = HsDacGain;
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.HsDacUpdateRate = 7; /* Set it to highest update rate */
      memcpy(&hs_loop.HsTiaCfg, &pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg, sizeof(pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg));
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_RCAL1|SWT_TRTIA;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_SIN;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bTRUE;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bTRUE;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinFreqWord = AD5940_WGFreqWordCal(pCalCfg->fFreq, pCalCfg->SysClkFreq);
      hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinAmplitudeWord = WgAmpWord;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinOffsetWord = 0;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinPhaseWord = 0;
      /* Configure DSP */
      dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
      dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
      dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg.ADCPga = ADCPGA_1P5;
      AD5940_StructInit(&dsp_cfg.ADCDigCompCfg, sizeof(dsp_cfg.ADCDigCompCfg));
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_16;  /* Don't care because it's disabled */
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCSinc2Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc2Osr;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCSinc3Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc3Osr;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.BpNotch = bTRUE;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;
      memcpy(&dsp_cfg.DftCfg, &pCalCfg->DftCfg, sizeof(pCalCfg->DftCfg));
      memset(&dsp_cfg.StatCfg, 0, sizeof(dsp_cfg.StatCfg));
      /* Enable all of them. They are automatically turned off during hibernate mode to save power */
                    AFECTRL_SINC2NOTCH, bTRUE);
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_WG|AFECTRL_ADCPWR, bTRUE);  /* Enable Waveform generator, ADC power */
      //wait for sometime.
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ADCCNV|AFECTRL_DFT, bTRUE);  /* Start ADC convert and DFT */
      /* Wait until DFT ready */
      while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY) == bFALSE);  
      DftRcal.Real = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTREAL);
      DftRcal.Image = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTIMAGE);
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_WG|AFECTRL_ADCPWR, bTRUE);  /* Enable Waveform generator, ADC power */
      //wait for sometime.
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ADCCNV|AFECTRL_DFT, bTRUE);  /* Start ADC convert and DFT */
      /* Wait until DFT ready */
      while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY) == bFALSE);  
      DftRtia.Real = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTREAL);
      DftRtia.Image = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTIMAGE);
        DftRcal.Real |= 0xfffc0000;
        DftRcal.Image |= 0xfffc0000;
        DftRtia.Real |= 0xfffc0000;
        DftRtia.Image |= 0xfffc0000;
        ADC MUX is set to HSTIA_P and HSTIA_N.
        While the current flow through RCAL and then into RTIA, the current direction should be from HSTIA_N to HSTIA_P if we 
        measure the voltage across RCAL by MUXSELP_P_NODE and MUXSELN_N_NODE.
        So here, we add a negative sign to results
      DftRtia.Image = -DftRtia.Image;
      DftRtia.Real = -DftRtia.Real; /* Current is measured by MUX HSTIA_P-HSTIA_N. It should be  */
          The impedance engine inside of AD594x give us Real part and Imaginary part of DFT. Due to technology used, the Imaginary 
          part in register is the opposite number. So we add a negative sign on the Imaginary part of results. 
      DftRtia.Image = -DftRtia.Image;
      DftRcal.Image = -DftRcal.Image;
      fImpCar_Type temp;
      temp = AD5940_ComplexDivInt(&DftRtia, &DftRcal);
      temp.Real *= pCalCfg->fRcal;
      temp.Image *= pCalCfg->fRcal;
      if(pCalCfg->bPolarResult == bFALSE)
        *(fImpCar_Type*)pResult = temp;
        ((fImpPol_Type*)pResult)->Magnitude = AD5940_ComplexMag(&temp);
        ((fImpPol_Type*)pResult)->Phase = AD5940_ComplexPhase(&temp);
      /* Restore INTC1 DFT configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY, bFALSE); /* Disable DFT Interrupt */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Measure LPTIA internal RTIA impedance with HSTIA. This is the recommended method for LPTIA RTIA calibration.
     * @param pCalCfg: pointer to calibration structure.
     * @param pResult:  Pointer to a variable that used to store result. 
     *                  If bPolarResult in structure is set, then use type fImpPol_Type otherwise use fImpCar_Type. 
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPRtiaCal(LPRTIACal_Type *pCalCfg, void *pResult)
      HSLoopCfg_Type hs_loop;
      LPLoopCfg_Type lp_loop;
      DSPCfg_Type dsp_cfg;
      ADCBaseCfg_Type *pADCBaseCfg; 
      SWMatrixCfg_Type *pSWCfg;  
      uint32_t INTCCfg, reg_afecon;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode = bFALSE;
      BoolFlag bDCMode = bFALSE;                /* Indicate if frequency is 0, which means we calibrate at DC. */
      float ExcitVolt; /* Excitation voltage, unit is mV */
      uint32_t RtiaVal;
      /* RTIA value table when RLOAD set to 100Ohm */
      uint32_t const LpRtiaTable[]={0,110,1000,2000,3000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,16000,20000,24000,30000,32000,40000,48000,64000,85000,96000,100000,120000,128000,160000,196000,256000,512000};
      float const ADCPGAGainTable[] = {1, 1.5, 2, 4, 9};
      uint32_t WgAmpWord;
      uint32_t ADCPgaGainRtia, ADCPgaGainRcal;
      float GainRatio;
      iImpCar_Type DftRcal, DftRtia;
      if(pCalCfg == NULL)  return AD5940ERR_NULLP;  /* Parameters illegal */
      if(pCalCfg->fRcal == 0)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->LpTiaRtia > LPTIARTIA_512K)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->LpTiaRtia == LPTIARTIA_OPEN)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA; /* Not supported now. By setting RTIA to open and set corresponding switches can calibrate external RTIA */
      if(pResult == NULL)
          return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCalCfg->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE;   /* Clock frequency is high. */
      if(pCalCfg->fFreq == 0.0f)    /* Frequency is zero means we calibrate RTIA at DC. */
        bDCMode = bTRUE;
      /* Init two pointers */
      pSWCfg = &hs_loop.SWMatCfg;
      pADCBaseCfg = &dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg;
      /* Calculate the excitation voltage we should use based on RCAL/Rtia */
      RtiaVal = LpRtiaTable[pCalCfg->LpTiaRtia];
       * DAC output voltage calculation
       * Note: RCAL value should be similar to RTIA so the accuracy is best.
       * LPTIA output voltage should be limited to 0.3V to AVDD-0.4V, with 1.3V bias. We use 80% of this range for safe. 
       * That's 2.0Vpp*80%@2.7V AVDD
       * Formula is:    ExcitVolt(in mVpp) = (2000mVpp*80% / RTIA) * RCAL
       * ADC input range is +-1.5V which is enough for calibration.
       * Limitations:
       * Note: HSTIA output range is AVDD-0.4V to AGND+0.2V
       * HSTIA input common voltage range is 0.3V to AVDD-0.7V;
       * When AVDD is 2.7V, the input range is 0.3V to 2.0V; 
       * If we set Vbias to 1.3V, then maximum AC signal is 0.7Vp*2 = 1.4Vpp.
       * Maximum AC signal is further limited by HSTIA RTIA=200Ohm, when RCAL is 200Ohm(for ADuCM355). The maximum output of HSTIA is limited to 2.3V.
       * Maximum Vzero voltage is 1.9V when Rcal is 200Ohm and Switch On resistance is 50Ohm*2. Vzero_max = 1.3V + (2.3V-1.3V)/(200+200+50*2)*300. 
       * Maximum AC signal is (1.9-1.3)*2 = 1.2Vpp(for ADuCM355, RCAl=200Ohm).
     /** @cond */
      #define MAXVOLT_P2P 1400  /* Maximum peak to peak voltage 1200mV for ADuCM355. */  
                                /* Maximum peak2peak voltage for AD5940 10kOhm RCAL is 1400mV */
      #define __MAXVOLT_AMP_CODE  (MAXVOLT_P2P*2047L/2200)
     /** @endcond */
      ExcitVolt = 2000*0.8*pCalCfg->fRcal/RtiaVal;
      WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/2200*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      if(WgAmpWord > __MAXVOLT_AMP_CODE)
        WgAmpWord = __MAXVOLT_AMP_CODE;
       * Determine the best ADC PGA gain for both RCAL and RTIA voltage measurement.
        float RtiaVolt, RcalVolt, temp;
        ExcitVolt = WgAmpWord*2000.0f/2047; /* 2000mVpp -->ExcitVolt in Peak to Peak unit */
        RtiaVolt = ExcitVolt/(pCalCfg->fRcal + 100)*RtiaVal;
        RcalVolt = RtiaVolt/RtiaVal*pCalCfg->fRcal;
        /* The input range of ADC is 1.5Vp, we calculate how much gain we need */
        temp = 3000.0f/RcalVolt;
        if(temp >= 9.0f)  ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_9;
        else if(temp >= 4.0f) ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_4;
        else if(temp >= 2.0f) ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_2;
        else if(temp >= 1.5f) ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_1P5;
        else ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_1;
        temp = 3000.0f/RtiaVolt;
        if(temp >= 9.0f)  ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_9;
        else if(temp >= 4.0f) ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_4;
        else if(temp >= 2.0f) ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_2;
        else if(temp >= 1.5f) ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_1P5;
        else ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_1;
        GainRatio = ADCPGAGainTable[ADCPgaGainRtia]/ADCPGAGainTable[ADCPgaGainRcal];
      reg_afecon = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      /* INTC configuration */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE);  /* Init all to disable state */
      /* Configure reference system */
    	/* Configure DSP */
    	AD5940_StructInit(&dsp_cfg, sizeof(dsp_cfg));
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_16;  /* Don't care because it's disabled */
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCSinc2Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc2Osr;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCSinc3Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc3Osr;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.BpNotch = bTRUE;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;
    	memcpy(&dsp_cfg.DftCfg, &pCalCfg->DftCfg, sizeof(pCalCfg->DftCfg));
      /* Configure LP Loop */
      AD5940_StructInit(&lp_loop, sizeof(lp_loop));
      /* Configure LP Amplifies(LPPA and LPTIA). We won't use LP-PA */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpdacSel = (pCalCfg->LpAmpSel  == LPAMP0)?LPDAC0:LPDAC1;
    	lp_loop.LpDacCfg.DacData12Bit = 0x800;                 		/* Controlled by WG */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.DacData6Bit = 32;                    /* middle scale value */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.DataRst =bFALSE;                    	/* Do not keep DATA registers at reset status */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpDacRef = LPDACREF_2P5;            	/* Select internal 2.5V reference */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpDacSrc = LPDACSRC_WG;             	/* The LPDAC data comes from WG not MMR in this case */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpDacVbiasMux = LPDACVBIAS_6BIT;    	/* Connect Vbias signal to 6Bit LPDAC output */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpDacVzeroMux = LPDACVZERO_12BIT;   	/* Connect Vzero signal to 12bit LPDAC output */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.PowerEn = bTRUE;                    	/* Power up LPDAC */
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpAmpSel = pCalCfg->LpAmpSel;
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpAmpPwrMod = pCalCfg->LpAmpPwrMod;  /* Set low power amplifiers to normal power mode */
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpPaPwrEn = bTRUE;                  	/* Enable LP PA(potential-stat amplifier) power */
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaPwrEn = bTRUE;                	/* Enable LPTIA*/
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRload = LPTIARLOAD_100R;
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRtia = pCalCfg->LpTiaRtia;
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRf = LPTIARF_OPEN;
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaSW = LPTIASW(6)|LPTIASW(8)|(pCalCfg->bWithCtia==bTRUE?LPTIASW(5)/*|LPTIASW(9)*/:0);
      /* Configure HS Loop */
      AD5940_StructInit(&hs_loop, sizeof(hs_loop));
      /* Take care of HSTIA, we need to disconnect internal RTIA because it connects to Tswitch directly. */
    	hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.DiodeClose = bFALSE;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaBias = (pCalCfg->LpAmpSel  == LPAMP0)?HSTIABIAS_VZERO0:HSTIABIAS_VZERO1;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaCtia = 31;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel = HSTIARTIA_200;
      /* Configure HSDAC */
    	hs_loop.HsDacCfg.ExcitBufGain = 0;
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.HsDacGain = 0;  					/* Don't care */
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.HsDacUpdateRate = 255;  	/* Lowest for LPDAC */
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0|((pCalCfg->LpAmpSel  == LPAMP0)?SWD_SE0:SWD_SE1);
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA|SWT_RCAL1;
        int32_t time_out = -1;    /* Always wait. */
        int32_t offset_rcal, offset_rtia;  
        /* Configure WG */
        hs_loop.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_MMR;
        hs_loop.WgCfg.WgCode = WgAmpWord;       /* Amplitude word is exactly the maximum DC voltage we could use */
        hs_loop.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bFALSE;		    /* We don't have calibration value for LPDAC, so we don't use it. */
        hs_loop.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bFALSE;
        AD5940_WGDACCodeS(WgAmpWord + 0x800);
    		AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_HSTIAPWR|AFECTRL_INAMPPWR|AFECTRL_WG|AFECTRL_ADCPWR, bTRUE); /* Apply voltage to loop and turn on ADC */
        /* Do offset measurement */
        pSWCfg->Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0;//|SWD_SE0;   /* Disconnect SE0 for now to measure the offset voltage. */
        pSWCfg->Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
        pSWCfg->Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
        pSWCfg->Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA|SWT_RCAL1;
        AD5940_Delay10us(1000);   /* Wait some time here. */
        /* Measure RCAL channel voltage offset */
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRcal;
        AD5940_Delay10us(50);   /* Wait some time here. */
        offset_rcal = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        /* Measure RTIA channel voltage offset */
        if(pCalCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA0_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA0_P;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA1_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA1_P;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRtia;    
        AD5940_Delay10us(50);   /* Wait some time here. */
        offset_rtia = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        /* Connect LPTIA loop, let current flow to RTIA. */
        pSWCfg->Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0|((pCalCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)?SWD_SE0:SWD_SE1);
        pSWCfg->Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
        pSWCfg->Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
        pSWCfg->Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA|SWT_RCAL1;
        AD5940_Delay10us(1000);   /* Wait some time here. */
    		/* Measure RCAL */
        pADCBaseCfg = &dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRcal;
        AD5940_Delay10us(50);   /* Wait some time here. */
        DftRcal.Real = (int32_t)__AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out)- offset_rcal;
        DftRcal.Image = 0;
    		/* Measure RTIA */    
        if(pCalCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA0_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA0_P;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA1_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA1_P;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRtia;
        AD5940_Delay10us(50);   /* Wait some time here. */
        DftRtia.Real = (int32_t)__AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out)- offset_rtia;
        DftRtia.Image = 0;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinAmplitudeWord = WgAmpWord;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinFreqWord = AD5940_WGFreqWordCal(pCalCfg->fFreq, pCalCfg->SysClkFreq);
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinOffsetWord = 0;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinPhaseWord = 0;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.WgCode = 0;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_SIN;
        hs_loop.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bFALSE;      /* disable it */
        hs_loop.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bFALSE;
        AD5940_Delay10us(100);      /* Wait for loop stable. */
        pADCBaseCfg = &dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg;
    		/* DFT on RCAL */
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRcal;
        /* Wait until DFT ready */
        while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY) == bFALSE);  
        DftRcal.Real = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTREAL);
        DftRcal.Image = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTIMAGE);
    		/* DFT on RTIA */  
        if(pCalCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA0_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA0_P;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA1_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA1_P;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRtia;
        /* Wait until DFT ready */
        while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY) == bFALSE);  
        DftRtia.Real = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTREAL);
        DftRtia.Image = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTIMAGE);
          DftRcal.Real |= 0xfffc0000;
          DftRcal.Image |= 0xfffc0000;
          DftRtia.Real |= 0xfffc0000;
          DftRtia.Image |= 0xfffc0000;
          The impedance engine inside of AD594x give us Real part and Imaginary part of DFT. Due to technology used, the Imaginary 
          part in register is the opposite number. So we add a negative sign on the Imaginary part of results. 
      DftRtia.Image = -DftRtia.Image;
      DftRcal.Image = -DftRcal.Image;
      fImpCar_Type res;
      /* RTIA = (DftRtia.Real, DftRtia.Image)/(DftRcal.Real, DftRcal.Image)*fRcal */
      res = AD5940_ComplexDivInt(&DftRtia, &DftRcal);
      res.Real *= pCalCfg->fRcal/GainRatio;
      res.Image *= pCalCfg->fRcal/GainRatio;
      if(pCalCfg->bPolarResult == bFALSE)
        ((fImpCar_Type*)pResult)->Real = res.Real;
        ((fImpCar_Type*)pResult)->Image = res.Image;
        ((fImpPol_Type*)pResult)->Magnitude = AD5940_ComplexMag(&res);
        ((fImpPol_Type*)pResult)->Phase = AD5940_ComplexPhase(&res);
      /* Restore INTC1 DFT configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY, bFALSE);    /* Disable DFT Interrupt */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bFALSE);  /* Disable SINC2 Interrupt */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_AFECON, reg_afecon);              /* Restore AFECON register */
      /* Open all switches in switch-matrix */
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_OPEN;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_OPEN;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_OPEN;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_OPEN;
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief calibrate HSDAC output voltage using ADC.
     * @note It acutally calibrates voltage output of excitation buffer.
     * @param pCalCfg: pointer to configuration structure
     * @return return AD5940ERR_OK if succeeded.
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSDACCal(HSDACCal_Type *pCalCfg)
      ADCBaseCfg_Type adc_base;
      ADCFilterCfg_Type adc_filter;
      HSLoopCfg_Type hsloop_cfg;
      LPLoopCfg_Type lploop_cfg;
      /* LSB_Numerator and LSB_Denometer are used to calculate 
      the codes to write to calibration registers depending on
      which calibration register is used
      There are LSB_Numerator ADC LSBs in
      LSB_Denominator DAC Calibration LSBs*/
      int32_t LSB_Numerator;
      int32_t LEB_Denominator;
      int32_t time_out;
      int32_t ADCCode;
      uint32_t HSDACCode = 0x800;     /* Mid scale DAC */
      uint32_t regaddr_offset;
      uint32_t ADCPGA_Sel;
      BoolFlag bHPMode;
      if(pCalCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCalCfg->ExcitBufGain > 1) return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->HsDacGain > 1) return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      bHPMode = pCalCfg->AfePwrMode == AFEPWR_HP?bTRUE:bFALSE;
      case EXCITBUFGAIN_2:
        regaddr_offset = bHPMode?REG_AFE_DACOFFSETHP:REG_AFE_DACOFFSET;
        if(pCalCfg->HsDacGain == HSDACGAIN_0P2)
          LSB_Numerator = 40;
          LEB_Denominator = 14;
          ADCPGA_Sel = ADCPGA_4;
          LSB_Numerator = 7;
          LEB_Denominator = 2;
          ADCPGA_Sel = ADCPGA_1;
      case EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25:
        if(pCalCfg->HsDacGain == HSDACGAIN_0P2)
          LSB_Numerator = 5;
          LEB_Denominator = 14;
          LSB_Numerator = 25;
          LEB_Denominator = 14;
        ADCPGA_Sel = ADCPGA_4;
    		return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      /* Turn On References*/
      /* Step0.0 Initialize ADC filters ADCRawData-->SINC3-->SINC2+NOTCH. Use SIN2 data for calibration-->Lower noise */
      adc_filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc3Osr;
      adc_filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc2Osr;  /* 800KSPS/4/1333 = 150SPS */
      adc_filter.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_2;         /* Don't care about it. Average function is only used for DFT */
      adc_filter.ADCRate = bHPMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;        /* If ADC clock is 32MHz, then set it to ADCRATE_1P6MHZ. Default is 16MHz, use ADCRATE_800KHZ. */
      adc_filter.BpNotch = bTRUE;                 /* SINC2+Notch is one block, when bypass notch filter, we can get fresh data from SINC2 filter. */
      adc_filter.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;                /* We use SINC3 filter. */
      adc_filter.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;        /* Enable the SINC2+Notch block. You can also use function AD5940_AFECtrlS */
      /* Step0.1 Initialize ADC basic function */
      adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
      adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
      adc_base.ADCPga = ADCPGA_Sel;
      /* Step0.2 Configure LPDAC to connect VZERO to HSTIA */
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpdacSel = LPDAC0;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DacData12Bit = 0x7C0;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DacData6Bit = 0x1F;  
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DataRst = bFALSE;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacRef = LPDACREF_2P5;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacSrc = LPDACSRC_MMR;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacVzeroMux = LPDACVZERO_6BIT;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacVbiasMux = LPDACVBIAS_12BIT;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.PowerEn = bTRUE;
      /* Step0.3 Configure HSLOOP */
      hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.ExcitBufGain = pCalCfg->ExcitBufGain;
      hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.HsDacGain = pCalCfg->HsDacGain;
      hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.HsDacUpdateRate = bHPMode?0x7:0x1B;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.DiodeClose = bFALSE;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaBias = HSTIABIAS_VZERO0;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaCtia = 8;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel = HSTIARTIA_200;
      hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0;
      hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
      hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
      hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA|SWT_RCAL1;
      hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bTRUE;
      hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bTRUE;
      hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_MMR;
      hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.WgCode = HSDACCode;
      /* Step0.4 Turn ON reference and ADC power, and DAC power and DAC reference. We use DAC 1.8V reference to calibrate ADC. */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE); /* Disable all */
      AD5940_Delay10us(25);   /* Wait 250us for reference power up */
      /* Step0.5 INTC configure and open calibration lock */
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, KEY_CALDATLOCK);  /* Unlock KEY */
    	/* Reset Offset register before calibration */
    	AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_offset, 0);
    	/* Update HSDACDAT after resetting calibration register */
    	AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACDAT, 0x800);
      /* Step1: Do offset calibration. */
        int32_t ExpectedCode = 0x8000;        /* Ideal ADC output */
        time_out = 1000;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);
    #ifdef ADI_DEBUG
        ADI_Print("Voltage before cal: %f \n", AD5940_ADCCode2Volt(ADCCode, ADCPGA_Sel, 1.82));
        if(time_out == 0) goto DACCALERROR_TIMEOUT;  /* Time out error. */
        ADCCode = ADCCode - ExpectedCode;
        ADCCode = (((ADCCode)*LEB_Denominator)/LSB_Numerator); 
          ADCCode = 0xFFF - ADCCode;
          ADCCode = -ADCCode;
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_offset, ADCCode);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACDAT, 0x800);
    #ifdef ADI_DEBUG
    		ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);
    		ADI_Print("Voltage after cal: %f \n", AD5940_ADCCode2Volt(ADCCode, ADCPGA_Sel, 1.82));
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
      AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(bFALSE);  /* Stop conversion */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      return AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
     * @brief Use ADC to measure LPDAC offset and gain factor.
     * @note Assume ADC is accurate enough or accurate than LPDAC at least.
     * @param pCalCfg: pointer to structure.
     * @param pResult: the pointer to save calibration result.
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPDACCal(LPDACCal_Type *pCalCfg, LPDACPara_Type *pResult)
      AD5940Err error = AD5940ERR_OK;
      LPDACCfg_Type LpDacCfg;
      ADCBaseCfg_Type adc_base;
      ADCFilterCfg_Type adc_filter;
      int32_t time_out;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      int32_t ADCCode, ADCCodeVref1p1;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode;
      if(pCalCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP; 
      if(pResult == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;  
      if(pCalCfg->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE;
      /* Step0: Do initialization */
      /* Turn on AD5940 references in case it's disabled. */
      LpDacCfg.LpdacSel = pCalCfg->LpdacSel;
      LpDacCfg.DacData12Bit = 0;
      LpDacCfg.DacData6Bit = 0;  
      LpDacCfg.DataRst = bFALSE;
      LpDacCfg.LpDacRef = LPDACREF_2P5;
      LpDacCfg.LpDacSrc = LPDACSRC_MMR;
      LpDacCfg.LpDacVbiasMux = LPDACVBIAS_12BIT;
      LpDacCfg.LpDacVzeroMux = LPDACVZERO_6BIT;
      LpDacCfg.PowerEn = bTRUE;
      /* Initialize ADC filters ADCRawData-->SINC3-->SINC2+NOTCH. Use SIN2 data for calibration-->Lower noise */
      adc_filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc3Osr;
      adc_filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc2Osr;  /* 800KSPS/4/1333 = 150SPS */
      adc_filter.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_2;               /* Don't care about it. Average function is only used for DFT */
      adc_filter.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;        /* If ADC clock is 32MHz, then set it to ADCRATE_1P6MHZ. Default is 16MHz, use ADCRATE_800KHZ. */
      adc_filter.BpNotch = bTRUE;                       /* SINC2+Notch is one block, when bypass notch filter, we can get fresh data from SINC2 filter. */
      adc_filter.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;                      /* We use SINC3 filter. */
      adc_filter.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;              /* Enable the SINC2+Notch block. You can also use function AD5940_AFECtrlS */
      /* Initialize ADC MUx and PGA */
      adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_AGND;
      adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_VSET1P1;
      adc_base.ADCPga = ADCPGA_1;
      /* Turn ON ADC and its reference. And SINC2. */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE); /* Disable all firstly, we only enable things we use */
      AD5940_Delay10us(25);                     /* Wait 250us for reference power up */
      /* INTC configure and open calibration lock */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      /* Step1: Measure internal 1.1V reference. */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCodeVref1p1 = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Equation1: ADCCodeVref1p1 = AGND - Vref1p1 */
      /* Step2: Do offset measurement. */
        /* Equation2': ADCCode = Vbias0/1 - Vref1p1 */
        AD5940_LPDACWriteS(0,0);  /* Set LPDAC output voltage to 0.2V(zero code) */
        if(pCalCfg->SettleTime10us > 0)
          AD5940_Delay10us(pCalCfg->SettleTime10us);  /* Delay nx10us */
        if(pCalCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VBIAS0, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias0 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VBIAS1, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias1 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);  /* Delay 50us */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate the offset voltage using Equation2 - Equation1 */
        ADCCode -= ADCCodeVref1p1;  /* Get the code of Vbias0-AGND. Then calculate the offset voltage in mV. */
        pResult->bC2V_DAC12B = ADCCode*pCalCfg->ADCRefVolt*1e3f/32768*1.835f/1.82f; /*mV unit*/
        /* Measure 6BIT DAC output(Vzero0/1) */
        if(pCalCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VZERO0, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias0 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VZERO1, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias1 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);  /* Delay 50us */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate the offset voltage */
        ADCCode -= ADCCodeVref1p1;  /* Get the code of Vbias0-AGND. Then calculate the offset voltage in mV. */
        pResult->bC2V_DAC6B = ADCCode*pCalCfg->ADCRefVolt*1e3f/32768*1.835f/1.82f; /*mV unit*/
      /* Step3: Do gain measurement */
        /* Equation2: ADCCode = Vbias0 - Vref1p1 */
        AD5940_LPDACWriteS(0xfff,0x3f);  /* Set LPDAC output voltage to 2.4V(zero code) */
        if(pCalCfg->SettleTime10us > 0)
          AD5940_Delay10us(pCalCfg->SettleTime10us);  /* Delay nx10us */
        if(pCalCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VBIAS0, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias0 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VBIAS1, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias1 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);  /* Delay 50us */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate the offset voltage */
        ADCCode -= ADCCodeVref1p1;  /* Get the code of Vbias0-AGND. Then calculate the gain factor 'k'. */
        pResult->kC2V_DAC12B = (ADCCode*pCalCfg->ADCRefVolt*1e3f/32768*1.835f/1.82f - pResult->bC2V_DAC12B)/0xfff;/*mV unit*/
        /* Measure 6BIT DAC output(Vzero0) */
        if(pCalCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VZERO0, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias0 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VZERO1, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias1 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);  /* Delay 50us */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate the offset voltage */
        ADCCode -= ADCCodeVref1p1;  /* Get the code of Vbias0-AGND. Then calculate the offset voltage in mV. */
        pResult->kC2V_DAC6B = (ADCCode*pCalCfg->ADCRefVolt*1e3f/32768*1.835f/1.82f - pResult->bC2V_DAC6B)/0x3f;/*mV unit*/
      /* Step4: calculate the parameters for voltage to code calculation. */
      pResult->kV2C_DAC12B = 1/pResult->kC2V_DAC12B;
      pResult->bV2C_DAC12B = -pResult->bC2V_DAC12B/pResult->kC2V_DAC12B;
      pResult->kV2C_DAC6B = 1/pResult->kC2V_DAC6B;
      pResult->bV2C_DAC6B = -pResult->bC2V_DAC6B/pResult->kC2V_DAC6B;
      /* Restore INTC1 SINC2 configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bFALSE); /* Disable SINC2 Interrupt */
      /* Done */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
      AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(bFALSE);  /* Stop conversion */
      return error;
     * @brief Use system clock to measure LFOSC frequency.
     * @note Set system clock to external crystal to get a better measurement accuracy.
     *       This function use 3 sequences and the start address is specified by parameter.
     * @param pCfg: pointer to structure.
     * @param pFreq:  Pointer to a variable that used to store frequency in Hz. 
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LFOSCMeasure(LFOSCMeasure_Type *pCfg, float *pFreq) /* Measure current LFOSC frequency. */
       * @code
       *  Sleep wakeup timer running...
       *  -SLP----WKP----SLP----WKP----SLP----WKP
       *  --|-----|-------------|-------------|------------Trigger sequencer when Wakeup Timer over.
       *  --------|SEQA---------|SEQB----------------------Execute SeqA then SeqB
       *  ---------|InitT--------|StopT--------------------SeqA start timer and SeqB trigger interrupt so MCU read back current count
       *  ------------------------|INT---------------------
       *  -----------------------------------------|Read---We read SEQTIMEOUT register here
       *  ---------|-----TimerCount----------------|-------
       *  ---------|--------------|---TimerCount2--|-------We change SeqB to reset timer so we measure how much time needed for MCU to read back SEQTIMEOUT register(TimerCount2)
       * @endcode
       * **/
      uint32_t TimerCount, TimerCount2;
      SEQCfg_Type seq_cfg, seq_cfg_backup;
      SEQInfo_Type seqinfo;
      WUPTCfg_Type wupt_cfg;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      uint32_t WuptPeriod;
      static const uint32_t SeqA[]=
        SEQ_TOUT(0x3fffffff),   /* Set time-out timer. It will always run until disable Sequencer by SPI interface. */
      static const uint32_t SeqB[]=
         * Interrupt flag AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ will be set after this command. So We can inform MCU to read back 
         * current timer value. MCU will need some additional time to read back time count.
         * So we use SeqB to measure how much time needed for MCU to read back 
         * */
      static const uint32_t SeqBB[]=
        SEQ_TOUT(0x3fffffff),   /* Re-Set time-out timer, so we can measure the time needed for MCU to read out Timer Count register. */
        SEQ_STOP(),             /* Interrupt flag AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ will be set here */
      if(pCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pFreq == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCfg->CalDuration < 1.0f)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      seq_cfg.SeqMemSize = SEQMEMSIZE_2KB;  /* 2kB SRAM is used for sequencer */
      seq_cfg.SeqBreakEn = bFALSE;
      seq_cfg.SeqIgnoreEn = bFALSE;
      seq_cfg.SeqCntCRCClr = bFALSE;
      seq_cfg.SeqEnable = bTRUE;
      seq_cfg.SeqWrTimer = 0;
      AD5940_SEQCfg(&seq_cfg);          /* Enable sequencer */
      seqinfo.pSeqCmd = SeqA;
      seqinfo.SeqId = SEQID_0;
      seqinfo.SeqLen = SEQ_LEN(SeqA);
      seqinfo.SeqRamAddr = pCfg->CalSeqAddr;
      seqinfo.WriteSRAM = bTRUE;
      seqinfo.SeqId = SEQID_1;
      seqinfo.SeqRamAddr = pCfg->CalSeqAddr + SEQ_LEN(SeqA) ;
      seqinfo.SeqLen = SEQ_LEN(SeqB);
      seqinfo.pSeqCmd = SeqB;
      AD5940_SEQInfoCfg(&seqinfo);      /* Configure sequence0 and sequence1 with command SeqA and SeqB */
      wupt_cfg.WuptEn = bFALSE;
      wupt_cfg.WuptOrder[0] = SEQID_0;
      wupt_cfg.WuptOrder[1] = SEQID_1;
      wupt_cfg.WuptEndSeq = WUPTENDSEQ_B;
      wupt_cfg.SeqxWakeupTime[0] = 4;       /* Don't care. >4 is acceptable */
      wupt_cfg.SeqxSleepTime[0] = (uint32_t)((pCfg->CalDuration)*32 + 0.5f) - 1 - 4;
      wupt_cfg.SeqxWakeupTime[1] = 4-1;
      wupt_cfg.SeqxSleepTime[1] = 0xffffffff; /* Don't care */
      WuptPeriod = (wupt_cfg.SeqxSleepTime[0]+1) + (wupt_cfg.SeqxWakeupTime[1]+1);
      while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ) == bFALSE);
      TimerCount = AD5940_SEQTimeOutRd();
    	AD5940_WUPTTime(SEQID_0, 4, 4);	/* Set it to minimum value because we don't care about sequence0 now. We only want to measure how much time MCU will need to read register */
      seqinfo.SeqId = SEQID_1;
      seqinfo.SeqRamAddr = pCfg->CalSeqAddr + SEQ_LEN(SeqA) ;
      seqinfo.SeqLen = SEQ_LEN(SeqBB);
      seqinfo.pSeqCmd = SeqBB;
      seqinfo.WriteSRAM = bTRUE;
      AD5940_SEQCtrlS(bTRUE); /* Enable Sequencer again */
      while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ) == bFALSE);
      TimerCount2 = AD5940_SEQTimeOutRd();
      AD5940_SEQCfg(&seq_cfg_backup);          /* restore sequencer configuration */
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ, (INTCCfg&AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ)?bTRUE:bFALSE); /* Restore interrupt configuration */
      //printf("Time duration:%d ", (TimerCount2 - TimerCount));
    	*pFreq = pCfg->SystemClkFreq*WuptPeriod/(TimerCount2 - TimerCount);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @} Calibration
     * @} Calibration_Block
     * @} AD5940_Functions
     * @} AD5940_Library

     * @file       ad5940.h
     * @brief      AD5940 library. This file contains all AD5940 library functions. 
     * @author     ADI
     * @date       March 2019
     * @par Revision History:
    #ifndef _AD5940_H_
    #define _AD5940_H_
    #include "math.h"
    #include "string.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    /** @addtogroup AD5940_Library
      * @{
     * Select the correct chip.
     * Recommend to define this in your compiler.
     * */
    //#define CHIPSEL_M355      /**< ADuCM355 */
    //#define CHIPSEL_594X      /**< AD5940 or AD5941 */
    /* library version number */
    #define AD5940LIB_VER_MAJOR       0    /**< Major number */
    #define AD5940LIB_VER_MINOR       2    /**< Minor number */
    #define AD5940LIB_VER_PATCH       1    /**< Path number */
    #define AD5940LIB_VER   (AD5940LIB_VER_MAJOR<<16)|(AD5940LIB_VER_MINOR<<8)|(AD5940LIB_VER_PATCH)
    //#define ADI_DEBUG   /**< Comment this line to remove debug info. */
    #ifdef ADI_DEBUG
    #define ADI_Print printf   /**< Select the method to print out debug message */
    #if defined(CHIPSEL_M355) && defined(CHIPSEL_594X)
    #error Please select the correct chip by define CHIPSEL_M355 or CHIPSEL_594X.
    #if !defined(CHIPSEL_M355) && !defined(CHIPSEL_594X)
    #error Please select the correct chip by define CHIPSEL_M355 or CHIPSEL_594X.
     * @cond
     * @defgroup AD5940RegistersBitfields
     * @brief All AD5940 registers and bitfields definition.
     * @{
    //#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__ASSEMBLER__))
    #include <stdint.h>
    //#endif /* _LANGUAGE_C */
    #define __ADI_GENERATED_DEF_HEADERS__    1
    #define __ADI_HAS_AGPIO__          1
    #define __ADI_HAS_ALLON__          1
    #define __ADI_HAS_INTC__           1
    #define __ADI_HAS_AFECON__         1
    #define __ADI_HAS_WUPTMR__         1
    #define __ADI_HAS_AFE__            1
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0CON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0CON  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0CON                     0x00000000            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Configuration */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0OEN_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0OEN  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0OEN                     0x00000004            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Output Enable */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0PE_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0PE  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0PE                      0x00000008            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Pullup/Pulldown Enable */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0IEN_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0IEN  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0IEN                     0x0000000C            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Input Path Enable */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0IN_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0IN  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0IN                      0x00000010            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Registered Data Input */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0OUT_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0OUT  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0OUT                     0x00000014            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Data Output */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0SET_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0SET  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0SET                     0x00000018            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Data Out Set */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0CLR_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0CLR  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0CLR                     0x0000001C            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Data Out Clear */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0TGL_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0TGL  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0TGL                     0x00000020            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Pin Toggle */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AGPIO Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0CON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN7CFG            14            /*  P0.7 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN6CFG            12            /*  P0.6 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN5CFG            10            /*  P0.5 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN4CFG             8            /*  P0.4 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN3CFG             6            /*  P0.3 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN2CFG             4            /*  P0.2 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN1CFG             2            /*  P0.1 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN0CFG             0            /*  P0.0 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN7CFG            0x0000C000    /*  P0.7 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN6CFG            0x00003000    /*  P0.6 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN5CFG            0x00000C00    /*  P0.5 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN4CFG            0x00000300    /*  P0.4 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN3CFG            0x000000C0    /*  P0.3 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN2CFG            0x00000030    /*  P0.2 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN1CFG            0x0000000C    /*  P0.1 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN0CFG            0x00000003    /*  P0.0 Configuration Bits */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0OEN                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0OEN_OEN                 0            /*  Pin Output Drive Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0OEN_OEN                0x000000FF    /*  Pin Output Drive Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0PE                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0PE_PE                   0            /*  Pin Pull Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0PE_PE                  0x000000FF    /*  Pin Pull Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0IEN                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0IEN_IEN                 0            /*  Input Path Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0IEN_IEN                0x000000FF    /*  Input Path Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0IN                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0IN_IN                   0            /*  Registered Data Input */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0IN_IN                  0x000000FF    /*  Registered Data Input */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0OUT                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0OUT_OUT                 0            /*  Data Out */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0OUT_OUT                0x000000FF    /*  Data Out */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0SET                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0SET_SET                 0            /*  Set the Output HIGH */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0SET_SET                0x000000FF    /*  Set the Output HIGH */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0CLR                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CLR_CLR                 0            /*  Set the Output LOW */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CLR_CLR                0x000000FF    /*  Set the Output LOW */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0TGL                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0TGL_TGL                 0            /*  Toggle the Output */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0TGL_TGL                0x000000FF    /*  Toggle the Output */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AFECON_ADIID_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADIID  */
    #define REG_AFECON_ADIID                     0x00000400            /*  AFECON ADI Identification */
    #define REG_AFECON_CHIPID_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CHIPID  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CHIPID                    0x00000404            /*  AFECON Chip Identification */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKCON0_RESET             0x00000441            /*      Reset Value for CLKCON0  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKCON0                   0x00000408            /*  AFECON Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKEN1_RESET              0x000002C0            /*      Reset Value for CLKEN1  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKEN1                    0x00000410            /*  AFECON Clock Gate Enable */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKSEL_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CLKSEL  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKSEL                    0x00000414            /*  AFECON Clock Select */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKCON0KEY_RESET          0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CLKCON0KEY  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKCON0KEY                0x00000420            /*  AFECON Enable Clock Division to 8Mhz,4Mhz and 2Mhz */
    #define REG_AFECON_SWRSTCON_RESET            0x00000001            /*      Reset Value for SWRSTCON  */
    #define REG_AFECON_SWRSTCON                  0x00000424            /*  AFECON Software Reset */
    #define REG_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TRIGSEQ  */
    #define REG_AFECON_TRIGSEQ                   0x00000430            /*  AFECON Trigger Sequence */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AFECON Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_ADIID                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_ADIID_ADIID               0            /*  ADI Identifier. */
    #define BITM_AFECON_ADIID_ADIID              0x0000FFFF    /*  ADI Identifier. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CHIPID                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CHIPID_PARTID             4            /*  Part Identifier */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CHIPID_REVISION           0            /*  Silicon Revision Number */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CHIPID_PARTID            0x0000FFF0    /*  Part Identifier */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CHIPID_REVISION          0x0000000F    /*  Silicon Revision Number */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CLKCON0                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_SFFTCLKDIVCNT    10            /*  SFFT Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_ADCCLKDIV         6            /*  ADC Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_SYSCLKDIV         0            /*  System Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKCON0_SFFTCLKDIVCNT    0x0000FC00    /*  SFFT Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKCON0_ADCCLKDIV        0x000003C0    /*  ADC Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKCON0_SYSCLKDIV        0x0000003F    /*  System Clock Divider Configuration */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CLKEN1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKEN1_GPT1DIS            7            /*  GPT1 Clock Enable */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKEN1_GPT0DIS            6            /*  GPT0 Clock Enable */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKEN1_ACLKDIS            5            /*  ACLK Clock Enable */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKEN1_GPT1DIS           0x00000080    /*  GPT1 Clock Enable */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKEN1_GPT0DIS           0x00000040    /*  GPT0 Clock Enable */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKEN1_ACLKDIS           0x00000020    /*  ACLK Clock Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CLKSEL                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKSEL_ADCCLKSEL          2            /*  Select ADC Clock Source */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKSEL_SYSCLKSEL          0            /*  Select System Clock Source */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKSEL_ADCCLKSEL         0x0000000C    /*  Select ADC Clock Source */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKSEL_SYSCLKSEL         0x00000003    /*  Select System Clock Source */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CLKCON0KEY                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0KEY_DIVSYSCLK_ULP_EN  0            /*  Enable Clock Division to 8Mhz,4Mhz and 2Mhz */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKCON0KEY_DIVSYSCLK_ULP_EN 0x0000FFFF    /*  Enable Clock Division to 8Mhz,4Mhz and 2Mhz */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_SWRSTCON                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_SWRSTCON_SWRSTL           0            /*  Software Reset */
    #define BITM_AFECON_SWRSTCON_SWRSTL          0x0000FFFF    /*  Software Reset */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_TRIGSEQ                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG3             3            /*  Trigger Sequence 3 */
    #define BITP_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG2             2            /*  Trigger Sequence 2 */
    #define BITP_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG1             1            /*  Trigger Sequence 1 */
    #define BITP_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG0             0            /*  Trigger Sequence 0 */
    #define BITM_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG3            0x00000008    /*  Trigger Sequence 3 */
    #define BITM_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG2            0x00000004    /*  Trigger Sequence 2 */
    #define BITM_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG1            0x00000002    /*  Trigger Sequence 1 */
    #define BITM_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG0            0x00000001    /*  Trigger Sequence 0 */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTLD                     0x00000900            /*  AFEWDT Watchdog Timer Load Value */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTVALS                   0x00000904            /*  AFEWDT Current Count Value */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTCON                    0x00000908            /*  AFEWDT Watchdog Timer Control Register */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTCLRI                   0x0000090C            /*  AFEWDT Refresh Watchdog Register */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTSTA                    0x00000918            /*  AFEWDT Timer Status */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTMINLD                  0x0000091C            /*  AFEWDT Minimum Load Value */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AFEWDT Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTLD                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTLD_LOAD                0            /*  WDT Load Value */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTLD_LOAD               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  WDT Load Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTVALS                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTVALS_CCOUNT            0            /*  Current WDT Count Value. */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTVALS_CCOUNT           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Current WDT Count Value. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTCON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESERVED_15_11    11            /*  RESERVED */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_WDTIRQEN          10            /*  WDT Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_MINLOAD_EN         9            /*  Timer Window Control */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_CLKDIV2            8            /*  Clock Source */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESERVED1_7        7            /*  Reserved */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_MDE                6            /*  Timer Mode Select */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_EN                 5            /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_PRE                2            /*  Prescaler. */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_IRQ                1            /*  WDT Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_PDSTOP             0            /*  Power Down Stop Enable */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESERVED_15_11    (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000F800,0x0000F800U, uint16_t  ))    /*  RESERVED */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_WDTIRQEN          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000400,0x00000400U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDT Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_MINLOAD_EN        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000200,0x00000200U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Window Control */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_CLKDIV2           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000100,0x00000100U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clock Source */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESERVED1_7       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Reserved */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_MDE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Mode Select */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_EN                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_PRE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000000C,0x0000000CU, uint16_t  ))    /*  Prescaler. */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_IRQ               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDT Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_PDSTOP            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Power Down Stop Enable */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESET             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  IRQ: Watchdog Timer timeout creates a reset. */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_INTERRUPT         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  IRQ: Watchdog Timer  timeout creates an interrupt instead of reset. */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_CONTINUE          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PDSTOP: Continue Counting When In Hibernate */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_STOP              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PDSTOP: Stop Counter When In Hibernate. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTCLRI                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCLRI_CLRWDG            0            /*  Refresh Register */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCLRI_CLRWDG           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Refresh Register */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTSTA                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_RESERVED_15_7      7            /*  RESERVED */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_TMINLD             6            /*  WDTMINLD Write Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_OTPWRDONE          5            /*  Reset Type Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_LOCK               4            /*  Lock Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CON                3            /*  WDTCON Write Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_TLD                2            /*  WDTVAL Write Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CLRI               1            /*  WDTCLRI Write Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_IRQ                0            /*  WDT Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_RESERVED_15_7     (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FF80,0x0000FF80U, uint16_t  ))    /*  RESERVED */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_TMINLD            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDTMINLD Write Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_OTPWRDONE         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Reset Type Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_LOCK              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Lock Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CON               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDTCON Write Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_TLD               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDTVAL Write Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CLRI              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDTCLRI Write Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_IRQ               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDT Interrupt */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_OPEN              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  LOCK: Timer Operation Not Locked */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_LOCKED            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010U, uint16_t  ))    /*  LOCK: Timer Enabled and Locked */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_SYNC_COMPLETE     (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  TLD: Arm and AFE Watchdog Clock Domains WDTLD values match */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_SYNC_IN_PROGRESS  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004U, uint16_t  ))    /*  TLD: Synchronize In Progress */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CLEARED           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  IRQ: Watchdog Timer Interrupt Not Pending */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_PENDING           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  IRQ: Watchdog Timer Interrupt Pending */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTMINLD                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTMINLD_MIN_LOAD         0            /*  WDT Min Load Value */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTMINLD_MIN_LOAD        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  WDT Min Load Value */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            Wakeup Timer
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_CON_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CON  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_CON                       0x00000800            /*  WUPTMR Timer Control */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQORDER  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQORDER                  0x00000804            /*  WUPTMR Order Control */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL_RESET            0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0WUPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL                  0x00000808            /*  WUPTMR SEQ0 WTimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH_RESET            0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0WUPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH                  0x0000080C            /*  WUPTMR SEQ0 WTimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL_RESET          0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0SLEEPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL                0x00000810            /*  WUPTMR SEQ0 STimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH_RESET          0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0SLEEPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH                0x00000814            /*  WUPTMR SEQ0 STimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL_RESET            0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1WUPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL                  0x00000818            /*  WUPTMR SEQ1 WTimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH_RESET            0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1WUPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH                  0x0000081C            /*  WUPTMR SEQ1 WTimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL_RESET          0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1SLEEPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL                0x00000820            /*  WUPTMR SEQ1 STimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH_RESET          0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1SLEEPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH                0x00000824            /*  WUPTMR SEQ1 STimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL_RESET            0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2WUPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL                  0x00000828            /*  WUPTMR SEQ2 WTimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH_RESET            0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2WUPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH                  0x0000082C            /*  WUPTMR SEQ2 WTimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL_RESET          0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2SLEEPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL                0x00000830            /*  WUPTMR SEQ2 STimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH_RESET          0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2SLEEPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH                0x00000834            /*  WUPTMR SEQ2 STimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL_RESET            0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3WUPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL                  0x00000838            /*  WUPTMR SEQ3 WTimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH_RESET            0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3WUPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH                  0x0000083C            /*  WUPTMR SEQ3 WTimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL_RESET          0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3SLEEPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL                0x00000840            /*  WUPTMR SEQ3 STimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH_RESET          0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3SLEEPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH                0x00000844            /*  WUPTMR SEQ3 STimeH (MSB) */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            WUPTMR Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_CON                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_CON_MSKTRG                6            /*  Mark Sequence Trigger from Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_CON_CLKSEL                4            /*  Clock Selection */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQ                1            /*  End Sequence */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_CON_EN                    0            /*  Sleep Wake Timer Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_CON_MSKTRG               0x00000040    /*  Mark Sequence Trigger from Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_CON_CLKSEL               0x00000030    /*  Clock Selection */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQ               0x0000000E    /*  End Sequence */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_CON_EN                   0x00000001    /*  Sleep Wake Timer Enable Bit */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWT32K0              0x00000000            /*  CLKSEL: Internal 32kHz OSC */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWTEXT0              0x00000010            /*  CLKSEL: External Clock */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWT32K               0x00000020            /*  CLKSEL: Internal 32kHz OSC */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWTEXT               0x00000030            /*  CLKSEL: External Clock */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQA              0x00000000            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqA And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQB              0x00000002            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqB And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQC              0x00000004            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqC And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQD              0x00000006            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqD And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQE              0x00000008            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqE And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQF              0x0000000A            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqF And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQG              0x0000000C            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqG And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQH              0x0000000E            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqH And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWTEN                0x00000000            /*  EN: Enable Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWTDIS               0x00000001            /*  EN: Disable Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQORDER                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH            14            /*  SEQH Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG            12            /*  SEQG Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF            10            /*  SEQF Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE             8            /*  SEQE Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD             6            /*  SEQD Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC             4            /*  SEQC Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB             2            /*  SEQB Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA             0            /*  SEQA Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH            0x0000C000    /*  SEQH Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG            0x00003000    /*  SEQG Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF            0x00000C00    /*  SEQF Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE            0x00000300    /*  SEQE Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD            0x000000C0    /*  SEQD Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC            0x00000030    /*  SEQC Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB            0x0000000C    /*  SEQB Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA            0x00000003    /*  SEQA Config */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH0           0x00000000            /*  SEQH: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH1           0x00004000            /*  SEQH: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH2           0x00008000            /*  SEQH: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH3           0x0000C000            /*  SEQH: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG0           0x00000000            /*  SEQG: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG1           0x00001000            /*  SEQG: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG2           0x00002000            /*  SEQG: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG3           0x00003000            /*  SEQG: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF0           0x00000000            /*  SEQF: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF1           0x00000400            /*  SEQF: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF2           0x00000800            /*  SEQF: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF3           0x00000C00            /*  SEQF: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE0           0x00000000            /*  SEQE: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE1           0x00000100            /*  SEQE: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE2           0x00000200            /*  SEQE: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE3           0x00000300            /*  SEQE: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD0           0x00000000            /*  SEQD: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD1           0x00000040            /*  SEQD: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD2           0x00000080            /*  SEQD: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD3           0x000000C0            /*  SEQD: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC0           0x00000000            /*  SEQC: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC1           0x00000010            /*  SEQC: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC2           0x00000020            /*  SEQC: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC3           0x00000030            /*  SEQC: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB0           0x00000000            /*  SEQB: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB1           0x00000004            /*  SEQB: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB2           0x00000008            /*  SEQB: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB3           0x0000000C            /*  SEQB: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA0           0x00000000            /*  SEQA: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA1           0x00000001            /*  SEQA: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA2           0x00000002            /*  SEQA: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA3           0x00000003            /*  SEQA: Fill SEQ3 In */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL_WAKEUPTIME0      0            /*  Sequence 0 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL_WAKEUPTIME0     0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 0 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH_WAKEUPTIME0      0            /*  Sequence 0 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH_WAKEUPTIME0     0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 0 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME0     0            /*  Sequence 0 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME0    0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 0 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME0     0            /*  Sequence 0 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME0    0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 0 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL_WAKEUPTIME       0            /*  Sequence 1 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL_WAKEUPTIME      0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 1 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH_WAKEUPTIME       0            /*  Sequence 1 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH_WAKEUPTIME      0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 1 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME1     0            /*  Sequence 1 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME1    0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 1 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME1     0            /*  Sequence 1 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME1    0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 1 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL_WAKEUPTIME2      0            /*  Sequence 2 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL_WAKEUPTIME2     0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 2 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH_WAKEUPTIME2      0            /*  Sequence 2 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH_WAKEUPTIME2     0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 2 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME2     0            /*  Sequence 2 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME2    0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 2 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME2     0            /*  Sequence 2 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME2    0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 2 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL_WAKEUPTIME3      0            /*  Sequence 3 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL_WAKEUPTIME3     0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 3 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH_WAKEUPTIME3      0            /*  Sequence 3 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH_WAKEUPTIME3     0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 3 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME3     0            /*  Sequence 3 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME3    0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 3 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME3     0            /*  Sequence 3 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME3    0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 3 Active Period */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            Always On Register
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_ALLON_PWRMOD_RESET               0x00000001            /*      Reset Value for PWRMOD  */
    #define REG_ALLON_PWRMOD                     0x00000A00            /*  ALLON Power Modes */
    #define REG_ALLON_PWRKEY_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for PWRKEY  */
    #define REG_ALLON_PWRKEY                     0x00000A04            /*  ALLON Key Protection for PWRMOD */
    #define REG_ALLON_OSCKEY_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for OSCKEY  */
    #define REG_ALLON_OSCKEY                     0x00000A0C            /*  ALLON Key Protection for OSCCON */
    #define REG_ALLON_OSCCON_RESET               0x00000003            /*      Reset Value for OSCCON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_OSCCON                     0x00000A10            /*  ALLON Oscillator Control */
    #define REG_ALLON_TMRCON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TMRCON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_TMRCON                     0x00000A1C            /*  ALLON Timer Wakeup Configuration */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI0CON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for EI0CON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI0CON                     0x00000A20            /*  ALLON External Interrupt Configuration 0 */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI1CON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for EI1CON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI1CON                     0x00000A24            /*  ALLON External Interrupt Configuration 1 */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI2CON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for EI2CON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI2CON                     0x00000A28            /*  ALLON External Interrupt Configuration 2 */
    #define REG_ALLON_EICLR_RESET                0x0000C000            /*      Reset Value for EICLR  */
    #define REG_ALLON_EICLR                      0x00000A30            /*  ALLON External Interrupt Clear */
    #define REG_ALLON_RSTSTA_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for RSTSTA  */
    #define REG_ALLON_RSTSTA                     0x00000A40            /*  ALLON Reset Status */
    #define REG_ALLON_RSTCONKEY_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for RSTCONKEY  */
    #define REG_ALLON_RSTCONKEY                  0x00000A5C            /*  ALLON Key Protection for RSTCON Register */
    #define REG_ALLON_LOSCTST_RESET              0x0000008F            /*      Reset Value for LOSCTST  */
    #define REG_ALLON_LOSCTST                    0x00000A6C            /*  ALLON Internal LF Oscillator Test */
    #define REG_ALLON_CLKEN0_RESET               0x00000004            /*      Reset Value for CLKEN0  */
    #define REG_ALLON_CLKEN0                     0x00000A70            /*  ALLON 32KHz Peripheral Clock Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            ALLON Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_PWRMOD                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_RAMRETEN           15            /*  Retention for RAM */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_ADCRETEN           14            /*  Keep ADC Power Switch on in Hibernate */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_SEQSLPEN            3            /*  Auto Sleep by Sequencer Command */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_TMRSLPEN            2            /*  Auto Sleep by Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_PWRMOD              0            /*  Power Mode Control Bits */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_RAMRETEN           0x00008000    /*  Retention for RAM */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_ADCRETEN           0x00004000    /*  Keep ADC Power Switch on in Hibernate */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_SEQSLPEN           0x00000008    /*  Auto Sleep by Sequencer Command */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_TMRSLPEN           0x00000004    /*  Auto Sleep by Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_PWRMOD             0x00000003    /*  Power Mode Control Bits */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_PWRKEY                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRKEY_PWRKEY              0            /*  PWRMOD Key Register */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRKEY_PWRKEY             0x0000FFFF    /*  PWRMOD Key Register */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_OSCKEY                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCKEY_OSCKEY              0            /*  Oscillator Control Key Register. */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCKEY_OSCKEY             0x0000FFFF    /*  Oscillator Control Key Register. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_OSCCON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALOK           10            /*  Status of HFXTAL Oscillator */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK             9            /*  Status of HFOSC Oscillator */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCOK             8            /*  Status of LFOSC Oscillator */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALEN            2            /*  High Frequency Crystal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCEN             1            /*  High Frequency Internal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCEN             0            /*  Low Frequency Internal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALOK           0x00000400    /*  Status of HFXTAL Oscillator */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK            0x00000200    /*  Status of HFOSC Oscillator */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCOK            0x00000100    /*  Status of LFOSC Oscillator */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALEN           0x00000004    /*  High Frequency Crystal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCEN            0x00000002    /*  High Frequency Internal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCEN            0x00000001    /*  Low Frequency Internal Oscillator Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_TMRCON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_TMRCON_TMRINTEN            0            /*  Enable Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITM_ALLON_TMRCON_TMRINTEN           0x00000001    /*  Enable Wakeup Timer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_EI0CON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ3EN             15            /*  External Interrupt 3 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ3MDE            12            /*  External Interrupt 3 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ2EN             11            /*  External Interrupt 2 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ2MDE             8            /*  External Interrupt 2 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ1EN              7            /*  External Interrupt 1 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ1MDE             4            /*  External Interrupt 1 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ0EN              3            /*  External Interrupt 0 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ0MDE             0            /*  External Interrupt 0 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ3EN             0x00008000    /*  External Interrupt 3 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ3MDE            0x00007000    /*  External Interrupt 3 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ2EN             0x00000800    /*  External Interrupt 2 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ2MDE            0x00000700    /*  External Interrupt 2 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ1EN             0x00000080    /*  External Interrupt 1 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ1MDE            0x00000070    /*  External Interrupt 1 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ0EN             0x00000008    /*  External Interrupt 0 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ0MDE            0x00000007    /*  External Interrupt 0 Mode Registers */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_EI1CON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ7EN             15            /*  External Interrupt 7 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ7MDE            12            /*  External Interrupt 7 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ6EN             11            /*  External Interrupt 6 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ6MDE             8            /*  External Interrupt 6 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ5EN              7            /*  External Interrupt 5 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ5MDE             4            /*  External Interrupt 5 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ4EN              3            /*  External Interrupt 4 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ4MDE             0            /*  External Interrupt 4 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ7EN             0x00008000    /*  External Interrupt 7 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ7MDE            0x00007000    /*  External Interrupt 7 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ6EN             0x00000800    /*  External Interrupt 6 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ6MDE            0x00000700    /*  External Interrupt 6 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ5EN             0x00000080    /*  External Interrupt 5 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ5MDE            0x00000070    /*  External Interrupt 5 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ4EN             0x00000008    /*  External Interrupt 4 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ4MDE            0x00000007    /*  External Interrupt 4 Mode Registers */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_EI2CON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI2CON_BUSINTEN            3            /*  BUS Interrupt Detection Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI2CON_BUSINTMDE           0            /*  BUS Interrupt Detection Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI2CON_BUSINTEN           0x00000008    /*  BUS Interrupt Detection Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI2CON_BUSINTMDE          0x00000007    /*  BUS Interrupt Detection Mode Registers */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_EICLR                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EICLR_AUTCLRBUSEN         15            /*  Enable Auto Clear of Bus Interrupt */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EICLR_BUSINT               8            /*  BUS Interrupt */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EICLR_AUTCLRBUSEN         0x00008000    /*  Enable Auto Clear of Bus Interrupt */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EICLR_BUSINT              0x00000100    /*  BUS Interrupt */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_RSTSTA                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_PINSWRST            4            /*  Software Reset Pin */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_MMRSWRST            3            /*  MMR Software Reset */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_WDRST               2            /*  Watchdog Timeout */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_EXTRST              1            /*  External Reset */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_POR                 0            /*  Power-on Reset */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_PINSWRST           0x00000010    /*  Software Reset Pin */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_MMRSWRST           0x00000008    /*  MMR Software Reset */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_WDRST              0x00000004    /*  Watchdog Timeout */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_EXTRST             0x00000002    /*  External Reset */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_POR                0x00000001    /*  Power-on Reset */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_RSTCONKEY                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTCONKEY_KEY              0            /*  Reset Control Key Register */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTCONKEY_KEY             0x0000FFFF    /*  Reset Control Key Register */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_LOSCTST                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_LOSCTST_TRIM               0            /*  Trim Caps to Adjust Frequency. */
    #define BITM_ALLON_LOSCTST_TRIM              0x0000000F    /*  Trim Caps to Adjust Frequency. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_CLKEN0                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_CLKEN0_TIACHPDIS           2            /*  TIA Chop Clock Disable */
    #define BITP_ALLON_CLKEN0_SLPWUTDIS           1            /*  Sleep/Wakeup Timer Clock Disable */
    #define BITP_ALLON_CLKEN0_WDTDIS              0            /*  Watch Dog Timer Clock Disable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_CLKEN0_TIACHPDIS          0x00000004    /*  TIA Chop Clock Disable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_CLKEN0_SLPWUTDIS          0x00000002    /*  Sleep/Wakeup Timer Clock Disable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_CLKEN0_WDTDIS             0x00000001    /*  Watch Dog Timer Clock Disable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            General Purpose Timer
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AGPT0_LD0                        0x00000D00            /*  AGPT0 16-bit Load Value Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_VAL0                       0x00000D04            /*  AGPT0 16-Bit Timer Value Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_CON0                       0x00000D08            /*  AGPT0 Control Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_CLRI0                      0x00000D0C            /*  AGPT0 Clear Interrupt Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_CAP0                       0x00000D10            /*  AGPT0 Capture Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_ALD0                       0x00000D14            /*  AGPT0 16-Bit Load Value, Asynchronous. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_AVAL0                      0x00000D18            /*  AGPT0 16-Bit Timer Value, Asynchronous Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_STA0                       0x00000D1C            /*  AGPT0 Status Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_PWMCON0                    0x00000D20            /*  AGPT0 PWM Control Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_PWMMAT0                    0x00000D24            /*  AGPT0 PWM Match Value Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_INTEN                      0x00000D28            /*  AGPT0 Interrupt Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AGPT0 Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_LD0                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_LD0_LOAD                   0            /*  Load Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_LD0_LOAD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Load Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_VAL0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_VAL0_VAL                   0            /*  Current Count */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_VAL0_VAL                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Current Count */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_CON0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_SYNCBYP              15            /*  Synchronization Bypass */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_RSTEN                14            /*  Counter and Prescale Reset Enable */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_EVTEN                13            /*  Event Select */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_EVENT                 8            /*  Event Select Range */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_RLD                   7            /*  Reload Control */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_CLK                   5            /*  Clock Select */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_ENABLE                4            /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_MOD                   3            /*  Timer Mode */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_UP                    2            /*  Count up */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_PRE                   0            /*  Prescaler */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_SYNCBYP              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00008000,0x00008000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Synchronization Bypass */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_RSTEN                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00004000,0x00004000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Counter and Prescale Reset Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_EVTEN                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00002000,0x00002000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Event Select */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_EVENT                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001F00,0x00001F00U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Event Select Range */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_RLD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Reload Control */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_CLK                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000060,0x00000060U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clock Select */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_ENABLE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_MOD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Mode */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_UP                   (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Count up */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_PRE                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000003,0x00000003U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Prescaler */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_CLRI0                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CLRI0_CAP                  1            /*  Clear Captured Event Interrupt */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CLRI0_TMOUT                0            /*  Clear Timeout Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CLRI0_CAP                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Captured Event Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CLRI0_TMOUT               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Timeout Interrupt */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_CAP0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CAP0_CAP                   0            /*  16-bit Captured Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CAP0_CAP                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  16-bit Captured Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_ALD0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_ALD0_ALOAD                 0            /*  Load Value, Asynchronous */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_ALD0_ALOAD                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Load Value, Asynchronous */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_AVAL0                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_AVAL0_AVAL                 0            /*  Counter Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_AVAL0_AVAL                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Counter Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_STA0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_RSTCNT                8            /*  Counter Reset Occurring */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_PDOK                  7            /*  Clear Interrupt Register Synchronization */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_BUSY                  6            /*  Timer Busy */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_CAP                   1            /*  Capture Event Pending */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_TMOUT                 0            /*  Timeout Event Occurred */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_RSTCNT               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000100,0x00000100U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Counter Reset Occurring */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_PDOK                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Interrupt Register Synchronization */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_BUSY                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Busy */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_CAP                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Capture Event Pending */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_TMOUT                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timeout Event Occurred */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_PWMCON0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_PWMCON0_IDLE               1            /*  PWM Idle State */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_PWMCON0_MATCHEN            0            /*  PWM Match Enabled */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_PWMCON0_IDLE              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PWM Idle State */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_PWMCON0_MATCHEN           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PWM Match Enabled */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_PWMMAT0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_PWMMAT0_MATCHVAL           0            /*  PWM Match Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_PWMMAT0_MATCHVAL          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  PWM Match Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_INTEN                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_INTEN_INTEN                0            /*  Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_INTEN_INTEN               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Interrupt Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            General Purpose Timer
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AGPT1_LD1                        0x00000E00            /*  AGPT1 16-bit Load Value Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_VAL1                       0x00000E04            /*  AGPT1 16-bit Timer Value Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_CON1                       0x00000E08            /*  AGPT1 Control Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_CLRI1                      0x00000E0C            /*  AGPT1 Clear Interrupt Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_CAP1                       0x00000E10            /*  AGPT1 Capture Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_ALD1                       0x00000E14            /*  AGPT1 16-bit Load Value, Asynchronous Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_AVAL1                      0x00000E18            /*  AGPT1 16-bit Timer Value, Asynchronous Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_STA1                       0x00000E1C            /*  AGPT1 Status Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_PWMCON1                    0x00000E20            /*  AGPT1 PWM Control Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_PWMMAT1                    0x00000E24            /*  AGPT1 PWM Match Value Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_INTEN1                     0x00000E28            /*  AGPT1 Interrupt Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AGPT1 Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_LD1                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_LD1_LOAD                   0            /*  Load Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_LD1_LOAD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Load Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_VAL1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_VAL1_VAL                   0            /*  Current Count */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_VAL1_VAL                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Current Count */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_CON1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_SYNCBYP              15            /*  Synchronization Bypass */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_RSTEN                14            /*  Counter and Prescale Reset Enable */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_EVENTEN              13            /*  Event Select */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_EVENT                 8            /*  Event Select Range */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_RLD                   7            /*  Reload Control */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_CLK                   5            /*  Clock Select */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_ENABLE                4            /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_MOD                   3            /*  Timer Mode */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_UP                    2            /*  Count up */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_PRE                   0            /*  Prescaler */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_SYNCBYP              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00008000,0x00008000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Synchronization Bypass */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_RSTEN                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00004000,0x00004000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Counter and Prescale Reset Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_EVENTEN              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00002000,0x00002000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Event Select */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_EVENT                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001F00,0x00001F00U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Event Select Range */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_RLD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Reload Control */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_CLK                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000060,0x00000060U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clock Select */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_ENABLE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_MOD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Mode */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_UP                   (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Count up */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_PRE                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000003,0x00000003U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Prescaler */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_CLRI1                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CLRI1_CAP                  1            /*  Clear Captured Event Interrupt */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CLRI1_TMOUT                0            /*  Clear Timeout Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CLRI1_CAP                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Captured Event Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CLRI1_TMOUT               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Timeout Interrupt */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_CAP1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CAP1_CAP                   0            /*  16-bit Captured Value. */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CAP1_CAP                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  16-bit Captured Value. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_ALD1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_ALD1_ALOAD                 0            /*  Load Value, Asynchronous */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_ALD1_ALOAD                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Load Value, Asynchronous */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_AVAL1                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_AVAL1_AVAL                 0            /*  Counter Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_AVAL1_AVAL                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Counter Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_STA1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_RSTCNT                8            /*  Counter Reset Occurring */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_PDOK                  7            /*  Clear Interrupt Register Synchronization */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_BUSY                  6            /*  Timer Busy */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_CAP                   1            /*  Capture Event Pending */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_TMOUT                 0            /*  Timeout Event Occurred */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_RSTCNT               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000100,0x00000100U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Counter Reset Occurring */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_PDOK                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Interrupt Register Synchronization */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_BUSY                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Busy */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_CAP                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Capture Event Pending */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_TMOUT                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timeout Event Occurred */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_PWMCON1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_PWMCON1_IDLE               1            /*  PWM Idle State. */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_PWMCON1_MATCHEN            0            /*  PWM Match Enabled. */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_PWMCON1_IDLE              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PWM Idle State. */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_PWMCON1_MATCHEN           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PWM Match Enabled. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_PWMMAT1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_PWMMAT1_MATCHVAL           0            /*  PWM Match Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_PWMMAT1_MATCHVAL          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  PWM Match Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_INTEN1                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_INTEN1_INTEN               0            /*  Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_INTEN1_INTEN              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Interrupt Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            CRC Accelerator
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AFECRC_CTL                       0x00001000            /*  AFECRC CRC Control Register */
    #define REG_AFECRC_IPDATA                    0x00001004            /*  AFECRC Data Input. */
    #define REG_AFECRC_RESULT                    0x00001008            /*  AFECRC CRC Residue */
    #define REG_AFECRC_POLY                      0x0000100C            /*  AFECRC CRC Reduction Polynomial */
    #define REG_AFECRC_IPBITS                    0x00001010            /*  AFECRC Input Data Bits */
    #define REG_AFECRC_IPBYTE                    0x00001014            /*  AFECRC Input Data Byte */
    #define REG_AFECRC_CRC_SIG_COMP              0x00001020            /*  AFECRC CRC Signature Compare Data Input. */
    #define REG_AFECRC_CRCINTEN                  0x00001024            /*  AFECRC CRC Error Interrupt Enable Bit */
    #define REG_AFECRC_INTSTA                    0x00001028            /*  AFECRC CRC Error Interrupt Status Bit */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AFECRC Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_CTL                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_REVID                28            /*  Revision ID */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_MON_EN                9            /*  Enable Apb32/Apb16 to Get Address/Data for CRC Calculation */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_W16SWP                4            /*  Word16 Swap Enabled. */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_BYTMIRR               3            /*  Byte Mirroring. */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_BITMIRR               2            /*  Bit Mirroring. */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_LSBFIRST              1            /*  LSB First Calculation Order */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_EN                    0            /*  CRC Peripheral Enable */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_REVID                (_ADI_MSK_3(0xF0000000,0xF0000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Revision ID */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_MON_EN               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000200,0x00000200UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Enable Apb32/Apb16 to Get Address/Data for CRC Calculation */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_W16SWP               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Word16 Swap Enabled. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_BYTMIRR              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Byte Mirroring. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_BITMIRR              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Bit Mirroring. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_LSBFIRST             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  LSB First Calculation Order */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_EN                   (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Peripheral Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_IPDATA                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_IPDATA_VALUE              0            /*  Data Input. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_IPDATA_VALUE             (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, int32_t   ))    /*  Data Input. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_RESULT                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_RESULT_VALUE              0            /*  CRC Residue */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_RESULT_VALUE             (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, int32_t   ))    /*  CRC Residue */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_POLY                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_POLY_VALUE                0            /*  CRC Reduction Polynomial */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_POLY_VALUE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Reduction Polynomial */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_IPBITS                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_IPBITS_DATA_BITS          0            /*  Input Data Bits. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_IPBITS_DATA_BITS         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000FF,0x000000FFU, uint8_t   ))    /*  Input Data Bits. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_IPBYTE                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_IPBYTE_DATA_BYTE          0            /*  Input Data Byte. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_IPBYTE_DATA_BYTE         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000FF,0x000000FFU, uint8_t   ))    /*  Input Data Byte. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_CRC_SIG_COMP                  Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CRC_SIG_COMP_CRC_SIG      0            /*  CRC Signature Compare Data Input. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CRC_SIG_COMP_CRC_SIG     (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Signature Compare Data Input. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_CRCINTEN                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CRCINTEN_RESERVED_31_1    1            /*  Reserved */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CRCINTEN_CRC_ERR_EN       0            /*  CRC Error Interrupt Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CRCINTEN_RESERVED_31_1   (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFE,0xFFFFFFFEUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Reserved */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CRCINTEN_CRC_ERR_EN      (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Error Interrupt Enable Bit */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_INTSTA                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_INTSTA_CRC_ERR_ST         0            /*  CRC Error Interrupt Status Bit */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_INTSTA_CRC_ERR_ST        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Error Interrupt Status Bit */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AFE_AFECON_RESET                 0x00080000            /*      Reset Value for AFECON  */
    #define REG_AFE_AFECON                       0x00002000            /*  AFE AFE Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCON_RESET                 0x00000002            /*      Reset Value for SEQCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCON                       0x00002004            /*  AFE Sequencer Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_FIFOCON_RESET                0x00001010            /*      Reset Value for FIFOCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_FIFOCON                      0x00002008            /*  AFE FIFOs Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_SWCON_RESET                  0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SWCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_SWCON                        0x0000200C            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_HSDACCON_RESET               0x0000001E            /*      Reset Value for HSDACCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_HSDACCON                     0x00002010            /*  AFE High Speed DAC Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_WGCON_RESET                  0x00000030            /*      Reset Value for WGCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGCON                        0x00002014            /*  AFE Waveform Generator Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGDCLEVEL1  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1                   0x00002018            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid DC Level 1 */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGDCLEVEL2  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2                   0x0000201C            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid DC Level 2 */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDELAY1_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGDELAY1  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDELAY1                     0x00002020            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid Delay 1 Time */
    #define REG_AFE_WGSLOPE1_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGSLOPE1  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGSLOPE1                     0x00002024            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid Slope 1 Time */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDELAY2_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGDELAY2  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDELAY2                     0x00002028            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid Delay 2 Time */
    #define REG_AFE_WGSLOPE2_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGSLOPE2  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGSLOPE2                     0x0000202C            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid Slope 2 Time */
    #define REG_AFE_WGFCW_RESET                  0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGFCW  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGFCW                        0x00002030            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Sinusoid Frequency Control Word */
    #define REG_AFE_WGPHASE_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGPHASE  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGPHASE                      0x00002034            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Sinusoid Phase Offset */
    #define REG_AFE_WGOFFSET_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGOFFSET  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGOFFSET                     0x00002038            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Sinusoid Offset */
    #define REG_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGAMPLITUDE  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE                  0x0000203C            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Sinusoid Amplitude */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_RESET           0x00000301            /*      Reset Value for ADCFILTERCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON                 0x00002044            /*  AFE ADC Output Filters Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_HSDACDAT_RESET               0x00000800            /*      Reset Value for HSDACDAT  */
    #define REG_AFE_HSDACDAT                     0x00002048            /*  AFE HS DAC Code */
    #define REG_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPREFBUFCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPREFBUFCON                  0x00002050            /*  AFE LPREF_BUF_CON */
    #define REG_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE_RESET          0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SYNCEXTDEVICE  */
    #define REG_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE                0x00002054            /*  AFE SYNC External Devices */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCRC_RESET                 0x00000001            /*      Reset Value for SEQCRC  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCRC                       0x00002060            /*  AFE Sequencer CRC Value */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCNT_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQCNT  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCNT                       0x00002064            /*  AFE Sequencer Command Count */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQTIMEOUT  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT                   0x00002068            /*  AFE Sequencer Timeout Counter */
    #define REG_AFE_DATAFIFORD_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DATAFIFORD  */
    #define REG_AFE_DATAFIFORD                   0x0000206C            /*  AFE Data FIFO Read */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CMDFIFOWRITE  */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE                 0x00002070            /*  AFE Command FIFO Write */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCDAT_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCDAT  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCDAT                       0x00002074            /*  AFE ADC Raw Result */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTREAL_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DFTREAL  */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTREAL                      0x00002078            /*  AFE DFT Result, Real Part */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTIMAG_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DFTIMAG  */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTIMAG                      0x0000207C            /*  AFE DFT Result, Imaginary Part */
    #define REG_AFE_SINC2DAT_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SINC2DAT  */
    #define REG_AFE_SINC2DAT                     0x00002080            /*  AFE Supply Rejection Filter Result */
    #define REG_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TEMPSENSDAT  */
    #define REG_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT                  0x00002084            /*  AFE Temperature Sensor Result */
    #define REG_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for AFEGENINTSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA                 0x0000209C            /*  AFE Analog Generation Interrupt */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMIN_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCMIN  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMIN                       0x000020A8            /*  AFE ADC Minimum Value Check */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMINSM_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCMINSM  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMINSM                     0x000020AC            /*  AFE ADCMIN Hysteresis Value */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMAX_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCMAX  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMAX                       0x000020B0            /*  AFE ADC Maximum Value Check */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCMAXSMEN  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN                   0x000020B4            /*  AFE ADCMAX Hysteresis Value */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCDELTA_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCDELTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCDELTA                     0x000020B8            /*  AFE ADC Delta Value */
    #define REG_AFE_HPOSCCON_RESET               0x00000024            /*      Reset Value for HPOSCCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_HPOSCCON                     0x000020BC            /*  AFE HPOSC Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTCON_RESET                 0x00000090            /*      Reset Value for DFTCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTCON                       0x000020D0            /*  AFE AFE DSP Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIASW1                     0x000020E0            /*  AFE ULPTIA Switch Configuration for Channel 1 */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIASW0_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPTIASW0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIACON1                    0x000020E8            /*  AFE ULPTIA Control Bits Channel 1 */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIASW0                     0x000020E4            /*  AFE ULPTIA Switch Configuration for Channel 0 */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIACON0_RESET              0x00000003            /*      Reset Value for LPTIACON0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIACON0                    0x000020EC            /*  AFE ULPTIA Control Bits Channel 0 */
    #define REG_AFE_HSRTIACON_RESET              0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for HSRTIACON  */
    #define REG_AFE_HSRTIACON                    0x000020F0            /*  AFE High Power RTIA Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_DE1RESCON                    0x000020F4            /*  AFE DE1 HSTIA Resistors Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_DE0RESCON_RESET              0x000000FF            /*      Reset Value for DE0RESCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_DE0RESCON                    0x000020F8            /*  AFE DE0 HSTIA Resistors Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_HSTIACON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for HSTIACON  */
    #define REG_AFE_HSTIACON                     0x000020FC            /*  AFE HSTIA Amplifier Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODEKEY_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPMODEKEY  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODEKEY                   0x0000210C            /*  AFE LP Mode AFE Control Lock */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL_RESET          0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPMODECLKSEL  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL                0x00002110            /*  AFE LFSYSCLKEN */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODECON_RESET             0x00000102            /*      Reset Value for LPMODECON  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODECON                   0x00002114            /*  AFE LPMODECON */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQSLPLOCK  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK                   0x00002118            /*  AFE Sequencer Sleep Control Lock */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQTRGSLP_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQTRGSLP  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQTRGSLP                    0x0000211C            /*  AFE Sequencer Trigger Sleep */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPDACDAT0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0                    0x00002120            /*  AFE LPDAC Data-out */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACSW0_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPDACSW0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACSW0                     0x00002124            /*  AFE LPDAC0 Switch Control */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACCON0_RESET              0x00000002            /*      Reset Value for LPDACCON0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACCON0                    0x00002128            /*  AFE LPDAC Control Bits */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACDAT1                    0x0000212C            /*  AFE Low Power DAC1 data register */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACSW1                     0x00002130            /*  AFE Control register for switches to LPDAC1 */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACCON1                    0x00002134            /*  AFE ULP_DACCON1 */
    #define REG_AFE_DSWFULLCON_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DSWFULLCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_DSWFULLCON                   0x00002150            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Full Configuration (D) */
    #define REG_AFE_NSWFULLCON_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for NSWFULLCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_NSWFULLCON                   0x00002154            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Full Configuration (N) */
    #define REG_AFE_PSWFULLCON_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for PSWFULLCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_PSWFULLCON                   0x00002158            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Full Configuration (P) */
    #define REG_AFE_TSWFULLCON_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TSWFULLCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_TSWFULLCON                   0x0000215C            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Full Configuration (T) */
    #define REG_AFE_TEMPSENS_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TEMPSENS  */
    #define REG_AFE_TEMPSENS                     0x00002174            /*  AFE Temp Sensor Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_BUFSENCON_RESET              0x00000037            /*      Reset Value for BUFSENCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_BUFSENCON                    0x00002180            /*  AFE HP and LP Buffer Control */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCCON_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCCON                       0x000021A8            /*  AFE ADC Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_DSWSTA_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DSWSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_DSWSTA                       0x000021B0            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Status (D) */
    #define REG_AFE_PSWSTA_RESET                 0x00006000            /*      Reset Value for PSWSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_PSWSTA                       0x000021B4            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Status (P) */
    #define REG_AFE_NSWSTA_RESET                 0x00000C00            /*      Reset Value for NSWSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_NSWSTA                       0x000021B8            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Status (N) */
    #define REG_AFE_TSWSTA_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TSWSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_TSWSTA                       0x000021BC            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Status (T) */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSVAR_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for STATSVAR  */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSVAR                     0x000021C0            /*  AFE Variance Output */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSCON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for STATSCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSCON                     0x000021C4            /*  AFE Statistics Control */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSMEAN_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for STATSMEAN  */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSMEAN                    0x000021C8            /*  AFE Statistics Mean Output */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ0INFO_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0INFO  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ0INFO                     0x000021CC            /*  AFE Sequence 0 Info */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ2INFO_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2INFO  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ2INFO                     0x000021D0            /*  AFE Sequence 2 Info */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWADDR_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CMDFIFOWADDR  */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWADDR                 0x000021D4            /*  AFE Command FIFO Write Address */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDDATACON_RESET             0x00000410            /*      Reset Value for CMDDATACON  */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDDATACON                   0x000021D8            /*  AFE Command Data Control */
    #define REG_AFE_DATAFIFOTHRES_RESET          0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DATAFIFOTHRES  */
    #define REG_AFE_DATAFIFOTHRES                0x000021E0            /*  AFE Data FIFO Threshold */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ3INFO_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3INFO  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ3INFO                     0x000021E4            /*  AFE Sequence 3 Info */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ1INFO_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1INFO  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ1INFO                     0x000021E8            /*  AFE Sequence 1 Info */
    #define REG_AFE_REPEATADCCNV_RESET           0x00000160            /*      Reset Value for REPEATADCCNV  */
    #define REG_AFE_REPEATADCCNV                 0x000021F0            /*  AFE REPEAT ADC Conversions */
    #define REG_AFE_FIFOCNTSTA_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for FIFOCNTSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_FIFOCNTSTA                   0x00002200            /*  AFE CMD and DATA FIFO INTERNAL DATA COUNT */
    #define REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CALDATLOCK  */
    #define REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK                   0x00002230            /*  AFE Calibration Data Lock */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETHSTIA_RESET         0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETHSTIA  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETHSTIA               0x00002234            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration High Speed TIA Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINTEMPSENS0_RESET       0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINTEMPSENS0  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINTEMPSENS0             0x00002238            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Temp Sensor Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETTEMPSENS0_RESET     0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETTEMPSENS0  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETTEMPSENS0           0x0000223C            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration Temp Sensor Channel 0 */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN1_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN1  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN1                   0x00002240            /*  AFE ADCPGAGN1: ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN1  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1                 0x00002244            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain=1) */
    #define REG_AFE_DACGAIN_RESET                0x00000800            /*      Reset Value for DACGAIN  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACGAIN                      0x00002260            /*  AFE DACGAIN */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETATTEN_RESET         0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DACOFFSETATTEN  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETATTEN               0x00002264            /*  AFE DAC Offset with Attenuator Enabled (LP Mode) */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSET_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DACOFFSET  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSET                    0x00002268            /*  AFE DAC Offset with Attenuator Disabled (LP Mode) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN1P5_RESET           0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN1P5  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN1P5                 0x00002270            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel (PGA Gain=1.5) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN2_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN2  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN2                   0x00002274            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel (PGA Gain=2) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN4_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN4  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN4                   0x00002278            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel (PGA Gain=4) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCPGAOFFSETCANCEL_RESET     0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCPGAOFFSETCANCEL  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCPGAOFFSETCANCEL           0x00002280            /*  AFE ADC Offset Cancellation (Optional) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNHSTIA_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGNHSTIA  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNHSTIA                   0x00002284            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration for HS TIA Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0_RESET        0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETLPTIA0  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0              0x00002288            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration ULP-TIA0 Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA0_RESET            0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGNLPTIA0  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA0                  0x0000228C            /*  AFE ADC GAIN Calibration for LP TIA0 Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCPGAGN4OFCAL_RESET         0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCPGAGN4OFCAL  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCPGAGN4OFCAL               0x00002294            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration with DC Cancellation(PGA G=4) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN9_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN9  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN9                   0x00002298            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel (PGA Gain=9) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETEMPSENS1_RESET      0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETEMPSENS1  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETEMPSENS1            0x000022A8            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration  Temp Sensor Channel 1 */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINDIOTEMPSENS_RESET     0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINDIOTEMPSENS  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINDIOTEMPSENS           0x000022AC            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Diode Temperature Sensor Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETATTENHP_RESET       0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DACOFFSETATTENHP  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETATTENHP             0x000022B8            /*  AFE DAC Offset with Attenuator Enabled (HP Mode) */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETHP_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DACOFFSETHP  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETHP                  0x000022BC            /*  AFE DAC Offset with Attenuator Disabled (HP Mode) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA1_RESET            0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGNLPTIA1  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA1              0x000022C0            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration ULP-TIA0 Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA1                  0x000022C4            /*  AFE ADC GAIN Calibration for LP TIA1 Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN2_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN2  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN2                 0x000022C8            /*  AFE Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =2) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1P5_RESET         0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN1P5  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1P5               0x000022CC            /*  AFE Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =1.5) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN9_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN9  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN9                 0x000022D0            /*  AFE Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =9) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN4_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN4  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN4                 0x000022D4            /*  AFE Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =4) */
    #define REG_AFE_PMBW_RESET                   0x00088800            /*      Reset Value for PMBW  */
    #define REG_AFE_PMBW                         0x000022F0            /*  AFE Power Mode Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_SWMUX_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SWMUX  */
    #define REG_AFE_SWMUX                       0x0000235C            /*  AFE Switch Mux for ECG */
    #define REG_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO_RESET        0x00020000            /*      Reset Value for AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO  */
    #define REG_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO              0x00002374            /*  AFE AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCBUFCON_RESET              0x005F3D00            /*      Reset Value for ADCBUFCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCBUFCON                    0x0000238C            /*  AFE Configure ADC Input Buffer */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AFE Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_AFECON                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_DACBUFEN             21            /*  Enable DC DAC Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_DACREFEN             20            /*  High Speed DAC Reference Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_ALDOILIMITEN         19            /*  Analog LDO Current Limiting Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_SINC2EN              16            /*  ADC Output 50/60Hz Filter Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_DFTEN                15            /*  DFT Hardware Accelerator Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_WAVEGENEN            14            /*  Waveform Generator Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_TEMPCONVEN           13            /*  ADC Temp Sensor Convert Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_TEMPSENSEN           12            /*  ADC Temperature Sensor Channel Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_TIAEN                11            /*  High Power TIA Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_INAMPEN              10            /*  Enable Excitation Amplifier */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_EXBUFEN               9            /*  Enable Excitation Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_ADCCONVEN             8            /*  ADC Conversion Start Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_ADCEN                 7            /*  ADC Power Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_DACEN                 6            /*  High Power DAC Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS              5            /*  Disable High Power Reference */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_DACBUFEN             0x00200000    /*  Enable DC DAC Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_DACREFEN             0x00100000    /*  High Speed DAC Reference Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_ALDOILIMITEN         0x00080000    /*  Analog LDO Current Limiting Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_SINC2EN              0x00010000    /*  ADC Output 50/60Hz Filter Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_DFTEN                0x00008000    /*  DFT Hardware Accelerator Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_WAVEGENEN            0x00004000    /*  Waveform Generator Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_TEMPCONVEN           0x00002000    /*  ADC Temp Sensor Convert Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_TEMPSENSEN           0x00001000    /*  ADC Temperature Sensor Channel Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_TIAEN                0x00000800    /*  High Power TIA Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_INAMPEN              0x00000400    /*  Enable Excitation Amplifier */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_EXBUFEN              0x00000200    /*  Enable Excitation Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCCONVEN            0x00000100    /*  ADC Conversion Start Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCEN                0x00000080    /*  ADC Power Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_DACEN                0x00000040    /*  High Power DAC Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS             0x00000020    /*  Disable High Power Reference */
    #define ENUM_AFE_AFECON_OFF                  0x00000000            /*  DACEN: High Power DAC Disabled */
    #define ENUM_AFE_AFECON_ON                   0x00000040            /*  DACEN: High Power DAC Enabled */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQCON                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQWRTMR              8            /*  Timer for Sequencer Write Commands */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQHALT               4            /*  Halt Seq */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQHALTFIFOEMPTY      1            /*  Halt Sequencer If Empty */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN                 0            /*  Enable Sequencer */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQWRTMR             0x0000FF00    /*  Timer for Sequencer Write Commands */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQHALT              0x00000010    /*  Halt Seq */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQHALTFIFOEMPTY     0x00000002    /*  Halt Sequencer If Empty */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN                0x00000001    /*  Enable Sequencer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_FIFOCON                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOSRCSEL      13            /*  Selects the Source for the Data FIFO. */
    #define BITP_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOEN          11            /*  Data FIFO Enable. */
    #define BITM_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOSRCSEL      0x0000E000    /*  Selects the Source for the Data FIFO. */
    #define BITM_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOEN          0x00000800    /*  Data FIFO Enable. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SWCON                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_T11CON                19            /*  Control of T[11] */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_T10CON                18            /*  Control of T[10] */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_T9CON                 17            /*  Control of T[9] */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_SWSOURCESEL           16            /*  Switch Control Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_TMUXCON               12            /*  Control of T Switch MUX. */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_NMUXCON                8            /*  Control of N Switch MUX */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_PMUXCON                4            /*  Control of P Switch MUX */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_DMUXCON                0            /*  Control of D Switch MUX */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_T11CON                0x00080000    /*  Control of T[11] */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_T10CON                0x00040000    /*  Control of T[10] */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_T9CON                 0x00020000    /*  Control of T[9] */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_SWSOURCESEL           0x00010000    /*  Switch Control Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_TMUXCON               0x0000F000    /*  Control of T Switch MUX. */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_NMUXCON               0x00000F00    /*  Control of N Switch MUX */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_PMUXCON               0x000000F0    /*  Control of P Switch MUX */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_DMUXCON               0x0000000F    /*  Control of D Switch MUX */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HSDACCON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSDACCON_INAMPGNMDE         12            /*  Excitation Amplifier Gain Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSDACCON_RATE                1            /*  DAC Update Rate */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSDACCON_ATTENEN             0            /*  PGA Stage Gain Attenuation */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_INAMPGNMDE         0x00001000    /*  Excitation Amplifier Gain Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_RATE               0x000001FE    /*  DAC Update Rate */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_ATTENEN            0x00000001    /*  PGA Stage Gain Attenuation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGCON                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGCON_DACGAINCAL             5            /*  Bypass DAC Gain */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGCON_DACOFFSETCAL           4            /*  Bypass DAC Offset */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGCON_TYPESEL                1            /*  Selects the Type of Waveform */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGCON_TRAPRSTEN              0            /*  Resets the Trapezoid Waveform Generator */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGCON_DACGAINCAL            0x00000020    /*  Bypass DAC Gain */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGCON_DACOFFSETCAL          0x00000010    /*  Bypass DAC Offset */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGCON_TYPESEL               0x00000006    /*  Selects the Type of Waveform */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGCON_TRAPRSTEN             0x00000001    /*  Resets the Trapezoid Waveform Generator */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGDCLEVEL1                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1_TRAPDCLEVEL1      0            /*  DC Level 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1_TRAPDCLEVEL1     0x00000FFF    /*  DC Level 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGDCLEVEL2                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2_TRAPDCLEVEL2      0            /*  DC Level 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2_TRAPDCLEVEL2     0x00000FFF    /*  DC Level 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGDELAY1                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGDELAY1_DELAY1              0            /*  Delay 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGDELAY1_DELAY1             0x000FFFFF    /*  Delay 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGSLOPE1                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGSLOPE1_SLOPE1              0            /*  Slope 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGSLOPE1_SLOPE1             0x000FFFFF    /*  Slope 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGDELAY2                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGDELAY2_DELAY2              0            /*  Delay 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGDELAY2_DELAY2             0x000FFFFF    /*  Delay 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGSLOPE2                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGSLOPE2_SLOPE2              0            /*  Slope 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation. */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGSLOPE2_SLOPE2             0x000FFFFF    /*  Slope 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGFCW                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGFCW_SINEFCW                0            /*  Sinusoid Generator Frequency Control Word */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGFCW_SINEFCW               0x00FFFFFF    /*  Sinusoid Generator Frequency Control Word */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGPHASE                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGPHASE_SINEOFFSET           0            /*  Sinusoid Phase Offset */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGPHASE_SINEOFFSET          0x000FFFFF    /*  Sinusoid Phase Offset */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGOFFSET                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGOFFSET_SINEOFFSET          0            /*  Sinusoid Offset */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGOFFSET_SINEOFFSET         0x00000FFF    /*  Sinusoid Offset */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGAMPLITUDE                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE_SINEAMPLITUDE    0            /*  Sinusoid Amplitude */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE_SINEAMPLITUDE   0x000007FF    /*  Sinusoid Amplitude */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCFILTERCON                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGNUM        14            /*  Number of Samples Averaged */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3OSR       12            /*  SINC3 OSR */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC2OSR        8            /*  SINC2 OSR */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN          7            /*  Average Function Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3BYP        6            /*  SINC3 Filter Bypass */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_LPFBYPEN        4            /*  50/60Hz Low Pass Filter */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_ADCCLK          0            /*  ADC Data Rate */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGNUM        0x0000C000    /*  Number of Samples Averaged */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3OSR       0x00003000    /*  SINC3 OSR */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC2OSR       0x00000F00    /*  SINC2 OSR */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN         0x00000080    /*  Average Function Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3BYP       0x00000040    /*  SINC3 Filter Bypass */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_LPFBYPEN       0x00000010    /*  50/60Hz Low Pass Filter */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_ADCCLK         0x00000001    /*  ADC Data Rate */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HSDACDAT                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSDACDAT_DACDAT              0            /*  DAC Code */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSDACDAT_DACDAT             0x00000FFF    /*  DAC Code */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPREFBUFCON                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_BOOSTCURRENT     2            /*  Set: Drive 2 Dac ;Unset Drive 1 Dac, and Save Power */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_LPBUF2P5DIS      1            /*  Low Power Bandgap's Output Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_LPREFDIS         0            /*  Set This Bit Will Power Down Low Power Bandgap */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_BOOSTCURRENT    0x00000004    /*  Set: Drive 2 Dac ;Unset Drive 1 Dac, and Save Power */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_LPBUF2P5DIS     0x00000002    /*  Low Power Bandgap's Output Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_LPREFDIS        0x00000001    /*  Set This Bit Will Power Down Low Power Bandgap */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE_SYNC           0            /*  As Output Data of GPIO */
    #define BITM_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE_SYNC          0x000000FF    /*  As Output Data of GPIO */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQCRC                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCRC_CRC                   0            /*  Sequencer Command CRC Value. */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCRC_CRC                  0x000000FF    /*  Sequencer Command CRC Value. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQCNT                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCNT_COUNT                 0            /*  Sequencer Command Count */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCNT_COUNT                0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequencer Command Count */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQTIMEOUT                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT_TIMEOUT           0            /*  Current Value of the Sequencer Timeout Counter. */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT_TIMEOUT          0x3FFFFFFF    /*  Current Value of the Sequencer Timeout Counter. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DATAFIFORD                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DATAFIFORD_DATAFIFOOUT       0            /*  Data FIFO Read */
    #define BITM_AFE_DATAFIFORD_DATAFIFOOUT      0x0000FFFF    /*  Data FIFO Read */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE_CMDFIFOIN       0            /*  Command FIFO Write. */
    #define BITM_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE_CMDFIFOIN      0xFFFFFFFF    /*  Command FIFO Write. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCDAT                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCDAT_DATA                  0            /*  ADC Result */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCDAT_DATA                 0x0000FFFF    /*  ADC Result */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DFTREAL                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTREAL_DATA                 0            /*  DFT Real */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTREAL_DATA                0x0003FFFF    /*  DFT Real */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DFTIMAG                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTIMAG_DATA                 0            /*  DFT Imaginary */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTIMAG_DATA                0x0003FFFF    /*  DFT Imaginary */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SINC2DAT                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SINC2DAT_DATA                0            /*  LPF Result */
    #define BITM_AFE_SINC2DAT_DATA               0x0000FFFF    /*  LPF Result */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_TEMPSENSDAT                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT_DATA             0            /*  Temp Sensor */
    #define BITM_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT_DATA            0x0000FFFF    /*  Temp Sensor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_AFEGENINTSTA                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ3      3            /*  Custom IRQ 3. */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ2      2            /*  Custom IRQ 2 */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ1      1            /*  Custom IRQ 1. */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ0      0            /*  Custom IRQ 0 */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ3     0x00000008    /*  Custom IRQ 3. */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ2     0x00000004    /*  Custom IRQ 2 */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ1     0x00000002    /*  Custom IRQ 1. */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ0     0x00000001    /*  Custom IRQ 0 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCMIN                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCMIN_MINVAL                0            /*  ADC Minimum Value Threshold */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCMIN_MINVAL               0x0000FFFF    /*  ADC Minimum Value Threshold */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCMINSM                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCMINSM_MINCLRVAL           0            /*  ADCMIN Hysteresis Value */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCMINSM_MINCLRVAL          0x0000FFFF    /*  ADCMIN Hysteresis Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCMAX                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCMAX_MAXVAL                0            /*  ADC Max Threshold */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCMAX_MAXVAL               0x0000FFFF    /*  ADC Max Threshold */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCMAXSMEN                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN_MAXSWEN           0            /*  ADCMAX Hysteresis Value */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN_MAXSWEN          0x0000FFFF    /*  ADCMAX Hysteresis Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCDELTA                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCDELTA_DELTAVAL            0            /*  ADCDAT Code Differences Limit Option */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCDELTA_DELTAVAL           0x0000FFFF    /*  ADCDAT Code Differences Limit Option */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HPOSCCON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HPOSCCON_CLK32MHZEN          2            /*  16M/32M Output Selector Signal. */
    #define BITM_AFE_HPOSCCON_CLK32MHZEN         0x00000004    /*  16M/32M Output Selector Signal. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DFTCON                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTCON_DFTINSEL             20            /*  DFT Input Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTCON_DFTNUM                4            /*  ADC Samples Used */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTCON_HANNINGEN             0            /*  Hanning Window Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTCON_DFTINSEL             0x00300000    /*  DFT Input Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTCON_DFTNUM               0x000000F0    /*  ADC Samples Used */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTCON_HANNINGEN            0x00000001    /*  Hanning Window Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPTIASW1                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW1_TIABIASSEL         13            /*  TIA SW13 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW1_PABIASSEL          12            /*  TIA SW12 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW1_TIASWCON            0            /*  TIA SW[11:0] Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW1_TIABIASSEL         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00002000,0x00002000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIA SW13 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW1_PABIASSEL          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001000,0x00001000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIA SW12 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW1_TIASWCON           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000FFF,0x00000FFFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIA SW[11:0] Control */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_CAPA_LP            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000014,0x00000014UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: CAPA test with LP TIA */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_NORM               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000002C,0x0000002CUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Normal work mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_DIO                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000002D,0x0000002DUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Normal work mode with back-back diode enabled. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_SHORTSW            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000002E,0x0000002EUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Work mode with short switch protection */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_LOWNOISE           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000006C,0x0000006CUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Work mode, vzero-vbias=0. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_CAPA_RAMP_H        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000094,0x00000094UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: CAPA test or Ramp test with HP TIA */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_BUFDIS             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000180,0x00000180UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_BUFEN              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000001A4,0x000001A4UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. Connect amp's output to CE1 & RC11. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_TWOLEAD            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000042C,0x0000042CUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Two lead sensor, set PA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_BUFEN2             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000004A4,0x000004A4UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_SESHORTRE          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000800,0x00000800UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Close SW11 - Short SE1 to RE1, */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPTIASW0                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_RECAL              15            /*  TIA SW15 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_VZEROSHARE         14            /*  TIA SW14 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_TIABIASSEL         13            /*  TIA SW13 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_PABIASSEL          12            /*  TIA SW12 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_TIASWCON            0            /*  TIA SW[11:0] Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_RECAL              0x00008000    /*  TIA SW15 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_VZEROSHARE         0x00004000    /*  TIA SW14 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_TIABIASSEL         0x00002000    /*  TIA SW13 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_PABIASSEL          0x00001000    /*  TIA SW12 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_TIASWCON           0x00000FFF    /*  TIA SW[11:0] Control */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_11                 0x00000014            /*  TIASWCON: CAPA test with LP TIA */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_NORM               0x0000002C            /*  TIASWCON: Normal work mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_DIO                0x0000002D            /*  TIASWCON: Normal work mode with back-back diode enabled. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_SHORTSW            0x0000002E            /*  TIASWCON: Work mode with short switch protection */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_LOWNOISE           0x0000006C            /*  TIASWCON: Work mode, vzero-vbias=0. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_1                  0x00000094            /*  TIASWCON: CAPA test or Ramp test with HP TIA */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_BUFDIS             0x00000180            /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_BUFEN              0x000001A4            /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. Connect amp's output to CE0 & RC01. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_TWOLEAD            0x0000042C            /*  TIASWCON: Two lead sensor, set PA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_BUFEN2             0x000004A4            /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_SESHORTRE          0x00000800            /*  TIASWCON: Close SW11 - Short SE0 to RE0. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPTIACON1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_CHOPEN            16            /*  Chopping Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIARF             13            /*  Set LPF Resistor */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIARL             10            /*  Set RLOAD */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN            5            /*  Set RTIA Gain Resistor */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_IBOOST             3            /*  Current Boost Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_HALFPWR            2            /*  Half Power Mode Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_PAPDEN             1            /*  PA Power Down */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAPDEN            0            /*  TIA Power Down */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_CHOPEN            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00030000,0x00030000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Chopping Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIARF             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000E000,0x0000E000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Set LPF Resistor */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIARL             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001C00,0x00001C00UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Set RLOAD */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000003E0,0x000003E0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Set RTIA Gain Resistor */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_IBOOST            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000018,0x00000018UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Current Boost Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_HALFPWR           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Half Power Mode Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_PAPDEN            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  PA Power Down */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAPDEN           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIA Power Down */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_DISCONRF          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: Disconnect TIA output from LPF pin */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_BYPRF             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00002000,0x00002000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: Bypass resistor */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF20K             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00004000,0x00004000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 20k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF100K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00006000,0x00006000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 100k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF200K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00008000,0x00008000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 200k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF400K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000A000,0x0000A000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 400k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF600K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000C000,0x0000C000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 600k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF1MOHM           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000E000,0x0000E000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 1Meg Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL0               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 0 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL10              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000400,0x00000400UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 10 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL30              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000800,0x00000800UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 30 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL50              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000C00,0x00000C00UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 50 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL100             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001000,0x00001000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 100 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL1P6K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001400,0x00001400UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 1.6kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL3P1K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001800,0x00001800UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 3.1kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL3P5K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001C00,0x00001C00UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 3.6kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_DISCONTIA         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: Disconnect TIA Gain resistor */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN200        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 200 Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN1K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 1k ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN2K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000060,0x00000060UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 2k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN3K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 3k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN4K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000A0,0x000000A0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 4k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN6K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000C0,0x000000C0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 6k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN8K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000E0,0x000000E0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 8k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN10K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000100,0x00000100UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 10k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN12K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000120,0x00000120UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 12k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN16K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000140,0x00000140UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 16k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN20K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000160,0x00000160UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 20k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN24K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000180,0x00000180UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 24k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN30K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000001A0,0x000001A0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 30k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN32K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000001C0,0x000001C0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 32k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN40K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000001E0,0x000001E0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 40k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN48K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000200,0x00000200UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 48k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN64K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000220,0x00000220UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 64k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN85K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000240,0x00000240UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 85k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN96K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000260,0x00000260UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 96k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN100K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000280,0x00000280UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 100k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN120K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000002A0,0x000002A0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 120k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN128K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000002C0,0x000002C0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 128k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN160K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000002E0,0x000002E0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 160k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN196K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000300,0x00000300UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 196k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN256K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000320,0x00000320UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 256k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN512K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000340,0x00000340UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 512k */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPTIACON0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_CHOPEN            16            /*  Chopping Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARF             13            /*  Set LPF Resistor */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARL             10            /*  Set RLOAD */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN            5            /*  Set RTIA */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_IBOOST             3            /*  Current Boost Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_HALFPWR            2            /*  Half Power Mode Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_PAPDEN             1            /*  PA Power Down */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAPDEN            0            /*  TIA Power Down */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_CHOPEN            0x00030000    /*  Chopping Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARF             0x0000E000    /*  Set LPF Resistor */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARL             0x00001C00    /*  Set RLOAD */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN           0x000003E0    /*  Set RTIA */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_IBOOST            0x00000018    /*  Current Boost Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_HALFPWR           0x00000004    /*  Half Power Mode Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_PAPDEN            0x00000002    /*  PA Power Down */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAPDEN           0x00000001    /*  TIA Power Down */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_DISCONRF          0x00000000            /*  TIARF: Disconnect TIA output from LPF pin */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_BYPRF             0x00002000            /*  TIARF: Bypass resistor */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF20K             0x00004000            /*  TIARF: 20k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF100K            0x00006000            /*  TIARF: 100k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF200K            0x00008000            /*  TIARF: 200k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF400K            0x0000A000            /*  TIARF: 400k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF600K            0x0000C000            /*  TIARF: 600k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF1MOHM           0x0000E000            /*  TIARF: 1Meg Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL0               0x00000000            /*  TIARL: 0 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL10              0x00000400            /*  TIARL: 10 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL30              0x00000800            /*  TIARL: 30 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL50              0x00000C00            /*  TIARL: 50 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL100             0x00001000            /*  TIARL: 100 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL1P6K            0x00001400            /*  TIARL: 1.6kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL3P1K            0x00001800            /*  TIARL: 3.1kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL3P5K            0x00001C00            /*  TIARL: 3.6kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_DISCONTIA         0x00000000            /*  TIAGAIN: Disconnect TIA Gain resistor */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN200        0x00000020            /*  TIAGAIN: 200 Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN1K         0x00000040            /*  TIAGAIN: 1k ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN2K         0x00000060            /*  TIAGAIN: 2k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN3K         0x00000080            /*  TIAGAIN: 3k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN4K         0x000000A0            /*  TIAGAIN: 4k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN6K         0x000000C0            /*  TIAGAIN: 6k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN8K         0x000000E0            /*  TIAGAIN: 8k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN10K        0x00000100            /*  TIAGAIN: 10k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN12K        0x00000120            /*  TIAGAIN: 12k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN16K        0x00000140            /*  TIAGAIN: 16k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN20K        0x00000160            /*  TIAGAIN: 20k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN24K        0x00000180            /*  TIAGAIN: 24k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN30K        0x000001A0            /*  TIAGAIN: 30k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN32K        0x000001C0            /*  TIAGAIN: 32k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN40K        0x000001E0            /*  TIAGAIN: 40k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN48K        0x00000200            /*  TIAGAIN: 48k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN64K        0x00000220            /*  TIAGAIN: 64k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN85K        0x00000240            /*  TIAGAIN: 85k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN96K        0x00000260            /*  TIAGAIN: 96k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN100K       0x00000280            /*  TIAGAIN: 100k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN120K       0x000002A0            /*  TIAGAIN: 120k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN128K       0x000002C0            /*  TIAGAIN: 128k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN160K       0x000002E0            /*  TIAGAIN: 160k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN196K       0x00000300            /*  TIAGAIN: 196k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN256K       0x00000320            /*  TIAGAIN: 256k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN512K       0x00000340            /*  TIAGAIN: 512k */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HSRTIACON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSRTIACON_CTIACON            5            /*  Configure Capacitor in Parallel with RTIA */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSRTIACON_TIASW6CON          4            /*  SW6 Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSRTIACON_RTIACON            0            /*  Configure General RTIA Value */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSRTIACON_CTIACON           0x00001FE0    /*  Configure Capacitor in Parallel with RTIA */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSRTIACON_TIASW6CON         0x00000010    /*  SW6 Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSRTIACON_RTIACON           0x0000000F    /*  Configure General RTIA Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DE1RESCON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DE1RESCON_DE1RCON            0            /*  DE1 RLOAD RTIA Setting */
    #define BITM_AFE_DE1RESCON_DE1RCON           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000FF,0x000000FFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  DE1 RLOAD RTIA Setting */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DE0RESCON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DE0RESCON_DE0RCON            0            /*  DE0 RLOAD RTIA Setting */
    #define BITM_AFE_DE0RESCON_DE0RCON           0x000000FF    /*  DE0 RLOAD RTIA Setting */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HSTIACON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSTIACON_VBIASSEL            0            /*  Select HSTIA Positive Input */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSTIACON_VBIASSEL           0x00000003    /*  Select HSTIA Positive Input */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DACDCBUFCON                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_CHANSEL          1            /*  DAC DC Channel Selection */
    #define BITP_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_RESERVED_0       0            /*  Reserved */
    #define BITM_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_CHANSEL         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  DAC DC Channel Selection */
    #define BITM_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_RESERVED_0      (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Reserved */
    #define ENUM_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_CHAN0           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CHANSEL: ULPDAC0 Sets DC level */
    #define ENUM_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_CHAN1           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CHANSEL: ULPDAC1 Sets DC level */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPMODEKEY                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODEKEY_KEY               0            /*  LP Key */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODEKEY_KEY              0x000FFFFF    /*  LP Key */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPMODECLKSEL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL_LFSYSCLKEN     0            /*  Enable Switching System Clock to 32KHz by Sequencer */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL_LFSYSCLKEN    0x00000001    /*  Enable Switching System Clock to 32KHz by Sequencer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPMODECON                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_ALDOEN            8            /*  Set High to Power Down of Analog LDO */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_V1P1HPADCEN       7            /*  Set High to Enable 1.1V HP CM Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_V1P8HPADCEN       6            /*  Set High to Enable HP 1.8V Reference Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_PTATEN            5            /*  Set to High to Generate Ptat Current Bias */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_ZTATEN            4            /*  Set High to Generate Ztat Current Bias */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_REPEATADCCNVEN_P  3            /*  Set High to Enable Repeat ADC Conversion */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_ADCCONVEN         2            /*  Set High to Enable ADC Conversion */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_HPREFDIS          1            /*  Set High to Power Down HP Reference */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_HFOSCPD           0            /*  Set High to Power Down HP Power Oscillator */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ALDOEN           0x00000100    /*  Set High to Power Down of Analog LDO */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_V1P1HPADCEN      0x00000080    /*  Set High to Enable 1.1V HP CM Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_V1P8HPADCEN      0x00000040    /*  Set High to Enable HP 1.8V Reference Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_PTATEN           0x00000020    /*  Set to High to Generate Ptat Current Bias */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ZTATEN           0x00000010    /*  Set High to Generate Ztat Current Bias */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_REPEATADCCNVEN_P 0x00000008    /*  Set High to Enable Repeat ADC Conversion */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ADCCONVEN        0x00000004    /*  Set High to Enable ADC Conversion */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HPREFDIS         0x00000002    /*  Set High to Power Down HP Reference */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HFOSCPD          0x00000001    /*  Set High to Power Down HP Power Oscillator */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQSLPLOCK                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK_SEQ_SLP_PW        0            /*  Password for SLPBYSEQ Register */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK_SEQ_SLP_PW       0x000FFFFF    /*  Password for SLPBYSEQ Register */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQTRGSLP                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQTRGSLP_TRGSLP             0            /*  Trigger Sleep by Sequencer */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQTRGSLP_TRGSLP            0x00000001    /*  Trigger Sleep by Sequencer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPDACDAT0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACDAT0_DACIN6            12            /*  6BITVAL, 1LSB=34.375mV */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACDAT0_DACIN12            0            /*  12BITVAL, 1LSB=537uV */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACDAT0_DACIN6            0x0003F000    /*  6BITVAL, 1LSB=34.375mV */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACDAT0_DACIN12           0x00000FFF    /*  12BITVAL, 1LSB=537uV */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPDACSW0                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPMODEDIS           5            /*  Switch Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPDACSW             0            /*  LPDAC0 Switches Matrix */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPMODEDIS          0x00000020    /*  Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPDACSW            0x0000001F    /*  LPDAC0 Switches Matrix */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACSW0_DACCONBIT5         0x00000000            /*  LPMODEDIS: REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0 Switch controlled by REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0CON0 bit 5 */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACSW0_OVRRIDE            0x00000020            /*  LPMODEDIS: REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0 Switches override */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPDACCON0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_WAVETYPE           6            /*  LPDAC Data Source */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_DACMDE             5            /*  LPDAC0 Switch Settings */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_VZEROMUX           4            /*  VZERO MUX Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_VBIASMUX           3            /*  VBIAS MUX Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_REFSEL             2            /*  Reference Select Bit */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_PWDEN              1            /*  LPDAC0 Power Down */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_RSTEN              0            /*  Enable Writes to REG_AFE_LPDACDAT00 */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_WAVETYPE          0x00000040    /*  LPDAC Data Source */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_DACMDE            0x00000020    /*  LPDAC0 Switch Settings */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_VZEROMUX          0x00000010    /*  VZERO MUX Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_VBIASMUX          0x00000008    /*  VBIAS MUX Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_REFSEL            0x00000004    /*  Reference Select Bit */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_PWDEN             0x00000002    /*  LPDAC0 Power Down */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_RSTEN             0x00000001    /*  Enable Writes to REG_AFE_LPDACDAT00 */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_MMR               0x00000000            /*  WAVETYPE: Direct from REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0DAT0 */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_WAVEGEN           0x00000040            /*  WAVETYPE: Waveform generator */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_NORM              0x00000000            /*  DACMDE: REG_AFE_LPDACDAT00 switches set for normal mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_DIAG              0x00000020            /*  DACMDE: REG_AFE_LPDACDAT00 switches set for Diagnostic mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_BITS6             0x00000000            /*  VZEROMUX: VZERO 6BIT */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_BITS12            0x00000010            /*  VZEROMUX: VZERO 12BIT */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_12BIT             0x00000000            /*  VBIASMUX: Output 12Bit */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_EN                0x00000008            /*  VBIASMUX: output 6Bit */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_ULPREF            0x00000000            /*  REFSEL: ULP2P5V Ref */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_AVDD              0x00000004            /*  REFSEL: AVDD Reference */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_PWREN             0x00000000            /*  PWDEN: REG_AFE_LPDACDAT00 Powered On */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_PWRDIS            0x00000002            /*  PWDEN: REG_AFE_LPDACDAT00 Powered Off */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_WRITEDIS          0x00000000            /*  RSTEN: Disable REG_AFE_LPDACDAT00 Writes */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON0_WRITEEN           0x00000001            /*  RSTEN: Enable REG_AFE_LPDACDAT00 Writes */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPDACDAT1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACDAT1_DACIN6            12            /*  6BITVAL, 1LSB=34.375mV */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACDAT1_DACIN12            0            /*  12BITVAL, 1LSB=537uV */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACDAT1_DACIN6            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0003F000,0x0003F000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  6BITVAL, 1LSB=34.375mV */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACDAT1_DACIN12           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000FFF,0x00000FFFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  12BITVAL, 1LSB=537uV */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPDACSW1                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACSW1_LPMODEDIS           5            /*  Switch Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACSW1_LPDACSW             0            /*  ULPDAC0 Switches Matrix */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACSW1_LPMODEDIS          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACSW1_LPDACSW            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000001F,0x0000001FUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  ULPDAC0 Switches Matrix */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACSW1_DACCONBIT5         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  LPMODEDIS: ULPDAC Switch controlled by ULPDACCON1 bit 5 */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACSW1_OVRRIDE            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  LPMODEDIS: ULPDAC Switches override */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPDACCON1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON1_WAVETYPE           6            /*  DAC Input Source */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON1_DACMDE             5            /*  LPDAC1 Switch Settings */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON1_VZEROMUX           4            /*  VZEROOUT */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON1_VBIASMUX           3            /*  BITSEL */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON1_REFSEL             2            /*  REFSEL */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON1_PWDEN              1            /*  ULPDAC0 Power */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACCON1_RSTEN              0            /*  Enable Writes to ULPDAC1 */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON1_WAVETYPE          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  DAC Input Source */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON1_DACMDE            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  LPDAC1 Switch Settings */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON1_VZEROMUX          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  VZEROOUT */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON1_VBIASMUX          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  BITSEL */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON1_REFSEL            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  REFSEL */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON1_PWDEN             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  ULPDAC0 Power */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACCON1_RSTEN             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Enable Writes to ULPDAC1 */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_NORM              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  DACMDE: ULPDAC1 switches set for normal mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_DIAG              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  DACMDE: ULPDAC1 switches set for Diagnostic mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_BITS6             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  VZEROMUX: VZERO 6BIT */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_BITS12            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  VZEROMUX: VZERO 12BIT */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_DIS               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  VBIASMUX: 12BIT Output */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_EN                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  VBIASMUX: 6BIT Output */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_ULPREF            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_AVDD              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004UL, uint32_t  ))
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_PWREN             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  PWDEN: ULPDAC1 Powered On */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_PWRDIS            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  PWDEN: ULPDAC1 Powered Off */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_WRITEDIS          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  RSTEN: Disable ULPDAC1 Writes */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACCON1_WRITEEN           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  RSTEN: Enable ULPDAC1 Writes */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DSWFULLCON                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D8                7            /*  Control of D8 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D7                6            /*  Control of D7 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D6                5            /*  Control of D6 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D5                4            /*  Control of D5 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D4                3            /*  Control of D4 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D3                2            /*  Control of D3 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D2                1            /*  Control of D2 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWFULLCON_DR0               0            /*  Control of Dr0 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D8               0x00000080    /*  Control of D8 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D7               0x00000040    /*  Control of D7 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D6               0x00000020    /*  Control of D6 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D5               0x00000010    /*  Control of D5 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D4               0x00000008    /*  Control of D4 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D3               0x00000004    /*  Control of D3 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWFULLCON_D2               0x00000002    /*  Control of D2 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWFULLCON_DR0              0x00000001    /*  Control of Dr0 Switch. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_NSWFULLCON                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_NL2              11            /*  Control of NL2 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_NL               10            /*  Control of NL Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_NR1               9            /*  Control of Nr1 Switch. Set Will Close Nr1, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N9                8            /*  Control of N9 Switch. Set Will Close N9, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N8                7            /*  Control of N8 Switch. Set Will Close N8, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N7                6            /*  Control of N7 Switch. Set Will Close N7, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N6                5            /*  Control of N6 Switch. Set Will Close N6, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N5                4            /*  Control of N5 Switch. Set Will Close N5, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N4                3            /*  Control of N4 Switch. Set Will Close N4, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N3                2            /*  Control of N3 Switch. Set Will Close N3, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N2                1            /*  Control of N2 Switch. Set Will Close N2, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N1                0            /*  Control of N1 Switch. Set Will Close N1, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_NL2              0x00000800    /*  Control of NL2 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_NL               0x00000400    /*  Control of NL Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_NR1              0x00000200    /*  Control of Nr1 Switch. Set Will Close Nr1, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N9               0x00000100    /*  Control of N9 Switch. Set Will Close N9, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N8               0x00000080    /*  Control of N8 Switch. Set Will Close N8, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N7               0x00000040    /*  Control of N7 Switch. Set Will Close N7, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N6               0x00000020    /*  Control of N6 Switch. Set Will Close N6, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N5               0x00000010    /*  Control of N5 Switch. Set Will Close N5, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N4               0x00000008    /*  Control of N4 Switch. Set Will Close N4, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N3               0x00000004    /*  Control of N3 Switch. Set Will Close N3, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N2               0x00000002    /*  Control of N2 Switch. Set Will Close N2, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWFULLCON_N1               0x00000001    /*  Control of N1 Switch. Set Will Close N1, Unset Open */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_PSWFULLCON                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_PL2              14            /*  PL2 Switch Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_PL               13            /*  PL Switch Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P12              11            /*  Control of P12 Switch. Set Will Close P12, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P11              10            /*  Control of P11 Switch. Set Will Close P11, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P10               9            /*  P10 Switch Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P9                8            /*  Control of P9 Switch. Set Will Close P9, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P8                7            /*  Control of P8 Switch. Set Will Close P8, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P7                6            /*  Control of P7 Switch. Set Will Close P7, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P6                5            /*  Control of P6 Switch. Set Will Close P6, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P5                4            /*  Control of P5 Switch. Set Will Close P5, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P4                3            /*  Control of P4 Switch. Set Will Close P4, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P3                2            /*  Control of P3 Switch. Set Will Close P3, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P2                1            /*  Control of P2 Switch. Set Will Close P2, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWFULLCON_PR0               0            /*  PR0 Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_PL2              0x00004000    /*  PL2 Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_PL               0x00002000    /*  PL Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P12              0x00000800    /*  Control of P12 Switch. Set Will Close P12, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P11              0x00000400    /*  Control of P11 Switch. Set Will Close P11, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P10              0x00000200    /*  P10 Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P9               0x00000100    /*  Control of P9 Switch. Set Will Close P9, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P8               0x00000080    /*  Control of P8 Switch. Set Will Close P8, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P7               0x00000040    /*  Control of P7 Switch. Set Will Close P7, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P6               0x00000020    /*  Control of P6 Switch. Set Will Close P6, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P5               0x00000010    /*  Control of P5 Switch. Set Will Close P5, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P4               0x00000008    /*  Control of P4 Switch. Set Will Close P4, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P3               0x00000004    /*  Control of P3 Switch. Set Will Close P3, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_P2               0x00000002    /*  Control of P2 Switch. Set Will Close P2, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWFULLCON_PR0              0x00000001    /*  PR0 Switch Control */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_TSWFULLCON                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_TR1              11            /*  Control of Tr1 Switch. Set Will Close Tr1, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T11              10            /*  Control of T11 Switch. Set Will Close T11, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T10               9            /*  Control of T10 Switch. Set Will Close T10, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T9                8            /*  Control of T9 Switch. Set Will Close T9, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T7                6            /*  Control of T7 Switch. Set Will Close T7, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T5                4            /*  Control of T5 Switch. Set Will Close T5, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T4                3            /*  Control of T4 Switch. Set Will Close T4, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T3                2            /*  Control of T3 Switch. Set Will Close T3, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T2                1            /*  Control of T2 Switch. Set Will Close T2, Unset Open */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T1                0            /*  Control of T1 Switch. Set Will Close T1, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_TR1              0x00000800    /*  Control of Tr1 Switch. Set Will Close Tr1, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T11              0x00000400    /*  Control of T11 Switch. Set Will Close T11, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T10              0x00000200    /*  Control of T10 Switch. Set Will Close T10, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T9               0x00000100    /*  Control of T9 Switch. Set Will Close T9, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T7               0x00000040    /*  Control of T7 Switch. Set Will Close T7, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T5               0x00000010    /*  Control of T5 Switch. Set Will Close T5, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T4               0x00000008    /*  Control of T4 Switch. Set Will Close T4, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T3               0x00000004    /*  Control of T3 Switch. Set Will Close T3, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T2               0x00000002    /*  Control of T2 Switch. Set Will Close T2, Unset Open */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWFULLCON_T1               0x00000001    /*  Control of T1 Switch. Set Will Close T1, Unset Open */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_TEMPSENS                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_TEMPSENS_CHOPFRESEL          2            /*  Chop Mode Frequency Setting */
    #define BITP_AFE_TEMPSENS_CHOPCON             1            /*  Temp Sensor Chop Mode */
    #define BITP_AFE_TEMPSENS_ENABLE              0            /*  Unused */
    #define BITM_AFE_TEMPSENS_CHOPFRESEL         0x0000000C    /*  Chop Mode Frequency Setting */
    #define BITM_AFE_TEMPSENS_CHOPCON            0x00000002    /*  Temp Sensor Chop Mode */
    #define BITM_AFE_TEMPSENS_ENABLE             0x00000001    /*  Unused */
    #define ENUM_AFE_TEMPSENS_DIS                0x00000000            /*  CHOPCON: Disable chop */
    #define ENUM_AFE_TEMPSENS_EN                 0x00000002            /*  CHOPCON: Enable chop */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_BUFSENCON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8THERMSTEN      8            /*  Buffered Reference Output */
    #define BITP_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1LPADCCHGDIS    6            /*  Controls Decoupling Cap Discharge Switch */
    #define BITP_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1LPADCEN        5            /*  ADC 1.1V LP Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1HPADCEN        4            /*  Enable 1.1V HP CM Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8HPADCCHGDIS    3            /*  Controls Decoupling Cap Discharge Switch */
    #define BITP_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8LPADCEN        2            /*  ADC 1.8V LP Reference Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8HPADCILIMITEN  1            /*  HP ADC Input Current Limit */
    #define BITP_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8HPADCEN        0            /*  HP 1.8V Reference Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8THERMSTEN     0x00000100    /*  Buffered Reference Output */
    #define BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1LPADCCHGDIS   0x00000040    /*  Controls Decoupling Cap Discharge Switch */
    #define BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1LPADCEN       0x00000020    /*  ADC 1.1V LP Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1HPADCEN       0x00000010    /*  Enable 1.1V HP CM Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8HPADCCHGDIS   0x00000008    /*  Controls Decoupling Cap Discharge Switch */
    #define BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8LPADCEN       0x00000004    /*  ADC 1.8V LP Reference Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8HPADCILIMITEN 0x00000002    /*  HP ADC Input Current Limit */
    #define BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8HPADCEN       0x00000001    /*  HP 1.8V Reference Buffer */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_DIS               0x00000000            /*  V1P8THERMSTEN: Disable 1.8V Buffered Reference output */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_EN                0x00000100            /*  V1P8THERMSTEN: Enable 1.8V Buffered Reference output */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_ENCHRG            0x00000000            /*  V1P1LPADCCHGDIS: Open switch */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_DISCHRG           0x00000040            /*  V1P1LPADCCHGDIS: Close Switch */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_DISABLE           0x00000000            /*  V1P1LPADCEN: Disable ADC 1.8V LP Reference Buffer */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_ENABLE            0x00000020            /*  V1P1LPADCEN: Enable ADC 1.8V LP Reference Buffer */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_OFF               0x00000000            /*  V1P1HPADCEN: Disable 1.1V HP Common Mode Buffer */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_ON                0x00000010            /*  V1P1HPADCEN: Enable 1.1V HP Common Mode Buffer */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_OPEN              0x00000000            /*  V1P8HPADCCHGDIS: Open switch */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_CLOSED            0x00000008            /*  V1P8HPADCCHGDIS: Close Switch */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_LPADCREF_DIS      0x00000000            /*  V1P8LPADCEN: Disable LP 1.8V Reference Buffer */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_LPADCREF_EN       0x00000004            /*  V1P8LPADCEN: Enable LP 1.8V Reference Buffer */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_LIMIT_DIS         0x00000000            /*  V1P8HPADCILIMITEN: Disable buffer Current Limit */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_LIMIT_EN          0x00000002            /*  V1P8HPADCILIMITEN: Enable buffer Current Limit */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_HPBUF_DIS         0x00000000            /*  V1P8HPADCEN: Disable 1.8V HP ADC Reference Buffer */
    #define ENUM_AFE_BUFSENCON_HPBUF_EN          0x00000001            /*  V1P8HPADCEN: Enable 1.8V HP ADC Reference Buffer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCCON                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCCON_GNPGA                16            /*  PGA Gain Setup */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCCON_GNOFSELPGA           15            /*  Internal Offset/Gain Cancellation */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCCON_GNOFFSEL             13            /*  Obsolete */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELN               8            /*  Select Negative Input */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELP               0            /*  Select Positive Input */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCCON_GNPGA                0x00070000    /*  PGA Gain Setup */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCCON_GNOFSELPGA           0x00008000    /*  Internal Offset/Gain Cancellation */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCCON_GNOFFSEL             0x00006000    /*  Obsolete */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELN              0x00001F00    /*  Select Negative Input */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELP              0x0000003F    /*  Select Positive Input */
    #define ENUM_AFE_ADCCON_RESERVED             0x00000011            /*  MUXSELP: Reserved */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DSWSTA                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWSTA_D8STA                 7            /*  Status of D8 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWSTA_D7STA                 6            /*  Status of D7 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWSTA_D6STA                 5            /*  Status of D6 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWSTA_D5STA                 4            /*  Status of D5 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWSTA_D4STA                 3            /*  Status of D4 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWSTA_D3STA                 2            /*  Status of D3 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWSTA_D2STA                 1            /*  Status of D2 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_DSWSTA_D1STA                 0            /*  Status of Dr0 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWSTA_D8STA                0x00000080    /*  Status of D8 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWSTA_D7STA                0x00000040    /*  Status of D7 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWSTA_D6STA                0x00000020    /*  Status of D6 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWSTA_D5STA                0x00000010    /*  Status of D5 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWSTA_D4STA                0x00000008    /*  Status of D4 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWSTA_D3STA                0x00000004    /*  Status of D3 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWSTA_D2STA                0x00000002    /*  Status of D2 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_DSWSTA_D1STA                0x00000001    /*  Status of Dr0 Switch. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_PSWSTA                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_PL2STA               14            /*  PL Switch Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_PLSTA                13            /*  PL Switch Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P13STA               12            /*  Status of P13 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P12STA               11            /*  Status of P12 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P11STA               10            /*  Status of P11 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P10STA                9            /*  Status of P10 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P9STA                 8            /*  Status of P9 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P8STA                 7            /*  Status of P8 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P7STA                 6            /*  Status of P7 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P6STA                 5            /*  Status of P6 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P5STA                 4            /*  Status of P5 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P4STA                 3            /*  Status of P4 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P3STA                 2            /*  Status of P3 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_P2STA                 1            /*  Status of P2 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_PSWSTA_PR0STA                0            /*  PR0 Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_PL2STA               0x00004000    /*  PL Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_PLSTA                0x00002000    /*  PL Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P13STA               0x00001000    /*  Status of P13 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P12STA               0x00000800    /*  Status of P12 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P11STA               0x00000400    /*  Status of P11 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P10STA               0x00000200    /*  Status of P10 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P9STA                0x00000100    /*  Status of P9 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P8STA                0x00000080    /*  Status of P8 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P7STA                0x00000040    /*  Status of P7 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P6STA                0x00000020    /*  Status of P6 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P5STA                0x00000010    /*  Status of P5 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P4STA                0x00000008    /*  Status of P4 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P3STA                0x00000004    /*  Status of P3 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_P2STA                0x00000002    /*  Status of P2 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_PSWSTA_PR0STA               0x00000001    /*  PR0 Switch Control */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_NSWSTA                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_NL2STA               11            /*  Status of NL2 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_NLSTA                10            /*  Status of NL Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_NR1STA                9            /*  Status of NR1 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_N9STA                 8            /*  Status of N9 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_N8STA                 7            /*  Status of N8 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_N7STA                 6            /*  Status of N7 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_N6STA                 5            /*  Status of N6 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_N5STA                 4            /*  Status of N5 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_N4STA                 3            /*  Status of N4 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_N3STA                 2            /*  Status of N3 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_N2STA                 1            /*  Status of N2 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_NSWSTA_N1STA                 0            /*  Status of N1 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_NL2STA               0x00000800    /*  Status of NL2 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_NLSTA                0x00000400    /*  Status of NL Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_NR1STA               0x00000200    /*  Status of NR1 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_N9STA                0x00000100    /*  Status of N9 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_N8STA                0x00000080    /*  Status of N8 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_N7STA                0x00000040    /*  Status of N7 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_N6STA                0x00000020    /*  Status of N6 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_N5STA                0x00000010    /*  Status of N5 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_N4STA                0x00000008    /*  Status of N4 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_N3STA                0x00000004    /*  Status of N3 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_N2STA                0x00000002    /*  Status of N2 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_NSWSTA_N1STA                0x00000001    /*  Status of N1 Switch. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_TSWSTA                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_TR1STA               11            /*  Status of TR1 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T11STA               10            /*  Status of T11 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T10STA                9            /*  Status of T10 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T9STA                 8            /*  Status of T9 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T8STA                 7            /*  Status of T8 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T7STA                 6            /*  Status of T7 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T6STA                 5            /*  Status of T6 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T5STA                 4            /*  Status of T5 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T4STA                 3            /*  Status of T4 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T3STA                 2            /*  Status of T3 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T2STA                 1            /*  Status of T2 Switch. */
    #define BITP_AFE_TSWSTA_T1STA                 0            /*  Status of T1 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_TR1STA               0x00000800    /*  Status of TR1 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T11STA               0x00000400    /*  Status of T11 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T10STA               0x00000200    /*  Status of T10 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T9STA                0x00000100    /*  Status of T9 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T8STA                0x00000080    /*  Status of T8 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T7STA                0x00000040    /*  Status of T7 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T6STA                0x00000020    /*  Status of T6 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T5STA                0x00000010    /*  Status of T5 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T4STA                0x00000008    /*  Status of T4 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T3STA                0x00000004    /*  Status of T3 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T2STA                0x00000002    /*  Status of T2 Switch. */
    #define BITM_AFE_TSWSTA_T1STA                0x00000001    /*  Status of T1 Switch. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_STATSVAR                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_STATSVAR_VARIANCE            0            /*  Statistical Variance Value */
    #define BITM_AFE_STATSVAR_VARIANCE           0x7FFFFFFF    /*  Statistical Variance Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_STATSCON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_STATSCON_STDDEV              7            /*  Standard Deviation Configuration */
    #define BITP_AFE_STATSCON_SAMPLENUM           4            /*  Sample Size */
    #define BITP_AFE_STATSCON_RESRVED             1            /*  Reserved */
    #define BITP_AFE_STATSCON_STATSEN             0            /*  Statistics Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_STATSCON_STDDEV             0x00000F80    /*  Standard Deviation Configuration */
    #define BITM_AFE_STATSCON_SAMPLENUM          0x00000070    /*  Sample Size */
    #define BITM_AFE_STATSCON_RESRVED            0x0000000E    /*  Reserved */
    #define BITM_AFE_STATSCON_STATSEN            0x00000001    /*  Statistics Enable */
    #define ENUM_AFE_STATSCON_DIS                0x00000000            /*  STATSEN: Disable Statistics */
    #define ENUM_AFE_STATSCON_EN                 0x00000001            /*  STATSEN: Enable Statistics */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_STATSMEAN                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_STATSMEAN_MEAN               0            /*  Mean Output */
    #define BITM_AFE_STATSMEAN_MEAN              0x0000FFFF    /*  Mean Output */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQ0INFO                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQ0INFO_LEN                16            /*  SEQ0 Instruction Number */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQ0INFO_ADDR                0            /*  SEQ0 Start Address */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQ0INFO_LEN                0x07FF0000    /*  SEQ0 Instruction Number */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQ0INFO_ADDR               0x000007FF    /*  SEQ0 Start Address */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQ2INFO                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQ2INFO_LEN                16            /*  SEQ2 Instruction Number */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQ2INFO_ADDR                0            /*  SEQ2 Start Address */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQ2INFO_LEN                0x07FF0000    /*  SEQ2 Instruction Number */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQ2INFO_ADDR               0x000007FF    /*  SEQ2 Start Address */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_CMDFIFOWADDR                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_CMDFIFOWADDR_WADDR           0            /*  Write Address */
    #define BITM_AFE_CMDFIFOWADDR_WADDR          0x000007FF    /*  Write Address */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_CMDDATACON                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_DATAMEMMDE        9            /*  Data FIFO Mode Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_DATA_MEM_SEL      6            /*  Data FIFO Size Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMDMEMMDE         3            /*  This is Command Fifo Mode Register */
    #define BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMD_MEM_SEL       0            /*  Command Memory Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_DATAMEMMDE       0x00000E00    /*  Data FIFO Mode Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_DATA_MEM_SEL     0x000001C0    /*  Data FIFO Size Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMDMEMMDE        0x00000038    /*  This is Command Fifo Mode Register */
    #define BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMD_MEM_SEL      0x00000007    /*  Command Memory Select */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_DFIFO            0x00000400            /*  DATAMEMMDE: FIFO MODE */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_DSTM             0x00000600            /*  DATAMEMMDE: STREAM MODE */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_DMEM32B          0x00000000            /*  DATA_MEM_SEL: 32B_1 Local Memory */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_DMEM2K           0x00000040            /*  DATA_MEM_SEL: 2K_2 SRAM */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_DMEM4K           0x00000080            /*  DATA_MEM_SEL: 2K_2~1 SRAM */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_DMEM6K           0x000000C0            /*  DATA_MEM_SEL: 2K_2~0 SRAM */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMEM             0x00000008            /*  CMDMEMMDE: MEMORY MODE */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CFIFO            0x00000010            /*  CMDMEMMDE: FIFO MODE */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CSTM             0x00000018            /*  CMDMEMMDE: STREAM MODE */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMEM32B          0x00000000            /*  CMD_MEM_SEL: 32B_0 Local Memory */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMEM2K           0x00000001            /*  CMD_MEM_SEL: 2K_0 SRAM */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMEM4K           0x00000002            /*  CMD_MEM_SEL: 2K_0~1 SRAM */
    #define ENUM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMEM6K           0x00000003            /*  CMD_MEM_SEL: 2K_0~2 SRAM */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DATAFIFOTHRES                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DATAFIFOTHRES_HIGHTHRES     16            /*  High Threshold */
    #define BITM_AFE_DATAFIFOTHRES_HIGHTHRES     0x07FF0000    /*  High Threshold */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQ3INFO                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQ3INFO_LEN                16            /*  SEQ3 Instruction Number */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQ3INFO_ADDR                0            /*  SEQ3 Start Address */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQ3INFO_LEN                0x07FF0000    /*  SEQ3 Instruction Number */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQ3INFO_ADDR               0x000007FF    /*  SEQ3 Start Address */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQ1INFO                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQ1INFO_LEN                16            /*  SEQ1 Instruction Number */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQ1INFO_ADDR                0            /*  SEQ1 Start Address */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQ1INFO_LEN                0x07FF0000    /*  SEQ1 Instruction Number */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQ1INFO_ADDR               0x000007FF    /*  SEQ1 Start Address */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_REPEATADCCNV                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_REPEATADCCNV_NUM             4            /*  Repeat Value */
    #define BITP_AFE_REPEATADCCNV_EN              0            /*  Enable Repeat ADC Conversions */
    #define BITM_AFE_REPEATADCCNV_NUM            0x00000FF0    /*  Repeat Value */
    #define BITM_AFE_REPEATADCCNV_EN             0x00000001    /*  Enable Repeat ADC Conversions */
    #define ENUM_AFE_REPEATADCCNV_DIS            0x00000000            /*  EN: Disable Repeat ADC Conversions */
    #define ENUM_AFE_REPEATADCCNV_EN             0x00000001            /*  EN: Enable Repeat ADC Conversions */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_FIFOCNTSTA                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_FIFOCNTSTA_DATAFIFOCNTSTA   16            /*  Current Number of Words in the Data FIFO */
    #define BITM_AFE_FIFOCNTSTA_DATAFIFOCNTSTA   0x07FF0000    /*  Current Number of Words in the Data FIFO */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_CALDATLOCK                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_CALDATLOCK_KEY               0            /*  Password for Calibration Data Registers */
    #define BITM_AFE_CALDATLOCK_KEY              0xFFFFFFFF    /*  Password for Calibration Data Registers */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETHSTIA                   Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETHSTIA_VALUE         0            /*  HSTIA Offset Calibration */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETHSTIA_VALUE        0x00007FFF    /*  HSTIA Offset Calibration */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGAINTEMPSENS0                 Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGAINTEMPSENS0_VALUE       0            /*  Gain Calibration Temp Sensor Channel */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGAINTEMPSENS0_VALUE      0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Calibration Temp Sensor Channel */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETTEMPSENS0               Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETTEMPSENS0_VALUE     0            /*  Offset Calibration Temp Sensor */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETTEMPSENS0_VALUE    0x00007FFF    /*  Offset Calibration Temp Sensor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGAINGN1                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGAINGN1_VALUE             0            /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 1x */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGAINGN1_VALUE            0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 1x */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1_VALUE           0            /*  Offset Calibration Gain1 */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1_VALUE          0x00007FFF    /*  Offset Calibration Gain1 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DACGAIN                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DACGAIN_VALUE                0            /*  HS DAC Gain Correction Factor */
    #define BITM_AFE_DACGAIN_VALUE               0x00000FFF    /*  HS DAC Gain Correction Factor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DACOFFSETATTEN                   Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DACOFFSETATTEN_VALUE         0            /*  DAC Offset Correction Factor */
    #define BITM_AFE_DACOFFSETATTEN_VALUE        0x00000FFF    /*  DAC Offset Correction Factor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DACOFFSET                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DACOFFSET_VALUE              0            /*  DAC Offset Correction Factor */
    #define BITM_AFE_DACOFFSET_VALUE             0x00000FFF    /*  DAC Offset Correction Factor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGAINGN1P5                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGAINGN1P5_VALUE           0            /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 1.5x */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGAINGN1P5_VALUE          0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 1.5x */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGAINGN2                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGAINGN2_VALUE             0            /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 2x */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGAINGN2_VALUE            0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 2x */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGAINGN4                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGAINGN4_VALUE             0            /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 4x */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGAINGN4_VALUE            0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 4x */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCPGAOFFSETCANCEL               Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCPGAOFFSETCANCEL_OFFSETCANCEL  0            /*  Offset Cancellation */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCPGAOFFSETCANCEL_OFFSETCANCEL 0x00007FFF    /*  Offset Cancellation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGNHSTIA                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGNHSTIA_VALUE             0            /*  Gain Error Calibration HS TIA Channel */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGNHSTIA_VALUE            0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Error Calibration HS TIA Channel */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0                  Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0_VALUE        0            /*  Offset Calibration for ULP-TIA0 */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0_VALUE       0x00007FFF    /*  Offset Calibration for ULP-TIA0 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGNLPTIA0                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA0_VALUE            0            /*  Gain Error Calibration ULPTIA0 */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA0_VALUE           0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Error Calibration ULPTIA0 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCPGAGN4OFCAL                   Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCPGAGN4OFCAL_ADCGAINAUX    0            /*  DC Calibration Gain=4 */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCPGAGN4OFCAL_ADCGAINAUX   0x00007FFF    /*  DC Calibration Gain=4 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGAINGN9                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGAINGN9_VALUE             0            /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 9x */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGAINGN9_VALUE            0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Calibration PGA Gain 9x */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETEMPSENS1                Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETEMPSENS1_VALUE      0            /*  Offset Calibration Temp Sensor */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETEMPSENS1_VALUE     0x00007FFF    /*  Offset Calibration Temp Sensor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGAINDIOTEMPSENS               Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGAINDIOTEMPSENS_VALUE     0            /*  Gain Calibration for Diode Temp Sensor */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGAINDIOTEMPSENS_VALUE    0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Calibration for Diode Temp Sensor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DACOFFSETATTENHP                 Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DACOFFSETATTENHP_VALUE       0            /*  DAC Offset Correction Factor */
    #define BITM_AFE_DACOFFSETATTENHP_VALUE      0x00000FFF    /*  DAC Offset Correction Factor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DACOFFSETHP                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DACOFFSETHP_VALUE            0            /*  DAC Offset Correction Factor */
    #define BITM_AFE_DACOFFSETHP_VALUE           0x00000FFF    /*  DAC Offset Correction Factor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA1                  Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA1_VALUE        0            /*  Offset Calibration for ULP-TIA1 */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA1_VALUE       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00007FFF,0x00007FFFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Offset Calibration for ULP-TIA1 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCGNLPTIA1                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA1_ULPTIA1GN        0            /*  Gain Calibration ULP-TIA1 */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA1_ULPTIA1GN       0x00007FFF    /*  Gain Calibration ULP-TIA1 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETGN2                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN2_VALUE           0            /*  Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =2) */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN2_VALUE          0x00007FFF    /*  Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =2) */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1P5                   Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1P5_VALUE         0            /*  Offset Calibration Gain1.5 */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1P5_VALUE        0x00007FFF    /*  Offset Calibration Gain1.5 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETGN9                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN9_VALUE           0            /*  Offset Calibration Gain9 */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN9_VALUE          0x00007FFF    /*  Offset Calibration Gain9 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCOFFSETGN4                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN4_VALUE           0            /*  Offset Calibration Gain4 */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN4_VALUE          0x00007FFF    /*  Offset Calibration Gain4 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_PMBW                             Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_PMBW_SYSBW                   2            /*  Configure System Bandwidth */
    #define BITP_AFE_PMBW_SYSHP                   0            /*  Set High Speed DAC and ADC in High Power Mode */
    #define BITM_AFE_PMBW_SYSBW                  0x0000000C    /*  Configure System Bandwidth */
    #define BITM_AFE_PMBW_SYSHP                  0x00000001    /*  Set High Speed DAC and ADC in High Power Mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_PMBW_BWNA                   0x00000000            /*  SYSBW: no action for system configuration */
    #define ENUM_AFE_PMBW_BW50                   0x00000004            /*  SYSBW: 50kHz -3dB bandwidth */
    #define ENUM_AFE_PMBW_BW100                  0x00000008            /*  SYSBW: 100kHz -3dB bandwidth */
    #define ENUM_AFE_PMBW_BW250                  0x0000000C            /*  SYSBW: 250kHz -3dB bandwidth */
    #define ENUM_AFE_PMBW_LP                     0x00000000            /*  SYSHP: LP mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_PMBW_HP                     0x00000001            /*  SYSHP: HP mode */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SWMUX                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWMUX_CMMUX                 3            /*  CM Resistor Select for Ain2, Ain3 */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWMUX_CMMUX                0x00000008    /*  CM Resistor Select for Ain2, Ain3 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO                  Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO_TSDIO_PD    17            /*  Power Down Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO_TSDIO_EN    16            /*  Test Signal Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO_TSDIO_CON    0            /*  Bias Current Selection */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO_TSDIO_PD    0x00020000    /*  Power Down Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO_TSDIO_EN    0x00010000    /*  Test Signal Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO_TSDIO_CON   0x0000FFFF    /*  Bias Current Selection */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCBUFCON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCBUFCON_AMPDIS             4            /*  Disable OpAmp. */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCBUFCON_CHOPDIS            0            /*  Disable Chop */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCBUFCON_AMPDIS            0x000001F0    /*  Disable OpAmp. */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCBUFCON_CHOPDIS           0x0000000F    /*  Disable Chop */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            Interrupt Controller Register Map
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCPOL_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for INTCPOL  */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCPOL                     0x00003000            /*  INTC Interrupt Polarity Register */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCCLR_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for INTCCLR  */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCCLR                     0x00003004            /*  INTC Interrupt Clear Register */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCSEL0_RESET              0x00002000            /*      Reset Value for INTCSEL0  */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCSEL0                    0x00003008            /*  INTC INT0 Select Register */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCSEL1_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for INTCSEL1  */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCSEL1                    0x0000300C            /*  INTC INT1 Select Register */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCFLAG0_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for INTCFLAG0  */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCFLAG0                   0x00003010            /*  INTC INT0 FLAG Register */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCFLAG1_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for INTCFLAG1  */
    #define REG_INTC_INTCFLAG1                   0x00003014            /*  INTC INT1 FLAG Register */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            INTC Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              INTC_INTCPOL                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCPOL_INTPOL              0
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCPOL_INTPOL             0x00000001
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              INTC_INTCCLR                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR31           31
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR30           30
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR29           29
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR28           28
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR27           27
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR26           26
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR25           25
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR24           24
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR23           23
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR22           22
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR21           21
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR20           20
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR19           19
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR18           18
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR17           17
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR16           16
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR15           15
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR14           14
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR13           13
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR12           12            /*  Custom IRQ 3. Write 1 to clear. */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR11           11            /*  Custom IRQ 2. Write 1 to clear. */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR10           10            /*  Custom IRQ 1. Write 1 to clear. */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR9             9            /*  Custom IRQ 0. Write 1 to clear */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR8             8
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR7             7
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR6             6
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR5             5
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR4             4
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR3             3
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR2             2
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR1             1
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR0             0
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR31           0x80000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR30           0x40000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR29           0x20000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR28           0x10000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR27           0x08000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR26           0x04000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR25           0x02000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR24           0x01000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR23           0x00800000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR22           0x00400000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR21           0x00200000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR20           0x00100000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR19           0x00080000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR18           0x00040000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR17           0x00020000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR16           0x00010000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR15           0x00008000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR14           0x00004000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR13           0x00002000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR12           0x00001000    /*  Custom IRQ 3. Write 1 to clear. */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR11           0x00000800    /*  Custom IRQ 2. Write 1 to clear. */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR10           0x00000400    /*  Custom IRQ 1. Write 1 to clear. */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR9            0x00000200    /*  Custom IRQ 0. Write 1 to clear */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR8            0x00000100
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR7            0x00000080
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR6            0x00000040
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR5            0x00000020
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR4            0x00000010
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR3            0x00000008
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR2            0x00000004
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR1            0x00000002
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCCLR_INTCLR0            0x00000001
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              INTC_INTCSEL0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL31          31
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL30          30
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL29          29
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL28          28
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL27          27
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL26          26
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL25          25
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL24          24
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL23          23
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL22          22
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL21          21
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL20          20
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL19          19
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL18          18
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL17          17
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL16          16
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL15          15
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL14          14
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL13          13
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL12          12            /*  Custom IRQ 3 Enable */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL11          11            /*  Custom IRQ 2 Enable */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL10          10            /*  Custom IRQ 1 Enable */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL9            9            /*  Custom IRQ 0 Enable */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL8            8
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL7            7
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL6            6
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL5            5
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL4            4
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL3            3
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL2            2
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL1            1
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL0            0
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL31          0x80000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL30          0x40000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL29          0x20000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL28          0x10000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL27          0x08000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL26          0x04000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL25          0x02000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL24          0x01000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL23          0x00800000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL22          0x00400000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL21          0x00200000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL20          0x00100000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL19          0x00080000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL18          0x00040000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL17          0x00020000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL16          0x00010000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL15          0x00008000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL14          0x00004000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL13          0x00002000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL12          0x00001000    /*  Custom IRQ 3 Enable */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL11          0x00000800    /*  Custom IRQ 2 Enable */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL10          0x00000400    /*  Custom IRQ 1 Enable */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL9           0x00000200    /*  Custom IRQ 0 Enable */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL8           0x00000100
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL7           0x00000080
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL6           0x00000040
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL5           0x00000020
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL4           0x00000010
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL3           0x00000008
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL2           0x00000004
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL1           0x00000002
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL0_INTSEL0           0x00000001
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              INTC_INTCSEL1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL31          31
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL30          30
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL29          29
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL28          28
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL27          27
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL26          26
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL25          25
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL24          24
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL23          23
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL22          22
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL21          21
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL20          20
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL19          19
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL18          18
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL17          17
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL16          16
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL15          15
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL14          14
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL13          13
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL12          12            /*  Custom IRQ 3 Enable */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL11          11            /*  Custom IRQ 2 Enable */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL10          10            /*  Custom IRQ 1 Enable */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL9            9            /*  Custom IRQ 0 Enable */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL8            8
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL7            7
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL6            6
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL5            5
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL4            4
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL3            3
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL2            2
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL1            1
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL0            0
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL31          0x80000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL30          0x40000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL29          0x20000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL28          0x10000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL27          0x08000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL26          0x04000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL25          0x02000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL24          0x01000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL23          0x00800000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL22          0x00400000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL21          0x00200000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL20          0x00100000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL19          0x00080000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL18          0x00040000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL17          0x00020000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL16          0x00010000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL15          0x00008000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL14          0x00004000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL13          0x00002000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL12          0x00001000    /*  Custom IRQ 3 Enable */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL11          0x00000800    /*  Custom IRQ 2 Enable */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL10          0x00000400    /*  Custom IRQ 1 Enable */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL9           0x00000200    /*  Custom IRQ 0 Enable */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL8           0x00000100
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL7           0x00000080
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL6           0x00000040
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL5           0x00000020
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL4           0x00000010
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL3           0x00000008
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL2           0x00000004
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL1           0x00000002
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCSEL1_INTSEL0           0x00000001
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              INTC_INTCFLAG0                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG31           31
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG30           30
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG29           29
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG28           28
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG27           27
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG26           26
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG25           25
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG24           24
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG23           23
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG22           22
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG21           21
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG20           20
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG19           19
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG18           18
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG17           17
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG16           16
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG15           15
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG14           14
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG13           13
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG12           12            /*  Custom IRQ 3 Status */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG11           11            /*  Custom IRQ 2 Status */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG10           10            /*  Custom IRQ 1 Status */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG9             9            /*  Custom IRQ 0 Status */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG8             8            /*  Variance IRQ status. */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG7             7
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG6             6
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG5             5
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG4             4
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG3             3
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG2             2
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG1             1
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG0             0
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG31           0x80000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG30           0x40000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG29           0x20000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG28           0x10000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG27           0x08000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG26           0x04000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG25           0x02000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG24           0x01000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG23           0x00800000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG22           0x00400000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG21           0x00200000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG20           0x00100000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG19           0x00080000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG18           0x00040000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG17           0x00020000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG16           0x00010000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG15           0x00008000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG14           0x00004000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG13           0x00002000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG12           0x00001000    /*  Custom IRQ 3 Status */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG11           0x00000800    /*  Custom IRQ 2 Status */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG10           0x00000400    /*  Custom IRQ 1 Status */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG9            0x00000200    /*  Custom IRQ 0 Status */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG8            0x00000100    /*  Variance IRQ status. */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG7            0x00000080
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG6            0x00000040
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG5            0x00000020
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG4            0x00000010
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG3            0x00000008
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG2            0x00000004
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG1            0x00000002
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG0_FLAG0            0x00000001
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              INTC_INTCFLAG1                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG31           31
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG30           30
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG29           29
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG28           28
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG27           27
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG26           26
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG25           25
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG24           24
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG23           23
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG22           22
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG21           21
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG20           20
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG19           19
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG18           18
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG17           17
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG16           16
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG15           15
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG14           14
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG13           13
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG12           12            /*  Custom IRQ 3 Status */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG11           11            /*  Custom IRQ 2 Status */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG10           10            /*  Custom IRQ 1 Status */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG9             9            /*  Custom IRQ 0 Status */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG8             8            /*  Variance IRQ status. */
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG7             7
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG6             6
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG5             5
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG4             4
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG3             3
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG2             2
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG1             1
    #define BITP_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG0             0
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG31           0x80000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG30           0x40000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG29           0x20000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG28           0x10000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG27           0x08000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG26           0x04000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG25           0x02000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG24           0x01000000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG23           0x00800000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG22           0x00400000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG21           0x00200000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG20           0x00100000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG19           0x00080000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG18           0x00040000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG17           0x00020000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG16           0x00010000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG15           0x00008000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG14           0x00004000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG13           0x00002000
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG12           0x00001000    /*  Custom IRQ 3 Status */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG11           0x00000800    /*  Custom IRQ 2 Status */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG10           0x00000400    /*  Custom IRQ 1 Status */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG9            0x00000200    /*  Custom IRQ 0 Status */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG8            0x00000100    /*  Variance IRQ status. */
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG7            0x00000080
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG6            0x00000040
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG5            0x00000020
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG4            0x00000010
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG3            0x00000008
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG2            0x00000004
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG1            0x00000002
    #define BITM_INTC_INTCFLAG1_FLAG0            0x00000001
     * @} AD5940RegistersBitfields
     * @endcond
     * */
     * @addtogroup SPI_Block
     * @{
     *    @defgroup SPI_Block_Const
     *    @{
    #define SPICMD_SETADDR    0x20      /**< set the register address that is going to operate. */
    #define SPICMD_READREG    0x6d      /**< command to read register */
    #define SPICMD_WRITEREG   0x2d      /**< command to write register */
    #define SPICMD_READFIFO   0x5f      /**< command to read FIFO */
     * @} SPI_Block_Const
     * @} SPI_Block
     * @addtogroup AFE_Control
     * @{
     * */
     * @defgroup AFE_Control_Const
     * @{
     * */
     * @defgroup AFEINTC_Const
     * @brief AD5940 has two interrupt controller INTC0 and INTC1. Both of them have ability to generate interrupt signal from GPIO.
     * @{
     * */
    /* AFE Interrupt controller selection */
    #define AFEINTC_0                   0   /**< Interrupt controller 0 */     
    #define AFEINTC_1                   1   /**< Interrupt controller 1 */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup AFEINTC_SRC_Const
     * @brief Interrupt source selection. These sources are defined as bit mask. They are available for register INTCCLR, INTCSEL0/1, INTCFLAG0/1
     * @{
     * */
    #define AFEINTSRC_ADCRDY            0x00000001  /**<  Bit0, ADC Result Ready Status */
    #define AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY            0x00000002  /**<  Bit1, DFT Result Ready Status */
    #define AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY          0x00000004  /**<  Bit2, SINC2/Low Pass Filter Result Status */
    #define AFEINTSRC_TEMPRDY           0x00000008  /**<  Bit3, Temp Sensor Result Ready */
    #define AFEINTSRC_ADCMINERR         0x00000010	/**<  Bit4, ADC Minimum Value */
    #define AFEINTSRC_ADCMAXERR         0x00000020	/**<  Bit5, ADC Maximum Value */
    #define AFEINTSRC_ADCDIFFERR        0x00000040  /**<  Bit6, ADC Delta Ready */
    #define AFEINTSRC_MEANRDY           0x00000080	/**<  Bit7, Mean Result Ready */
    #define AFEINTSRC_VARRDY            0x00000100	/**<  Bit8, Variance Result Ready */
    #define AFEINTSRC_CUSTOMINT0        0x00000200  /**<  Bit9,  Custom interrupt source 0. It happens when **sequencer** writes 1 to register AFEGENINTSTA.BIT0 */
    #define AFEINTSRC_CUSTOMINT1        0x00000400  /**<  Bit10, Custom interrupt source 1. It happens when **sequencer** writes 1 to register AFEGENINTSTA.BIT1*/
    #define AFEINTSRC_CUSTOMINT2        0x00000800  /**<  Bit11, Custom interrupt source 2. It happens when **sequencer** writes 1 to register AFEGENINTSTA.BIT2 */
    #define AFEINTSRC_CUSTOMINT3        0x00001000  /**<  Bit12, Custom interrupt source 3. It happens when **sequencer** writes 1 to register AFEGENINTSTA.BIT3 */
    #define AFEINTSRC_BOOTLDDONE        0x00002000  /**<  Bit13, OTP Boot Loading Done */
    #define AFEINTSRC_WAKEUP            0x00004000  /**<  Bit14, AFE Woken up*/
    #define AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ    	      0x00008000  /**<  Bit15, End of Sequence Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_SEQTIMEOUT   	    0x00010000  /**<  Bit16, Sequencer Timeout Command Finished. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_SEQTIMEOUTERR     0x00020000  /**<  Bit17, Sequencer Timeout Command Error. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOFULL       0x00040000  /**<  Bit18, Command FIFO Full Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOEMPTY      0x00080000  /**<  Bit19, Command FIFO Empty */
    #define AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOTHRESH     0x00100000  /**<  Bit20, Command FIFO Threshold Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOOF         0x00200000  /**<  Bit21, Command FIFO Overflow Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOUF         0x00400000  /**<  Bit22, Command FIFO Underflow Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOFULL      0x00800000  /**<  Bit23, Data FIFO Full Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOEMPTY     0x01000000  /**<  Bit24, Data FIFO Empty */
    #define AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOTHRESH    0x02000000  /**<  Bit25, Data FIFO Threshold Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOOF        0x04000000  /**<  Bit26, Data FIFO Overflow Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOUF        0x08000000  /**<  Bit27, Data FIFO Underflow Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_WDTIRQ            0x10000000  /**<  Bit28, WDT Timeout Interrupt. */
    #define AFEINTSRC_CRC_OUTLIER       0x20000000  /**<  Bit29, CRC interrupt for M355, Outlier Int for AD5940  */
    #define AFEINTSRC_GPT0INT_SLPWUT    0x40000000  /**<  Bit30, Gneral Pupose Timer0 IRQ for M355. Sleep or Wakeup Tiemr timeout for AD5940*/
    #define AFEINTSRC_GPT1INT_TRYBRK    0x80000000  /**<  Bit31, Gneral Pupose Timer1 IRQ for M355. Tried to Break IRQ for AD5940*/
    #define AFEINTSRC_ALLINT            0xffffffff  /**<  mask of all interrupt */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup AFEPWR_Const
     * @brief AFE power mode. 
     * @details It will set the whole analog system power mode include HSDAC, Excitation Buffer, HSTIA, ADC front-buffer etc.
     * @{
    #define AFEPWR_LP                   0   /**< Set AFE to Low Power mode. For signal <80kHz, use it. */
    #define AFEPWR_HP                   1   /**< Set AFE to High Power mode. For signal >80kHz, use it. */
     * @}
     * @defgroup AFEBW_Const
     * @brief AFE system bandwidth. 
     * @details It will set the whole analog bandwidth include HSDAC, Excitation Buffer, HSTIA, ADC front-buffer etc.
     * @{
    #define AFEBW_AUTOSET               0   /**< Set the bandwidth automatically based on WGFCW frequency word. */
    #define AFEBW_50KHZ                 1   /**< 50kHZ system bandwidth(DAC/ADC) */
    #define AFEBW_100KHZ                2   /**< 100kHZ system bandwidth(DAC/ADC) */
    #define AFEBW_250KHZ                3   /**< 250kHZ system bandwidth(DAC/ADC) */
     * @}
     * @defgroup AFECTRL_Const
     * @brief AFE Control signal set. Bit masks for register AFECON.
     * @details This is all the available control signal for function @ref AD5940_AFECtrlS
     * @warning Bit field in register AFECON has some opposite meaning as below definitions. We use all positive word here
     *          like HPREF instead of HPREFDIS. This set is only used in function @ref AD5940_AFECtrlS, the second parameter
     *          decides whether enable it or disable it. 
     * @{
    #define AFECTRL_HPREFPWR            (1L<<5)    /**< High power reference on-off control */
    #define AFECTRL_HSDACPWR            (1L<<6)    /**< High speed DAC on-off control */
    #define AFECTRL_ADCPWR              (1L<<7)    /**< ADC power on-off control */
    #define AFECTRL_ADCCNV              (1L<<8)    /**< Start ADC convert enable */
    #define AFECTRL_EXTBUFPWR           (1L<<9)    /**< Excitation buffer power control */
    #define AFECTRL_INAMPPWR            (1L<<10)   /**< Excitation loop input amplifier before P/N node power control */
    #define AFECTRL_HSTIAPWR            (1L<<11)   /**< High speed TIA amplifier power control */   
    #define AFECTRL_TEMPSPWR            (1L<<12)   /**< Temperature sensor power */
    #define AFECTRL_TEMPCNV             (1L<<13)   /**< Start Temperature sensor convert */
    #define AFECTRL_WG                  (1L<<14)   /**< Waveform generator on-off control */
    #define AFECTRL_DFT                 (1L<<15)   /**< DFT engine on-off control */
    #define AFECTRL_SINC2NOTCH          (1L<<16)	  /**< SIN2+Notch block on-off control */
    #define AFECTRL_ALDOLIMIT           (1L<<19)	  /**< ALDO current limit on-off control */
    #define AFECTRL_DACREFPWR           (1L<<20)	  /**< DAC reference buffer power control */ 
    #define AFECTRL_DCBUFPWR            (1L<<21)	  /**< Excitation loop DC offset buffer sourced from LPDAC power control */           
    #define AFECTRL_ALL                 0x39ffe0   /**< All control signals */           
     * @}
     * @defgroup LPMODECTRL_Const
     * @brief   LP Control signal(bit mask) for register LPMODECON
     * @details  This is all the available control signal for function @ref AD5940_LPModeCtrlS
     * @warning Bit field in register LPMODECON has some opposite meaning as below definitions. We use all positive word here
     *          like HPREFPWR instead of HPREFDIS. This set is only used in function @ref AD5940_AFECtrlS, the second parameter
     *          decides whether enable or disable selected block(s). 
     * @{
    #define LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN             (1<<0)  /**< Enable internal HFOSC. Note: the register defination is set this bit to 1 to disable it. */
    #define LPMODECTRL_HPREFPWR            (1<<1)  /**< High power reference power EN. Note: the register defination is set this bit to 1 to disable it. */
    #define LPMODECTRL_ADCCNV              (1<<2)  /**< Start ADC convert enable */
    #define LPMODECTRL_REPEATEN            (1<<3)  /**< Enable repeat convert function. This will enable ADC power automatically */
    #define LPMODECTRL_GLBBIASZ            (1<<4)  /**< Enable Global ZTAT bias. Disable it to save more power */
    #define LPMODECTRL_GLBBIASP            (1<<5)  /**< Enable Global PTAT bias. Disable it to save more power */
    #define LPMODECTRL_BUFHP1P8V           (1<<6)  /**< High power 1.8V reference buffer */
    #define LPMODECTRL_BUFHP1P1V           (1<<7)  /**< High power 1.1V reference buffer */
    #define LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR             (1<<8)  /**< Enable ALDO. Note: register defination is set this bit to 1 to disable ALDO. */
    #define LPMODECTRL_ALL                 0x1ff   /**< All Control signal Or'ed together*/
    #define LPMODECTRL_NONE                0       /**< No blocks selected */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup AFERESULT_Const
     * @brief The available AFE results type. Used for function @ref AD5940_ReadAfeResult
     * @{
    #define AFERESULT_SINC3             0 /**< SINC3 result */
    #define AFERESULT_SINC2             1 /**< SINC2+NOTCH result */
    #define AFERESULT_TEMPSENSOR        2 /**< Temperature sensor result */
    #define AFERESULT_DFTREAL           3 /**< DFT Real result */
    #define AFERESULT_DFTIMAGE          4 /**< DFT Imaginary result */
    #define AFERESULT_STATSMEAN         5 /**< Statistic Mean result */
    #define AFERESULT_STATSVAR          6 /**< Statistic Variance result */
    /** @} */
     * @} AFE_Control_Const
     * @} AFE_Control
     * */
     * @addtogroup High_Speed_Loop
     * @{
     *    @defgroup High_Speed_Loop_Const
     *    @{
     * @defgroup Switch_Matrix_Block_Const
     * @{
     *    @defgroup SWD_Const
     *    @brief Switch D set. This is bit mask for register DSWFULLCON. 
     *    @details
     *        It's used to initialize structure @ref SWMatrixCfg_Type 
     *        The bit masks can be OR'ed together. For example 
     *          - `SWD_AIN1|SWD_RCAL0` means close SWD_AIN1 and SWD_RCAL0 in same time, and open all other D switches.
     *          - `SWD_AIN2` means close SWD_AIN2 and open all other D switches.
     *    @{
    #define SWD_OPEN                    (0<<0)    /**< Open all D switch. */
    #define SWD_RCAL0                   (1<<0)    /**< pin RCAL0 */
    #define SWD_AIN1                    (1<<1)    /**< Pin AIN1 */
    #define SWD_AIN2                    (1<<2)    /**< Pin AIN2 */
    #define SWD_AIN3                    (1<<3)    /**< Pin AIN3 */
    #define SWD_CE0                     (1<<4)    /**< Pin CE0 */
    #define SWD_CE1                     (1<<5)    /**< CE1 in ADuCM355 */
    #define SWD_AFE1                    (1<<5)    /**< AFE1 in AD594x */
    #define SWD_SE0                     (1<<6)    /**< Pin SE0 */
    #define SWD_SE1                     (1<<7)    /**< SE1 in ADuCM355 */
    #define SWD_AFE3                    (1<<7)    /**< AFE3 in AD594x */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup SWP_Const
     * @brief Switch P set. This is bit mask for register PSWFULLCON.
     * @details
     *        It's used to initialize structure @ref SWMatrixCfg_Type.
     *        The bit masks can be OR'ed together. For example 
     *          - `SWP_RCAL0|SWP_AIN1` means close SWP_RCAL0 and SWP_AIN1 in same time, and open all other P switches.
     *          - `SWP_SE0` means close SWP_SE0 and open all other P switches.
     * @{
    #define SWP_OPEN                    0         /**< Open all P switches */
    #define SWP_RCAL0                   (1<<0)    /**< Pin RCAL0 */
    #define SWP_AIN1                    (1<<1)    /**< Pin AIN1 */
    #define SWP_AIN2                    (1<<2)    /**< Pin AIN2 */
    #define SWP_AIN3                    (1<<3)    /**< Pin AIN3 */
    #define SWP_RE0                     (1<<4)    /**< Pin RE0 */
    #define SWP_RE1                     (1<<5)    /**< RE1 in ADuCM355 */
    #define SWP_AFE2                    (1<<5)    /**< AFE2 in AD5940 */
    #define SWP_SE0                     (1<<6)    /**< Pin SE0 */
    #define SWP_DE0                     (1<<7)    /**< Pin DE0 */
    #define SWP_SE1                     (1<<8)    /**< SE1 in ADuCM355 */
    #define SWP_AFE3                    (1<<8)    /**< AFE3 in AD5940 */
    #define SWP_DE1                     (1<<9)    /**< ADuCM355 Only. */
    #define SWP_CE0                     (1<<10)   /**< Pin CE0 */
    #define SWP_CE1                     (1<<11)   /**< CE1 in ADuCM355 */
    #define SWP_AFE1                    (1<<11)   /**< AFE1 in AD5940 */
    #define SWP_PL                      (1<<13)   /**< Internal PL switch */
    #define SWP_PL2                     (1<<14)   /**< Internal PL2 switch */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup SWN_Const
     * @brief Switch N set. This is bit mask for register NSWFULLCON.
     * @details
     *        It's used to initialize structure @ref SWMatrixCfg_Type.
     *        The bit masks can be OR'ed together. For example 
     *          - `SWN_RCAL0|SWN_AIN1` means close SWN_RCAL0 and SWN_AIN1 in same time, and open all other N switches.
     *          - `SWN_SE0` means close SWN_SE0 and open all other N switches.
     * @{
    #define SWN_OPEN                    0       /**< Open all N switches */
    #define SWN_RCAL1                   (1<<9)  /**< Pin RCAL1 */
    #define SWN_AIN0                    (1<<0)  /**< Pin AIN0 */
    #define SWN_AIN1                    (1<<1)  /**< Pin AIN1 */
    #define SWN_AIN2                    (1<<2)  /**< Pin AIN2 */
    #define SWN_AIN3                    (1<<3)  /**< Pin AIN3  */
    #define SWN_SE0LOAD                 (1<<4)  /**< SE0_LOAD is different from PIN SE0. It's the point after 100Ohm load resistor */
    #define SWN_DE0LOAD                 (1<<5)  /**< DE0_Load is after Rload resistor */
    #define SWN_SE1LOAD                 (1<<6)  /**< SE1_LOAD in ADuCM355 */
    #define SWN_AFE3LOAD                (1<<6)  /**< AFE3LOAD in ADuCM355 */
    #define SWN_DE1LOAD                 (1<<7)  /**< ADuCM355 Only*/
    #define SWN_SE0                     (1<<8)  /**< SE0 here means the PIN SE0. */
    #define SWN_NL                      (1<<10) /**< Internal NL switch */
    #define SWN_NL2                     (1<<11) /**< Internal NL2 switch */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup SWT_Const
     * @brief Switch T set. This is bit mask for register TSWFULLCON.
     * @details
     *        It's used to initialize structure @ref SWMatrixCfg_Type.
     *        The bit masks can be OR'ed together. For example 
     *          - SWT_RCAL0|SWT_AIN1 means close SWT_RCAL0 and SWT_AIN1 in same time, and open all other T switches.
     *          - SWT_SE0LOAD means close SWT_SE0LOAD and open all other T switches.
     * @{
    #define SWT_OPEN                    0         /**< Open all T switches */
    #define SWT_RCAL1                   (1<<11)   /**< Pin RCAL1 */
    #define SWT_AIN0                    (1<<0)    /**< Pin AIN0 */
    #define SWT_AIN1                    (1<<1)    /**< Pin AIN1 */
    #define SWT_AIN2                    (1<<2)    /**< Pin AIN2 */
    #define SWT_AIN3                    (1<<3)    /**< Pin AIN3 */
    #define SWT_SE0LOAD                 (1<<4)    /**< SE0_LOAD is different from PIN SE0. It's the point after 100Ohm load resistor */
    #define SWT_DE0                     (1<<5)    /**< DE0 pin. */
    #define SWT_SE1LOAD                 (1<<6)    /**< SE1_LOAD on ADuCM355*/
    #define SWT_AFE3LOAD                (1<<6)    /**< AFE3_LOAD on ADuCM355*/
    #define SWT_DE1                     (1<<7)    /**< ADuCM355 Only*/
    #define SWT_TRTIA                   (1<<8)    /**< T9 switch. Connect RTIA to T matrix */
    #define SWT_DE0LOAD                 (1<<9)    /**< DE0Load is the position after Rload Resisor */
    #define SWT_DE1LOAD                 (1<<10)   /**< DE1Load is the position after Rload Resisor */
    /** @} */
    /** @} Switch_Matrix_Block_Const */
     * @defgroup Waveform_Generator_Block_Const
     * @{
     * @defgroup WGTYPE_Const
     * @brief Waveform generator signal type
     * @{
    #define WGTYPE_MMR                  0 /**< Direct write to DAC using register */
    #define WGTYPE_SIN                  2 /**< Sine wave generator */
    #define WGTYPE_TRAPZ                3 /**< Trapezoid generator */
    /** @} */
    /** @} Waveform_Generator_Block_Const */
     * @defgroup HSDAC_Block_Const
     * @{
    /* Excitation buffer gain selection */
     * @defgroup EXCITBUFGAIN_Const
     * @{
    #define EXCITBUFGAIN_2              0   /**< Excitation buffer gain is x2 */
    #define EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25           1   /**< Excitation buffer gain is x1/4 */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup HSDACGAIN_Const
     * @{
    /* HSDAC PGA Gain selection(DACCON.BIT0) */
    #define HSDACGAIN_1                 0   /**< Gain is x1 */
    #define HSDACGAIN_0P2               1   /**< Gain is x1/5 */
    /** @} */
    /** @} */ //HSDAC_Block_Const
     * @defgroup HSTIA_Block_Const
     * @{
     * */
    /* HSTIA Amplifier Positive Input selection */
     * @defgroup HSTIABIAS_Const
     * @warning When select Vzero0 as bias, close LPDAC switch<xxx>
     * @{
    #define HSTIABIAS_1P1               0   /**< Internal 1.1V common voltage from internal 1.1V reference buffer */
    #define HSTIABIAS_VZERO0            1   /**< From LPDAC0 Vzero0 output */
    #define HSTIABIAS_VZERO1            2   /**< From LPDAC1 Vzero1 output. Only available on ADuCM355. */
    /** @} */
    /* HSTIA Internal RTIA selection */
     * @defgroup HSTIARTIA_Const
     * @{
    #define HSTIARTIA_200               0     /**< HSTIA Internal RTIA resistor 200  */
    #define HSTIARTIA_1K                1     /**< HSTIA Internal RTIA resistor 1K   */
    #define HSTIARTIA_5K                2     /**< HSTIA Internal RTIA resistor 5K   */
    #define HSTIARTIA_10K               3     /**< HSTIA Internal RTIA resistor 10K  */
    #define HSTIARTIA_20K               4     /**< HSTIA Internal RTIA resistor 20K  */
    #define HSTIARTIA_40K               5     /**< HSTIA Internal RTIA resistor 40K  */
    #define HSTIARTIA_80K               6     /**< HSTIA Internal RTIA resistor 80K  */
    #define HSTIARTIA_160K              7     /**< HSTIA Internal RTIA resistor 160K */
    #define HSTIARTIA_OPEN              8     /**< Open internal resistor */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup HSTIADERTIA_Const
     * @{
    #define HSTIADERTIA_50              0     /**< 50Ohm Settings depends on RLOAD resistor. */
    #define HSTIADERTIA_100             1     /**< 100Ohm Settings depends on RLOAD resistor.*/
    #define HSTIADERTIA_200             2     /**< 200Ohm Settings depends on RLOAD resistor.*/
    #define HSTIADERTIA_1K              3     /**< set bit[7:3] to 0x0b(11) */
    #define HSTIADERTIA_5K              4     /**< set bit[7:3] to 0x0c(12) */
    #define HSTIADERTIA_10K             5     /**< set bit[7:3] to 0x0d(13) */
    #define HSTIADERTIA_20K             6     /**< set bit[7:3] to 0x0e(14) */
    #define HSTIADERTIA_40K             7     /**< set bit[7:3] to 0x0f(15) */
    #define HSTIADERTIA_80K             8     /**< set bit[7:3] to 0x10(16) */
    #define HSTIADERTIA_160K            9     /**< set bit[7:3] to 0x11(17) */
    #define HSTIADERTIA_TODE            10    /**< short HSTIA output to DE0 pin. set bit[7:3] to 0x12(18) */
    #define HSTIADERTIA_OPEN            11    /**< Default state is set to OPEN RTIA by setting bit[7:3] to 0x1f */      
    /** @} */
    /* HSTIA DE0 Terminal internal RLOAD selection */
     * @defgroup HSTIADERLOAD_Const
     * @{
    #define HSTIADERLOAD_0R             0     /**< set bit[2:0] to 0x00 */
    #define HSTIADERLOAD_10R            1     /**< set bit[2:0] to 0x01 */
    #define HSTIADERLOAD_30R            2     /**< set bit[2:0] to 0x02 */
    #define HSTIADERLOAD_50R            3     /**< set bit[2:0] to 0x03 */
    #define HSTIADERLOAD_100R           4     /**< set bit[2:0] to 0x04 */
    #define HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN           5     /**< RLOAD open means open switch between HSTIA negative input and Rload resistor(<S1>).Default state is OPEN RLOAD by setting HSTIARES03CON[2:0] to 0x5, 0x6 or 0x7 */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup HSTIAPWRMOE_Const
     * @{
    #define HSTIAPWRMOE_LP              0     /**< HSTIA in LP mode */
    #define HSTIAPWRMOE_HP              1     /**< HSTIA in HP mode */
    /** @} */
    /** @} HSTIA_Block_Const */
     * @} High_Speed_Loop_Const
     * @} High_Speed_Loop
     * @addtogroup Low_Power_Loop
     * Low power includes low power DAC and two low power amplifiers(PA and TIA)
     * @{
     *    @defgroup Low_Power_Loop_Const
     *              The constant used in Low power loop.
     *    @{
     * @defgroup LPDAC_Block_Const
     * @{
     * */
     * @defgroup LPDAC_Const
     * Select which LPDAC is accessing.
     * @note This parameter must be configured correctly
     * @{
    #define LPDAC0                      0   /**< LPDAC0 */
    #define LPDAC1                      1   /**< LPDAC1, ADuCM355 Only */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPDACSRC_Const
     * LPDAC data source selection. Either from MMR or from waveform generator.
     * @{
    #define LPDACSRC_MMR                0   /**< Get data from register REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0DATA0 */
    #define LPDACSRC_WG                 1   /**< Get data from waveform generator */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPDACSW_Const
     * @brief LPDAC switch settings
     * @{
    #define LPDACSW_VBIAS2LPPA        0x10  /**< switch between LPDAC Vbias output and LPPA(low power PA(Potential Amplifier)) */
    #define LPDACSW_VBIAS2PIN         0x08  /**< Switch between LPDAC Vbias output and Vbias pin */
    #define LPDACSW_VZERO2LPTIA       0x04  /**< Switch between LPDAC Vzero output and LPTIA positive input */
    #define LPDACSW_VZERO2PIN         0x02  /**< Switch between LPDAC Vzero output and Vzero pin */
    #define LPDACSW_VZERO2HSTIA       0x01  /**< Switch between LPDAC Vzero output and HSTIA positive input MUX */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPDACVZERO_Const
     * @brief Vzero MUX selection
     * @{
    #define LPDACVZERO_6BIT             0   /**< Connect Vzero to 6bit LPDAC output */
    #define LPDACVZERO_12BIT            1   /**< Connect Vzero to 12bit LPDAC output */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPDACVBIAS_Const
     * @brief Vbias MUX selection
     * @{
    #define LPDACVBIAS_6BIT             1   /**< Connect Vbias to 6bit LPDAC output */
    #define LPDACVBIAS_12BIT            0   /**< Connect Vbias to 12bit LPDAC output */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPDACREF_Const
     * @brief LPDAC reference selection
     * @{
    #define LPDACREF_2P5                0   /**< Internal 2.5V reference */
    #define LPDACREF_AVDD               1   /**< Use AVDD as reference */
    /** @} */
    /** @} */ //LPDAC_Block_Const
     * @defgroup LPAMP_Block_Const
     * @brief Low power amplifies include potential-state amplifier(PA in short) and TIA.
     * @{
     * */
     * @defgroup LPTIA_Const
     * @brief LPTIA selecion
     * @{
     * */
    #define LPTIA0                      0   /**< LPTIA0 */
    #define LPTIA1                      1   /**< LPTIA1, ADuCM355 Only */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPTIARF_Const
     * @brief LPTIA LPF Resistor selection
     * @{
     * */
    #define LPTIARF_OPEN                0   /**< Disconnect Rf resistor */
    #define LPTIARF_SHORT               1   /**< Bypass Rf resistor */
    #define LPTIARF_20K                 2   /**< 20kOhm Rf */
    #define LPTIARF_100K                3   /**< Rf resistor 100kOhm */
    #define LPTIARF_200K                4   /**< Rf resistor 200kOhm */
    #define LPTIARF_400K                5   /**< Rf resistor 400kOhm */
    #define LPTIARF_600K                6   /**< Rf resistor 600kOhm */
    #define LPTIARF_1M                  7   /**< Rf resistor 1MOhm */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPTIARLOAD_Const
     * @brief LPTIA Rload Selection
     * @{
    #define LPTIARLOAD_SHORT            0   /**< 0Ohm Rload */
    #define LPTIARLOAD_10R              1   /**< 10Ohm Rload */
    #define LPTIARLOAD_30R              2   /**< Rload resistor 30Ohm */
    #define LPTIARLOAD_50R              3   /**< Rload resistor 50Ohm */
    #define LPTIARLOAD_100R             4   /**< Rload resistor 100Ohm */
    #define LPTIARLOAD_1K6              5   /**< Only available when RTIA setting >= 2KOHM */
    #define LPTIARLOAD_3K1              6   /**< Only available when RTIA setting >= 4KOHM */
    #define LPTIARLOAD_3K6              7   /**< Only available when RTIA setting >= 4KOHM */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPTIARTIA_Const
     * @brief LPTIA RTIA Selection
     * @note The real RTIA resistor value dependents on Rload settings.
     * @{
    #define LPTIARTIA_OPEN              0   /**< Disconnect LPTIA Internal RTIA */
    #define LPTIARTIA_200R              1   /**< 200Ohm Internal RTIA */
    #define LPTIARTIA_1K                2   /**< 1KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_2K                3   /**< 2KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_3K                4   /**< 3KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_4K                5   /**< 4KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_6K                6   /**< 6KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_8K                7   /**< 8KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_10K               8   /**< 10KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_12K               9   /**< 12KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_16K               10  /**< 16KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_20K               11  /**< 20KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_24K               12  /**< 24KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_30K               13  /**< 30KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_32K               14  /**< 32KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_40K               15  /**< 40KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_48K               16  /**< 48KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_64K               17  /**< 64KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_85K               18  /**< 85KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_96K               19  /**< 96KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_100K              20  /**< 100KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_120K              21  /**< 120KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_128K              22  /**< 128KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_160K              23  /**< 160KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_196K              24  /**< 196KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_256K              25  /**< 256KOHM */
    #define LPTIARTIA_512K              26  /**< 512KOHM */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPAMP_Const
     * LPAMP selecion. On AD594x, only LPAMP0 is available. 
     * @note This parameter must be configured correctly.
     * @{
     * */
    #define LPAMP0                      0   /**< LPAMP0, AMP include both LPTIA and Potentio-stat amplifiers */
    #define LPAMP1                      1   /**< LPAMP1, ADuCM355 Only */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPAMPPWR_Const
     * @brief Low power amplifier(PA and TIA) power mode selection.
     * @{
    #define LPAMPPWR_NORM               0   /**< Normal Power mode */
    #define LPAMPPWR_BOOST1             1   /**< Boost power to level 1 */
    #define LPAMPPWR_BOOST2             2   /**< Boost power to level 2 */
    #define LPAMPPWR_BOOST3             3   /**< Boost power to level 3 */
    #define LPAMPPWR_HALF               4   /**< Put PA and TIA in half power mode */
    /** @} */
    #define LPTIASW(n)                  (1L<<n) /**< LPTIA switch control. Use this macro to set LpTiaSW field of @ref LPAmpCfg_Type  */
     * @} LPAMP_Block_Const
     * @} Low_Power_Loop_Const
     * @} Low_Power_Loop
     * */
     * @addtogroup DSP_Block
     * DSP block include signal chain from raw ADC data to various filters, DFT engine and Statistic Functions etc.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup DSP_Block_Const
     *    @{
     *        @defgroup ADC_Block_Const
     *        @{
     * @defgroup ADCPGA_Const
     * @brief ADC PGA Selection
     * @note Only gain 1.5 is factory calibrated.
     * @{
    #define ADCPGA_1                    0     /**< ADC PGA Gain of 1 */
    #define ADCPGA_1P5                  1     /**< ADC PGA Gain of 1.5 */
    #define ADCPGA_2                    2     /**< ADC PGA Gain of 2 */
    #define ADCPGA_4                    3     /**< ADC PGA Gain of 4 */
    #define ADCPGA_9                    4     /**< ADC PGA Gain of 9 */
    #define IS_ADCPGA(pga)              (((pga) == ADCPGA_1) ||\
                                        (pga) == ADCPGA_1P5) ||\
                                        (pga) == ADCPGA_2) ||\
                                        (pga) == ADCPGA_4) ||\
                                        (pga) == ADCPGA_9))
     * @} 
     * */
     * @defgroup ADCMUXP_Const
     * @brief ADC Channel P Configuration
     * @{
    #define ADCMUXP_FLOAT               0x0     /**< float */
    #define ADCMUXP_HSTIA_P             0x1     /**< output of HSTIA */
    #define ADCMUXP_AIN0                0x4     /**< pin AIN0 */
    #define ADCMUXP_AIN1                0x5     /**< pin AIN1 */
    #define ADCMUXP_AIN2                0x6     /**< pin AIN2 */
    #define ADCMUXP_AIN3                0x7     /**< pin AIN3 */
    #define ADCMUXP_AVDD_2              0x8     /**< AVDD/2  */
    #define ADCMUXP_DVDD_2              0x9     /**< DVDD/2  */
    #define ADCMUXP_AVDDREG             0xA     /**< AVDD internal regulator output. It's around 1.8V */
    #define ADCMUXP_TEMPP               0xB     /**< Internal temperature output postive terminal */
    #define ADCMUXP_VSET1P1             0xC     /**< Internal 1.1V bias voltage */
    #define ADCMUXP_VDE0                0xD     /**< Voltage of DE0 pin  */
    #define ADCMUXP_VSE0                0xE     /**< Voltage of SE0 pin  */
    #define ADCMUXP_VSE1                0xF     /**< Voltage of SE1 pin on ADuCM355  */
    #define ADCMUXP_VAFE3               0xF     /**< Voltage of AFE3 pin on AD5940. */
    #define ADCMUXP_VREF2P5             0x10    /**< 1.25V. The internal 2.5V reference buffer output divided by 2. */
    #define ADCMUXP_VREF1P8DAC          0x12    /**< HSDAC 1.8V internal reference. It's only available when both AFECON.BIT20 and AFECON.BIT6 are set. */
    #define ADCMUXP_TEMPN               0x13    /**< Internal temperature output negative terminal */
    #define ADCMUXP_AIN4                0x14    /**< Voltage of AIN4/LPF0 pin  */
    #define ADCMUXP_AIN5                0x15    /**< Voltage of AIN5 pin  */
    #define ADCMUXP_AIN6                0x16    /**< Voltage of AIN6 pin, not available on AD5941  */
    #define ADCMUXP_VZERO0              0x17    /**< Voltage of Vzero0 pin  */
    #define ADCMUXP_VBIAS0              0x18    /**< Voltage of Vbias0 pin  */
    #define ADCMUXP_VCE0                0x19    /**< Pin CE0 */
    #define ADCMUXP_VRE0                0x1A    /**< Pin RE0 */
    #define ADCMUXP_VZERO1              0x1B    /**< Voltage of Vzero1 pin on ADuCM355 */
    #define ADCMUXP_VAFE4               0x1B    /**< Voltage of AFE4 pin on AD5940. */
    #define ADCMUXP_VBIAS1              0x1C    /**< Voltage of Vbias1 pin  */
    #define ADCMUXP_VCE1                0x1D    /**< Voltage of CE1 pin on ADuCM355. */
    #define ADCMUXP_VAFE1               0x1D    /**< Voltage of AFE1 pin on AD5940. */
    #define ADCMUXP_VRE1                0x1E    /**< Voltage of RE1 pin on ADuCM355. */
    #define ADCMUXP_VAFE2               0x1E    /**< Voltage of AFE2 pin on AD5940. */
    #define ADCMUXP_VCE0_2              0x1F    /**< VCE0 divide by 2 */
    #define ADCMUXP_VCE1_2              0x20    /**< VCE1 divide by 2 */
    #define ADCMUXP_LPTIA0_P            0x21    /**< Output of LPTIA0 */
    #define ADCMUXP_LPTIA1_P            0x22    /**< Output of LPTIA1 */
    #define ADCMUXP_AGND                0x23    /**< Internal AGND node */
    #define ADCMUXP_P_NODE              0x24    /**< Buffered voltage of excitation buffer P node.  */
    #define ADCMUXP_IOVDD_2             0x27    /**< IOVDD/2  */
     * @defgroup ADCMUXN_Const
     * @brief ADC Channel N Configuration
     * @{
    #define ADCMUXN_FLOAT               0x0      /**< float */
    #define ADCMUXN_HSTIA_N             0x1      /**< HSTIA negative input node. */
    #define ADCMUXN_LPTIA0_N            0x2      /**< LPTIA0 negative input node. */
    #define ADCMUXN_LPTIA1_N            0x3      /**< LPTIA1 negative input node. */
    #define ADCMUXN_AIN0                0x4      /**< Pin AIN0 */
    #define ADCMUXN_AIN1                0x5      /**< Pin AIN1 */
    #define ADCMUXN_AIN2                0x6      /**< Pin AIN2 */
    #define ADCMUXN_AIN3                0x7      /**< Pin AIN3 */
    #define ADCMUXN_VSET1P1             0x8      /**< Internal 1.11V reference */
    #define ADCMUXN_VREF1P1             0x8      /**< Internal 1.11V reference, same as ADCMUXN_VSET1P1 */
    #define ADCMUXN_TEMPN               0xB      /**< Temperature sensor output. */
    #define ADCMUXN_AIN4                0xC      /**< AIN4 */
    #define ADCMUXN_AIN5                0xD      /**< AIN5 */
    #define ADCMUXN_AIN6                0xE      /**< AIN6 */
    #define ADCMUXN_VZERO0              0x10     /**< pin Vzero0 */
    #define ADCMUXN_VBIAS0              0x11     /**< pin Vbias0 */
    #define ADCMUXN_VZERO1              0x12     /**< pin Vzero1 */
    #define ADCMUXN_AFE4                0x12     /**< Pin AFE4 on AD5940. */
    #define ADCMUXN_VBIAS1              0x13     /**< pin Vbias1 */
    #define ADCMUXN_N_NODE              0x14     /**< Buffered voltage of excitation buffer N node.  */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup ADCRATE_Const
     * @brief ADC Current Sample Rate. If ADC clock is 32MHz, set it to ADCRATE_1P6MHZ. Otherwise, set it to ADCRATE_800KHZ.
     * @{
    #define ADCRATE_800KHZ              1  /**< ADC input clock is 16MHz, sample rate is 800kHz */
    #define ADCRATE_1P6MHZ              0  /**< ADC input clock is 32MHz, sample rate is 1.6MHz */
    #define IS_ADCRATE(rate)            (((rate) == ADCRATE_800KHZ) ||\
                                        (rate) == ADCRATE_1P6MHZ))
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup ADCSINC3OSR_Const
     * @brief ADC SINC3 Filter OSR. 2, 4 is recommended value. 5 is not recommended.
     * @{
    #define ADCSINC3OSR_2               2     /**< ADC SINC3 OSR 2 */
    #define ADCSINC3OSR_4               1     /**< ADC SINC3 OSR 4 */
    #define ADCSINC3OSR_5               0     /**< ADC SINC3 OSR 5 */
    #define IS_ADCSINC3OSR(osr)        (((osr) == ADCSINC3OSR_2) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC3OSR_4) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC3OSR_5)) /**< checker of ADCSINC3OSR */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup ADCSINC2OSR_Const
     * @brief ADC SINC2 Filter OSR.
     * @{
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_22              0     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 22   */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_44              1     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 44   */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_89              2     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 89   */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_178             3     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 178  */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_267             4     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 267  */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_533             5     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 533  */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_640             6     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 640  */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_667             7     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 667  */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_800             8     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 800  */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_889             9     /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 889  */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_1067            10    /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 1067 */
    #define ADCSINC2OSR_1333            11    /**< ADC SINC2 OSR 1333 */
    #define IS_ADCSINC2OSR(osr)        (((osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_22) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_44) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_89) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_178) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_267) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_533) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_640) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_667) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_800) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_889) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_1067) ||\
                                        (osr) == ADCSINC2OSR_1333))   /**< checker of ADCSINC2OSR */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup ADCAVGNUM_Const
     * @brief ADC Average filter for DFT. The average block locates after SINC3 filter. 
     *        The output of average filter is directly feed into DFT block.
     * @warning Once average filter is enabled, DFT source is automatically changed to averaged data.
     * @{
    #define ADCAVGNUM_2                 0        /**< Take 2 input to do average. */
    #define ADCAVGNUM_4                 1        /**< Take 4 input to do average. */
    #define ADCAVGNUM_8                 2        /**< Take 8 input to do average. */
    #define ADCAVGNUM_16                3        /**< Take 16 input to do average. */
    #define IS_ADCAVGNUM(num)          (((num) == ADCAVGNUM_2) ||\
                                        (num) == ADCAVGNUM_4) ||\
                                        (num) == ADCAVGNUM_8) ||\
                                        (num) == ADCAVGNUM_16)) /**< checker of ADCAVGNUM macro */
    /** @} */
    /** @} ADC_Block_Const */
     * @defgroup DFT_Block_Const
     * @{
     * */
     * @defgroup DFTSRC_Const
     * @brief DFT source selection. When average function is enabled, DFT source automatically switch to average output.
     * @{
     * */
    #define DFTSRC_SINC2NOTCH           0   /**< SINC2+Notch filter block output. Bypass Notch to use SINC2 data */
    #define DFTSRC_SINC3                1   /**< SINC3 filter */
    #define DFTSRC_ADCRAW               2   /**< Raw ADC data */
    #define DFTSRC_AVG                  3   /**< Average output of SINC3. */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup DFTNUM_Const
     * @brief DFT number selection.
     * @{
     * */
    #define DFTNUM_4                    0     /**< 4     Point */
    #define DFTNUM_8                    1     /**< 8     Point */
    #define DFTNUM_16                   2     /**< 16    Point */
    #define DFTNUM_32                   3     /**< 32    Point */
    #define DFTNUM_64                   4     /**< 64    Point */
    #define DFTNUM_128                  5     /**< 128   Point */
    #define DFTNUM_256                  6     /**< 256   Point */
    #define DFTNUM_512                  7     /**< 512   Point */
    #define DFTNUM_1024                 8     /**< 1024  Point */
    #define DFTNUM_2048                 9     /**< 2048  Point */
    #define DFTNUM_4096                 10    /**< 4096  Point */
    #define DFTNUM_8192                 11    /**< 8192  Point */
    #define DFTNUM_16384                12    /**< 16384 Point */
    /** @} */
     * @} DFT_Block_Const 
     * @defgroup Statistic_Block_Const
     * @{
     * @defgroup STATSAMPLE_Const
     * @brief The statistic module sample size. It decides how much data is used to do calculation.
     * @{
    #define STATSAMPLE_128              0     /**< Sample size 128 */
    #define STATSAMPLE_64               1     /**< Sample size 64 */
    #define STATSAMPLE_32               2     /**< Sample size 32 */
    #define STATSAMPLE_16               3     /**< Sample size 16 */
    #define STATSAMPLE_8                4     /**< Sample size 8 */
    /** @} */
    /* Statistic standard deviation configure */
     * @defgroup STATDEV_Const
     * @brief The standard deviation configure
     * @{
    #define STATDEV_1                   1     /**< Used for check outlier of ADC result */
    #define STATDEV_4                   4     /**< Used for check outlier of ADC result */
    #define STATDEV_9                   9     /**< Used for check outlier of ADC result */
    #define STATDEV_16                  16    /**< Used for check outlier of ADC result */
    #define STATDEV_25                  25    /**< Used for check outlier of ADC result */
    /** @} */
     * @} Statistic_Block_Const
     * @} DSP_Block_Const
     * @} DSP_Block
     * @addtogroup Sequencer_FIFO
     * @{
     *    @defgroup Sequencer_FIFO_Const
     *    @brief This block includes sequencer and FIFO related all parameters.
     *    @{
     * @defgroup SEQID_Const
     * @{
    #define SEQID_0                     0     /**< Sequence0 */
    #define SEQID_1                     1     /**< Sequence1 */
    #define SEQID_2                     2     /**< Sequence2 */
    #define SEQID_3                     3     /**< Sequence3 */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup SEQID_Const
     * @brief Sequencer memory size. SRAM is shared between FIFO and Sequencer
     * @warning The total available SRAM is 6kB. It's shared by FIFO and sequencer.
     * @{
    #define SEQMEMSIZE_32B              0     /**< The selfbuild in 32Byte for sequencer. All 6kB SRAM  can be used for data FIFO */
    #define SEQMEMSIZE_2KB              1     /**< Sequencer use 2kB. The reset 4kB can be used for data FIFO */
    #define SEQMEMSIZE_4KB              2     /**< 4kB for Sequencer. 2kB for data FIFO */
    #define SEQMEMSIZE_6KB              3     /**< All 6kB for Sequencer. Build in 32Bytes memory can be used for data FIFO */
    /** @} */
    /* Mode of GPIO detecting used for triggering sequence */
     * @defgroup SEQPINTRIGMODE_Const
     * @{
    #define SEQPINTRIGMODE_RISING        0     /**< Rising edge */
    #define SEQPINTRIGMODE_FALLING       1     /**< Falling edge */
    #define SEQPINTRIGMODE_BOTHEDGE      2     /**< Rising or falling */
    #define SEQPINTRIGMODE_HIGHL         3     /**< High level */
    #define SEQPINTRIGMODE_LOWL          4     /**< Low level */
    /** @} */
    /* Sequencer helper */
     * @defgroup Sequencer_Helper
     * @{
    /* Three kinds of sequencer commands: wait, time-out, write */
    /* Decoded by BIT[31:30] */
     * Wait command. Wait some clocks-code Command Code: 'b00
     * @warning Maximum wait time is 0x3fff_ffff/System clock.
    #define SEQ_WAIT(ClkNum)            (0x00000000| ((uint32_t)(ClkNum)&0x3fffffff))
     * Time-Out command. Set time-out count down value. Command Code: 'b01
     * @warning maximum time-out timer value is 0x3fffffff 
     * */
    #define SEQ_TOUT(ClkNum)            (0x40000000| ((uint32_t)(ClkNum)&0x3fffffff)) 
     * Write register command. Command Code: 'b10 or 'b11 
     * @warning Address range is 0x2000 to 0x21FF. Data is limited to 24bit width.
     * */
    #define SEQ_WR(addr,data)           (0x80000000|(((((uint32_t)(addr))>>2)&0x7f)<<24)  \
    /* Some commands used frequently */
    #define SEQ_NOP()                   SEQ_WAIT(0) /**< SEQ_NOP is just a simple wait command that wait one system clock */
    #define SEQ_HALT()                  SEQ_WR(REG_AFE_SEQCON,0x12)   /**< Can halt sequencer. Used for debug */
    #define SEQ_STOP()                  SEQ_WR(REG_AFE_SEQCON,0x00)   /**< Disable sequencer, this will generate End of Sequence interrupt */
    #define SEQ_SLP()                   SEQ_WR(REG_AFE_SEQTRGSLP, 1)  /**< Trigger sleep. If sleep is allowed, AFE will go to sleep/hibernate mode */
    #define SEQ_INT0()                  SEQ_WR(REG_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA, (1L<<0)) /**< Generate custom interrupt 0 */
    #define SEQ_INT1()                  SEQ_WR(REG_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA, (1L<<1)) /**< Generate custom interrupt 1 */
    #define SEQ_INT2()                  SEQ_WR(REG_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA, (1L<<2)) /**< Generate custom interrupt 2 */
    #define SEQ_INT3()                  SEQ_WR(REG_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA, (1L<<3)) /**< Generate custom interrupt 3 */
    /* Helper to calculate sequence length in array */
    #define SEQ_LEN(n)                  (sizeof(n)/4)   /**< Calculate how many commands are in sepecified array. */
    /** @} */ //Sequencer_Helper 
    /* FIFO */
     * @defgroup FIFOMODE_Const
     * @{
    #define FIFOMODE_FIFO               2     /**< Standard FIFO mode. If FIFO is full, reject all comming data and put FIFO to fault state, report interrupt if enabled */
    #define FIFOMODE_STREAM             3     /**< Stream mode. If FIFO is full, discard older data. Report FIFO full interrupt if enabled */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup FIFOSRC_Const
     * @{
    #define FIFOSRC_SINC3               0     /**< SINC3 data */
    #define FIFOSRC_DFT                 2     /**< DFT real and imaginary part */
    #define FIFOSRC_SINC2NOTCH          3     /**< SINC2+NOTCH block. Notch can be bypassed, so SINC2 data can be feed to FIFO */
    #define FIFOSRC_VAR                 4     /**< Statistic variarance output */
    #define FIFOSRC_MEAN                5     /**< Statistic mean output */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup FIFO_Helper
     * @{
     * Method to identify FIFO channel ID:
     * [31:25][24:23][22:16][15:0]
     * [ ECC ][SEQID][CH_ID][DATA]
     * CH_ID: [22:16] 7bit in total:
     *        xxxxx_xx
     *        11111_xx    : DFT results
     *        11110_xx    : Mean of statistic block
     *        11101_xx    : Variance of statistic block
     *        1xxxx_xx    : Notch filter result, where xxx_xx is the ADC MUX P settings(6bits of reg ADCCON[5:0]).
     *        0xxxx_xx    : SINC3 filter result, where xxx_xx is the ADC MUX P settings(6bits of reg ADCCON[5:0]). 
    #define FIFO_SEQID(data)          ((((uint32_t)data)>>23)&0x3)   /**< Return seqid of this FIFO result */
    #define FIFO_ECC(data)            ((((uint32_t)data)>>25)&0x7f)  /**< Return ECC of this FIFO result */
    #define FIFO_CHANID(data)         ((((uint32_t)data)>>16)&0x7f)  /**< Return Channel ID */
    #define FIFOCHANID_MUXP(data)     ((((uint32_t)data)>>16)&0x3f)  /**< Return the ADC MUXP selection */
    #define ISCHANID_DFT(data)        ((((((uint32_t)data)>>18)&0x1f)==0x1f)?bTRUE:bFALSE)    /**< If the channel id is DFT */
    #define ISCHANID_MEAN(data)       ((((((uint32_t)data)>>18)&0x1f)==0x1e)?bTRUE:bFALSE)    /**< If the channel id is MEAN */
    #define ISCHANID_VAR(data)        ((((((uint32_t)data)>>18)&0x1f)==0x1d)?bTRUE:bFALSE)    /**< If the channel id is Variance */
    #define ISCHANID_SINC3(data)      ((((((uint32_t)data)>>18)&0x1f)< 0x10)?bTRUE:bFALSE)    /**< If the channel id is SINC3 */
    #define ISCHANID_NOTCH(data)      ((((((uint32_t)data)>>18)&0x1f)>=0x10)&&(((((uint32_t)data>>18)&0x1f) < 0x1d)?bTRUE:bFALSE)) /**< If the channel id is Notch  */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup FIFOSIZE_Const
     * @brief Set FIFO size. 
     * @warning The total available SRAM is 6kB. It's shared by FIFO and sequencer.
     * @{
    #define FIFOSIZE_32B                0     /**< The selfbuild in 32Byte for data FIFO. All 6kB SRAM for sequencer */
    #define FIFOSIZE_2KB                1     /**< DATA FIFO use 2kB. The reset 4kB is used for sequencer */
    #define FIFOSIZE_4KB                2     /**< 4kB for Data FIFO. 2kB for sequencer */
    #define FIFOSIZE_6KB                3     /**< All 6kB for Data FIFO. Build in 32Bytes memory for sequencer */
    /** @} */
    /* Wake up timer */
     * @defgroup WUPTENDSEQ_Const
     * @{
    #define WUPTENDSEQ_A                0   /**< End at slot A */
    #define WUPTENDSEQ_B                1   /**< End at slot B */
    #define WUPTENDSEQ_C                2   /**< End at slot C */
    #define WUPTENDSEQ_D                3   /**< End at slot D */
    #define WUPTENDSEQ_E                4   /**< End at slot E */
    #define WUPTENDSEQ_F                5   /**< End at slot F */
    #define WUPTENDSEQ_G                6   /**< End at slot G */
    #define WUPTENDSEQ_H                7   /**< End at slot H */
    /** @} */
     * @} End of sequencer_and_FIFO block 
     * @} Sequencer_FIFO
     * */
     * @addtogroup MISC_Block
     * @{
     *    @defgroup MISC_Block_Const
     *    @brief This block includes clock, GPIO, configuration.
     *    @{
    /* Helper for calculate clocks needed for various of data type */
     * @defgroup DATATYPE_Const
     * @{
    #define DATATYPE_ADCRAW             0     /**< ADC raw data */
    #define DATATYPE_SINC3              1     /**< SINC3 data */
    #define DATATYPE_SINC2              2     /**< SINC2 Data */
    #define DATATYPE_DFT                3     /**< DFT */
    #define DATATYPE_NOTCH              4     /**< Notch filter output. (when notch is not bypassed) */
    //#define DATATYPE_MEAN
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup SLPKEY_Const
     * @{
    #define SLPKEY_LOCK                 0       /**< any incorrect value will lock the key */
    #define SLPKEY_UNLOCK               0xa47e5 /**< The correct key for register SEQSLPLOCK */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup HPOSCOUT_Const
     * @brief Set HPOSC output clock frequency, 16MHz or 32MHz.
     * @{
    #define HPOSCOUT_32MHZ              0   /**< Configure internal HFOSC output 32MHz clock */
    #define HPOSCOUT_16MHZ              1   /**< 16MHz Clock */
    /** @} */
    /* GPIO */
     * @defgroup AGPIOPIN_Const
     * @brief The pin masks for register GP0OEN, GP0PE, GP0IEN,..., GP0TGL
     * @{
    #define AGPIO_Pin0                  0x01  /**< AFE GPIO0, only available on AD5940 and AD5941, not ADuCM355 */
    #define AGPIO_Pin1                  0x02  /**< AFE GPIO1, only available on AD5940 and AD5941, not ADuCM355 */
    #define AGPIO_Pin2                  0x04  /**< AFE GPIO2, only available on AD5940 and AD5941, not ADuCM355 */
    #define AGPIO_Pin3                  0x08  /**< AFE GPIO3, only available on AD5941. */
    #define AGPIO_Pin4                  0x10  /**< AFE GPIO4, only available on AD5941. */
    #define AGPIO_Pin5                  0x20  /**< AFE GPIO5, only available on AD5941. */
    #define AGPIO_Pin6                  0x40  /**< AFE GPIO6, only available on AD5941. */
    #define AGPIO_Pin7                  0x80  /**< AFE GPIO7, only available on AD5941. */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup GP0FUNC_Const
     * @{
    #define GP0_INT                     0        /**< Interrupt Controller 0 output */
    #define GP0_TRIG                    1        /**< Sequence0 trigger */
    #define GP0_SYNC                    2        /**< Use Sequencer to controll GP0 output level */
    #define GP0_GPIO                    3        /**< Normal GPIO function */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup GP1FUNC_Const
     * @{
    #define GP1_GPIO                    (0<<2)   /**< Normal GPIO function */
    #define GP1_TRIG                    (1<<2)   /**< Sequence1 trigger */
    #define GP1_SYNC                    (2<<2)   /**< Use Sequencer to controll GP1 output level */
    #define GP1_SLEEP                   (3<<2)   /**< Internal Sleep Signal */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup GP2FUNC_Const
     * @{
    #define GP2_PORB                    (0<<4)   /**< Internal Power ON reset signal */
    #define GP2_TRIG                    (1<<4)   /**< Sequence1 trigger */
    #define GP2_SYNC                    (2<<4)   /**< Use Sequencer to controll GP2 output level */
    #define GP2_EXTCLK                  (3<<4)   /**< External Clock input(32kHz/16MHz/32MHz) */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup GP3FUNC_Const
     * @{
    #define GP3_GPIO                    (0<<6)   /**< Normal GPIO function */
    #define GP3_TRIG                    (1<<6)   /**< Sequence3 trigger */
    #define GP3_SYNC                    (2<<6)   /**< Use Sequencer to controll GP3 output level */
    #define GP3_INT0                    (3<<6)   /**< Interrupt Controller 0 output */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup GP4FUNC_Const
     * @note GP4 (Not available on AD5941)
     * @{
    #define GP4_GPIO                    (0<<8)   /**< Normal GPIO function */
    #define GP4_TRIG                    (1<<8)   /**< Sequence0 trigger */
    #define GP4_SYNC                    (2<<8)   /**< Use Sequencer to controll GP4 output level */
    #define GP4_INT1                    (3<<8)   /**< Interrupt Controller 1 output */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup GP5FUNC_Const
     * @note GP5 (Not available on AD5941)
     * @{
    #define GP5_GPIO                    (0<<10)  /**< Internal Power ON reset signal */
    #define GP5_TRIG                    (1<<10)  /**< Sequence1 trigger */
    #define GP5_SYNC                    (2<<10)  /**< Use Sequencer to controll GP5 output level */
    #define GP5_EXTCLK                  (3<<10)  /**< External Clock input(32kHz/16MHz/32MHz) */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup GP6FUNC_Const
     * @note GP6 (Not available on AD5941)
     * @{
    #define GP6_GPIO                    (0<<12)  /**< Normal GPIO function */
    #define GP6_TRIG                    (1<<12)  /**< Sequence2 trigger */
    #define GP6_SYNC                    (2<<12)  /**< Use Sequencer to controll GP6 output level */
    #define GP6_INT0                    (3<<12)  /**< Interrupt Controller 0 output */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup GP7FUNC_Const
     * @note GP7 (Not available on AD5941)
     * @{
    #define GP7_GPIO                    (0<<14)  /**< Normal GPIO function */
    #define GP7_TRIG                    (1<<14)  /**< Sequence2 trigger */
    #define GP7_SYNC                    (2<<14)  /**< Use Sequencer to controll GP7 output level */
    #define GP7_INT                     (3<<14)  /**< Interrupt Controller 1 output */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup LPMODECLK_Const
     * @{
    #define LPMODECLK_HFOSC             0       /**< Use HFOSC 16MHz/32MHz clock as system clock */
    #define LPMODECLK_LFOSC             1       /**< Use LFOSC 32kHz clock as system clock */
    /** @} */
    /* Clock */
     * @defgroup SYSCLKSRC_Const
     * @brief Select system clock source. The clock must be available. If unavailable clock is selected, we can reset AD5940.
     *        The system clock should be limited to 32MHz. If external clock or XTAL is faster than 16MHz, we use system clock divider to ensure it's always in range of 16MHz.
     * @warning Maximum SPI clock has relation with system clock. Limit the SPI clock to ensure SPI clock is slower than system clock.
     * @{
    #define SYSCLKSRC_HFOSC             0     /**< Internal HFOSC. CLock is 16MHz or 32MHz configurable. Set clock divider to ensure system clock is always 16MHz */
    #define SYSCLKSRC_XTAL              1     /**< External crystal. It can be 16MHz or 32MHz.Set clock divider to ensure system clock is always 16MHz */
    #define SYSCLKSRC_LFOSC             2     /**< Internal 32kHz clock. Note the SPI clock also sourced with 32kHz so the register read/write frequency is lower down. */
    #define SYSCLKSRC_EXT               3     /**< External clock from GPIO, AD594x Only */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup ADCCLKSRC_Const
     * @brief Select ADC clock source.
     *        The maximum clock is 32MHz.
     * @warning The ADC raw data update rate is equal to ADCClock/20. When ADC clock is 32MHz, sample rate is 1.6MSPS.
     *          The SINC3 filter clock are sourced from ADC clock and should be limited to 16MHz. When ADC clock is set to 32MHz. Clear bit ADCFILTERCON.BIT0 
     *          to enable the SINC3 clock divider.
     * @{
    #define ADCCLKSRC_HFOSC             0     /**< Internal HFOSC. 16MHz or 32MHz which is configurable */
    #define ADCCLKSRC_XTAL              1     /**< External crystal. Set ADC clock divider to get either 16MHz or 32MHz clock */
    //#define ADCCLKSRC_LFOSC             2     /**< Do not use */
    #define ADCCLKSRC_EXT               3     /**< External clock from GPIO. Set ADC clock divider to get the clock you want */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup ADCCLKDIV_Const
     * @brief The divider for ADC clock. ADC clock = ClockSrc/Divider.
     * @{
    #define ADCCLKDIV_1                 1     /**< Divider ADCClk = ClkSrc/1 */
    #define ADCCLKDIV_2                 2     /**< Divider ADCClk = ClkSrc/2 */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup SYSCLKDV_Const
     * @brief The divider for system clock. System clock = ClockSrc/Divider.
     * @{
    #define SYSCLKDIV_1                 1     /**< Divider SysClk = ClkSrc/1 */
    #define SYSCLKDIV_2                 2     /**< Divider SysClk = ClkSrc/2 */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup PGACALTYPE_Const
     * @brief Calibration Type
     * @{
    #define PGACALTYPE_OFFSET           0     /**< Calibrate offset */
    #define PGACALTYPE_GAIN             1     /**< Calibrate gain */
    #define PGACALTYPE_OFFSETGAIN       2     /**< Calibrate offset and gain */
    /** @} */
     * @defgroup AD5940ERR_Const
     * @brief AD5940 error code used by library and example codes.
     * @{
    #define AD5940ERR_OK               0  /**< No error */
    #define AD5940ERR_ERROR           -1  /**< General error message */
    #define AD5940ERR_PARA            -2  /**< Parameter is illegal */ 
    #define AD5940ERR_NULLP           -3  /**< Null pointer */ 
    #define AD5940ERR_BUFF            -4  /**< Buffer limited. */
    #define AD5940ERR_ADDROR          -5  /**< Out of Range. Register address is out of range. */ 
    #define AD5940ERR_SEQGEN          -6  /**< Sequence generator error */ 
    #define AD5940ERR_SEQREG          -7  /**< Register info is not found */
    #define AD5940ERR_SEQLEN          -8  /**< Sequence length is too long. */
    #define AD5940ERR_WAKEUP          -9  /**< Unable to wakeup AFE in specified time */
    #define AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT         -10 /**< Time out error. */
    #define AD5940ERR_CALOR           -11 /**< calibration out of range. */
    #define AD5940ERR_APPERROR        -100  /**< Used in example code to indicated the application has not been initialized. */
    /** @} */
    #ifndef NULL
      #define NULL      (void *) 0         /**< Null, if it's not defined. */
    #define MATH_PI                   3.1415926f  /**< Pi defination. */
    #define AD5940_ADIID              0x4144      /**< ADIID is fixed to 0x4144 */
    #define AD5940_CHIPID             0x0000      /**< CHIPID is changing with silicon version */
    #define M355_ADIID                0x4144      /**< ADIID is fixed to 0x4144 */
    #define M355_CHIPID               0x0000      /**< CHIPID is changing with silicon version */
    #define AD5940_SWRST              0xa158      /**< AD594x only. The value to perform software reset via reigster SWRSTCON */
    #define KEY_OSCCON                0xcb14      /**< key of register OSCCON. The key is auto locked after writing to any other register */
    #define KEY_CALDATLOCK	          0xde87a5af  /**< Calibration key. */
    #define KEY_LPMODEKEY             0xc59d6     /**< LP mode key */
    #define PARA_CHECK(n)            /** add parameter check, Add DEBUG switch  */
     * @} MISC_Block_Const
     * @} MISC_Block
     * */
     * @defgroup TypeDefinitions
     * @{
    typedef int32_t AD5940Err;    /**< error number defination */
     * bool definition for ad5940lib.
    typedef enum 
      bFALSE = 0, bTRUE = !bFALSE,   /**< True and False definition*/
    typedef struct
      /* ADC/DAC/TIA reference and buffer */
      BoolFlag HpBandgapEn;     /**< Enable High power band-gap. Clear bit AFECON.HPREFDIS will enable Bandgap, while set this bit will disable bandgap */
      BoolFlag Hp1V8BuffEn;     /**< High power 1.8V reference buffer enable */
      BoolFlag Hp1V1BuffEn;     /**< High power 1.1V reference buffer enable */
      BoolFlag Lp1V8BuffEn;     /**< Low power 1.8V reference buffer enable */
      BoolFlag Lp1V1BuffEn;     /**< Low power 1.1V reference buffer enable */
      /* Low bandwidth loop reference and buffer */
      BoolFlag LpBandgapEn;     /**< Enable Low power band-gap. */
      BoolFlag LpRefBufEn;      /**< Enable the 2.5V low power reference buffer */
      BoolFlag LpRefBoostEn;    /**< Boost buffer current */
      /* DAC Reference Buffer */
      BoolFlag HSDACRefEn;      /**< Enable DAC reference buffer from HP Bandgap */
      /* Misc. control  */
      BoolFlag Hp1V8ThemBuff;   /**< Thermal Buffer for internal 1.8V reference to AIN3 pin  */              
      BoolFlag Hp1V8Ilimit;     /**< Current limit for High power 1.8V reference buffer */
      BoolFlag Disc1V8Cap;      /**< Discharge 1.8V capacitor. Short external 1.8V decouple capacitor to ground. Be careful when use this bit  */
      BoolFlag Disc1V1Cap;      /**< Discharge 1.1V capacitor. Short external 1.1V decouple capacitor to ground. Be careful when use this bit  */
     * @defgroup ADC_BlockType
     * @{
     * Structure for ADC Basic settings include MUX and PGA.
    typedef struct
      uint32_t ADCMuxP;         /**< ADC Positive input channel selection. select from @ref ADCMUXP */
      uint32_t ADCMuxN;         /**< ADC negative input channel selection. select from @ref ADCMUXN */
      uint32_t ADCPga;          /**< ADC PGA settings, select from @ref ADCPGA */
     * Structure for ADC filter settings.
    typedef struct
      uint32_t ADCSinc3Osr;
      uint32_t ADCSinc2Osr;
      uint32_t ADCAvgNum;           /**< Average filter is enabled when DFT source is @ref DFTSRC_AVG in function @ref AD5940_DFTCfgS. This average filter is only used by DFT engine. */
      uint32_t ADCRate;             /**< ADC Core sample rate */
      BoolFlag BpNotch;             /**< Bypass Notch filter in SINC2+Notch block, so only SINC2 is used. ADCFILTERCON.BIT4 */
      BoolFlag BpSinc3;             /**< Bypass SINC3 Module */
      BoolFlag Sinc2NotchEnable;    /**< Enable SINC2+Notch block */
    /** @} */
     * DFT Configuration structure.
    typedef struct
      uint32_t DftNum;      /**< DFT number */
      uint32_t DftSrc;      /**< DFT Source */
      BoolFlag HanWinEn;    /**< Enable Hanning window */
     * ADC digital comparator
    typedef struct
      uint16_t ADCMin;      /**< The ADC code minimum limit value */
      uint16_t ADCMinHys; 
      uint16_t ADCMax;      /**< The ADC code maximum limit value */
      uint16_t ADCMaxHys;   
     * Statistic function
    typedef struct
      uint32_t StatDev;     /**< Statistic standard deviation configure */
      uint32_t StatSample;  /**< Sample size */
      BoolFlag StatEnable;  /**< Set true to enable statistic block */
     * Switch matrix configure */
    typedef struct
      uint32_t Dswitch;  /**< D switch settings. Select from @ref SWD_Const*/
      uint32_t Pswitch;  /**< P switch settings. Select from @ref SWP_Const */
      uint32_t Nswitch;  /**< N switch settings. Select from @ref SWN_Const */
      uint32_t Tswitch;  /**< T switch settings. Select from @ref SWT_Const */
    /** HSTIA Configure */
    typedef struct
      uint32_t HstiaBias;         /**< When select Vzero as bias, the related switch(VZERO2HSTIA) at LPDAC should be closed */
      uint32_t HstiaRtiaSel;      /**< RTIA selection @ref HSTIARTIA_Const */
      uint32_t HstiaCtia;         /**< Set internal CTIA value from 1 to 32 pF */
      BoolFlag DiodeClose;        /**< Close the switch for internal back to back diode */
      uint32_t HstiaDeRtia;       /**< DE0 node RTIA selection @ref HSTIADERTIA_Const */
      uint32_t HstiaDeRload;      /**< DE0 node Rload selection @ref HSTIADERLOAD_Const */
      uint32_t HstiaDe1Rtia;      /**< (ADuCM355 only, ignored on AD594x)DE1 node RTIA selection @ref HSTIADERTIA_Const */
      uint32_t HstiaDe1Rload;     /**< (ADuCM355 only)DE1 node Rload selection @ref HSTIADERLOAD_Const */
    /** HSDAC Configure */
    typedef struct
      uint32_t ExcitBufGain;      /**< Select from  EXCITBUFGAIN_2, EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25 */     
      uint32_t HsDacGain;         /**< Select from  HSDACGAIN_1, HSDACGAIN_0P2 */
      uint32_t HsDacUpdateRate;   /**< Divider for DAC update. Available range is 7~255. */
    /** LPDAC Configure 
     * @note The LPDAC structure:
     * @code
     * Switch to select DAC output to Vzero and Vbias nodes. Vzero and Vbias can select from DAC6BIT and DAC12BIT output freely. 
     * LPDAC  >DAC6BIT ---- Vzero   LPDACVZERO_12BIT
     *                 \--- Vbias   LPDACVBIAS_6BIT
     *        >DAC12BIT---- Vzero   LPDACVZERO_6BIT
     *                 \--- Vbias   LPDACVBIAS_12BIT
     * Vzero/Vbias switch, controlled by @ref LPDACCfg_Type LpDacSW
     * Vzero ------PIN
     *       \-----LPTIA  LPDACSW_VZERO2LPTIA. LPTIA positive input
     *        \----HSTIA  LPDACSW_VZERO2LPAMP. HSTIA positive input. Note, there is a MUX on HSTIA positive input pin to select the bias voltage between Vzero and 1.1V fixed internal reference.
     * Vbias ------PIN    LPDACSW_VBIAS2PIN
     *       \-----LPAMP  LPDACSW_VBIAS2LPAMP positive input. The potential state amplifier input, or called LPAMP or PA(potential amplifier).
     * @endcode
    typedef struct
      uint32_t LpdacSel;        /**< Selectr from LPDAC0 or LPDAC1. LPDAC1 is only available on ADuCM355. */
      uint32_t LpDacSrc;        /**< LPDACSRC_MMR or LPDACSRC_WG. Note: HSDAC is always connects to WG. Disable HSDAC if there is need. */
      uint32_t LpDacVzeroMux;   /**< Select which DAC output connects to Vzero. 6Bit or 12Bit DAC */
      uint32_t LpDacVbiasMux;   /**< Select which DAC output connects to Vbias */
      uint32_t LpDacSW;         /**< LPDAC switch set. Only available from Si2 */
      uint32_t LpDacRef;        /**< Reference selection. Either internal 2.5V LPRef or AVDD. select from @ref LPDACREF_Const*/
      BoolFlag DataRst;         /**< Keep Reset register REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0DATA */
      BoolFlag PowerEn;         /**< Power up REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0 */
      uint16_t DacData12Bit;    /**< Data for 12bit DAC */
      uint16_t DacData6Bit;     /**< Data for 6bit DAC */
     * Low power amplifiers(PA and TIA)
    typedef struct
      uint32_t LpAmpSel;        /**< Select from LPAMP0 and LPAMP1. LPAMP1 is only available on ADuCM355. */
      uint32_t LpTiaRf;         /**< The one order RC filter resistor selection. Select from @ref LPTIARF_Const */
      uint32_t LpTiaRload;      /**< The Rload resistor right in front of LPTIA negative input terminal. Select from @ref LPTIARLOAD_Const*/
      uint32_t LpTiaRtia;       /**< LPTIA RTIA resistor selection. Set it to open(@ref LPTIARTIA_Const) when use external resistor. */
      uint32_t LpAmpPwrMod;     /**< Power mode for LP PA and LPTIA */
      uint32_t LpTiaSW;         /**< Set of switches, using macro LPTIASW() to close switch */
      BoolFlag LpPaPwrEn;       /**< Enable(bTRUE) or disable(bFALSE) power of PA(potential amplifier) */
      BoolFlag LpTiaPwrEn;      /**< Enable(bTRUE) or Disable(bFALSE) power of LPTIA amplifier */
     * @brief Trapezoid Generator parameters
     * The definition of the Trapezoid waveform is shown below. Note the Delay and Slope are all in clock unit.
     * @code
     * DCLevel2         _________
     *                 /         \
     *                /           \
     * DCLevel1 _____/             \______
     *         |     |  |       |  |
     *         Delay1|S1|Delay2 |S2| Delay1 repeat...
     * Where S1 is slope1 and S2 is slop2
     * @endcode
     * The DAC update rate from Trapezoid generator is SystemClock/50. The default SystemClock
     * is internal HFOSC 16MHz. So the update rate is 320kHz.
     * The time parameter specifies in clock number.
     * For example, if Delay1 is set to 10, S1 is set 20, the time for Delay1 period is 10/320kHz = 31.25us,
     * and time for S1 period is 20/320kHz = 62.5us.
    typedef struct
      uint32_t WGTrapzDCLevel1;   /**< Trapezoid generator DC level1, this value is written directly to corresponding register */
      uint32_t WGTrapzDCLevel2;   /**< DC level2, similar to DCLevel1 */
      uint32_t WGTrapzDelay1;     /**< Trapezoid generator delay 1 */
      uint32_t WGTrapzDelay2;     /**< Trapezoid generator delay 2 */
      uint32_t WGTrapzSlope1;     /**< Trapezoid generator Slope 1 */
      uint32_t WGTrapzSlope2;     /**< Trapezoid generator Slope 2 */
     * Sin wave generator parameters
    typedef struct
      uint32_t SinFreqWord;       /**< Frequency word */
      uint32_t SinAmplitudeWord;  /**< Amplitude word, range is 0 to 2047 */
      uint32_t SinOffsetWord;     /**< Offset word, range is 0 to 4095 */
      uint32_t SinPhaseWord;      /**< the start phase of sine wave. Use to tune start phase of signal. */
     * Waveform generator configuration
    typedef struct
      uint32_t WgType;            /**< Select from WGTYPE_MMR, WGTYPE_SIN, WGTYPE_TRAPZ. HSDAC is always connected to WG. */
      BoolFlag GainCalEn;         /**< Enable Gain calibration */
      BoolFlag OffsetCalEn;       /**< Enable offset calibration */
      WGTrapzCfg_Type TrapzCfg;   /**< Configure Trapezoid generator */
      WGSinCfg_Type SinCfg;       /**< Configure Sine wave generator */
      uint32_t WgCode;            /**< The 12bit data WG will move to DAC data register. */
     * High speed loop configuration 
     * */
    typedef struct
      SWMatrixCfg_Type SWMatCfg;  /**< switch matrix configuration. */
      HSDACCfg_Type HsDacCfg;     /**< HSDAC configuration. */
      WGCfg_Type WgCfg;           /**< Waveform generator configuration. */
      HSTIACfg_Type HsTiaCfg;     /**< HSTIA configuration. */
     * Low power loop Configure 
     * */
    typedef struct
      LPDACCfg_Type LpDacCfg;     /**< LPDAC configuration. @note Must select LPDAC0 or LPDAC1 in structure. */
      LPAmpCfg_Type LpAmpCfg;     /**< LPAMP(LPTIA and PA) configuration. @note Must select LPAMP0 or LPAMP1 in structure. */
     * DSP Configure 
     * */
    typedef struct
      ADCBaseCfg_Type ADCBaseCfg;       /**< ADC base configuration */
      ADCFilterCfg_Type ADCFilterCfg;   /**< ADC filter configuration include SINC3/SINC2/Notch/Average(for DFT only) */
      ADCDigComp_Type ADCDigCompCfg;    /**< ADC digital comparator */
      DFTCfg_Type DftCfg;               /**< DFT configuration include data source, DFT number and Hanning Window */
      StatCfg_Type StatCfg;             /**< Statistic block */
     * GPIO Configure 
     * */
    typedef struct
      uint32_t FuncSet;         /**< AGP0 to AGP7 function sets */
      uint32_t OutputEnSet;     /**< AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|...|AGPIO_Pin7, Enable output of selected pins, disable other pins */
      uint32_t InputEnSet;      /**< Enable input of selected pins, disable other pins */
      uint32_t PullEnSet;       /**< Enable pull up or down on selected pin. disable other pins */
      uint32_t OutVal;          /**< Value for GPIOOUT register */
     * FIFO configure
    typedef struct
      BoolFlag FIFOEn;          /**< Enable DATAFIFO. Disable FIFO will reset FIFO */
      uint32_t FIFOMode;        /**< Stream mode or standard FIFO mode */
      uint32_t FIFOSize;        /**< How to allocate the internal 6kB SRAM. Data FIFO and sequencer share all 6kB SRAM */
      uint32_t FIFOSrc;         /**< Select which data source will be stored to FIFO */
      uint32_t FIFOThresh;      /**< FIFO threshold value, 0 to 1023. Threshold can be used to generate interrupt so MCU can read back data before FIFO is full */
     * Sequencer configure
    typedef struct
      uint32_t SeqMemSize;      /**< Sequencer memory size. SRAM is used by both FIFO and Sequencer. Make sure the total SRAM used is less than 6kB. */
      BoolFlag SeqEnable;       /**< Enable sequencer. Only with valid trigger, sequencer can run */
      BoolFlag SeqBreakEn;      /**< Do not use it */
      BoolFlag SeqIgnoreEn;     /**< Do not use it */
      BoolFlag SeqCntCRCClr;    /**< Clear sequencer count and CRC */
      uint32_t SeqWrTimer;      /**< Set wait how much clocks after every commands executed */
     * Sequence info structure
    typedef struct
      uint32_t SeqId;           /**< The Sequence ID @ref SEQID_Const */
      uint32_t SeqRamAddr;      /**< The start address that in AF5940 SRAM */
      uint32_t SeqLen;          /**< Sequence length */
      BoolFlag WriteSRAM;       /**< Write command to SRAM or not. */
      const uint32_t *pSeqCmd;  /**< Pointer to the sequencer commands that stored in MCU */
    typedef struct
      uint32_t PinSel;          /**< Select which pin are going to be configured. @ref AGPIOPIN_Const */
      uint32_t SeqPinTrigMode;  /**< The pin detect mode. Select from @ref SEQPINTRIGMODE_Const */
      BoolFlag bEnable;         /**< Allow detected pin action to trigger corresponding sequence. */
     * Wakeup Timer Configure
     * */
    typedef struct
      uint32_t WuptEndSeq;       /**<  end sequence selection @ref WUPTENDSEQ_Const. Wupt will go back to slot A after this one is executed. */
      uint32_t WuptOrder[8];     /**<  The 8 slots for WakeupTimer. Place @ref SEQID_Const to this array. */
      uint32_t SeqxSleepTime[4];  /**< Time before put AFE to sleep. 0 to 0x000f_ffff. We normally don't use this feature and it's disabled in @ref AD5940_Initialize */
      uint32_t SeqxWakeupTime[4]; /**< Time before Wakeup AFE.  */
      BoolFlag WuptEn;            /**< Timer enable. Once enabled, it starts to run. */
     * Clock configure
    typedef struct
      uint32_t SysClkSrc;       /**< System clock source @ref SYSCLKSRC_Const */
      uint32_t ADCCLkSrc;       /**< ADC clock source @ref ADCCLKSRC_Const */
      uint32_t SysClkDiv;       /**< System clock divider. Use this to ensure System clock < 16MHz. */
      uint32_t ADCClkDiv;       /**< ADC control clock divider. ADC core clock is @ADCCLkSrc, but control clock should be <16MHz.  */
      BoolFlag HFOSCEn;         /**< Enable internal 16MHz/32MHz HFOSC */
      BoolFlag HfOSC32MHzMode;  /**< Enable internal HFOSC to output 32MHz */
      BoolFlag LFOSCEn;         /**< Enable internal 32kHZ OSC */
      BoolFlag HFXTALEn;        /**< Enable XTAL driver */
     * HSTIA internal RTIA calibration structure
     * @note ADC filter settings and DFT should be configured properly based on signal frequency.
    typedef struct
      float fFreq;                /**< Calibration frequency */
      float fRcal;                /**< Rcal resistor value in Ohm*/
      float SysClkFreq;           /**< The real frequency of system clock */  
      float AdcClkFreq;           /**< The real frequency of ADC clock */   
      HSTIACfg_Type HsTiaCfg;     /**< HSTIA configuration */
      uint32_t ADCSinc3Osr;       /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */
      uint32_t ADCSinc2Osr;       /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */ 
      DFTCfg_Type DftCfg;         /**< DFT configuration. */
      uint32_t bPolarResult;      /**< bTRUE-Polar coordinate:Return results in Magnitude and Phase. bFALSE-Cartesian coordinate: Return results in Real part and Imaginary Part */
     * LPTIA internal RTIA calibration structure
    typedef struct
      float fFreq;                /**< Calibration frequency. Set it to 0.0 for DC calibration */
      float fRcal;                /**< Rcal resistor value in Ohm*/
      float SysClkFreq;           /**< The real frequency of system clock */  
      float AdcClkFreq;           /**< The real frequency of ADC clock */   
      uint32_t LpAmpSel;          /**< Select from LPAMP0 and LPAMP1. LPAMP1 is only available on ADuCM355. */
      BoolFlag bWithCtia;         /**< Connect external CTIA or not. */
      uint32_t LpTiaRtia;         /**< LPTIA RTIA selection. */
      uint32_t LpAmpPwrMod;       /**< Amplifiers power mode setting */
      uint32_t ADCSinc3Osr;       /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */
      uint32_t ADCSinc2Osr;       /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */ 
      DFTCfg_Type DftCfg;         /**< DFT configuration */
      uint32_t bPolarResult;      /**< bTRUE-Polar coordinate:Return results in Magnitude and Phase. bFALSE-Cartesian coordinate: Return results in Real part and Imaginary Part */
     * HSDAC calibration structure.
    typedef struct
      float fRcal;                /**< Rcal resistor value in Ohm*/
      float SysClkFreq;           /**< The real frequency of system clock */  
      float AdcClkFreq;           /**< The real frequency of ADC clock */ 
      uint32_t AfePwrMode;        /**< Calibrate DAC in High power mode */
      uint32_t ExcitBufGain;      /**< Select from  EXCITBUFGAIN_2, EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25 */     
      uint32_t HsDacGain;         /**< Select from  HSDACGAIN_1, HSDACGAIN_0P2 */
      uint32_t ADCSinc3Osr;       /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */
      uint32_t ADCSinc2Osr;       /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */ 
     * LPDAC calibration structure.
    typedef struct
      uint32_t  LpdacSel;           /**< Select from LPDAC0 and LPDAC1. LPDAC1 is ADuCM355 only. */
      float     SysClkFreq;         /**< The real frequency of system clock */  
      float     AdcClkFreq;         /**< The real frequency of ADC clock */
      float     ADCRefVolt;         /**< ADC reference voltage. Default is 1.82V*/
      uint32_t  ADCSinc3Osr;        /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */
      uint32_t  ADCSinc2Osr;        /**< SINC2 OSR settings. */ 
      int32_t   SettleTime10us;     /**< Wait how much time after TIA is enabled? */   
      int32_t   TimeOut10us;        /**< ADC converts signal need time. Specify the maximum time allowed. Timeout in 10us. negative number means wait no time. */
     * LPDAC parameters: LPDAC code to voltage transfer function.
     * Voltage(mV) = kC2V_DACxB * Code + bC2V_DACxB; 
     *  where x is 12 or 6 represent 12Bit DAC and 6Bit DAC. C2V means code to voltage.
     *  Code is the data register value for LPDAC. The equation gives real output voltage of LPDAC.    
     * Similarly, Code(LSB) = kV2C_DACxB * Voltage(mV) + bC2V_DAC12B;
     * Apparently, kV2C_DACxB = 1/kC2V_DACxB;
     *             bC2V_DACxB = -bC2V_DACxB/kC2V_DACxB;
    typedef struct
      /* Code to voltage equation parameters */
      float kC2V_DAC12B;        /**< the k factor of code to voltage(in mV) transfer function */
      float bC2V_DAC12B;        /**< the offset of code to voltage transfer function. It's the voltage in mV when code is zero. */
      float kC2V_DAC6B;         /**< the k factor for LPDAC 6 bit output. */
      float bC2V_DAC6B;         /**< the offset for LPDAC 6 bit output. */
     /* Code to voltage equation parameters */
      float kV2C_DAC12B;        /**< the k factor for converting voltage to code for LPDAC 12bit output. */
      float bV2C_DAC12B;        /**< the offset for converting voltage to code for LPDAC 12bit output. */
      float kV2C_DAC6B;         /**< the k factor for converting voltage to code for LPDAC 6bit output. */
      float bV2C_DAC6B;         /**< the offset for converting voltage to code for LPDAC 6bit output. */
     * LFOSC frequency measure structure
    typedef struct
      uint32_t CalSeqAddr;        /**< Sequence start address */
      float CalDuration;          /**< Time can be used for calibration in unit of ms. Recommend to use tens of millisecond like 10ms */
      float SystemClkFreq;        /**< System clock frequency.  */
     * ADC PGA calibration type
    typedef struct
      float SysClkFreq;           /**< The real frequency of system clock */  
      float AdcClkFreq;           /**< The real frequency of ADC clock */  
      float VRef1p82;             /**< The real voltage of 1.82 reference. Unit is volt. */
      float VRef1p11;             /**< The real voltage of 1.1 reference. Unit is volt. */
      uint32_t ADCSinc3Osr;       /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */
      uint32_t ADCSinc2Osr;       /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */ 
      uint32_t ADCPga;            /**< Which PGA gain we are going to calibrate? */
      uint32_t PGACalType;        /**< Calibrate gain of offset or gain+offset? */
      int32_t TimeOut10us;        /**< Timeout in 10us. -1 means no time-out*/
     * LPTIA Offset calibration type
    typedef struct
      uint32_t  LpAmpSel;           /**< Select from LPAMP0 and LPAMP1. LPAMP1 is only available on ADuCM355. */
      float     SysClkFreq;         /**< The real frequency of system clock */  
      float     AdcClkFreq;         /**< The real frequency of ADC clock */  
      uint32_t  ADCSinc3Osr;        /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */
      uint32_t  ADCSinc2Osr;        /**< SINC3OSR_5, SINC3OSR_4 or SINC3OSR_2 */ 
      uint32_t  ADCPga;             /**< PGA Gain selection */
      uint32_t  DacData12Bit;       /**< 12Bit DAC data */
      uint32_t  DacData6Bit;        /**< 6Bit DAC data */
      uint32_t  LpDacVzeroMux;      /**< Vzero is used as LPTIA bias voltage, select 12Bit/6Bit DAC */
      uint32_t  LpAmpPwrMod;        /**< LP amplifiers power mode, select from LPAMPPWR_NORM, LPAMPPWR_BOOSTn*/ 
      uint32_t  LpTiaSW;            /**< Switch configuration for LPTIA. Normally for SW(5) and SW(9).*/
      uint32_t  LpTiaRtia;          /**< LPTIA RTIA resistor selection. */
      int32_t   SettleTime10us;     /**< Wait how much time after TIA is enabled? */   
      int32_t   TimeOut10us;        /**< ADC converts signal need time. Specify the maximum time allowed. Timeout in 10us. negative number means wait no time. */
     * Structure for calculating how much system clocks needed for specified number of data
    typedef struct
      uint32_t DataType;          /**< The final data output selection. @ref DATATYPE_Const */
      uint32_t DataCount;         /**< How many data you want. */
      uint32_t ADCSinc3Osr;       /**< ADC SINC3 filter OSR setting */
      uint32_t ADCSinc2Osr;       /**< ADC SINC2 filter OSR setting */
      uint32_t ADCAvgNum;         /**< Average number for DFT engine. Only used when data type is DATATYPE_DFT and DftSrc is DFTSRC_AVG */
      uint32_t DftSrc;            /**< The DFT source. Only used when data type is DATATYPE_DFT */
      uint8_t  ADCRate;           /**< ADCRate @ref ADCRATE_Const. Only used when data type is DATATYPE_NOTCH */
      BoolFlag BpNotch;           /**< Bypass notch filter or not. Only used when data type is DATATYPE_DFT and DftSrc is DFTSRC_SINC2NOTCH */
      float RatioSys2AdcClk;      /**< Ratio of system clock to ADC clock frequency */
     * Software controlled Sweep Function 
     * */
    typedef struct
      BoolFlag SweepEn;         /**< Software can automatically sweep frequency from following parameters. Set value to 1 to enable it. */
      float SweepStart;         /**< Sweep start frequency. Software will go back to the start frequency when it reaches SWEEP_STOP */
      float SweepStop;          /**< Sweep end frequency. */
      uint32_t SweepPoints;     /**< How many points from START to STOP frequency */
      BoolFlag SweepLog;        /**< The step is linear or logarithmic. 0: Linear, 1: Logarithmic*/
      uint32_t SweepIndex;      /**< Current position of sweep */
     * Impedance result in Polar coordinate 
    typedef struct
      float Magnitude;         /**< The magnitude in polar coordinate */
      float Phase;             /**< The phase in polar coordinate */
    }fImpPol_Type; //Polar
     * Impedance result in Cartesian coordinate 
    typedef struct
      float Real;              /**< The real part in Cartesian coordinate */
      float Image;             /**< The imaginary in Cartesian coordinate */
    }fImpCar_Type; //Cartesian
     * int32_t type Impedance result in Cartesian coordinate 
    typedef struct
      int32_t Real;         /**< The real part in Cartesian coordinate */
      int32_t Image;        /**< The real imaginary in Cartesian coordinate */
     *  FreqParams_Type - Structure to store optimum filter settings 
    typedef struct
    	BoolFlag HighPwrMode;
    	uint32_t DftNum;
    	uint32_t DftSrc;
    	uint32_t ADCSinc3Osr;
    	uint32_t ADCSinc2Osr;
    	uint32_t NumClks;
     * @} TypeDefinitions
     * @defgroup Exported_Functions
     * @{
    /* 1. Basic SPI functions */
    void      AD5940_WriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData);
    uint32_t  AD5940_ReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr);
    void      AD5940_FIFORd(uint32_t *pBuffer,uint32_t uiReadCount);
    /* 2. AD5940 Top Control functions */
    void      AD5940_Initialize(void); /* Call this function firstly once AD5940 power on or come from soft reset */
    void      AD5940_AFECtrlS(uint32_t AfeCtrlSet, BoolFlag State);
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPModeCtrlS(uint32_t EnSet);
    void      AD5940_AFEPwrBW(uint32_t AfePwr, uint32_t AfeBw); /* AFE power mode and system bandwidth control */
    void      AD5940_REFCfgS(AFERefCfg_Type *pBufCfg);
    /* 3. High_Speed_Loop Functions */
    void      AD5940_HSLoopCfgS(HSLoopCfg_Type *pHsLoopCfg);
    void      AD5940_SWMatrixCfgS(SWMatrixCfg_Type *pSwMatrix);
    void      AD5940_HSDacCfgS(HSDACCfg_Type *pHsDacCfg);
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSTIACfgS(HSTIACfg_Type *pHsTiaCfg);
    void      AD5940_HSRTIACfgS(uint32_t HSTIARtia);
    /* 4. Low_Power_Loop Functions*/
    void      AD5940_LPLoopCfgS(LPLoopCfg_Type *pLpLoopCfg);
    void      AD5940_LPDACCfgS(LPDACCfg_Type *pLpDacCfg);
    //void      AD5940_LPDACWriteS(uint16_t Data12Bit, uint8_t Data6Bit);
    void      AD5940_LPDAC0WriteS(uint16_t Data12Bit, uint8_t Data6Bit);
    void      AD5940_LPDAC1WriteS(uint16_t Data12Bit, uint8_t Data6Bit);
    void      AD5940_LPAMPCfgS(LPAmpCfg_Type *pLpAmpCfg);
    /* 5. DSP_Block_Functions */
    void      AD5940_DSPCfgS(DSPCfg_Type *pDSPCfg);
    uint32_t  AD5940_ReadAfeResult(uint32_t AfeResultSel);
    /* 5.1 ADC Block */
    void      AD5940_ADCBaseCfgS(ADCBaseCfg_Type *pADCInit);
    void      AD5940_ADCFilterCfgS(ADCFilterCfg_Type *pFiltCfg);
    void      AD5940_ADCPowerCtrlS(BoolFlag State);
    void      AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(BoolFlag State);
    void      AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(uint32_t ADCMuxP, uint32_t ADCMuxN);
    void      AD5940_ADCDigCompCfgS(ADCDigComp_Type *pCompCfg);
    void      AD5940_StatisticCfgS(StatCfg_Type *pStatCfg);
    void      AD5940_ADCRepeatCfgS(uint32_t Number);
    void      AD5940_DFTCfgS(DFTCfg_Type *pDftCfg);
    /* 5.2 Waveform Generator Block */
    void      AD5940_WGCfgS(WGCfg_Type *pWGInit);
    AD5940Err AD5940_WGDACCodeS(uint32_t code); /* Directly write DAC Code */
    void      AD5940_WGFreqCtrlS(float SinFreqHz, float WGClock);
    uint32_t  AD5940_WGFreqWordCal(float SinFreqHz, float WGClock);
    //uint32_t AD5940_WGAmpWordCal(float Amp, BoolFlag DacGain, BoolFlag ExcitGain);
    /* 6. Sequencer_FIFO */
    void      AD5940_FIFOCfg(FIFOCfg_Type *pFifoCfg);
    AD5940Err AD5940_FIFOGetCfg(FIFOCfg_Type *pFifoCfg);  /* Read back current configuration */
    void      AD5940_FIFOCtrlS(uint32_t FifoSrc, BoolFlag FifoEn);   /* Configure FIFO data source. And disable/enable it.*/
    void      AD5940_FIFOThrshSet(uint32_t FIFOThresh);
    uint32_t  AD5940_FIFOGetCnt(void);     /* Get current FIFO count */
    void      AD5940_SEQCfg(SEQCfg_Type *pSeqCfg);
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGetCfg(SEQCfg_Type *pSeqCfg);    /* Read back current configuration */
    void      AD5940_SEQCtrlS(BoolFlag SeqEn);
    void      AD5940_SEQHaltS(void);
    void      AD5940_SEQMmrTrig(uint32_t SeqId); /* Manually trigger sequence */
    void      AD5940_SEQCmdWrite(uint32_t StartAddr, const uint32_t *pCommand, uint32_t CmdCnt);
    void      AD5940_SEQInfoCfg(SEQInfo_Type *pSeq);
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQInfoGet(uint32_t SeqId, SEQInfo_Type *pSeqInfo);
    void      AD5940_SEQGpioCtrlS(uint32_t GpioSet);   /* Sequencer can control GPIO0~7 if the GPIO function is set to SYNC */
    uint32_t  AD5940_SEQTimeOutRd(void);  /* Read back current sequence time out value */
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGpioTrigCfg(SeqGpioTrig_Cfg *pSeqGpioTrigCfg);
    void      AD5940_WUPTCfg(WUPTCfg_Type *pWuptCfg);
    void      AD5940_WUPTCtrl(BoolFlag Enable);  /* Enable or disable Wakeup timer */
    AD5940Err AD5940_WUPTTime(uint32_t SeqId, uint32_t SleepTime, uint32_t WakeupTime);
    /* 7. MISC_Block */
    /* 7.1 Clock system */
    void      AD5940_CLKCfg(CLKCfg_Type *pClkCfg);
    void      AD5940_HFOSC32MHzCtrl(BoolFlag Mode32MHz);
    void 			AD5940_HPModeEn(BoolFlag Enable);	/* Switch system clocks to high power mode for EIS >80kHz)*/
    /* 7.2 AFE Interrupt */
    void      AD5940_INTCCfg(uint32_t AfeIntcSel, uint32_t AFEIntSrc, BoolFlag State);
    uint32_t  AD5940_INTCGetCfg(uint32_t AfeIntcSel);
    void      AD5940_INTCClrFlag(uint32_t AfeIntSrcSel);
    BoolFlag  AD5940_INTCTestFlag(uint32_t AfeIntcSel, uint32_t AfeIntSrcSel); /* Check if selected interrupt happened */
    uint32_t  AD5940_INTCGetFlag(uint32_t AfeIntcSel); /* Get current INTC interrupt flag */
    /* 7.3 GPIO */
    void      AD5940_AGPIOCfg(AGPIOCfg_Type *pAgpioCfg);
    void      AD5940_AGPIOFuncCfg(uint32_t uiCfgSet);
    void      AD5940_AGPIOOen(uint32_t uiPinSet);
    void      AD5940_AGPIOIen(uint32_t uiPinSet);
    uint32_t  AD5940_AGPIOIn(void);
    void      AD5940_AGPIOPen(uint32_t uiPinSet);
    void      AD5940_AGPIOSet(uint32_t uiPinSet);
    void      AD5940_AGPIOClr(uint32_t uiPinSet);
    void      AD5940_AGPIOToggle(uint32_t uiPinSet);
    /* 7.4 LPMODE */
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPModeEnS(BoolFlag LPModeEn); /* Enable LP mode or disable it. */
    void      AD5940_LPModeClkS(uint32_t LPModeClk);
    void      AD5940_ADCRepeatCfg(uint32_t Number);
    /* 7.5 Power */
    void      AD5940_SleepKeyCtrlS(uint32_t SlpKey); /* enter the correct key to allow AFE to enter sleep mode */
    void      AD5940_EnterSleepS(void);      /* Put AFE to hibernate/sleep mode and keep LP loop as the default settings. */
    void      AD5940_ShutDownS(void);    /* Unlock the key, turn off LP loop and enter sleep/hibernate mode  */
    uint32_t  AD5940_WakeUp(int32_t TryCount);   /* Try to wakeup AFE by read register */
    uint32_t  AD5940_GetADIID(void);   /* Read ADIID */
    uint32_t  AD5940_GetChipID(void);  /* Read Chip ID */
    AD5940Err AD5940_SoftRst(void);
    void      AD5940_HWReset(void);       /* Do hardware reset to AD5940 using RESET pin */
    /* Calibration functions */
    /* 8. Calibration */
    AD5940Err AD5940_ADCPGACal(ADCPGACal_Type *ADCPGACal);
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPDACCal(LPDACCal_Type *pCalCfg, LPDACPara_Type *pResult);
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPTIAOffsetCal(LPTIAOffsetCal_Type *pLPTIAOffsetCal);
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSRtiaCal(HSRTIACal_Type *pCalCfg, void *pResult);
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSDACCal(HSDACCal_Type *pCalCfg);
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPRtiaCal(LPRTIACal_Type *pCalCfg, void *pResult);
    AD5940Err AD5940_LFOSCMeasure(LFOSCMeasure_Type *pCfg, float *pFreq);
    //void      AD5940_LFOSCTrim(uint32_t TrimValue);  /* TrimValue: 0 to 15 */
    //void      AD5940_HFOSC16MHzTrim(uint32_t TrimValue);
    //void      AD5940_HFOSC32MHzTrim(uint32_t TrimValue);
    /* 9. Pure software functions. Functions with no register access. These functions are helpers */
      /* Sequence Generator */
    void      AD5940_SEQGenInit(uint32_t *pBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize);/* Initialize sequence generator workspace */
    void      AD5940_SEQGenCtrl(BoolFlag bFlag);  /* Enable or disable sequence generator */
    void      AD5940_SEQGenInsert(uint32_t CmdWord); /* Manually insert a sequence command */
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGenFetchSeq(const uint32_t **ppSeqCmd, uint32_t *pSeqCount);  /* Fetch generated sequence and start a new sequence */
    void      AD5940_ClksCalculate(ClksCalInfo_Type *pFilterInfo, uint32_t *pClocks);
    uint32_t  AD5940_SEQCycleTime(void);
    void      AD5940_SweepNext(SoftSweepCfg_Type *pSweepCfg, float *pNextFreq);
    void      AD5940_StructInit(void *pStruct, uint32_t StructSize);
    float     AD5940_ADCCode2Volt(uint32_t code, uint32_t ADCPga, float VRef1p82); /* Calculate ADC code to voltage */
    BoolFlag  AD5940_Notch50HzAvailable(ADCFilterCfg_Type *pFilterInfo, uint8_t *dl);
    BoolFlag  AD5940_Notch60HzAvailable(ADCFilterCfg_Type *pFilterInfo, uint8_t *dl);
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexDivFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b);
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexMulFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b);
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexAddFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b);
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexSubFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b);
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexDivInt(iImpCar_Type *a, iImpCar_Type *b);
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexMulInt(iImpCar_Type *a, iImpCar_Type *b);
    float     AD5940_ComplexMag(fImpCar_Type *a);
    float     AD5940_ComplexPhase(fImpCar_Type *a);
    FreqParams_Type AD5940_GetFreqParameters(float freq);
     * @} Exported_Functions
     * @defgroup Library_Interface
     *  The functions user should provide for specific MCU platform
     * @{
    void      AD5940_CsClr(void);
    void      AD5940_CsSet(void);
    void      AD5940_RstClr(void);
    void      AD5940_RstSet(void);
    void      AD5940_Delay10us(uint32_t time);
    /* (Not used for now.)AD5940 has 8 GPIOs, some of them are connected to MCU. MCU can set or read the status of these pins. */
    void      AD5940_MCUGpioWrite(uint32_t data);   /*  */
    uint32_t  AD5940_MCUGpioRead(uint32_t);
    void      AD5940_MCUGpioCtrl(uint32_t, BoolFlag);
    void      AD5940_ReadWriteNBytes(unsigned char *pSendBuffer,unsigned char *pRecvBuff,unsigned long length);
    /* Below functions are frequently used in example code but not necessary for library */
    uint32_t  AD5940_GetMCUIntFlag(void);
    uint32_t  AD5940_ClrMCUIntFlag(void);
    uint32_t  AD5940_MCUResourceInit(void *pCfg);
     * @} Library_Interface
      * @} AD5940_Library

  • Hi,

    Just to ensure that you are using the correct library files, could you check battery impedance measurement with below library files?

     * @file       ad5940.c
     * @brief      AD5940 library. This file contains all AD5940 library functions. 
     * @author     ADI
     * @date       March 2019
     * @par Revision History:
     #include "ad5940.h"
    /* Remove below variables after AD594x is released. */
    static BoolFlag bIsS2silicon = bFALSE;
    /* Declare of SPI functions used to read/write registers */
    #ifndef CHIPSEL_M355
    static uint32_t AD5940_SPIReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr);
    static void AD5940_SPIWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData);
    static uint32_t AD5940_D2DReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr);
    static void AD5940_D2DWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData);
     * @addtogroup AD5940_Library
     *  The library functions, structures and constants.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup AD5940_Functions
     *    @{
     *        @defgroup Function_Helpers
     *        @brief The functions with no hardware access. They are helpers.
     *        @{
     *            @defgroup Sequencer_Generator_Functions
     *            @brief The set of function used to track all register read and write once it's enabled. It can translate register write operation to sequencer commands. 
     *            @{
    #define SEQUENCE_GENERATOR  /*!< Build sequence generator part in to lib. Comment this line to remove this feature  */
     * Structure used to store register information(address and its data) 
     * */
    typedef struct
      uint32_t RegAddr  :8;   /**< 8bit address is enough for sequencer */
      uint32_t RegValue :24;  /**< Reg data is limited to 24bit by sequencer  */
     * Sequencer generator data base.
      BoolFlag EngineStart;         /**< Flag to mark start of the generator */
      uint32_t BufferSize;          /**< Total buffer size */
      uint32_t *pSeqBuff;           /**< The buffer for sequence generator(both sequences and RegInfo) */
      uint32_t SeqLen;              /**< Generated sequence length till now */
      SEQGenRegInfo_Type *pRegInfo; /**< Pointer to buffer where stores register info */
      uint32_t RegCount;            /**< The count of register info available in buffer *pRegInfo. */
      AD5940Err LastError;          /**< The last error message. */
    }SeqGenDB;  /* Data base of Seq Generator */
     * @brief Manually input a command to sequencer generator.
     * @param CmdWord: The 32-bit width sequencer command word. @ref Sequencer_Helper can be used to generate commands.
     * @return None;
    void AD5940_SEQGenInsert(uint32_t CmdWord)
      uint32_t temp;
      temp  = SeqGenDB.RegCount + SeqGenDB.SeqLen;
      /* Generate Sequence command */
      if(temp < SeqGenDB.BufferSize)
        SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff[SeqGenDB.SeqLen] = CmdWord;
        SeqGenDB.SeqLen ++;
      else  /* There is no buffer */
        SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_BUFF;
     * @brief Search data-base to get current register value.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param pIndex: Pointer to a variable that used to store index of found register-info.
     * @return Return AD5940ERR_OK if register found in data-base. Otherwise return AD5940ERR_SEQREG.
    static AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGenSearchReg(uint32_t RegAddr, uint32_t *pIndex)
      uint32_t i;
      RegAddr = (RegAddr>>2)&0xff;
        if(RegAddr == SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[i].RegAddr)
          *pIndex = i;
          return AD5940ERR_OK;
      return AD5940ERR_SEQREG;
     * @brief Get the register default value by SPI read. This function requires AD5940 is in active state, otherwise we cannot get the default register value.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param pRegData: Pointer to a variable to store register default value.
     * @return Return AD5940ERR_OK.
    static AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGenGetRegDefault(uint32_t RegAddr, uint32_t *pRegData)
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
      *pRegData = AD5940_D2DReadReg(RegAddr);
      *pRegData = AD5940_SPIReadReg(RegAddr);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Record the current register info to data-base. Update LastError if there is error.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param RegData: The register data
     * @return Return None.
    static void AD5940_SEQRegInfoInsert(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      uint32_t temp;
      temp = SeqGenDB.RegCount + SeqGenDB.SeqLen;
      if(temp < SeqGenDB.BufferSize)
        SeqGenDB.pRegInfo --; /* Move back */
        SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[0].RegAddr = (RegAddr>>2)&0xff;
        SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[0].RegValue = RegData&0x00ffffff;
        SeqGenDB.RegCount ++;
      else  /* There is no more buffer  */
        SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_BUFF;
     * @brief Get current register value. If we have record in data-base, read it. Otherwise, return the register default value.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @return Return register value.
    static uint32_t AD5940_SEQReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr)
      uint32_t RegIndex, RegData;
      if(AD5940_SEQGenSearchReg(RegAddr, &RegIndex) != AD5940ERR_OK)
        /* There is no record in data-base, read the default value. */
        AD5940_SEQGenGetRegDefault(RegAddr, &RegData);
        AD5940_SEQRegInfoInsert(RegAddr, RegData);
        /* return the current register value stored in data-base */
        RegData = SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[RegIndex].RegValue;
      return RegData;
     * @brief Generate a sequencer command to write register. If the register address is out of range, it won't generate a command.
     *        This function will also update the register-info in data-base to record current register value.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param RegData: The register value.
     * @return Return None.
    static void AD5940_SEQWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      uint32_t RegIndex;
      if(RegAddr > 0x21ff)
        SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_ADDROR;  /* address out of range  */
      if(AD5940_SEQGenSearchReg(RegAddr, &RegIndex) == AD5940ERR_OK)
        /* Store register value */
        SeqGenDB.pRegInfo[RegIndex].RegValue = RegData;
        /* Generate Sequence command */
        AD5940_SEQGenInsert(SEQ_WR(RegAddr, RegData));
        AD5940_SEQRegInfoInsert(RegAddr, RegData);
        /* Generate Sequence command */
        AD5940_SEQGenInsert(SEQ_WR(RegAddr, RegData));
     * @brief Initialize sequencer generator with specified buffer.
     *        The buffer is used to store sequencer generated and record register value changes.
     *        The command is stored from start address of buffer while register value is stored from end of buffer.
     *    Buffer[0] : First sequencer command;
     *    Buffer[1] : Second Sequencer command;
     *    ...
     *    Buffer[Last-1]: The second register value record.
     *    Buffer[Last]: The first register value record.
     * @param pBuffer: Pointer to the buffer.
     * @param BufferSize: The buffer length.
     * @return Return None.
    void AD5940_SEQGenInit(uint32_t *pBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize)
      if(BufferSize < 2) return;
      SeqGenDB.BufferSize = BufferSize;
      SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff = pBuffer;
      SeqGenDB.pRegInfo = (SEQGenRegInfo_Type*)pBuffer + BufferSize - 1; /* Point to the last element in buffer */
      SeqGenDB.SeqLen = 0;
      SeqGenDB.RegCount = 0;
      SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_OK;
      SeqGenDB.EngineStart = bFALSE;
     * @brief Get sequencer command generated.
     * @param ppSeqCmd: Pointer to a variable(pointer) used to store the pointer to generated sequencer command.
     * @param pSeqLen: Pointer to a variable that used to store how many commands available in buffer.
     * @return Return lasterror.
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGenFetchSeq(const uint32_t **ppSeqCmd, uint32_t *pSeqLen)
      AD5940Err lasterror;
        *ppSeqCmd = SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff;  
        *pSeqLen = SeqGenDB.SeqLen;
      //SeqGenDB.SeqLen = 0;  /* Start a new sequence */
      lasterror = SeqGenDB.LastError;
      //SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_OK;  /* Clear error message */
      return lasterror;
     * @brief Start or stop the sequencer generator. Once started, the register write will be recorded to sequencer generator.
     *        Once it's disabled, the register write is written to AD5940 directly by SPI bus.
     * @param bFlag: Enable or disable sequencer generator.
     * @return Return None.
    void AD5940_SEQGenCtrl(BoolFlag bFlag)
      if(bFlag == bFALSE) /* Disable sequence generator */
        SeqGenDB.EngineStart = bFALSE;
        SeqGenDB.SeqLen = 0;
        SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_OK;  /* Clear error message */
        SeqGenDB.EngineStart = bTRUE;
     * @brief Calculate the number of cycles in the sequence
     * @return Return Number of ACLK Cycles that a generated sequence will take.
    uint32_t AD5940_SEQCycleTime(void)
      uint32_t i, Cycles, Cmd;  
      Cycles = 0;
        Cmd = (SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff[i]  >> 30) & 0x3;
        if (Cmd & 0x2)
          /* A write command */
          Cycles += 1;
          if (Cmd & 0x1)
            /* Timeout Command */    
            Cycles += 1;
              /* Wait command */
              Cycles += SeqGenDB.pSeqBuff[i] & 0x3FFFFFFF;
      return Cycles;  
     * @} Sequencer_Generator_Functions
     * Check if an uint8_t value exist in table.
    static int32_t _is_value_in_table(uint8_t value, const uint8_t *table, uint8_t len, uint8_t *index)
      for(int i=0; i<len; i++)
        if(value == table[i])
          *index = i;
          return bTRUE;
      return bFALSE;
     * @brief return if the SINC3/SINC2 combination is available for notch 50Hz filter.
     *        If it's not availabe, hardware automatically bypass Notch even if it's enabled.
     * @param pFilterInfo the filter configuration, only need sinc2/sinc3 osr and adc data rate information.
     * @return return bTRUE if notch 50Hz filter is available.
    BoolFlag AD5940_Notch50HzAvailable(ADCFilterCfg_Type *pFilterInfo, uint8_t *dl)
      if((pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_800KHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr == ADCSINC3OSR_2)||\
          (pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_1P6MHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr != ADCSINC3OSR_2))
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR2, for 800kSPS
        //and SINC3 OSR4 and OSR5 for 1.6MSPS,
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_533, ADCSINC2OSR_667,ADCSINC2OSR_800, ADCSINC2OSR_889, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_50Hz[] = {15,12,10,9,6};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_50Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      else if(pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_1P6MHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr == ADCSINC3OSR_2)
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR2 for 1.6MSPS
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_889, ADCSINC2OSR_1067, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_50Hz[] = {18,15,12};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_50Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      else if(pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_800KHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr != ADCSINC3OSR_2)
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR4 and OSR5 for 800kSPS,
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_178, ADCSINC2OSR_267, ADCSINC2OSR_533, ADCSINC2OSR_640,\
                                        ADCSINC2OSR_800, ADCSINC2OSR_1067};
        const uint8_t dl_50Hz[] = {18,12,6,5,4,3};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_50Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      *dl = 0;
      return bFALSE;
     * @brief return if the SINC3/SINC2 combination is available for notch 60Hz filter.
     *        If it's not availabe, hardware automatically bypass Notch even if it's enabled.
     * @param pFilterInfo the filter configuration, need sinc2/sinc3 osr and adc data rate information.
     * @return return bTRUE if notch 60Hz filter is available.
    BoolFlag AD5940_Notch60HzAvailable(ADCFilterCfg_Type *pFilterInfo, uint8_t *dl)
      if((pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_800KHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr == ADCSINC3OSR_2)||\
          (pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_1P6MHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr != ADCSINC3OSR_2))
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR2, for 800kSPS
        //and SINC3 OSR4 and OSR5 for 1.6MSPS,
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_667, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_60Hz[] = {10,5};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_60Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      else if(pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_1P6MHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr == ADCSINC3OSR_2)
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR2 for 1.6MSPS
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_889, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_60Hz[] = {15,10};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_60Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      else if(pFilterInfo->ADCRate == ADCRATE_800KHZ && pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr != ADCSINC3OSR_2)
        //this combination suits for filter:
        //SINC3 OSR4 and OSR5 for 800kSPS,
        const uint8_t available_sinc2_osr[] = {ADCSINC2OSR_178, ADCSINC2OSR_267, ADCSINC2OSR_533, ADCSINC2OSR_667,\
                                        ADCSINC2OSR_889, ADCSINC2OSR_1333};
        const uint8_t dl_60Hz[] = {15,10,5,4,3,2};
        uint8_t index;
        if(_is_value_in_table(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr, available_sinc2_osr, sizeof(available_sinc2_osr), &index))
          *dl = dl_60Hz[index];
          return bTRUE;
      *dl = 0;
      return bFALSE;
     * @brief Calculate how many clocks are needed in sequencer wait command to generate required number of data from filter output.
     * @note When measurement is done, it's recommend to disable blocks like ADCPWR, ADCCNV, SINC2, DFT etc. If blocks remain powered up,
     *       they may need less clocks to generate required number of output. Use function @ref AD5940_AFECtrlS to control these blocks.
     * @param pFilterInfo: Pointer to configuration structure. 
     * @param pClocks: pointer used to store results.         
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_ClksCalculate(ClksCalInfo_Type *pFilterInfo, uint32_t *pClocks)
      uint32_t temp = 0;
      const uint32_t sinc2osr_table[] = {22,44,89,178,267,533,640,667,800,889,1067,1333,0};
      const uint32_t sinc3osr_table[] = {5,4,2,0};
      *pClocks = 0;
      if(pFilterInfo == NULL) return;
      if(pClocks == NULL) return;
      if(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr > ADCSINC2OSR_1333) return;
      if(pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr > 2)  return; /* 0: OSR5, 1:OSR4, 2:OSR2 */
      if(pFilterInfo->ADCAvgNum > ADCAVGNUM_16) return; /* Average number index:0,1,2,3 */
        case DATATYPE_ADCRAW:
          temp = (uint32_t)(20*pFilterInfo->DataCount*pFilterInfo->RatioSys2AdcClk);
        case DATATYPE_SINC3:
          temp = (uint32_t)(((pFilterInfo->DataCount+2)*sinc3osr_table[pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr]+1)*20*pFilterInfo->RatioSys2AdcClk + 0.5f);
        case DATATYPE_SINC2: 
          temp = (pFilterInfo->DataCount+1)*sinc2osr_table[pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr] + 1;
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC3;
          pFilterInfo->DataCount = temp;
          AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC2;
          temp += 15;   /* Need extra 15 clocks for FIFO etc. Just to be safe. */
        case DATATYPE_NOTCH:
          ADCFilterCfg_Type filter;
          filter.ADCRate = pFilterInfo->ADCRate;
          filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pFilterInfo->ADCSinc3Osr;
          filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pFilterInfo->ADCSinc2Osr;
          uint8_t dl=0, dl_50, dl_60;
          if(AD5940_Notch50HzAvailable(&filter, &dl_50)){
            dl += dl_50 - 1;
          if(AD5940_Notch60HzAvailable(&filter, &dl_60)){
            dl += dl_60 - 1;
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC2;
          pFilterInfo->DataCount += dl; //DL is the extra data input needed for filter to output first data.
          //restore the filter info.
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_NOTCH;
          pFilterInfo->DataCount -= dl;
        case DATATYPE_DFT:
            case DFTSRC_ADCRAW:
              pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_ADCRAW;
              AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
            case DFTSRC_SINC3:
              pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC3;
              AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
            case DFTSRC_SINC2NOTCH:
                pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC2;
                pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_NOTCH;
              AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
            case DFTSRC_AVG:
              pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_SINC3;
              pFilterInfo->DataCount *= 1L<<(pFilterInfo->ADCAvgNum+1); /* 0: average2, 1: average4, 2: average8, 3: average16 */
              AD5940_ClksCalculate(pFilterInfo, &temp);
          pFilterInfo->DataType = DATATYPE_DFT;
          temp += 25; /* add margin */
      *pClocks = temp;
       @brief void AD5940_SweepNext(SoftSweepCfg_Type *pSweepCfg, float *pNextFreq)
              For sweep function, calculate next frequency point according to pSweepCfg info.
       @return Return next frequency point in Hz.
    void AD5940_SweepNext(SoftSweepCfg_Type *pSweepCfg, float *pNextFreq)
       float frequency;
       if(pSweepCfg->SweepLog)/* Log step */
          if(pSweepCfg->SweepStart<pSweepCfg->SweepStop) /* Normal */
             if(++pSweepCfg->SweepIndex == pSweepCfg->SweepPoints)
                pSweepCfg->SweepIndex = 0;
             frequency = pSweepCfg->SweepStart*pow(10,pSweepCfg->SweepIndex*log10(pSweepCfg->SweepStop/pSweepCfg->SweepStart)/(pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1));
             pSweepCfg->SweepIndex --;
             if(pSweepCfg->SweepIndex >= pSweepCfg->SweepPoints)
                pSweepCfg->SweepIndex = pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1;
             frequency = pSweepCfg->SweepStop*pow(10,pSweepCfg->SweepIndex*
       else/* Linear step */
          if(pSweepCfg->SweepStart<pSweepCfg->SweepStop) /* Normal */
             if(++pSweepCfg->SweepIndex == pSweepCfg->SweepPoints)
                pSweepCfg->SweepIndex = 0;
             frequency = pSweepCfg->SweepStart + pSweepCfg->SweepIndex*(double)(pSweepCfg->SweepStop-pSweepCfg->SweepStart)/(pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1);
             pSweepCfg->SweepIndex --;
             if(pSweepCfg->SweepIndex >= pSweepCfg->SweepPoints)
                pSweepCfg->SweepIndex = pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1;
             frequency = pSweepCfg->SweepStop + pSweepCfg->SweepIndex*(double)(pSweepCfg->SweepStart - pSweepCfg->SweepStop)/(pSweepCfg->SweepPoints-1);
       *pNextFreq = frequency;
      @brief Initialize Structure members to zero
      @param pStruct: Pointer to the structure. 
      @param StructSize: The structure size in Byte.
      @return Return None.
    void AD5940_StructInit(void *pStruct, uint32_t StructSize)
      memset(pStruct, 0, StructSize);
      @brief Convert ADC Code to voltage. 
      @param ADCPga: The ADC PGA used for this result.
      @param code: ADC code.
      @param VRef1p82: the actual 1.82V reference voltage.
      @return Voltage in volt.
    float AD5940_ADCCode2Volt(uint32_t code, uint32_t ADCPga, float VRef1p82)
      float kFactor = 1.835/1.82;
      float fVolt = 0.0;
      float tmp = 0;
      tmp = (int32_t)code - 32768;
      case ADCPGA_1:
      case ADCPGA_1P5:
        tmp /= 1.5f;
      case ADCPGA_2:
        tmp /= 2.0f;
      case ADCPGA_4:
        tmp /= 4.0f;
      case ADCPGA_9:
        tmp /= 9.0f;
      fVolt = tmp*VRef1p82/32768*kFactor;
      return fVolt;
     * @brief Do complex number division.
     * @param a: The dividend.
     * @param b: The divisor.
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexDivFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      float temp;
      temp = b->Real*b->Real + b->Image*b->Image;
      res.Real = a->Real*b->Real + a->Image*b->Image;
      res.Real /= temp;
      res.Image = a->Image*b->Real - a->Real*b->Image;
      res.Image /= temp;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number multiplication.
     * @param a: The multiplicand.
     * @param b: The multiplier .
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexMulFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      res.Real = a->Real*b->Real - a->Image*b->Image;
      res.Image = a->Image*b->Real + a->Real*b->Image;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number addition.
     * @param a: The addend.
     * @param b: The addend .
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexAddFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      res.Real = a->Real + b->Real;
      res.Image = a->Image + b->Image;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number subtraction.
     * @param a: The minuend.
     * @param b: The subtrahend .
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexSubFloat(fImpCar_Type *a, fImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      res.Real = a->Real - b->Real;
      res.Image = a->Image - b->Image;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number division.
     * @param a: The dividend.
     * @param b: The divisor.
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexDivInt(iImpCar_Type *a, iImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      float temp;
      temp = (float)b->Real*b->Real + (float)b->Image*b->Image;
      res.Real = (float)a->Real*b->Real + (float)a->Image*b->Image;
      res.Real /= temp;
      res.Image = (float)a->Image*b->Real - (float)a->Real*b->Image;
      res.Image /= temp;
      return res;
     * @brief Do complex number multiplication.
     * @param a: The multiplicand.
     * @param b: The multiplier .
     * @return Return result.
    fImpCar_Type AD5940_ComplexMulInt(iImpCar_Type *a, iImpCar_Type *b)
      fImpCar_Type res;
      res.Real = (float)a->Real*b->Real - (float)a->Image*b->Image;
      res.Image = (float)a->Image*b->Real + (float)a->Real*b->Image;
      return res;
     * @brief Calculate the complex number magnitude.
     * @param a: The complex number.
     * @return Return magnitude.
    float AD5940_ComplexMag(fImpCar_Type *a)
      return sqrt(a->Real*a->Real + a->Image*a->Image);
     * @brief Calculate the complex number phase.
     * @param a: The complex number.
     * @return Return phase.
    float AD5940_ComplexPhase(fImpCar_Type *a)
      return atan2(a->Image, a->Real);
     * @brief Calculate the optimum filter settings based on signal frequency.
     * @param freq: Frequency of signalr.
     * @return Return FreqParams.
    FreqParams_Type AD5940_GetFreqParameters(float freq)
    	const uint32_t dft_table[] = {4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384};
    	const uint32_t sinc2osr_table[] = {1, 22,44,89,178,267,533,640,667,800,889,1067,1333};
      const uint32_t sinc3osr_table[] = {2, 4, 5};
    	float AdcRate = 800000;
    	uint32_t n1 = 0;	// Sample rate after ADC filters
    	uint32_t n2 = 0; // Sample rate after DFT block
    	uint32_t iCycle = 0;
    	FreqParams_Type freq_params;
    	/* High power mode */
    	if(freq >= 20000)
    		freq_params. DftSrc = DFTSRC_SINC3;
    		freq_params.ADCSinc2Osr = 0;
    		freq_params.ADCSinc3Osr = 2;
    		freq_params.DftNum = DFTNUM_8192;
    		freq_params.NumClks = 0;
    		freq_params.HighPwrMode = bTRUE;
    		return freq_params;		
    	if(freq < 0.51)
    		freq_params. DftSrc = DFTSRC_SINC2NOTCH;
    		freq_params.ADCSinc2Osr = 6;
    		freq_params.ADCSinc3Osr = 1;
    		freq_params.DftNum = DFTNUM_8192;
    		freq_params.NumClks = 0;
    		freq_params.HighPwrMode = bTRUE;
    		return freq_params;		
    	/* Start with SINC2 setting */
    	for(uint8_t i = 0; i<sizeof(sinc2osr_table) / sizeof(uint32_t); i++)
    		n1 = sinc2osr_table[i] * sinc3osr_table[1];
    		if(((AdcRate/n1) < freq * 10) && (freq<20e3))
    		/* Try DFT number */
    		for(uint32_t j = 8; j<sizeof(dft_table) / sizeof(uint32_t); j++)
    			n2 = dft_table[j];
    			iCycle = (uint32_t)(n1 * n2 * freq)/AdcRate;
    			if(iCycle < 8)
    			freq_params. DftSrc = DFTSRC_SINC2NOTCH;
    			freq_params.ADCSinc2Osr = i-1;
    			freq_params.ADCSinc3Osr = 1;
    			freq_params.DftNum = j;
    			freq_params.NumClks = 0;
    			freq_params.HighPwrMode = bFALSE;
    			if(n1 == 4)
    				freq_params. DftSrc = DFTSRC_SINC3;
    				freq_params.ADCSinc2Osr = 0;
    			return freq_params;
    	return freq_params;
     * @} Function_Helpers
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
    static void AD5940_D2DWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      if(((RegAddr>=0x1000)&&(RegAddr<=0x3014)))  /* 32bit register */
        *(volatile uint32_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000) = RegData;
      else                                        /* 16bit register */
        *(volatile uint16_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000) = RegData;
    static uint32_t AD5940_D2DReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr)
      if(((RegAddr>=0x1000)&&(RegAddr<=0x3014)))  /* 32bit register */
        return *(volatile uint32_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000);
      else                                        /* 16bit register */
        return *(volatile uint16_t *)(RegAddr+0x400c0000);
    void AD5940_FIFORd(uint32_t *pBuffer, uint32_t uiReadCount)   
        *pBuffer++ = *(volatile uint32_t *)(0x400c206C);
     * @defgroup SPI_Block
     * @brief Functions to communicate with AD5940 registers following AD5940 SPI protocols
     * @{
     * @defgroup SPI_Block_Functions
     * @brief The basic SPI protocols. All functions are basic on AD5940_ReadWriteNBytes which
     *        provided by user.
     *  ##SPI basic protocol
     *        All SPI protocol starts with one-byte command word. Following are data(16B or 32B)
     *        There are four SPI commands available @ref SPI_Block_Const.
     * @{
      @brief Using SPI to transmit one byte and return the received byte. 
      @param data: The 8-bit data SPI will transmit.
      @return received data.
    static unsigned char AD5940_ReadWrite8B(unsigned char data)
       uint8_t tx[1], rx[1];
       tx[0] = data;
       return rx[0];
      @brief Using SPI to transmit two bytes and return the received bytes. 
      @param data: The 16-bit data SPI will transmit.
      @return received data.
    static uint16_t AD5940_ReadWrite16B(uint16_t data)
       uint8_t SendBuffer[2];
       uint8_t RecvBuffer[2];
       SendBuffer[0] = data>>8;
       SendBuffer[1] = data&0xff;
       return (((uint16_t)RecvBuffer[0])<<8)|RecvBuffer[1];
     * @brief Using SPI to transmit four bytes and return the received bytes. 
     * @param data: The 32-bit data SPI will transmit.
     * @return received data.
    static uint32_t AD5940_ReadWrite32B(uint32_t data)
       uint8_t SendBuffer[4];
       uint8_t RecvBuffer[4];
       SendBuffer[0] = (data>>24)&0xff;
       SendBuffer[1] = (data>>16)&0xff;
       SendBuffer[2] = (data>> 8)&0xff;
       SendBuffer[3] = (data    )&0xff;
       return (((uint32_t)RecvBuffer[0])<<24)|(((uint32_t)RecvBuffer[1])<<16)|(((uint32_t)RecvBuffer[2])<<8)|RecvBuffer[3];
     * @brief Write register through SPI.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param RegData: The register data.
     * @return Return None.
    static void AD5940_SPIWriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      /* Set register address */
      /* Add delay here to meet the SPI timing. */
     * @brief Read register through SPI.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @return Return register data.
    static uint32_t AD5940_SPIReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr)
      uint32_t Data = 0;
      /* Set register address that we want to read */
      /* Read it */
      AD5940_ReadWrite8B(0);  //Dummy read
      /* The real data is coming */
        Data = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0);
        Data = AD5940_ReadWrite16B(0);
      return Data;
      @brief Read specific number of data from FIFO with optimized SPI access.
      @param pBuffer: Pointer to a buffer that used to store data read back.
      @param uiReadCount: How much data to be read.
      @return none.
    void AD5940_FIFORd(uint32_t *pBuffer, uint32_t uiReadCount)   
      /* Use function AD5940_SPIReadReg to read REG_AFE_DATAFIFORD is also one method. */
       uint32_t i;
       if(uiReadCount < 3)
          /* This method is more efficient when readcount < 3 */
          uint32_t i;
             AD5940_ReadWrite8B(0);//Write Host status/Don't care
             pBuffer[i] = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0);
          /* 6 dummy write before valid data read back */
          /* Continuously read DATAFIFORD register with offset 0 */
             pBuffer[i] = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0); /*Offset is 0, so we always read DATAFIFORD register */
          /* Read back last two FIFO data with none-zero offset*/
          pBuffer[i++] = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0x44444444);
          pBuffer[i] = AD5940_ReadWrite32B(0x44444444);
     * @} SPI_Block_Functions
     * @} SPI_Block
     * @brief Write register. If sequencer generator is enabled, the register write is recorded. 
     *        Otherwise, the data is written to AD5940 by SPI.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @param RegData: The register data.
     * @return Return None.
    void AD5940_WriteReg(uint16_t RegAddr, uint32_t RegData)
      if(SeqGenDB.EngineStart == bTRUE)
        AD5940_SEQWriteReg(RegAddr, RegData);
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
        AD5940_D2DWriteReg(RegAddr, RegData);
        AD5940_SPIWriteReg(RegAddr, RegData);
     * @brief Read register. If sequencer generator is enabled, read current register value from data-base. 
     *        Otherwise, read register value by SPI.
     * @param RegAddr: The register address.
     * @return Return register value.
    uint32_t AD5940_ReadReg(uint16_t RegAddr)
      if(SeqGenDB.EngineStart == bTRUE)
        return AD5940_SEQReadReg(RegAddr);
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
        return AD5940_D2DReadReg(RegAddr);
        return AD5940_SPIReadReg(RegAddr);
     * @defgroup AFE_Control 
     * @brief Some functions to control the whole AFE. They are top level switches.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup AFE_Control_Functions
     *    The top-level control functions for whole AFE perspective. 
     *    @details  This function set is used to control the whole AFE block by block. It's a top-level configuration.
     *              It's convenient when do initialization work with the functions called BLOCK**Cfg**. You can tune the parameters at run-time using more detailed
     *              functions from each block. rather than top-level functions where you need to configure all parameters.
     *    @{
     * @brief Initialize AD5940. This function must be called whenever there is reset(Software Reset or Hardware reset or Power up) happened.
     *        This function is used to put AD5940 to correct state.
     * @return return None
    void AD5940_Initialize(void)
      int i;
      /* Write following registers with its data sequentially whenever there is a reset happened. */
      const struct
        uint16_t reg_addr;
        uint32_t reg_data;
        {0x0908, 0x02c9},
        {0x0c08, 0x206C},
        {0x21F0, 0x0010},
    #ifndef CHIPSEL_M355
        /* This is AD5940 */
        {0x0410, 0x02c9},
        {0x0A28, 0x0009},
        /* This is ADuCM355 */
        {0x0410, 0x001a},
        {0x0A28, 0x0008},
        {0x238c, 0x0104},
        {0x0a04, 0x4859},
        {0x0a04, 0xF27B},
        {0x0a00, 0x8009},
        {0x22F0, 0x0000},
        {0x2230, 0xDE87A5AF},
        {0x2250, 0x103F},
        {0x22B0, 0x203C},
        {0x2230, 0xDE87A5A0},
      //initialize global variables
      SeqGenDB.SeqLen = 0;
      SeqGenDB.RegCount = 0;
      SeqGenDB.LastError = AD5940ERR_OK;
      SeqGenDB.EngineStart = bFALSE;
    #ifndef CHIPSEL_M355
      AD5940_CsSet(); /* Pull high CS in case it's low */
      for(i=0; i<sizeof(RegTable)/sizeof(RegTable[0]); i++)
        AD5940_WriteReg(RegTable[i].reg_addr, RegTable[i].reg_data);
      i = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_CHIPID);  
      if(i == 0x5501)
        bIsS2silicon = bTRUE;
      else if(i == 0x5502)  /* S3 chip-id is 0x5502. The is no difference with S2. */
        bIsS2silicon = bTRUE;
      else if(i == 0x5500)
        bIsS2silicon = bFALSE;
    #ifdef ADI_DEBUG
        printf("CHIPID read error:0x%04x. AD5940 is not present?\n", i);
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
      ADI_Print("This ADuCM355!\n");
      ADI_Print("This AD594x!\n");
      ADI_Print("Note: Current Silicon is %s\n", bIsS2silicon?"S2":"S1");
      ADI_Print("AD5940LIB Version:v%d.%d.%d\n", AD5940LIB_VER_MAJOR, AD5940LIB_VER_MINOR, AD5940LIB_VER_PATCH);
     * @brief Control most AFE digital and analog block within one register access.
     * @param AfeCtrlSet: A set of blocks that will be controlled select it from @ref AFECTRL_Const Below is two examples to use it.
     *        - AFECTRL_HPREFPWR: Control high power reference(bandgap).
     *        - AFECTRL_WG|AFECTRL_ADCPWR: The OR'ed control set. Control Waveform generator and ADC power.
     * @param State: Enable or disable selected control set signal. Select from @BoolFlag
     *        - bFALSE: Disable or power down selected block(s).
     *        - bTRUE:  Enable all selected block(s).
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_AFECtrlS(uint32_t AfeCtrlSet, BoolFlag State)
      /* Check parameters */
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      if (State == bTRUE) {
        /* Clear bits to enable HPREF and ALDOLimit*/
        if (AfeCtrlSet & AFECTRL_HPREFPWR) {
            tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS;
            AfeCtrlSet &= ~AFECTRL_HPREFPWR;
        if(AfeCtrlSet & AFECTRL_ALDOLIMIT)
          tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_ALDOILIMITEN;
          AfeCtrlSet &= ~AFECTRL_ALDOLIMIT;
        tempreg |= AfeCtrlSet;
        /* Set bits to Disable HPREF and ALDOLimit*/
        if(AfeCtrlSet & AFECTRL_HPREFPWR)
            tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS;
            AfeCtrlSet &= ~AFECTRL_HPREFPWR;
        if(AfeCtrlSet & AFECTRL_ALDOLIMIT)
          tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_ALDOILIMITEN;
          AfeCtrlSet &= ~AFECTRL_ALDOLIMIT;
        tempreg &= ~AfeCtrlSet;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_AFECON, tempreg);
    /** When LP mode is enabled, some functions are under control of LPMODECON, rather than original registers.  */
    /** @warning LPMODE is key protected, this function only takes effect after AD5940_LPModeEnS(bTRUE) */
     * @brief For LP mode, use one register to control most AFE digital and analog block.
     * @details The parameter means the blocks. The selected block will be enabled. All others will be disabled.
     *          The method to enable/disable blocks are defined by register LPMODECON, either by clearing or setting bits.
     * @param EnSet: A set of blocks that will be enabled. Select it from @ref LPMODECTRL_Const. All others not selected in EnSet will be disabled.
     *        - LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR|LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN: Turn on ALDO and HFOSC, disable all others.
     *        - LPMODECTRL_ALL: Enable all blocks.
       @return return none.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPModeCtrlS(uint32_t EnSet)
      /* Check parameters */
      uint32_t tempreg;
      uint32_t DisSet;    /* The blocks to be disabled */
      DisSet = LPMODECTRL_ALL & (~EnSet);
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_LPMODECON);
      /* Enable selected set */
        /* Clear bits to enable HFOSC, HPREF, ALDO */
        if (EnSet & LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN) {
            tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HFOSCPD;
            EnSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN;
          tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HPREFDIS;
          EnSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_HPREFPWR;
        if(EnSet & LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR)
          tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ALDOEN;
          EnSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR;
        tempreg |= EnSet; /* Set other bits to enable function */
      /* Disable other blocks */
        /* Set bits to disable HFOSC, HPREF, ALDO */
        if (DisSet & LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN) {
            tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HFOSCPD;
            DisSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_HFOSCEN;
        if(DisSet & LPMODECTRL_HPREFPWR)
          tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HPREFDIS;
          DisSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_HPREFPWR;
        if(DisSet & LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR)
          tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ALDOEN;
          DisSet &= ~LPMODECTRL_ALDOPWR;
        tempreg &= ~DisSet; /* Clear other bits to disable function */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPMODECON, tempreg);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
       @brief Set AFE power mode and system bandwidth include HSDAC, Excitation-buffer, HSTIA and ADC etc.
       @param AfePwr : {AFEPWR_LP, AFEPWR_HP}
              Select parameters from @ref AFEPWR_Const
              - AFEPWR_LP: Set AFE to low power mode
              - AFEPWR_HP: Set AFE to High speed mode to support 200kHz.
       @param AfeBw : {AFEBW_AUTOSET, AFEBW_50KHZ, AFEBW_100KHZ, AFEBW_250KHZ}
              - AFEBW_AUTOSET: Set the bandwidth automatically based on WGFCW frequency word.
              - AFEBW_50KHZ: Set system bandwidth to 50kHz.
              - AFEBW_100KHZ: Set system bandwidth to 100kHz.
              - AFEBW_250KHZ: Set system bandwidth to 250kHz.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_AFEPwrBW(uint32_t AfePwr, uint32_t AfeBw)
      //check parameters
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AfePwr;
      tempreg |= AfeBw << BITP_AFE_PMBW_SYSBW;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_PMBW, tempreg);
       @brief Configure reference buffer include 1.8V/1.1V high/low power buffers.
       @param pBufCfg :Pointer to buffer configure structure;
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_REFCfgS(AFERefCfg_Type *pBufCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      /* HP Reference(bandgap) */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS;
      if(pBufCfg->HpBandgapEn == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_AFECON, tempreg);
      /* Reference buffer configure */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_BUFSENCON);
      if(pBufCfg->Hp1V8BuffEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8HPADCEN;
      if(pBufCfg->Hp1V1BuffEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1HPADCEN;
      if(pBufCfg->Lp1V8BuffEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P8LPADCEN;
      if(pBufCfg->Lp1V1BuffEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_BUFSENCON_V1P1LPADCEN;
      if(pBufCfg->Hp1V8ThemBuff == bTRUE)
      if(pBufCfg->Hp1V8Ilimit == bTRUE)
      if(pBufCfg->Disc1V8Cap == bTRUE)
      if(pBufCfg->Disc1V1Cap == bTRUE)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_BUFSENCON, tempreg);
      /* LPREFBUFCON */
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pBufCfg->LpRefBufEn == bFALSE)
      if(pBufCfg->LpBandgapEn == bFALSE)
      if(pBufCfg->LpRefBoostEn == bTRUE)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPREFBUFCON, tempreg);
     * @} End of AFE_Control_Functions
     * @} End of AFE_Control
     * */
     * @defgroup High_Speed_Loop
     * @brief The high speed loop
     * @{
     *    @defgroup High_Speed_Loop_Functions
     *    @{
       @brief Configure High speed loop(high bandwidth loop or 
              called excitation loop). This configuration includes HSDAC, HSTIA and Switch matrix. 
       @param pHsLoopCfg : Pointer to configure structure;
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_HSLoopCfgS(HSLoopCfg_Type *pHsLoopCfg)
       @brief Initialize switch matrix
       @param pSwMatrix: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_SWMatrixCfgS(SWMatrixCfg_Type *pSwMatrix)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_DSWFULLCON, pSwMatrix->Dswitch);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_PSWFULLCON, pSwMatrix->Pswitch);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_NSWFULLCON, pSwMatrix->Nswitch);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_TSWFULLCON, pSwMatrix->Tswitch);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SWCON, BITM_AFE_SWCON_SWSOURCESEL); /* Update switch configuration */
       @brief Initialize HSDAC
       @param pHsDacCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_HSDacCfgS(HSDACCfg_Type *pHsDacCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //Check parameters
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pHsDacCfg->ExcitBufGain == EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_INAMPGNMDE; /* Enable attenuator */
      if(pHsDacCfg->HsDacGain == HSDACGAIN_0P2)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_ATTENEN; /* Enable attenuator */
      tempreg |= (pHsDacCfg->HsDacUpdateRate&0xff)<<BITP_AFE_HSDACCON_RATE;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACCON, tempreg);
    static void __AD5940_SetDExRTIA(uint32_t DExPin, uint32_t DeRtia, uint32_t DeRload)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      /* deal with HSTIA DE RTIA */
      if(DeRtia >= HSTIADERTIA_OPEN)
        tempreg = 0x1f << 3;  /* bit field HPTIRES03CON[7:3] */
      else if(DeRtia >= HSTIADERTIA_1K)
        tempreg = (DeRtia - 3 + 11) << 3;
      else  /* DERTIA 50/100/200Ohm */
        const uint8_t DeRtiaTable[3][5] = 
    //Rload  0      10    30    50    100 
    			{0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x06}, /* RTIA 50Ohm */
    			{0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07}, /* RTIA 100Ohm */
    			{0x07, 0x07, 0x09, 0x09, 0x0a}, /* RTIA 200Ohm */
        if(DeRload < HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN)
          tempreg = (uint32_t)(DeRtiaTable[DeRtia][DeRload])<<3;
          tempreg = (0x1f)<<3;  /* Set it to HSTIADERTIA_OPEN. This setting is illegal */
      /* deal with HSTIA Rload */
      tempreg |= DeRload;
      if(DExPin) //DE1
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_DE1RESCON, tempreg);
      else  //DE0
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_DE0RESCON, tempreg);
       @brief Initialize High speed TIA amplifier
       @param pHsTiaCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSTIACfgS(HSTIACfg_Type *pHsTiaCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //Check parameters
      if(pHsTiaCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
        /* Available parameter is 1k, 5k,...,160k, short, OPEN */
      if(pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRtia < HSTIADERTIA_1K)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRtia > HSTIADERTIA_OPEN)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;  /* Parameter is invalid */
      if(pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRload > HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;  /* Available parameter is OPEN, 0R,..., 100R */
      tempreg = 0;
      tempreg |= pHsTiaCfg->HstiaBias;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSTIACON, tempreg);
      /* HSRTIACON */
      /* Calculate CTIA value */
      tempreg = pHsTiaCfg->HstiaCtia << BITP_AFE_HSRTIACON_CTIACON;
      tempreg |= pHsTiaCfg->HstiaRtiaSel;
      if(pHsTiaCfg->DiodeClose == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_HSRTIACON_TIASW6CON; /* Close switch 6 */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSRTIACON, tempreg);
      /* DExRESCON */
      __AD5940_SetDExRTIA(0, pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRtia, pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDeRload);
    #ifdef CHIPSEL_M355
      __AD5940_SetDExRTIA(1, pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDe1Rtia, pHsTiaCfg->HstiaDe1Rload);
      /* Done */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Configure HSTIA RTIA resistor and keep other parameters unchanged.
     * @param HSTIARtia: The RTIA setting, select it from @ref HSTIARTIA_Const
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_HSRTIACfgS(uint32_t HSTIARtia)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_HSRTIACON);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSRTIACON, tempreg);
     * @defgroup Waveform_Generator_Functions
     * @{
     * @brief Initialize waveform generator
     * @param pWGInit: Pointer to configuration structure
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_WGCfgS(WGCfg_Type *pWGInit)
      //Check parameters
      uint32_t tempreg;
      if(pWGInit->WgType == WGTYPE_SIN)
        /* Configure Sine wave Generator */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGFCW, pWGInit->SinCfg.SinFreqWord);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE, pWGInit->SinCfg.SinAmplitudeWord);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGOFFSET, pWGInit->SinCfg.SinOffsetWord);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGPHASE, pWGInit->SinCfg.SinPhaseWord);
      else if(pWGInit->WgType == WGTYPE_TRAPZ)
        /* Configure Trapezoid Generator */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzDCLevel1);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzDCLevel2);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGDELAY1, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzDelay1);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGDELAY2, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzDelay2);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGSLOPE1, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzSlope1);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGSLOPE2, pWGInit->TrapzCfg.WGTrapzSlope2);
        /* Write DAC data. It's only have effect when WgType set to WGTYPE_MMR */ 
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACDAT, pWGInit->WgCode);
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pWGInit->GainCalEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_WGCON_DACGAINCAL;
      if(pWGInit->OffsetCalEn == bTRUE)
      tempreg |= (pWGInit->WgType) << BITP_AFE_WGCON_TYPESEL;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGCON, tempreg);
     * @brief Write HSDAC code directly when WG configured to MMR type
     * @param code: The 12-bit HSDAC code.
     * @return return none.
    AD5940Err AD5940_WGDACCodeS(uint32_t code)
      code &= 0xfff;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACDAT, code);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Update WG SIN wave frequency in Hz.
     * @param SinFreqHz: The desired frequency in Hz.
     * @param WGClock: The clock for WG. It's same as system clock and the default value is internal 16MHz HSOSC.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_WGFreqCtrlS(float SinFreqHz, float WGClock)
      uint32_t freq_word;
      freq_word = AD5940_WGFreqWordCal(SinFreqHz, WGClock);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_WGFCW, freq_word);
       @brief Calculate sine wave generator frequency word. The maxim frequency is 250kHz-1LSB
       @param SinFreqHz : Target frequency in Hz unit.
       @param WGClock: Waveform generator clock frequency in Hz unit. The clock is sourced from system clock, default value is 16MHz HFOSC.
       @return return none.
    uint32_t AD5940_WGFreqWordCal(float SinFreqHz, float WGClock)
      uint32_t temp;
      uint32_t __BITWIDTH_WGFCW = 26;
      if(bIsS2silicon == bTRUE)
        __BITWIDTH_WGFCW = 30;
      if(WGClock == 0) return 0;
      temp = (uint32_t)(SinFreqHz*(1LL<<__BITWIDTH_WGFCW)/WGClock + 0.5f);
      if(temp > ((__BITWIDTH_WGFCW == 26)?0xfffff:0xffffff))
        temp = (__BITWIDTH_WGFCW == 26)?0xfffff:0xffffff;
      return temp;
     * @} Waveform_Generator_Functions
     * @} High_Speed_Loop_Functions
     * @} High_Speed_Loop
     * @defgroup Low_Power_Loop
     * @brief The low power loop.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup Low_Power_Loop_Functions
     *    @{
       @brief Configure low power loop include LPDAC LPAmp(PA and TIA)
       @param pLpLoopCfg: Pointer to configure structure;
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPLoopCfgS(LPLoopCfg_Type *pLpLoopCfg)
       @brief Initialize LPDAC
       @param pLpDacCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPDACCfgS(LPDACCfg_Type *pLpDacCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = 0;
      tempreg = (pLpDacCfg->LpDacSrc)<<BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_WAVETYPE;
      tempreg |= (pLpDacCfg->LpDacVzeroMux)<<BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_VZEROMUX;
      tempreg |= (pLpDacCfg->LpDacVbiasMux)<<BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_VBIASMUX;
      tempreg |= (pLpDacCfg->LpDacRef)<<BITP_AFE_LPDACCON0_REFSEL;
      if(pLpDacCfg->DataRst == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_RSTEN;
      if(pLpDacCfg->PowerEn == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPDACCON0_PWDEN;
      if(pLpDacCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACCON0, tempreg);
        AD5940_LPDAC0WriteS(pLpDacCfg->DacData12Bit, pLpDacCfg->DacData6Bit);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACSW0, pLpDacCfg->LpDacSW|BITM_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPMODEDIS);  /* Overwrite LPDACSW settings. On Si1, this register is not accessible. */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACCON1, tempreg);
        AD5940_LPDAC1WriteS(pLpDacCfg->DacData12Bit, pLpDacCfg->DacData6Bit);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACSW1, pLpDacCfg->LpDacSW|BITM_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPMODEDIS);  /* Overwrite LPDACSW settings. On Si1, this register is not accessible. */
       @brief Write LPDAC data
       @param Data12Bit: 12Bit DAC data
       @param Data6Bit: 6Bit DAC data
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPDACWriteS(uint16_t Data12Bit, uint8_t Data6Bit)
      /* Check parameter */
      Data6Bit &= 0x3f;
      Data12Bit &= 0xfff;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0, ((uint32_t)Data6Bit<<12)|Data12Bit);
       @brief Write LPDAC0 data
       @param Data12Bit: 12Bit DAC data
       @param Data6Bit: 6Bit DAC data
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPDAC0WriteS(uint16_t Data12Bit, uint8_t Data6Bit)
      /* Check parameter */
      Data6Bit &= 0x3f;
      Data12Bit &= 0xfff;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0, ((uint32_t)Data6Bit<<12)|Data12Bit);
       @brief Write LPDAC1 data
       @param Data12Bit: 12Bit DAC data
       @param Data6Bit: 6Bit DAC data
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPDAC1WriteS(uint16_t Data12Bit, uint8_t Data6Bit)
      /* Check parameter */
      Data6Bit &= 0x3f;
      Data12Bit &= 0xfff;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPDACDAT1, ((uint32_t)Data6Bit<<12)|Data12Bit);
       @brief Initialize LP TIA and PA
       @param pLpAmpCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_LPAMPCfgS(LPAmpCfg_Type *pLpAmpCfg)
      //check parameters
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pLpAmpCfg->LpPaPwrEn == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_PAPDEN; 
      if(pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaPwrEn == bFALSE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAPDEN;
      if(pLpAmpCfg->LpAmpPwrMod == LPAMPPWR_HALF) 
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_HALFPWR;
        tempreg |= pLpAmpCfg->LpAmpPwrMod<<BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_IBOOST;
      tempreg |= pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaRtia<<BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN;
      tempreg |= pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaRload<<BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARL;
      tempreg |= pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaRf<<BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARF;
      if(pLpAmpCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPTIACON0, tempreg);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPTIASW0, pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaSW);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPTIACON1, tempreg);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPTIASW1, pLpAmpCfg->LpTiaSW);
     * @} Low_Power_Loop_Functions
     * @} Low_Power_Loop
     * @defgroup DSP_Block
     * @brief DSP block includes ADC, filters, DFT and statistic functions. 
     * @{
     *    @defgroup DSP_Block_Functions
     *    @{
     * */
       @brief Configure low power loop include LPDAC LPAmp(PA and TIA)
       @param pDSPCfg: Pointer to configure structure;
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_DSPCfgS(DSPCfg_Type *pDSPCfg)
       @brief Read AD5940 generated data like ADC and DFT etc.
       @param AfeResultSel: available parameters are @ref AFERESULT_Const
              - AFERESULT_SINC3: Read SINC3 filter data result
              - AFERESULT_SINC2: Read SINC2+NOTCH filter result, when Notch filter is bypassed, the result is SINC2
              - AFERESULT_STATSVAR: Statistic variance result
       @return return data read back.
    uint32_t AD5940_ReadAfeResult(uint32_t AfeResultSel)
      uint32_t rd = 0;
      switch (AfeResultSel)
        case AFERESULT_SINC3:
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_ADCDAT);
        case AFERESULT_SINC2:
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SINC2DAT);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_DFTREAL);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_DFTIMAG);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_STATSMEAN);
          rd = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_STATSVAR);
      return rd;
     *  @defgroup ADC_Block_Functions
     *  @{
       @brief Initializes ADC peripheral according to the specified parameters in the pADCInit.
       @param pADCInit: Pointer to ADC initialize structure.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCBaseCfgS(ADCBaseCfg_Type *pADCInit)
      uint32_t tempreg = 0;
      tempreg = pADCInit->ADCMuxP;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pADCInit->ADCMuxN)<<BITP_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELN;
      //if(pADCInit->OffCancEnable == bTRUE)
      //  tempreg |= BITM_AFE_ADCCON_GNOFSELPGA;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pADCInit->ADCPga)<<BITP_AFE_ADCCON_GNPGA;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCCON, tempreg);
       @brief Initializes ADC filter according to the specified parameters in the pFiltCfg.
       @param pFiltCfg: Pointer to filter initialize structure.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCFilterCfgS(ADCFilterCfg_Type *pFiltCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON);
      tempreg &= BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN; /* Keep this bit setting. */
      tempreg |= pFiltCfg->ADCRate;
      if(pFiltCfg->BpNotch == bTRUE)
      if(pFiltCfg->BpSinc3 == bTRUE)
       * Average filter is enabled when DFT source is @ref DFTSRC_AVG in function @ref AD5940_DFTCfgS.
       * Once average function is enabled, it's automatically set as DFT source, register DFTCON.DFTINSEL is ignored.
      //if(pFiltCfg->AverageEnable == bTRUE)
      //  tempreg |= BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pFiltCfg->ADCSinc2Osr)<<BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC2OSR;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pFiltCfg->ADCSinc3Osr)<<BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3OSR;
      tempreg |= (uint32_t)(pFiltCfg->ADCAvgNum)<<BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGNUM;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON, tempreg);
      /* SINC2+Notch has a block enable/disable bit in AFECON register */
       @brief Power up or power down ADC block(including ADC PGA and FRONTBUF).
       @param State : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
              - bTRUE: Power up ADC
              - bFALSE: Power down ADC
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCPowerCtrlS(BoolFlag State)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      if(State == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCEN;
        tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCEN;
       @brief Start or stop ADC convert.
       @param State : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
              - bTRUE: Start ADC convert
              - bFALSE: Stop ADC convert
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(BoolFlag State)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      if(State == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCCONVEN;
        tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCCONVEN;
       @brief Configure ADC input MUX
              - ADCMUXP_FLOAT: float ADC MUX positive input
              - ADCMUXP_HSTIA_P: High speed TIA output sense terminal
              - ADCMUXP_P_NODE: Excitation loop P node
              - ADCMUXP_FLOAT: float ADC MUX positive input
              - ADCMUXP_HSTIA_P: High speed TIA output sense terminal
              - ADCMUXP_P_NODE: Excitation loop P node
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(uint32_t ADCMuxP, uint32_t ADCMuxN)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_ADCCON);
      tempreg |= ADCMuxP<<BITP_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELP;
      tempreg |= ADCMuxN<<BITP_AFE_ADCCON_MUXSELN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCCON, tempreg);
       @brief Set ADC digital comparator function
       @param pCompCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCDigCompCfgS(ADCDigComp_Type *pCompCfg)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCMIN, pCompCfg->ADCMin);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCMINSM, pCompCfg->ADCMinHys);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCMAX, pCompCfg->ADCMax);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN, pCompCfg->ADCMaxHys);
    /** @} ADC_Block_Functions */
       @brief Configure statistic functions
       @param pStatCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_StatisticCfgS(StatCfg_Type *pStatCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //check parameters
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pStatCfg->StatEnable == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_STATSCON_STATSEN;
      tempreg |= (pStatCfg->StatSample) << BITP_AFE_STATSCON_SAMPLENUM;
      tempreg |= (pStatCfg->StatDev) << BITP_AFE_STATSCON_STDDEV;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_STATSCON, tempreg);
     * @brief Set ADC Repeat convert function number. Turn off ADC automatically after Number samples of ADC raw data are ready
     * @param Number: Specify after how much ADC raw data need to sample before shutdown ADC
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_ADCRepeatCfgS(uint32_t Number)
      //check parameter if(number<255)
       @brief Configure DFT number and source and hanning window
       @param pDftCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_DFTCfgS(DFTCfg_Type *pDftCfg)
      uint32_t reg_dftcon, reg_adcfilter;
      reg_dftcon = 0;
      /* Deal with DFTSRC_AVG. Once average function is enabled, it's automatically set as DFT source */
      reg_adcfilter = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON);
      if(pDftCfg->DftSrc == DFTSRC_AVG)
        reg_adcfilter |= BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN;
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON, reg_adcfilter);
        /* Disable Average function and set correct DFT source */
        reg_adcfilter &= ~BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN;
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON, reg_adcfilter);
        /* Set new DFT source */
        reg_dftcon |= (pDftCfg->DftSrc) << BITP_AFE_DFTCON_DFTINSEL;
      /* Set DFT number */
      reg_dftcon |= (pDftCfg->DftNum) << BITP_AFE_DFTCON_DFTNUM;
      if(pDftCfg->HanWinEn == bTRUE)
        reg_dftcon |= BITM_AFE_DFTCON_HANNINGEN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_DFTCON, reg_dftcon);
     * @} DSP_Block_Functions
     * @} DSP_Block
     * @defgroup Sequencer_FIFO
     * @brief Sequencer and FIFO.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup Sequencer_FIFO_Functions
     *    @{
       @brief Configure AD5940 FIFO
       @param pFifoCfg: Pointer to configuration structure.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_FIFOCfg(FIFOCfg_Type *pFifoCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //check parameters
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, 0);  /* Disable FIFO firstly! */
      /* CMDDATACON register. Configure this firstly */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON);
      tempreg &= BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMD_MEM_SEL|BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMDMEMMDE; /* Keep sequencer memory settings */
      tempreg |= pFifoCfg->FIFOMode << BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_DATAMEMMDE; 				  /* Data FIFO mode: stream or FIFO */
      tempreg |= pFifoCfg->FIFOSize << BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_DATA_MEM_SEL;  		  /* Data FIFO memory size */
      /* The reset memory can be used for sequencer, configure it by function AD5940_SEQCfg() */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON, tempreg);
      /* FIFO Threshold */
      /* FIFOCON register. Final step is to enable FIFO */
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pFifoCfg->FIFOEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOEN;																/* Enable FIFO after everything set. */
      tempreg |= pFifoCfg->FIFOSrc << BITP_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOSRCSEL;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, tempreg);
       @brief Read current FIFO configuration.
       @param pFifoCfg: Pointer to a buffer that used to store FIFO configuration.
       @return return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_FIFOGetCfg(FIFOCfg_Type *pFifoCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //check parameters
      if(pFifoCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      /* CMDDATACON register. */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON);
      /* FIFO Threshold */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_DATAFIFOTHRES);
      /* FIFOCON register. */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Configure AD5940 FIFO Source and enable or disable FIFO.
     * @param FifoSrc : available choices are @ref FIFOSRC_Const 
     *      - FIFOSRC_SINC3       SINC3 data
     *      - FIFOSRC_DFT         DFT real and imaginary part 
     *      - FIFOSRC_SINC2NOTCH  SINC2+NOTCH block. Notch can be bypassed, so SINC2 data can be feed to FIFO 
     *      - FIFOSRC_VAR         Statistic variance output 
     *      - FIFOSRC_MEAN        Statistic mean output
     * @param FifoEn: enable or disable the FIFO.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_FIFOCtrlS(uint32_t FifoSrc, BoolFlag FifoEn)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      tempreg = 0;
      if(FifoEn == bTRUE)
      tempreg |= FifoSrc << BITP_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOSRCSEL;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, tempreg);
     * @brief Configure AD5940 Data FIFO threshold value
       @param FIFOThresh: FIFO threshold value
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_FIFOThrshSet(uint32_t FIFOThresh)
      /* FIFO Threshold */
     * @brief Get Data count in FIFO
     * @return return none.
    uint32_t AD5940_FIFOGetCnt(void)
    /* Sequencer */
     * @brief Initialize Sequencer
     * @param pSeqCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQCfg(SEQCfg_Type *pSeqCfg)
      /* check parameters */
      uint32_t tempreg, fifocon;
      fifocon = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, 0);  /* Disable FIFO before changing memory configuration */
      /* Configure CMDDATACON register */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON);
      tempreg &= ~(BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMDMEMMDE|BITM_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMD_MEM_SEL);  /* Clear settings for sequencer memory */
      tempreg |= (1L) << BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMDMEMMDE;    										  /* Sequencer is always in memory mode */ 
      tempreg |= (pSeqCfg->SeqMemSize) << BITP_AFE_CMDDATACON_CMD_MEM_SEL; 	
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON, tempreg);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON, 0);  /* Disable sequencer firstly */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQCNT, 0);  /* When sequencer is disabled, any write to SEQCNT will clear CNT and CRC register */  
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pSeqCfg->SeqEnable == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN;
      tempreg |= (pSeqCfg->SeqWrTimer) << BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQWRTMR;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON, tempreg);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_FIFOCON, fifocon);  /* restore FIFO configuration */
      // tempreg = 0;
      // if(pSeqCfg->SeqBreakEn)
      //   tempreg |= 0x01;  // add register definition? bitm_afe_
      // if(pSeqCfg->SeqIgnoreEn)
      //   tempreg |= 0x02;  
      // AD5940_WriteReg(0x21dc, tempreg);
     * @brief Read back current sequencer configuration and store it to pSeqCfg
     * @param pSeqCfg: Pointer to structure
     * @return return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGetCfg(SEQCfg_Type *pSeqCfg)
      /* check parameters */
      uint32_t tempreg;
      if(pSeqCfg == NULL)
        return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      /* Read CMDDATACON register */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_CMDDATACON);
      pSeqCfg->SeqCntCRCClr = bFALSE; /* Has no meaning */
      /* SEQCON register */
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON);
      pSeqCfg->SeqEnable = (tempreg&BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN)?bTRUE:bFALSE;
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Enable or Disable sequencer. 
     * @note Only after valid trigger signal, sequencer can run.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQCtrlS(BoolFlag SeqEn)
      uint32_t tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON);
      if(SeqEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN;
        tempreg &= ~BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQCON, tempreg);
     * @brief Halt sequencer immediately. Use this to debug. In normal application, there is no situation that can use this function.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQHaltS(void)
     * @brief Trigger sequencer by register write.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQMmrTrig(uint32_t SeqId)
      if(SeqId > SEQID_3)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_TRIGSEQ, 1L<<SeqId);
     * @brief Write sequencer commands to AD5940 SRAM.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQCmdWrite(uint32_t StartAddr, const uint32_t *pCommand, uint32_t CmdCnt)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWADDR, StartAddr++);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE, *pCommand++);
       @brief Initialize Sequence INFO. 
       @details There are four set of registers that record sequence information. 
              The info contains command start address in SRAM and sequence length. 
              Hardware can automatically manage these four sequences. If the application 
              requires more than 4 sequences, user should manually record the sequence 
              Info(address and length) in MCU.
       @param pSeq: Pointer to configuration structure. Specify sequence start address in SRAM and sequence length.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_SEQInfoCfg(SEQInfo_Type *pSeq)
        case SEQID_0:
        /* Configure SEQINFO register */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQ0INFO, (pSeq->SeqLen<< 16) | pSeq->SeqRamAddr);
        case SEQID_1:
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQ1INFO, (pSeq->SeqLen<< 16) | pSeq->SeqRamAddr);
        case SEQID_2:
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQ2INFO, (pSeq->SeqLen<< 16) | pSeq->SeqRamAddr);
        case SEQID_3:
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQ3INFO, (pSeq->SeqLen<< 16) | pSeq->SeqRamAddr);
      if(pSeq->WriteSRAM == bTRUE)
        AD5940_SEQCmdWrite(pSeq->SeqRamAddr, pSeq->pSeqCmd, pSeq->SeqLen);
     * @brief Get sequence info: start address and sequence length.
     * @param SeqId: Select from {SEQID_0, SEQID_1, SEQID_2, SEQID_3}
              - Select which sequence we want to get the information. 
       @param pSeqInfo: Pointer to sequence info structure. 
       @return return AD5940ERR_OK when succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQInfoGet(uint32_t SeqId, SEQInfo_Type *pSeqInfo)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      if(pSeqInfo == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
        case SEQID_0:
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQ0INFO);
        case SEQID_1:
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQ1INFO);
        case SEQID_2:
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQ2INFO);
        case SEQID_3:
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQ3INFO);
    			return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      pSeqInfo->pSeqCmd = 0;    /* We don't know where you store the sequence in MCU SRAM */
      pSeqInfo->SeqId = SeqId;
      pSeqInfo->SeqLen = (tempreg>>16)&0x7ff;
      pSeqInfo->SeqRamAddr = tempreg&0x7ff;
      pSeqInfo->WriteSRAM = bFALSE;  /* Don't care */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
       @brief Control GPIO with register SYNCEXTDEVICE. Because sequencer have no ability to access register GPIOOUT,
             so we use this register for sequencer.
       @param Gpio : Select from {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
              - The combination of GPIO pins. The selected pins will be set to High. Others will be pulled low.
       @return return None.
    void AD5940_SEQGpioCtrlS(uint32_t Gpio)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE, Gpio);
     * @brief Read back current count down timer value for Sequencer Timer Out command.
     * @return return register value of Sequencer Timer out value.
    uint32_t AD5940_SEQTimeOutRd(void)
      return AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT);
     * @brief Configure GPIO to allow it to trigger corresponding sequence(SEQ0/1/2/3).
     * @details There are four sequences. We can use GPIO to trigger each sequence. For example,
     *          GP0 or GP4 can be used to trigger sequence0 and GP3 or GP7 to trigger sequence3.
     *          There are five mode available to detect pin action: Rising edge, falling edge, both rising and falling
     *          edge, low level or high level.
     *          Be careful to use level detection. The trigger signal is always available if the pin level is matched.
     *          Once the sequence is done, it will immediately run again if the pin level is still matched.
     * @return return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_SEQGpioTrigCfg(SeqGpioTrig_Cfg *pSeqGpioTrigCfg)
      uint32_t reg_ei0con, reg_ei1con;
      uint32_t pin_count, pin_mask;
      uint32_t mode, en;
      if(pSeqGpioTrigCfg == NULL)
        return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      reg_ei0con = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_EI0CON);
      reg_ei1con = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_EI1CON);
      pin_count = 0;    /* Start from pin0 */
      pin_mask = 0x01;  /* start from pin0, mask 0x01 */
      pSeqGpioTrigCfg->SeqPinTrigMode &= 0x07;  /* 3bit width */
      mode = pSeqGpioTrigCfg->SeqPinTrigMode;
      en = pSeqGpioTrigCfg->bEnable?1:0;
        uint32_t bit_position;
          if(pin_count < 4) /* EI0CON register */
            bit_position = pin_count*4;
            reg_ei1con &= ~(0xfL<<bit_position); /* Clear bits */
            reg_ei1con |= mode << bit_position;
            reg_ei1con |= en << (bit_position + 3); /* bit offset 3 is the EN bit. */
            bit_position = (pin_count-4)*4;
            reg_ei1con &= ~(0xfL<<bit_position); /* Clear bits */
            reg_ei1con |= mode << bit_position;
            reg_ei1con |= en << (bit_position + 3); /* bit offset 3 is the EN bit. */
        pin_count ++;
        pin_mask <<= 1;
        if(pin_count == 8)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_EI0CON, reg_ei0con);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_EI0CON, reg_ei1con);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Configure Wakeup Timer
     * @param pWuptCfg: Pointer to configuration structure.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_WUPTCfg(WUPTCfg_Type *pWuptCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      //check parameters
      /* Sleep and Wakeup time */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[0] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[0] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[0] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[0] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[1] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[1] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[1] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[1] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[2] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[2] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[2] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[2] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[3] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxWakeupTime[3] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[3] & 0xFFFF));    
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH, (pWuptCfg->SeqxSleepTime[3] & 0xF0000)>>16);
      /* TMRCON register */
      //if(pWuptCfg->WakeupEn == bTRUE)  /* enable use Wupt to wakeup AFE */
      /* We always allow Wupt to wakeup AFE automatically. */
      /* Wupt order */
      tempreg = 0;
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[0]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA; /* position A */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[1]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB; /* position B */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[2]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC; /* position C */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[3]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD; /* position D */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[4]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE; /* position E */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[5]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF; /* position F */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[6]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG; /* position G */
      tempreg |= (pWuptCfg->WuptOrder[7]&0x03) << BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH; /* position H */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQORDER, tempreg);
      tempreg = 0;
      if(pWuptCfg->WuptEn == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_WUPTMR_CON_EN;
      /* We always allow Wupt to trigger sequencer */
      tempreg |= pWuptCfg->WuptEndSeq << BITP_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQ;
      //tempreg |= 1L<<4;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_CON, tempreg);
     * @brief Enable or disable wakeup timer
     * @param Enable : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
     *        - bTRUE: enable wakeup timer
     *        - bFALSE: Disable wakeup timer
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_WUPTCtrl(BoolFlag Enable)
      uint16_t tempreg;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_WUPTMR_CON);
      tempreg &= ~BITM_WUPTMR_CON_EN;
      if(Enable == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= BITM_WUPTMR_CON_EN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_CON, tempreg);
     * @brief Configure WakeupTimer.
     * @param SeqId: Select from SEQID_0/1/2/3. The wakeup timer will load corresponding value from four sets of registers.
     * @param SleepTime: After how much time, AFE will try to enter hibernate. We disabled this feature in AD59840_Initialize. After this timer expired, nothing will happen.
     * @param WakeupTime: After how much time, AFE will wakeup and trigger corresponding sequencer.
     * @note By SleepTime and WakeupTime, the sequencer is triggered periodically and period is (SleepTime+WakeupTime)
     * @return return none.
    AD5940Err AD5940_WUPTTime(uint32_t SeqId, uint32_t SleepTime, uint32_t WakeupTime)
      switch (SeqId)
        case SEQID_0:
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL, (WakeupTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH, (WakeupTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL, (SleepTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH, (SleepTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
        case SEQID_1:
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL, (WakeupTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH, (WakeupTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL, (SleepTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH, (SleepTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
        case SEQID_2:
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL, (WakeupTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH, (WakeupTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL, (SleepTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH, (SleepTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
        case SEQID_3:
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL, (WakeupTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH, (WakeupTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL, (SleepTime & 0xFFFF));    
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH, (SleepTime & 0xF0000)>>16);
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @} end-of Sequencer_FIFO_Functions
     * @} end-of Sequencer_FIFO
     * @defgroup MISC_Block
     * @brief Other functions not included in above blocks. Clock, GPIO, INTC etc.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup MISC_Block_Functions
     *    @{
     * @brief Configure AD5940 clock
     * @param pClkCfg: Pointer to configuration structure.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_CLKCfg(CLKCfg_Type *pClkCfg)
      uint32_t tempreg, reg_osccon;
      reg_osccon = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON);
      /* Enable clocks */
      if(pClkCfg->HFXTALEn == bTRUE)
        reg_osccon |= BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALEN;
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCKEY,KEY_OSCCON); /* Write Key */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON, reg_osccon); /* Enable HFXTAL */
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
      if(pClkCfg->HFOSCEn == bTRUE)
        reg_osccon |= BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCEN;
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCKEY,KEY_OSCCON); /* Write Key */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON, reg_osccon); /* Enable HFOSC */
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
        /* Configure HFOSC mode if it's enabled. */
        if(pClkCfg->HfOSC32MHzMode  == bTRUE)
      if(pClkCfg->LFOSCEn == bTRUE)
        reg_osccon |= BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCEN;  
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCKEY,KEY_OSCCON); /* Write Key */  
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON, reg_osccon); /* Enable LFOSC */
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
      /* Switch clocks */
      /* step1. Set clock divider */
      tempreg = pClkCfg->SysClkDiv&0x3f;
      tempreg |= (pClkCfg->SysClkDiv&0x3f) << BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_SYSCLKDIV;
      tempreg |= (pClkCfg->ADCClkDiv&0xf) << BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_ADCCLKDIV;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_CLKCON0, tempreg);
      /* Step2. set clock source */
      tempreg = pClkCfg->SysClkSrc;
      tempreg |= pClkCfg->ADCCLkSrc << BITP_AFECON_CLKSEL_ADCCLKSEL;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_CLKSEL, tempreg);
      /* Disable clocks */
      if(pClkCfg->HFXTALEn == bFALSE)
        reg_osccon &= ~BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALEN;
      if(pClkCfg->HFOSCEn == bFALSE)
        reg_osccon &= ~BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCEN;
      if(pClkCfg->LFOSCEn == bFALSE)
        reg_osccon &= ~BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCEN;
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCKEY, KEY_OSCCON); /* Write Key */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON, reg_osccon);
     * @brief Configure Internal HFOSC to output 32MHz or 16MHz.
     * @param Mode32MHz : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
     *        - bTRUE: HFOSC 32MHz mode.
     *        - bFALSE: HFOSC 16MHz mode.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_HFOSC32MHzCtrl(BoolFlag Mode32MHz)
      uint32_t RdCLKEN1;
      uint32_t RdHPOSCCON;   
      uint32_t bit8,bit9;
      RdCLKEN1 = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_CLKEN1);
      bit8 = (RdCLKEN1>>9)&0x01;
      bit9 = (RdCLKEN1>>8)&0x01;  /* Fix bug in silicon, bit8 and bit9 is swapped when read back. */
      RdCLKEN1 = RdCLKEN1&0xff;
      RdCLKEN1 |= (bit8<<8)|(bit9<<9);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_CLKEN1,RdCLKEN1|BITM_AFECON_CLKEN1_ACLKDIS); /* Disable ACLK during clock changing */
      if(Mode32MHz == bTRUE)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HPOSCCON,RdHPOSCCON&(~BITM_AFE_HPOSCCON_CLK32MHZEN)); /* Enable 32MHz output(bit definition-0: 32MHz, 1: 16MHz) */  
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HPOSCCON,RdHPOSCCON|BITM_AFE_HPOSCCON_CLK32MHZEN); /* Enable 16MHz output(bit definition-0: 32MHz, 1: 16MHz) */       
        while((AD5940_ReadReg(REG_ALLON_OSCCON)&BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK) == 0); /* Wait for clock ready */
     * @brief Enable high power mode for high frequency EIS
     * @param Mode32MHz : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
     *        - bTRUE: HFOSC 32MHz mode.
     *        - bFALSE: HFOSC 16MHz mode.
     * @return return none.
    void 			AD5940_HPModeEn(BoolFlag Enable)
    	CLKCfg_Type clk_cfg;
    	uint32_t temp_reg = 0;
    	/* Check what the system clock is */
    	temp_reg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_CLKSEL);
    	clk_cfg.ADCCLkSrc = (temp_reg>>2)&0x3; 
      clk_cfg.SysClkSrc = temp_reg & 0x3; 
    	if(Enable == bTRUE)
    		clk_cfg.SysClkDiv = SYSCLKDIV_2;
    		clk_cfg.HfOSC32MHzMode = bTRUE;
    		clk_cfg.SysClkDiv = SYSCLKDIV_1;
    		clk_cfg.HfOSC32MHzMode = bFALSE;
        clk_cfg.ADCClkDiv = ADCCLKDIV_1;       
        clk_cfg.HFOSCEn = (temp_reg & 0x3) == 0x1? bFALSE : bTRUE;;
    	clk_cfg.HFXTALEn = (temp_reg & 0x3) == 0x1? bTRUE : bFALSE;
        clk_cfg.LFOSCEn = bTRUE;
     * @defgroup Interrupt_Controller_Functions
     * @{
    /* AFE Interrupt Controller */
     * @brief Enable or Disable selected interrupt source(s)
     * @param AfeIntcSel : {AFEINTC_0, AFEINTC_1}
     *        - AFEINTC_0: Configure Interrupt Controller 0
     *        - AFEINTC_1: Configure Interrupt Controller 1
     * @param AFEIntSrc: select from @ref AFEINTC_SRC_Const
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ADCRDY        : Bit0 ADC Result Ready Status
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY        : Bit1 DFT Result Ready Status
     *       - AFEINTSRC_SUPPLYFILTRDY : Bit2 Low Pass Filter Result Status
     *       - AFEINTSRC_TEMPRDY       : Bit3, Temp Sensor Result Ready
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ADCMINERR     : Bit4, ADC Minimum Value
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ADCMAXERR     : Bit5, ADC Maximum Value
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ADCDIFFERR    : Bit6, ADC Delta Ready
     *       - AFEINTSRC_MEANRDY       : Bit7, Mean Result Ready
     *       - AFEINTSRC_VARRDY       : Bit8, Variance Result Ready 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DLYCMDDONE   : Bit9, User controlled interrupt by writing AFEGENINTSTA. Provides an Early Indication for the End of the Test _Block.
     *       - AFEINTSRC_HWSETUPDONE  : Bit10, User controlled interrupt by writing AFEGENINTSTA. Indicates the MMR Setup for the Measurement Step Finished 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_BRKSEQ       : Bit11, User controlled interrupt by writing AFEGENINTSTA.
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CUSTOMINS    : Bit12, User controlled interrupt by writing AFEGENINTSTA. General Purpose Custom Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_BOOTLDDONE   : Bit13, OTP Boot Loading Done 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_WAKEUP       : Bit14, AFE Woken up
     *       - AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ       : Bit15, End of Sequence Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_SEQTIMEOUT   : Bit16, Sequencer Timeout Command Finished. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_SEQTIMEOUTERR : Bit17, Sequencer Timeout Command Error. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOFULL  : Bit18, Command FIFO Full Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOEMPTY : Bit19, Command FIFO Empty 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOTHRESH: Bit20, Command FIFO Threshold Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOOF    : Bit21, Command FIFO Overflow Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CMDFIFOUF    : Bit22, Command FIFO Underflow Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOFULL : Bit23, Data FIFO Full Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOEMPTY: Bit24, Data FIFO Empty 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOTHRESH: Bit25, Data FIFO Threshold Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOOF   : Bit26, Data FIFO Overflow Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_DATAFIFOUF   : Bit27, Data FIFO Underflow Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_WDTIRQ       : Bit28, WDT Timeout Interrupt. 
     *       - AFEINTSRC_CRC_OUTLIER  : Bit29, CRC interrupt for M355, Outliers Int for AD5940  
     *       - AFEINTSRC_GPT0INT_SLPWUT: Bit30, General Purpose Timer0 IRQ for M355. Sleep or Wakeup Timer timeout for AD5940
     *       - AFEINTSRC_GPT1INT_TRYBRK: Bit31, General Purpose Timer1 IRQ for M355. Tried to Break IRQ for AD5940
     *       - AFE_INTC_ALLINT        : All interrupts
     * @param State : {bTRUE, bFALSE}
     *      - bTRUE: Enable these interrupt source(s)
     *      - bFALSE: Disable interrupt source(s)
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_INTCCfg(uint32_t AfeIntcSel, uint32_t AFEIntSrc, BoolFlag State)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      uint32_t regaddr = REG_INTC_INTCSEL0;
      if(AfeIntcSel == AFEINTC_1)
        regaddr = REG_INTC_INTCSEL1;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(regaddr);
      if(State == bTRUE)
        tempreg |= AFEIntSrc;    /* Enable this interrupt */
        tempreg &= ~(AFEIntSrc); /* Disable this interrupt  */
     * @brief Check if current interrupt configuration.
     * @param AfeIntcSel : {AFEINTC_0, AFEINTC_1}
     *        - AFEINTC_0: Configure Interrupt Controller 0
     *        - AFEINTC_1: Configure Interrupt Controller 1
    uint32_t AD5940_INTCGetCfg(uint32_t AfeIntcSel)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      if(AfeIntcSel == AFEINTC_0)
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_INTC_INTCSEL0);
        tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_INTC_INTCSEL1);
      return tempreg;
     * @brief Clear selected interrupt(s) flag(INTC0Flag and INTC1Flag are both cleared).
     * @param AfeIntSrcSel: Select from @ref AFEINTC_SRC_Const
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_INTCClrFlag(uint32_t AfeIntSrcSel)
     * @brief Test if selected interrupt source(s) is(are) bTRUE.
     * @param AfeIntcSel : {AFEINTC_0, AFEINTC_1}
     *        - AFEINTC_0: Read Interrupt Controller 0 flag
     *        - AFEINTC_1: Read Interrupt Controller 1 flag
     * @param AfeIntSrcSel: Select from @ref AFEINTC_SRC_Const
     * @return If selected interrupt source(s) are all cleared, return bFALSE. Otherwise return bTRUE.
    BoolFlag AD5940_INTCTestFlag(uint32_t AfeIntcSel, uint32_t AfeIntSrcSel)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      uint32_t regaddr = (AfeIntcSel == AFEINTC_0)? REG_INTC_INTCFLAG0: REG_INTC_INTCFLAG1;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(regaddr);
      if(tempreg & AfeIntSrcSel)
        return bTRUE;
        return bFALSE;
     * @brief return register value of REG_INTC_INTCFLAGx
     * @param AfeIntcSel : {AFEINTC_0, AFEINTC_1}
     *        - AFEINTC_0: Read Interrupt Controller 0 flag
     *        - AFEINTC_1: Read Interrupt Controller 1 flag     
     * @return register value of REG_INTC_INTCFLAGx.
    uint32_t AD5940_INTCGetFlag(uint32_t AfeIntcSel)
      uint32_t tempreg;
      uint32_t regaddr = (AfeIntcSel == AFEINTC_0)? REG_INTC_INTCFLAG0: REG_INTC_INTCFLAG1;
      tempreg = AD5940_ReadReg(regaddr);
      return tempreg;
     * @} Interrupt_Controller_Functions
     * @defgroup GPIO_Block_Functions
     * @{
     * @brief Initialize AFE GPIO
     * @param pAgpioCfg: Pointer to configuration structure
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_AGPIOCfg(AGPIOCfg_Type *pAgpioCfg)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0OUT, pAgpioCfg->OutVal);
     * @brief Configure the function of GP0 to GP7.
     * @param uiCfgSet :{GP0_INT,GP0_TRIG,GP0_SYNC,GP0_GPIO|
     *               GP1_GPIO,GP1_TRIG,GP1_SYNC,GP1_SLEEP|
     *                GP2_PORB,GP2_TRIG,GP2_SYNC,GP2_EXTCLK|
     *                GP3_GPIO,GP3_TRIG,GP3_SYNC,GP3_INT0|\
     *                GP4_GPIO,GP4_TRIG,GP4_SYNC,GP4_INT1|
     *                GP5_GPIO,GP5_TRIG,GP5_SYNC,GP5_EXTCLK|
     *                GP6_GPIO,GP6_TRIG,GP6_SYNC,GP6_INT0|
     *                GP7_GPIO,GP7_TRIG,GP7_SYNC,GP7_INT}
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_AGPIOFuncCfg(uint32_t uiCfgSet)
     * @brief Enable GPIO output mode on selected pins. Disable output on non-selected pins.
     * @param uiPinSet :Select from {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOOen(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Enable input on selected pins while disable others.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOIen(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Read the GPIO status.
     * @return return GP0IN register which is the GPIO status.
    uint32_t AD5940_AGPIOIn(void)
      return AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0IN);
     * @brief Enable pull-up or down on selected pins while disable other pins.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from: {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOPen(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Put selected GPIOs to high level.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from: {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOSet(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Put selected GPIOs to low level.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from: {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOClr(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @brief Toggle selected GPIOs.
     * @param uiPinSet: Select from: {AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2|AGPIO_Pin3|AGPIO_Pin4|AGPIO_Pin5|AGPIO_Pin6|AGPIO_Pin7}
     * @return return none
    void AD5940_AGPIOToggle(uint32_t uiPinSet)
     * @} GPIO_Block_Functions
     * @defgroup LPMode_Block_Functions
     * @{
     * @brief Enter or leave LPMODE. 
     * @details Once enter this mode, some registers are collected together to a new register so we can
     *          Control most blocks with in one register. The so called LPMODE has nothing to do with AD5940 power.
     * @return return AD5940ERR_OK
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPModeEnS(BoolFlag LPModeEn)
      if(LPModeEn == bTRUE)
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPMODEKEY, KEY_LPMODEKEY);  /* Enter LP mode by right key. */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPMODEKEY, 0); /* Write wrong key to exit LP mode */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Select system clock source for LPMODE. 
     * @note Only in LP Mode, this operation takes effect. Enter LPMODE by function @ref AD5940_LPModeEnS.
     * @param LPModeClk: Select from @ref LPMODECLK_Const
     *       - LPMODECLK_LFOSC: Select LFOSC 32kHz for system clock
     *       - LPMODECLK_HFOSC: Select HFOSC 16MHz/32MHz for system clock
     * @return none.
    void AD5940_LPModeClkS(uint32_t LPModeClk)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL, LPModeClk);
     * @} LPMode_Block_Functions
     * @brief Enter sleep mode key to unlock it or enter incorrect key to lock it. \
     *        Once key is unlocked, it will always be effect until manually lock it
     * @param SlpKey : {SLPKEY_UNLOCK, SLPKEY_LOCK}
              - SLPKEY_UNLOCK Unlock Key so we can enter sleep(or called hibernate) mode.
              - SLPKEY_LOCK Lock key so AD5940 is prohibited to enter sleep mode.
       @return return none.
    void AD5940_SleepKeyCtrlS(uint32_t SlpKey)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK, SlpKey);
     * @brief Put AFE to hibernate. 
     * @details This will only take effect when SLP_KEY has been unlocked. Use function @ref AD5940_SleepKeyCtrlS to enter correct key.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_EnterSleepS(void)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQTRGSLP, 0);
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_SEQTRGSLP, 1);
     * @brief Turn off LP-Loop and put AFE to hibernate mode;
     * @details By function @ref AD5940_EnterSleepS, we can put most blocks to hibernate mode except LP block.
     *          This function will shut down LP block and then enter sleep mode.
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_ShutDownS(void)
      /* Turn off LPloop related blocks which are not controlled automatically by hibernate operation */
      AFERefCfg_Type aferef_cfg;
      LPLoopCfg_Type lp_loop;
      /* Turn off LP-loop manually because it's not affected by sleep/hibernate mode */
      AD5940_StructInit(&aferef_cfg, sizeof(aferef_cfg));
      AD5940_StructInit(&lp_loop, sizeof(lp_loop));
      AD5940_SleepKeyCtrlS(SLPKEY_UNLOCK);  /* Unlock the key */
      AD5940_EnterSleepS();  /* Enter Hibernate */
     * @brief Try to wakeup AD5940 by read register.
     * @details Any SPI operation can wakeup AD5940. AD5940_Initialize must be called to enable this function.
     * @param TryCount Specify how many times we will read register. Zero or negative number means always waiting here.
     * @return How many times register is read. If returned value is bigger than TryCount, it means wakeup failed.
    uint32_t  AD5940_WakeUp(int32_t TryCount)
      uint32_t count = 0;
        if(AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_ADIID) == AD5940_ADIID)
          break;    /* Succeed */
          continue; /* Always try to wakeup AFE */
        if(count > TryCount)
          break;    /* Failed */
      return count;
     * @brief Read ADIID register, the value for current version is @ref AD5940_ADIID
     * @return return none.
    uint32_t AD5940_GetADIID(void)
      return AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_ADIID);
     * @brief Read CHIPID register, the value for current version is 0x5501.
     * @return return none.
    uint32_t AD5940_GetChipID(void)
      return AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFECON_CHIPID);
     * @brief Reset AD5940 by register.
     * @note AD5940 must be in active state so we can access registers.
     *       If AD5940 system clock is too low, we consider to use hardware reset, or 
     *       we need to make sure register write is successfully.
     * @return return none.
    AD5940Err  AD5940_SoftRst(void)
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFECON_SWRSTCON, AD5940_SWRST);
      AD5940_Delay10us(20); /* AD5940 need some time to exit reset status. 200us looks good. */
      /* We can check RSTSTA register to make sure software reset happened. */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Reset AD5940 with RESET pin.
     * @note This will call function AD5940_RstClr which locates in file XXXPort.C
     * @return return none.
    void AD5940_HWReset(void)
    #ifndef CHIPSEL_M355
      AD5940_Delay10us(200); /* Delay some time */
      AD5940_Delay10us(500); /* AD5940 need some time to exit reset status. 200us looks good. */
      //There is no method to reset AFE only for M355.
     * @} MISC_Block_Functions
     * @} MISC_Block
     * @defgroup Calibration_Block
     * @brief The non-factory calibration routines.
     * @{
     *    @defgroup Calibration_Functions
     *    @{
     * @brief Turn on High power 1.8V/1.1V reference and 2.5V LP reference.
     * @return return none.
    static void __AD5940_ReferenceON(void)
      AFERefCfg_Type ref_cfg;
      /* Turn ON ADC/DAC and LPDAC reference */
      ref_cfg.Hp1V1BuffEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.Hp1V8BuffEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.HpBandgapEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.HSDACRefEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.LpBandgapEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.LpRefBufEn = bTRUE;
      ref_cfg.Disc1V1Cap = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Disc1V8Cap = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Hp1V8Ilimit = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Hp1V8ThemBuff = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Lp1V1BuffEn = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.Lp1V8BuffEn = bFALSE;
      ref_cfg.LpRefBoostEn = bFALSE;
     * @brief Turn on ADC to sample one SINC2 data.
     * @return return ADCCode.
    static uint32_t __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(int32_t *time_out)
      uint32_t ADCCode = 0;
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ADCCNV|AFECTRL_SINC2NOTCH, bTRUE);/* Start conversion */
        AD5940_Delay10us(1);  /* Delay 10us */
            ADCCode = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_SINC2);
        if(*time_out != -1)
      }while(*time_out != 0);
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ADCCNV|AFECTRL_SINC2NOTCH, bFALSE);/* Stop conversion */
      return ADCCode;
      @brief Calibrate ADC PGA
      @param pADCPGACal: PGA calibration parameters include filter setup and PGA gain.
      @return AD5940ERR_OK.
    AD5940Err AD5940_ADCPGACal(ADCPGACal_Type *pADCPGACal)
      const float kFactor = 1.835f/1.82f;
      ADCBaseCfg_Type adc_base;
      int32_t time_out;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      int32_t ADCCode;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode;
      uint32_t regaddr_gain, regaddr_offset;
      if(pADCPGACal == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pADCPGACal->ADCPga > ADCPGA_9) return AD5940ERR_PARA;  /* Parameter Error */
      if(pADCPGACal->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE; 
       *  Determine Gain calibration method according to different gain value...
       *  and calibration register 
       * */
      static const struct _cal_registers
        uint16_t gain_reg;
        uint16_t offset_reg;
      }cal_registers[] = {
      regaddr_gain = cal_registers[pADCPGACal->ADCPga].gain_reg;
      regaddr_offset = cal_registers[pADCPGACal->ADCPga].offset_reg;
      /* Do initialization */
      ADCFilterCfg_Type adc_filter;
      /* Initialize ADC filters ADCRawData-->SINC3-->SINC2+NOTCH. Use SIN2 data for calibration-->Lower noise */
      adc_filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pADCPGACal->ADCSinc3Osr;
      adc_filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pADCPGACal->ADCSinc2Osr;  /* 800KSPS/4/1333 = 150SPS */
      adc_filter.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_2;         /* Don't care about it. Average function is only used for DFT */
      adc_filter.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;        /* If ADC clock is 32MHz, then set it to ADCRATE_1P6MHZ. Default is 16MHz, use ADCRATE_800KHZ. */
      adc_filter.BpNotch = bTRUE;                 /* SINC2+Notch is one block, when bypass notch filter, we can get fresh data from SINC2 filter. */
      adc_filter.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;                /* We use SINC3 filter. */
      adc_filter.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;        /* Enable the SINC2+Notch block. You can also use function AD5940_AFECtrlS */
      /* Turn ON reference and ADC power, and DAC reference. We use DAC 1.8V reference to calibrate ADC because of the ADC reference bug. */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE); /* Disable all */
      AD5940_Delay10us(25);   /* Wait 250us for reference power up */
      /* INTC configure and open calibration lock */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, KEY_CALDATLOCK);  /* Unlock KEY */
      /* Do offset calibration. */
      if(pADCPGACal->PGACalType != PGACALTYPE_GAIN){  /* Need offset calibration */
        int32_t ExpectedCode = 0x8000;        /* Ideal ADC output */
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_offset, 0);   /* Reset offset register */
        adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_VSET1P1;
        adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_VSET1P1;   /* Short input with common voltage set to 1.11v */
        adc_base.ADCPga = pADCPGACal->ADCPga; /* Set correct Gain value. */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);                  /* Wait for sometime */
        ADCCode = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
        { /* ADC offset calibration register has resolution of 0.25LSB. take full use of it. */
          time_out = pADCPGACal->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
          ADCCode += __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
          if(time_out == 0) goto ADCPGACALERROR_TIMEOUT;  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate and write the result to registers before gain calibration */
        ADCCode = (ExpectedCode<<3) - ADCCode;  /* We will shift back 1bit below */
         * AD5940 use formular Output = gain*(input + offset) for calibration.
         * So, the measured results should be divided by gain to get value for offset register.
        uint32_t gain = AD5940_ReadReg(regaddr_gain);
        ADCCode = (ADCCode*0x4000)/gain;
        ADCCode = ((ADCCode+1)>>1)&0x7fff;      /* Round 0.5 */
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_offset, ADCCode);
      /* Do gain calibration */
      if(pADCPGACal->PGACalType != PGACALTYPE_OFFSET)  /* Need gain calibration */
        int32_t ExpectedGainCode;
        static const float ideal_pga_gain[]={1,1.5,2,4,9};
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_gain, 0x4000);  /* Reset gain register */
        if(pADCPGACal->ADCPga <= ADCPGA_2)
          //gain1,1.5,2 could use reference directly
          adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_VREF1P8DAC;
          adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_VSET1P1;
          ExpectedGainCode = (int32_t)((pADCPGACal->VRef1p82 - pADCPGACal->VRef1p11)*ideal_pga_gain[pADCPGACal->ADCPga]/\
                                        + 0x8000;
          //gain4,9 use DAC generated voltage
          adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
          adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
          /* Setup HSLOOP to generate voltage for GAIN4/9 calibration. */
          HSLoopCfg_Type hsloop_cfg;
          hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.ExcitBufGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_2;
          hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_1;
          hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.HsDacUpdateRate = 7;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.DiodeClose = bFALSE;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaBias = HSTIABIAS_1P1;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaCtia = 31;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel = HSTIARTIA_200;
          hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_OPEN;
          hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_PL;
          hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_NL;
          hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA;
          hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bTRUE;
          hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bTRUE;
          hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_MMR;
          uint32_t HSDACCode;
          if(pADCPGACal->ADCPga == ADCPGA_4)
            HSDACCode = 0x800 + 0x300;  /* 0x300--> 0x300/0x1000*0.8*BUFFERGAIN2 = 0.3V. */
          else if(pADCPGACal->ADCPga == ADCPGA_9)
            HSDACCode = 0x800 + 0x155;  /* 0x155--> 0x155/0x1000*0.8*BUFFERGAIN2 = 0.133V. */
          hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.WgCode = HSDACCode;
          //measure expected code
          adc_base.ADCPga = ADCPGA_1P5;
          time_out = pADCPGACal->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
          ExpectedGainCode = 0x8000 + (int32_t)((__AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out) - 0x8000)/1.5f\
          if(time_out == 0) goto ADCPGACALERROR_TIMEOUT;
        adc_base.ADCPga = pADCPGACal->ADCPga;    /* Set to gain under calibration */
        time_out = pADCPGACal->TimeOut10us;      /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);
        if(time_out == 0) goto ADCPGACALERROR_TIMEOUT;
        /* Calculate and write the result to registers */
        ADCCode = (ExpectedGainCode - 0x8000)*0x4000/(ADCCode-0x8000);
        ADCCode &= 0x7fff;
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_gain, ADCCode);
      /* Restore INTC1 SINC2 configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bFALSE); /* Disable SINC2 Interrupt */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      /* Done */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
      AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(bFALSE);  /* Stop conversion */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      return AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
     * @brief Calibrate LPTIA offset
     * @param pLPTIAOffsetCal Pointer to LPTIA offset calibration settings.
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPTIAOffsetCal(LPTIAOffsetCal_Type *pLPTIAOffsetCal)
      AD5940Err error = AD5940ERR_OK;
      LPLoopCfg_Type lploop_cfg;
      ADCBaseCfg_Type adc_base;
      ADCFilterCfg_Type adc_filter;
      int32_t time_out;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      int32_t ADCCode;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode;
      if(pLPTIAOffsetCal == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;  
      if(pLPTIAOffsetCal->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE;
      /* Step0: Do initialization */
      /* Turn on AD5940 references in case it's disabled. */
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpAmpSel = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpSel;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpAmpPwrMod = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpPwrMod;  /* Power mode will affect amp offset. */
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpPaPwrEn = bTRUE;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaPwrEn = bTRUE;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRf = LPTIARF_OPEN;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRload = LPTIARLOAD_100R;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRtia = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpTiaRtia;
      lploop_cfg.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaSW = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpTiaSW;  /* Disconnect capacitors so it settles quickly */
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpdacSel = (pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)?LPDAC0:LPDAC1;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DacData12Bit = pLPTIAOffsetCal->DacData12Bit;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DacData6Bit = pLPTIAOffsetCal->DacData6Bit;  
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DataRst = bFALSE;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacRef = LPDACREF_2P5;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacSrc = LPDACSRC_MMR;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacVzeroMux = pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpDacVzeroMux;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacSW = LPDACSW_VZERO2LPTIA;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacVbiasMux = LPDACVBIAS_12BIT;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.PowerEn = bTRUE;
      /* Initialize ADC filters ADCRawData-->SINC3-->SINC2+NOTCH. Use SIN2 data for calibration-->Lower noise */
      adc_filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pLPTIAOffsetCal->ADCSinc3Osr;
      adc_filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pLPTIAOffsetCal->ADCSinc2Osr;  /* 800KSPS/4/1333 = 150SPS */
      adc_filter.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_2;               /* Don't care about it. Average function is only used for DFT */
      adc_filter.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;        /* If ADC clock is 32MHz, then set it to ADCRATE_1P6MHZ. Default is 16MHz, use ADCRATE_800KHZ. */
      adc_filter.BpNotch = bTRUE;                       /* SINC2+Notch is one block, when bypass notch filter, we can get fresh data from SINC2 filter. */
      adc_filter.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;                      /* We use SINC3 filter. */
      adc_filter.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;              /* Enable the SINC2+Notch block. You can also use function AD5940_AFECtrlS */
      /* Initialize ADC MUx and PGA */
      if(pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
        adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA0_P;      
        adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA0_N;
        adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA1_P;      
        adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA1_N;
      adc_base.ADCPga = pLPTIAOffsetCal->ADCPga;                 /* Set correct Gain value. */
      /* Turn ON ADC and its reference. And SINC2. */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE); /* Disable all firstly, we only enable things we use */
      AD5940_Delay10us(25);                     /* Wait 250us for reference power up */
      /* INTC configure and open calibration lock */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, KEY_CALDATLOCK);  /* Unlock KEY */
      /* Do offset calibration. */
        int32_t ExpectedCode = 0x8000;        /* Ideal ADC output */
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0, 0);   /* Reset offset register */
        if(pLPTIAOffsetCal->SettleTime10us > 0)
          AD5940_Delay10us(pLPTIAOffsetCal->SettleTime10us);  /* Delay 10us */
        time_out = pLPTIAOffsetCal->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate and write the result to registers before gain calibration */
        ADCCode = ((ExpectedCode - ADCCode)<<3);  /* We will shift back 1bit below */
        ADCCode = ((ADCCode+1)>>1); /* Round 0.5 */
        if((ADCCode > 0x3fff) ||
            (ADCCode < -0x4000))    /* The register used for offset calibration is limited to -0x4000 to 0x3fff */
          error = AD5940ERR_CALOR;
        ADCCode &= 0x7fff;
        if(pLPTIAOffsetCal->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0, ADCCode);
          AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA1, ADCCode);
      /* Restore INTC1 SINC2 configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bFALSE); /* Disable SINC2 Interrupt */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      /* Done */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
      AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(bFALSE);  /* Stop conversion */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      return error;
     * @brief Calibrate HSTIA offset-ongoing.
     * @param pHSTIAOffsetCal: pointer to configuration.
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK.
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSTIAOffsetCal(LPTIAOffsetCal_Type *pHSTIAOffsetCal)
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Measure HSTIA internal RTIA impedance.
     * @param pCalCfg: pointer to calibration structure.
     * @param pResult:  Pointer to a variable that used to store result. 
     *                  If bPolarResult in structure is set, then use type fImpPol_Type otherwise use fImpCar_Type. 
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSRtiaCal(HSRTIACal_Type *pCalCfg, void *pResult)
      AFERefCfg_Type aferef_cfg;
      HSLoopCfg_Type hs_loop;
      DSPCfg_Type dsp_cfg;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode = bFALSE;
      uint32_t ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_2;
      uint32_t HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_1;
      float ExcitVolt; /* Excitation voltage, unit is mV */
      uint32_t RtiaVal;
      uint32_t const HpRtiaTable[]={200,1000,5000,10000,20000,40000,80000,160000,0};
      uint32_t WgAmpWord;
      iImpCar_Type DftRcal, DftRtia;
      if(pCalCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCalCfg->fRcal == 0)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel > HSTIARTIA_160K)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel == HSTIARTIA_OPEN)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA; /* Do not support calibrating DE0-RTIA */
      if(pResult == NULL)
          return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCalCfg->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE; 
      /* Calculate the excitation voltage we should use based on RCAL/Rtia */
      RtiaVal = HpRtiaTable[pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel];
        DAC output voltage calculation
        Note: RCAL value should be similar to RTIA so the accuracy is best.
        HSTIA output voltage should be limited to 0.2V to AVDD-0.2V, with 1.1V bias. We use 80% of this range for safe. 
        Because the bias voltage is fixed to 1.1V, so for AC signal maximum amplitude is 1.1V-0.2V = 0.9Vp. That's 1.8Vpp.
        Formula is:    ExcitVolt(in mVpp) = (1800mVpp*80% / RTIA) * RCAL
        ADC input range is +-1.5V which is enough for calibration.
      ExcitVolt = 1800*0.8*pCalCfg->fRcal/RtiaVal;
      if(ExcitVolt <= 800*0.05) /* Voltage is so small that we can enable the attenuator of DAC(1/5) and Excitation buffer(1/4). 800mVpp is the DAC output voltage */
        ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25;
        HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_0P2;
        /* Excitation buffer voltage full range is 800mVpp*0.05 = 40mVpp */
        WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/40*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      else if(ExcitVolt <= 800*0.25) /* Enable Excitation buffer attenuator */
        ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25;
        HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_1;
        /* Excitation buffer voltage full range is 800mVpp*0.25 = 200mVpp */
        WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/200*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      else if(ExcitVolt <= 800*0.4) /* Enable DAC attenuator */
        ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_2;
        HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_0P2;
        /* Excitation buffer voltage full range is 800mVpp*0.4 = 320mV */
        WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/320*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      else /* No attenuator is needed. This is the best condition which means RTIA is close to RCAL */
        ExcitBuffGain = EXCITBUFGAIN_2;
        HsDacGain = HSDACGAIN_1;
        /* Excitation buffer voltage full range is 800mVpp*2=1600mVpp */
        WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/1600*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      if(WgAmpWord > 0x7ff)
      WgAmpWord = 0x7ff;
      /*INTC configuration */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE);  /* Init all to disable state */
      /* Configure reference system */
      aferef_cfg.HpBandgapEn = bTRUE;
      aferef_cfg.Hp1V1BuffEn = bTRUE;
      aferef_cfg.Hp1V8BuffEn = bTRUE;
      aferef_cfg.Disc1V1Cap = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Disc1V8Cap = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Hp1V8ThemBuff = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Hp1V8Ilimit = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Lp1V1BuffEn = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.Lp1V8BuffEn = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.LpBandgapEn = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.LpRefBufEn = bFALSE;
      aferef_cfg.LpRefBoostEn = bFALSE;
      /* Configure HP Loop */
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.ExcitBufGain = ExcitBuffGain;
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.HsDacGain = HsDacGain;
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.HsDacUpdateRate = 7; /* Set it to highest update rate */
      memcpy(&hs_loop.HsTiaCfg, &pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg, sizeof(pCalCfg->HsTiaCfg));
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_RCAL1|SWT_TRTIA;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_SIN;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bTRUE;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bTRUE;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinFreqWord = AD5940_WGFreqWordCal(pCalCfg->fFreq, pCalCfg->SysClkFreq);
      hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinAmplitudeWord = WgAmpWord;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinOffsetWord = 0;
      hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinPhaseWord = 0;
      /* Configure DSP */
      dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
      dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
      dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg.ADCPga = ADCPGA_1P5;
      AD5940_StructInit(&dsp_cfg.ADCDigCompCfg, sizeof(dsp_cfg.ADCDigCompCfg));
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_16;  /* Don't care because it's disabled */
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCSinc2Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc2Osr;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCSinc3Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc3Osr;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.BpNotch = bTRUE;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;
      dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;
      memcpy(&dsp_cfg.DftCfg, &pCalCfg->DftCfg, sizeof(pCalCfg->DftCfg));
      memset(&dsp_cfg.StatCfg, 0, sizeof(dsp_cfg.StatCfg));
      /* Enable all of them. They are automatically turned off during hibernate mode to save power */
                    AFECTRL_SINC2NOTCH, bTRUE);
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_WG|AFECTRL_ADCPWR, bTRUE);  /* Enable Waveform generator, ADC power */
      //wait for sometime.
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ADCCNV|AFECTRL_DFT, bTRUE);  /* Start ADC convert and DFT */
      /* Wait until DFT ready */
      while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY) == bFALSE);  
      DftRcal.Real = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTREAL);
      DftRcal.Image = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTIMAGE);
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_WG|AFECTRL_ADCPWR, bTRUE);  /* Enable Waveform generator, ADC power */
      //wait for sometime.
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ADCCNV|AFECTRL_DFT, bTRUE);  /* Start ADC convert and DFT */
      /* Wait until DFT ready */
      while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY) == bFALSE);  
      DftRtia.Real = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTREAL);
      DftRtia.Image = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTIMAGE);
        DftRcal.Real |= 0xfffc0000;
        DftRcal.Image |= 0xfffc0000;
        DftRtia.Real |= 0xfffc0000;
        DftRtia.Image |= 0xfffc0000;
        ADC MUX is set to HSTIA_P and HSTIA_N.
        While the current flow through RCAL and then into RTIA, the current direction should be from HSTIA_N to HSTIA_P if we 
        measure the voltage across RCAL by MUXSELP_P_NODE and MUXSELN_N_NODE.
        So here, we add a negative sign to results
      DftRtia.Image = -DftRtia.Image;
      DftRtia.Real = -DftRtia.Real; /* Current is measured by MUX HSTIA_P-HSTIA_N. It should be  */
          The impedance engine inside of AD594x give us Real part and Imaginary part of DFT. Due to technology used, the Imaginary 
          part in register is the opposite number. So we add a negative sign on the Imaginary part of results. 
      DftRtia.Image = -DftRtia.Image;
      DftRcal.Image = -DftRcal.Image;
      fImpCar_Type temp;
      temp = AD5940_ComplexDivInt(&DftRtia, &DftRcal);
      temp.Real *= pCalCfg->fRcal;
      temp.Image *= pCalCfg->fRcal;
      if(pCalCfg->bPolarResult == bFALSE)
        *(fImpCar_Type*)pResult = temp;
        ((fImpPol_Type*)pResult)->Magnitude = AD5940_ComplexMag(&temp);
        ((fImpPol_Type*)pResult)->Phase = AD5940_ComplexPhase(&temp);
      /* Restore INTC1 DFT configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY, bFALSE); /* Disable DFT Interrupt */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief Measure LPTIA internal RTIA impedance with HSTIA. This is the recommended method for LPTIA RTIA calibration.
     * @param pCalCfg: pointer to calibration structure.
     * @param pResult:  Pointer to a variable that used to store result. 
     *                  If bPolarResult in structure is set, then use type fImpPol_Type otherwise use fImpCar_Type. 
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPRtiaCal(LPRTIACal_Type *pCalCfg, void *pResult)
      HSLoopCfg_Type hs_loop;
      LPLoopCfg_Type lp_loop;
      DSPCfg_Type dsp_cfg;
      ADCBaseCfg_Type *pADCBaseCfg; 
      SWMatrixCfg_Type *pSWCfg;  
      uint32_t INTCCfg, reg_afecon;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode = bFALSE;
      BoolFlag bDCMode = bFALSE;                /* Indicate if frequency is 0, which means we calibrate at DC. */
      float ExcitVolt; /* Excitation voltage, unit is mV */
      uint32_t RtiaVal;
      /* RTIA value table when RLOAD set to 100Ohm */
      uint32_t const LpRtiaTable[]={0,110,1000,2000,3000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,16000,20000,24000,30000,32000,40000,48000,64000,85000,96000,100000,120000,128000,160000,196000,256000,512000};
      float const ADCPGAGainTable[] = {1, 1.5, 2, 4, 9};
      uint32_t WgAmpWord;
      uint32_t ADCPgaGainRtia, ADCPgaGainRcal;
      float GainRatio;
      iImpCar_Type DftRcal, DftRtia;
      if(pCalCfg == NULL)  return AD5940ERR_NULLP;  /* Parameters illegal */
      if(pCalCfg->fRcal == 0)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->LpTiaRtia > LPTIARTIA_512K)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->LpTiaRtia == LPTIARTIA_OPEN)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA; /* Not supported now. By setting RTIA to open and set corresponding switches can calibrate external RTIA */
      if(pResult == NULL)
          return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCalCfg->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE;   /* Clock frequency is high. */
      if(pCalCfg->fFreq == 0.0f)    /* Frequency is zero means we calibrate RTIA at DC. */
        bDCMode = bTRUE;
      /* Init two pointers */
      pSWCfg = &hs_loop.SWMatCfg;
      pADCBaseCfg = &dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg;
      /* Calculate the excitation voltage we should use based on RCAL/Rtia */
      RtiaVal = LpRtiaTable[pCalCfg->LpTiaRtia];
       * DAC output voltage calculation
       * Note: RCAL value should be similar to RTIA so the accuracy is best.
       * LPTIA output voltage should be limited to 0.3V to AVDD-0.4V, with 1.3V bias. We use 80% of this range for safe. 
       * That's 2.0Vpp*80%@2.7V AVDD
       * Formula is:    ExcitVolt(in mVpp) = (2000mVpp*80% / RTIA) * RCAL
       * ADC input range is +-1.5V which is enough for calibration.
       * Limitations:
       * Note: HSTIA output range is AVDD-0.4V to AGND+0.2V
       * HSTIA input common voltage range is 0.3V to AVDD-0.7V;
       * When AVDD is 2.7V, the input range is 0.3V to 2.0V; 
       * If we set Vbias to 1.3V, then maximum AC signal is 0.7Vp*2 = 1.4Vpp.
       * Maximum AC signal is further limited by HSTIA RTIA=200Ohm, when RCAL is 200Ohm(for ADuCM355). The maximum output of HSTIA is limited to 2.3V.
       * Maximum Vzero voltage is 1.9V when Rcal is 200Ohm and Switch On resistance is 50Ohm*2. Vzero_max = 1.3V + (2.3V-1.3V)/(200+200+50*2)*300. 
       * Maximum AC signal is (1.9-1.3)*2 = 1.2Vpp(for ADuCM355, RCAl=200Ohm).
     /** @cond */
      #define MAXVOLT_P2P 1400  /* Maximum peak to peak voltage 1200mV for ADuCM355. */  
                                /* Maximum peak2peak voltage for AD5940 10kOhm RCAL is 1400mV */
      #define __MAXVOLT_AMP_CODE  (MAXVOLT_P2P*2047L/2200)
     /** @endcond */
      ExcitVolt = 2000*0.8*pCalCfg->fRcal/RtiaVal;
      WgAmpWord = ((uint32_t)(ExcitVolt/2200*2047*2)+1)>>1; /* Assign value with rounding (0.5 LSB error) */
      if(WgAmpWord > __MAXVOLT_AMP_CODE)
        WgAmpWord = __MAXVOLT_AMP_CODE;
       * Determine the best ADC PGA gain for both RCAL and RTIA voltage measurement.
        float RtiaVolt, RcalVolt, temp;
        ExcitVolt = WgAmpWord*2000.0f/2047; /* 2000mVpp -->ExcitVolt in Peak to Peak unit */
        RtiaVolt = ExcitVolt/(pCalCfg->fRcal + 100)*RtiaVal;
        RcalVolt = RtiaVolt/RtiaVal*pCalCfg->fRcal;
        /* The input range of ADC is 1.5Vp, we calculate how much gain we need */
        temp = 3000.0f/RcalVolt;
        if(temp >= 9.0f)  ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_9;
        else if(temp >= 4.0f) ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_4;
        else if(temp >= 2.0f) ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_2;
        else if(temp >= 1.5f) ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_1P5;
        else ADCPgaGainRcal = ADCPGA_1;
        temp = 3000.0f/RtiaVolt;
        if(temp >= 9.0f)  ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_9;
        else if(temp >= 4.0f) ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_4;
        else if(temp >= 2.0f) ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_2;
        else if(temp >= 1.5f) ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_1P5;
        else ADCPgaGainRtia = ADCPGA_1;
        GainRatio = ADCPGAGainTable[ADCPgaGainRtia]/ADCPGAGainTable[ADCPgaGainRcal];
      reg_afecon = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AFE_AFECON);
      /* INTC configuration */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE);  /* Init all to disable state */
      /* Configure reference system */
    	/* Configure DSP */
    	AD5940_StructInit(&dsp_cfg, sizeof(dsp_cfg));
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_16;  /* Don't care because it's disabled */
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCSinc2Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc2Osr;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.ADCSinc3Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc3Osr;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.BpNotch = bTRUE;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;
    	dsp_cfg.ADCFilterCfg.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;
    	memcpy(&dsp_cfg.DftCfg, &pCalCfg->DftCfg, sizeof(pCalCfg->DftCfg));
      /* Configure LP Loop */
      AD5940_StructInit(&lp_loop, sizeof(lp_loop));
      /* Configure LP Amplifies(LPPA and LPTIA). We won't use LP-PA */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpdacSel = (pCalCfg->LpAmpSel  == LPAMP0)?LPDAC0:LPDAC1;
    	lp_loop.LpDacCfg.DacData12Bit = 0x800;                 		/* Controlled by WG */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.DacData6Bit = 32;                    /* middle scale value */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.DataRst =bFALSE;                    	/* Do not keep DATA registers at reset status */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpDacRef = LPDACREF_2P5;            	/* Select internal 2.5V reference */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpDacSrc = LPDACSRC_WG;             	/* The LPDAC data comes from WG not MMR in this case */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpDacVbiasMux = LPDACVBIAS_6BIT;    	/* Connect Vbias signal to 6Bit LPDAC output */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.LpDacVzeroMux = LPDACVZERO_12BIT;   	/* Connect Vzero signal to 12bit LPDAC output */
      lp_loop.LpDacCfg.PowerEn = bTRUE;                    	/* Power up LPDAC */
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpAmpSel = pCalCfg->LpAmpSel;
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpAmpPwrMod = pCalCfg->LpAmpPwrMod;  /* Set low power amplifiers to normal power mode */
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpPaPwrEn = bTRUE;                  	/* Enable LP PA(potential-stat amplifier) power */
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaPwrEn = bTRUE;                	/* Enable LPTIA*/
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRload = LPTIARLOAD_100R;
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRtia = pCalCfg->LpTiaRtia;
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaRf = LPTIARF_OPEN;
      lp_loop.LpAmpCfg.LpTiaSW = LPTIASW(6)|LPTIASW(8)|(pCalCfg->bWithCtia==bTRUE?LPTIASW(5)/*|LPTIASW(9)*/:0);
      /* Configure HS Loop */
      AD5940_StructInit(&hs_loop, sizeof(hs_loop));
      /* Take care of HSTIA, we need to disconnect internal RTIA because it connects to Tswitch directly. */
    	hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.DiodeClose = bFALSE;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaBias = (pCalCfg->LpAmpSel  == LPAMP0)?HSTIABIAS_VZERO0:HSTIABIAS_VZERO1;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaCtia = 31;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
      hs_loop.HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel = HSTIARTIA_200;
      /* Configure HSDAC */
    	hs_loop.HsDacCfg.ExcitBufGain = 0;
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.HsDacGain = 0;  					/* Don't care */
      hs_loop.HsDacCfg.HsDacUpdateRate = 255;  	/* Lowest for LPDAC */
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0|((pCalCfg->LpAmpSel  == LPAMP0)?SWD_SE0:SWD_SE1);
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA|SWT_RCAL1;
        int32_t time_out = -1;    /* Always wait. */
        int32_t offset_rcal, offset_rtia;  
        /* Configure WG */
        hs_loop.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_MMR;
        hs_loop.WgCfg.WgCode = WgAmpWord;       /* Amplitude word is exactly the maximum DC voltage we could use */
        hs_loop.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bFALSE;		    /* We don't have calibration value for LPDAC, so we don't use it. */
        hs_loop.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bFALSE;
        AD5940_WGDACCodeS(WgAmpWord + 0x800);
    		AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_HSTIAPWR|AFECTRL_INAMPPWR|AFECTRL_WG|AFECTRL_ADCPWR, bTRUE); /* Apply voltage to loop and turn on ADC */
        /* Do offset measurement */
        pSWCfg->Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0;//|SWD_SE0;   /* Disconnect SE0 for now to measure the offset voltage. */
        pSWCfg->Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
        pSWCfg->Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
        pSWCfg->Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA|SWT_RCAL1;
        AD5940_Delay10us(1000);   /* Wait some time here. */
        /* Measure RCAL channel voltage offset */
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRcal;
        AD5940_Delay10us(50);   /* Wait some time here. */
        offset_rcal = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        /* Measure RTIA channel voltage offset */
        if(pCalCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA0_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA0_P;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA1_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA1_P;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRtia;    
        AD5940_Delay10us(50);   /* Wait some time here. */
        offset_rtia = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        /* Connect LPTIA loop, let current flow to RTIA. */
        pSWCfg->Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0|((pCalCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)?SWD_SE0:SWD_SE1);
        pSWCfg->Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
        pSWCfg->Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
        pSWCfg->Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA|SWT_RCAL1;
        AD5940_Delay10us(1000);   /* Wait some time here. */
    		/* Measure RCAL */
        pADCBaseCfg = &dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRcal;
        AD5940_Delay10us(50);   /* Wait some time here. */
        DftRcal.Real = (int32_t)__AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out)- offset_rcal;
        DftRcal.Image = 0;
    		/* Measure RTIA */    
        if(pCalCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA0_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA0_P;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA1_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA1_P;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRtia;
        AD5940_Delay10us(50);   /* Wait some time here. */
        DftRtia.Real = (int32_t)__AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out)- offset_rtia;
        DftRtia.Image = 0;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinAmplitudeWord = WgAmpWord;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinFreqWord = AD5940_WGFreqWordCal(pCalCfg->fFreq, pCalCfg->SysClkFreq);
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinOffsetWord = 0;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.SinCfg.SinPhaseWord = 0;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.WgCode = 0;
    		hs_loop.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_SIN;
        hs_loop.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bFALSE;      /* disable it */
        hs_loop.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bFALSE;
        AD5940_Delay10us(100);      /* Wait for loop stable. */
        pADCBaseCfg = &dsp_cfg.ADCBaseCfg;
    		/* DFT on RCAL */
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRcal;
        /* Wait until DFT ready */
        while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY) == bFALSE);  
        DftRcal.Real = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTREAL);
        DftRcal.Image = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTIMAGE);
    		/* DFT on RTIA */  
        if(pCalCfg->LpAmpSel == LPAMP0)
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA0_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA0_P;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_LPTIA1_N;
          pADCBaseCfg->ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_LPTIA1_P;
        pADCBaseCfg->ADCPga = ADCPgaGainRtia;
        /* Wait until DFT ready */
        while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY) == bFALSE);  
        DftRtia.Real = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTREAL);
        DftRtia.Image = AD5940_ReadAfeResult(AFERESULT_DFTIMAGE);
          DftRcal.Real |= 0xfffc0000;
          DftRcal.Image |= 0xfffc0000;
          DftRtia.Real |= 0xfffc0000;
          DftRtia.Image |= 0xfffc0000;
          The impedance engine inside of AD594x give us Real part and Imaginary part of DFT. Due to technology used, the Imaginary 
          part in register is the opposite number. So we add a negative sign on the Imaginary part of results. 
      DftRtia.Image = -DftRtia.Image;
      DftRcal.Image = -DftRcal.Image;
      fImpCar_Type res;
      /* RTIA = (DftRtia.Real, DftRtia.Image)/(DftRcal.Real, DftRcal.Image)*fRcal */
      res = AD5940_ComplexDivInt(&DftRtia, &DftRcal);
      res.Real *= pCalCfg->fRcal/GainRatio;
      res.Image *= pCalCfg->fRcal/GainRatio;
      if(pCalCfg->bPolarResult == bFALSE)
        ((fImpCar_Type*)pResult)->Real = res.Real;
        ((fImpCar_Type*)pResult)->Image = res.Image;
        ((fImpPol_Type*)pResult)->Magnitude = AD5940_ComplexMag(&res);
        ((fImpPol_Type*)pResult)->Phase = AD5940_ComplexPhase(&res);
      /* Restore INTC1 DFT configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_DFTRDY, bFALSE);    /* Disable DFT Interrupt */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bFALSE);  /* Disable SINC2 Interrupt */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_AFECON, reg_afecon);              /* Restore AFECON register */
      /* Open all switches in switch-matrix */
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_OPEN;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_OPEN;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_OPEN;
      hs_loop.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_OPEN;
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @brief calibrate HSDAC output voltage using ADC.
     * @note It acutally calibrates voltage output of excitation buffer.
     * @param pCalCfg: pointer to configuration structure
     * @return return AD5940ERR_OK if succeeded.
    AD5940Err AD5940_HSDACCal(HSDACCal_Type *pCalCfg)
      ADCBaseCfg_Type adc_base;
      ADCFilterCfg_Type adc_filter;
      HSLoopCfg_Type hsloop_cfg;
      LPLoopCfg_Type lploop_cfg;
      /* LSB_Numerator and LSB_Denometer are used to calculate 
      the codes to write to calibration registers depending on
      which calibration register is used
      There are LSB_Numerator ADC LSBs in
      LSB_Denominator DAC Calibration LSBs*/
      int32_t LSB_Numerator;
      int32_t LEB_Denominator;
      int32_t time_out;
      int32_t ADCCode;
      uint32_t HSDACCode = 0x800;     /* Mid scale DAC */
      uint32_t regaddr_offset;
      uint32_t ADCPGA_Sel;
      BoolFlag bHPMode;
      if(pCalCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCalCfg->ExcitBufGain > 1) return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      if(pCalCfg->HsDacGain > 1) return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      bHPMode = pCalCfg->AfePwrMode == AFEPWR_HP?bTRUE:bFALSE;
      case EXCITBUFGAIN_2:
        regaddr_offset = bHPMode?REG_AFE_DACOFFSETHP:REG_AFE_DACOFFSET;
        if(pCalCfg->HsDacGain == HSDACGAIN_0P2)
          LSB_Numerator = 40;
          LEB_Denominator = 14;
          ADCPGA_Sel = ADCPGA_4;
          LSB_Numerator = 7;
          LEB_Denominator = 2;
          ADCPGA_Sel = ADCPGA_1;
      case EXCITBUFGAIN_0P25:
        if(pCalCfg->HsDacGain == HSDACGAIN_0P2)
          LSB_Numerator = 5;
          LEB_Denominator = 14;
          LSB_Numerator = 25;
          LEB_Denominator = 14;
        ADCPGA_Sel = ADCPGA_4;
    		return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      /* Turn On References*/
      /* Step0.0 Initialize ADC filters ADCRawData-->SINC3-->SINC2+NOTCH. Use SIN2 data for calibration-->Lower noise */
      adc_filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc3Osr;
      adc_filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc2Osr;  /* 800KSPS/4/1333 = 150SPS */
      adc_filter.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_2;         /* Don't care about it. Average function is only used for DFT */
      adc_filter.ADCRate = bHPMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;        /* If ADC clock is 32MHz, then set it to ADCRATE_1P6MHZ. Default is 16MHz, use ADCRATE_800KHZ. */
      adc_filter.BpNotch = bTRUE;                 /* SINC2+Notch is one block, when bypass notch filter, we can get fresh data from SINC2 filter. */
      adc_filter.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;                /* We use SINC3 filter. */
      adc_filter.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;        /* Enable the SINC2+Notch block. You can also use function AD5940_AFECtrlS */
      /* Step0.1 Initialize ADC basic function */
      adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_P_NODE;
      adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_N_NODE;
      adc_base.ADCPga = ADCPGA_Sel;
      /* Step0.2 Configure LPDAC to connect VZERO to HSTIA */
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpdacSel = LPDAC0;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DacData12Bit = 0x7C0;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DacData6Bit = 0x1F;  
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.DataRst = bFALSE;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacRef = LPDACREF_2P5;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacSrc = LPDACSRC_MMR;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacVzeroMux = LPDACVZERO_6BIT;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.LpDacVbiasMux = LPDACVBIAS_12BIT;
      lploop_cfg.LpDacCfg.PowerEn = bTRUE;
      /* Step0.3 Configure HSLOOP */
      hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.ExcitBufGain = pCalCfg->ExcitBufGain;
      hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.HsDacGain = pCalCfg->HsDacGain;
      hsloop_cfg.HsDacCfg.HsDacUpdateRate = bHPMode?0x7:0x1B;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.DiodeClose = bFALSE;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaBias = HSTIABIAS_VZERO0;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaCtia = 8;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDeRtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rload = HSTIADERLOAD_OPEN;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaDe1Rtia = HSTIADERTIA_OPEN;
      hsloop_cfg.HsTiaCfg.HstiaRtiaSel = HSTIARTIA_200;
      hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Dswitch = SWD_RCAL0;
      hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Pswitch = SWP_RCAL0;
      hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Nswitch = SWN_RCAL1;
      hsloop_cfg.SWMatCfg.Tswitch = SWT_TRTIA|SWT_RCAL1;
      hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.GainCalEn = bTRUE;
      hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.OffsetCalEn = bTRUE;
      hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.WgType = WGTYPE_MMR;
      hsloop_cfg.WgCfg.WgCode = HSDACCode;
      /* Step0.4 Turn ON reference and ADC power, and DAC power and DAC reference. We use DAC 1.8V reference to calibrate ADC. */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE); /* Disable all */
      AD5940_Delay10us(25);   /* Wait 250us for reference power up */
      /* Step0.5 INTC configure and open calibration lock */
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, KEY_CALDATLOCK);  /* Unlock KEY */
    	/* Reset Offset register before calibration */
    	AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_offset, 0);
    	/* Update HSDACDAT after resetting calibration register */
    	AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACDAT, 0x800);
      /* Step1: Do offset calibration. */
        int32_t ExpectedCode = 0x8000;        /* Ideal ADC output */
        time_out = 1000;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);
    #ifdef ADI_DEBUG
        ADI_Print("Voltage before cal: %f \n", AD5940_ADCCode2Volt(ADCCode, ADCPGA_Sel, 1.82));
        if(time_out == 0) goto DACCALERROR_TIMEOUT;  /* Time out error. */
        ADCCode = ADCCode - ExpectedCode;
        ADCCode = (((ADCCode)*LEB_Denominator)/LSB_Numerator); 
          ADCCode = 0xFFF - ADCCode;
          ADCCode = -ADCCode;
        AD5940_WriteReg(regaddr_offset, ADCCode);
        AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_HSDACDAT, 0x800);
    #ifdef ADI_DEBUG
    		ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);
    		ADI_Print("Voltage after cal: %f \n", AD5940_ADCCode2Volt(ADCCode, ADCPGA_Sel, 1.82));
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
      AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(bFALSE);  /* Stop conversion */
      AD5940_WriteReg(REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK, 0);  /* Lock KEY */
      return AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
     * @brief Use ADC to measure LPDAC offset and gain factor.
     * @note Assume ADC is accurate enough or accurate than LPDAC at least.
     * @param pCalCfg: pointer to structure.
     * @param pResult: the pointer to save calibration result.
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LPDACCal(LPDACCal_Type *pCalCfg, LPDACPara_Type *pResult)
      AD5940Err error = AD5940ERR_OK;
      LPDACCfg_Type LpDacCfg;
      ADCBaseCfg_Type adc_base;
      ADCFilterCfg_Type adc_filter;
      int32_t time_out;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      int32_t ADCCode, ADCCodeVref1p1;
      BoolFlag bADCClk32MHzMode;
      if(pCalCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP; 
      if(pResult == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;  
      if(pCalCfg->AdcClkFreq > (32000000*0.8))
        bADCClk32MHzMode = bTRUE;
      /* Step0: Do initialization */
      /* Turn on AD5940 references in case it's disabled. */
      LpDacCfg.LpdacSel = pCalCfg->LpdacSel;
      LpDacCfg.DacData12Bit = 0;
      LpDacCfg.DacData6Bit = 0;  
      LpDacCfg.DataRst = bFALSE;
      LpDacCfg.LpDacRef = LPDACREF_2P5;
      LpDacCfg.LpDacSrc = LPDACSRC_MMR;
      LpDacCfg.LpDacVbiasMux = LPDACVBIAS_12BIT;
      LpDacCfg.LpDacVzeroMux = LPDACVZERO_6BIT;
      LpDacCfg.PowerEn = bTRUE;
      /* Initialize ADC filters ADCRawData-->SINC3-->SINC2+NOTCH. Use SIN2 data for calibration-->Lower noise */
      adc_filter.ADCSinc3Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc3Osr;
      adc_filter.ADCSinc2Osr = pCalCfg->ADCSinc2Osr;  /* 800KSPS/4/1333 = 150SPS */
      adc_filter.ADCAvgNum = ADCAVGNUM_2;               /* Don't care about it. Average function is only used for DFT */
      adc_filter.ADCRate = bADCClk32MHzMode?ADCRATE_1P6MHZ:ADCRATE_800KHZ;        /* If ADC clock is 32MHz, then set it to ADCRATE_1P6MHZ. Default is 16MHz, use ADCRATE_800KHZ. */
      adc_filter.BpNotch = bTRUE;                       /* SINC2+Notch is one block, when bypass notch filter, we can get fresh data from SINC2 filter. */
      adc_filter.BpSinc3 = bFALSE;                      /* We use SINC3 filter. */
      adc_filter.Sinc2NotchEnable = bTRUE;              /* Enable the SINC2+Notch block. You can also use function AD5940_AFECtrlS */
      /* Initialize ADC MUx and PGA */
      adc_base.ADCMuxP = ADCMUXP_AGND;
      adc_base.ADCMuxN = ADCMUXN_VSET1P1;
      adc_base.ADCPga = ADCPGA_1;
      /* Turn ON ADC and its reference. And SINC2. */
      AD5940_AFECtrlS(AFECTRL_ALL, bFALSE); /* Disable all firstly, we only enable things we use */
      AD5940_Delay10us(25);                     /* Wait 250us for reference power up */
      /* INTC configure and open calibration lock */
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bTRUE); /* Enable SINC2 Interrupt in INTC1 */
      /* Step1: Measure internal 1.1V reference. */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCodeVref1p1 = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Equation1: ADCCodeVref1p1 = AGND - Vref1p1 */
      /* Step2: Do offset measurement. */
        /* Equation2': ADCCode = Vbias0/1 - Vref1p1 */
        AD5940_LPDACWriteS(0,0);  /* Set LPDAC output voltage to 0.2V(zero code) */
        if(pCalCfg->SettleTime10us > 0)
          AD5940_Delay10us(pCalCfg->SettleTime10us);  /* Delay nx10us */
        if(pCalCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VBIAS0, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias0 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VBIAS1, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias1 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);  /* Delay 50us */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate the offset voltage using Equation2 - Equation1 */
        ADCCode -= ADCCodeVref1p1;  /* Get the code of Vbias0-AGND. Then calculate the offset voltage in mV. */
        pResult->bC2V_DAC12B = ADCCode*pCalCfg->ADCRefVolt*1e3f/32768*1.835f/1.82f; /*mV unit*/
        /* Measure 6BIT DAC output(Vzero0/1) */
        if(pCalCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VZERO0, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias0 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VZERO1, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias1 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);  /* Delay 50us */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate the offset voltage */
        ADCCode -= ADCCodeVref1p1;  /* Get the code of Vbias0-AGND. Then calculate the offset voltage in mV. */
        pResult->bC2V_DAC6B = ADCCode*pCalCfg->ADCRefVolt*1e3f/32768*1.835f/1.82f; /*mV unit*/
      /* Step3: Do gain measurement */
        /* Equation2: ADCCode = Vbias0 - Vref1p1 */
        AD5940_LPDACWriteS(0xfff,0x3f);  /* Set LPDAC output voltage to 2.4V(zero code) */
        if(pCalCfg->SettleTime10us > 0)
          AD5940_Delay10us(pCalCfg->SettleTime10us);  /* Delay nx10us */
        if(pCalCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VBIAS0, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias0 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VBIAS1, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias1 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);  /* Delay 50us */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate the offset voltage */
        ADCCode -= ADCCodeVref1p1;  /* Get the code of Vbias0-AGND. Then calculate the gain factor 'k'. */
        pResult->kC2V_DAC12B = (ADCCode*pCalCfg->ADCRefVolt*1e3f/32768*1.835f/1.82f - pResult->bC2V_DAC12B)/0xfff;/*mV unit*/
        /* Measure 6BIT DAC output(Vzero0) */
        if(pCalCfg->LpdacSel == LPDAC0)
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VZERO0, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias0 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
          AD5940_ADCMuxCfgS(ADCMUXP_VZERO1, ADCMUXN_VREF1P1); /* Vbias1 is routed to 12BIT LPDAC */
        AD5940_Delay10us(5);  /* Delay 50us */
        time_out = pCalCfg->TimeOut10us;   /* Reset time out counter */
        ADCCode = __AD5940_TakeMeasurement(&time_out);  /* Turn on ADC to get one valid data and then turn off ADC. */
        if(time_out == 0)
          error = AD5940ERR_TIMEOUT;
          goto LPDACCALERROR;
        }  /* Time out error. */
        /* Calculate the offset voltage */
        ADCCode -= ADCCodeVref1p1;  /* Get the code of Vbias0-AGND. Then calculate the offset voltage in mV. */
        pResult->kC2V_DAC6B = (ADCCode*pCalCfg->ADCRefVolt*1e3f/32768*1.835f/1.82f - pResult->bC2V_DAC6B)/0x3f;/*mV unit*/
      /* Step4: calculate the parameters for voltage to code calculation. */
      pResult->kV2C_DAC12B = 1/pResult->kC2V_DAC12B;
      pResult->bV2C_DAC12B = -pResult->bC2V_DAC12B/pResult->kC2V_DAC12B;
      pResult->kV2C_DAC6B = 1/pResult->kC2V_DAC6B;
      pResult->bV2C_DAC6B = -pResult->bC2V_DAC6B/pResult->kC2V_DAC6B;
      /* Restore INTC1 SINC2 configure */
        AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_SINC2RDY, bFALSE); /* Disable SINC2 Interrupt */
      /* Done */
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
      AD5940_ADCConvtCtrlS(bFALSE);  /* Stop conversion */
      return error;
     * @brief Use system clock to measure LFOSC frequency.
     * @note Set system clock to external crystal to get a better measurement accuracy.
     *       This function use 3 sequences and the start address is specified by parameter.
     * @param pCfg: pointer to structure.
     * @param pFreq:  Pointer to a variable that used to store frequency in Hz. 
     * @return AD5940ERR_OK if succeed.
    AD5940Err AD5940_LFOSCMeasure(LFOSCMeasure_Type *pCfg, float *pFreq) /* Measure current LFOSC frequency. */
       * @code
       *  Sleep wakeup timer running...
       *  -SLP----WKP----SLP----WKP----SLP----WKP
       *  --|-----|-------------|-------------|------------Trigger sequencer when Wakeup Timer over.
       *  --------|SEQA---------|SEQB----------------------Execute SeqA then SeqB
       *  ---------|InitT--------|StopT--------------------SeqA start timer and SeqB trigger interrupt so MCU read back current count
       *  ------------------------|INT---------------------
       *  -----------------------------------------|Read---We read SEQTIMEOUT register here
       *  ---------|-----TimerCount----------------|-------
       *  ---------|--------------|---TimerCount2--|-------We change SeqB to reset timer so we measure how much time needed for MCU to read back SEQTIMEOUT register(TimerCount2)
       * @endcode
       * **/
      uint32_t TimerCount, TimerCount2;
      SEQCfg_Type seq_cfg, seq_cfg_backup;
      SEQInfo_Type seqinfo;
      WUPTCfg_Type wupt_cfg;
      uint32_t INTCCfg;
      uint32_t WuptPeriod;
      static const uint32_t SeqA[]=
        SEQ_TOUT(0x3fffffff),   /* Set time-out timer. It will always run until disable Sequencer by SPI interface. */
      static const uint32_t SeqB[]=
         * Interrupt flag AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ will be set after this command. So We can inform MCU to read back 
         * current timer value. MCU will need some additional time to read back time count.
         * So we use SeqB to measure how much time needed for MCU to read back 
         * */
      static const uint32_t SeqBB[]=
        SEQ_TOUT(0x3fffffff),   /* Re-Set time-out timer, so we can measure the time needed for MCU to read out Timer Count register. */
        SEQ_STOP(),             /* Interrupt flag AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ will be set here */
      if(pCfg == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pFreq == NULL) return AD5940ERR_NULLP;
      if(pCfg->CalDuration < 1.0f)
        return AD5940ERR_PARA;
      INTCCfg = AD5940_INTCGetCfg(AFEINTC_1);
      seq_cfg.SeqMemSize = SEQMEMSIZE_2KB;  /* 2kB SRAM is used for sequencer */
      seq_cfg.SeqBreakEn = bFALSE;
      seq_cfg.SeqIgnoreEn = bFALSE;
      seq_cfg.SeqCntCRCClr = bFALSE;
      seq_cfg.SeqEnable = bTRUE;
      seq_cfg.SeqWrTimer = 0;
      AD5940_SEQCfg(&seq_cfg);          /* Enable sequencer */
      seqinfo.pSeqCmd = SeqA;
      seqinfo.SeqId = SEQID_0;
      seqinfo.SeqLen = SEQ_LEN(SeqA);
      seqinfo.SeqRamAddr = pCfg->CalSeqAddr;
      seqinfo.WriteSRAM = bTRUE;
      seqinfo.SeqId = SEQID_1;
      seqinfo.SeqRamAddr = pCfg->CalSeqAddr + SEQ_LEN(SeqA) ;
      seqinfo.SeqLen = SEQ_LEN(SeqB);
      seqinfo.pSeqCmd = SeqB;
      AD5940_SEQInfoCfg(&seqinfo);      /* Configure sequence0 and sequence1 with command SeqA and SeqB */
      wupt_cfg.WuptEn = bFALSE;
      wupt_cfg.WuptOrder[0] = SEQID_0;
      wupt_cfg.WuptOrder[1] = SEQID_1;
      wupt_cfg.WuptEndSeq = WUPTENDSEQ_B;
      wupt_cfg.SeqxWakeupTime[0] = 4;       /* Don't care. >4 is acceptable */
      wupt_cfg.SeqxSleepTime[0] = (uint32_t)((pCfg->CalDuration)*32 + 0.5f) - 1 - 4;
      wupt_cfg.SeqxWakeupTime[1] = 4-1;
      wupt_cfg.SeqxSleepTime[1] = 0xffffffff; /* Don't care */
      WuptPeriod = (wupt_cfg.SeqxSleepTime[0]+1) + (wupt_cfg.SeqxWakeupTime[1]+1);
      while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ) == bFALSE);
      TimerCount = AD5940_SEQTimeOutRd();
    	AD5940_WUPTTime(SEQID_0, 4, 4);	/* Set it to minimum value because we don't care about sequence0 now. We only want to measure how much time MCU will need to read register */
      seqinfo.SeqId = SEQID_1;
      seqinfo.SeqRamAddr = pCfg->CalSeqAddr + SEQ_LEN(SeqA) ;
      seqinfo.SeqLen = SEQ_LEN(SeqBB);
      seqinfo.pSeqCmd = SeqBB;
      seqinfo.WriteSRAM = bTRUE;
      AD5940_SEQCtrlS(bTRUE); /* Enable Sequencer again */
      while(AD5940_INTCTestFlag(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ) == bFALSE);
      TimerCount2 = AD5940_SEQTimeOutRd();
      AD5940_SEQCfg(&seq_cfg_backup);          /* restore sequencer configuration */
      AD5940_INTCCfg(AFEINTC_1, AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ, (INTCCfg&AFEINTSRC_ENDSEQ)?bTRUE:bFALSE); /* Restore interrupt configuration */
      //printf("Time duration:%d ", (TimerCount2 - TimerCount));
    	*pFreq = pCfg->SystemClkFreq*WuptPeriod/(TimerCount2 - TimerCount);
      return AD5940ERR_OK;
     * @} Calibration
     * @} Calibration_Block
     * @} AD5940_Functions
     * @} AD5940_Library

     * @file       ad5940.h
     * @brief      AD5940 library. This file contains all AD5940 library functions. 
     * @author     ADI
     * @date       March 2019
     * @par Revision History:
    #ifndef _AD5940_H_
    #define _AD5940_H_
    #include "math.h"
    #include "string.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    /** @addtogroup AD5940_Library
      * @{
     * Select the correct chip.
     * Recommend to define this in your compiler.
     * */
    //#define CHIPSEL_M355      /**< ADuCM355 */
    //#define CHIPSEL_594X      /**< AD5940 or AD5941 */
    /* library version number */
    #define AD5940LIB_VER_MAJOR       0    /**< Major number */
    #define AD5940LIB_VER_MINOR       2    /**< Minor number */
    #define AD5940LIB_VER_PATCH       1    /**< Path number */
    #define AD5940LIB_VER   (AD5940LIB_VER_MAJOR<<16)|(AD5940LIB_VER_MINOR<<8)|(AD5940LIB_VER_PATCH)
    //#define ADI_DEBUG   /**< Comment this line to remove debug info. */
    #ifdef ADI_DEBUG
    #define ADI_Print printf   /**< Select the method to print out debug message */
    #if defined(CHIPSEL_M355) && defined(CHIPSEL_594X)
    #error Please select the correct chip by define CHIPSEL_M355 or CHIPSEL_594X.
    #if !defined(CHIPSEL_M355) && !defined(CHIPSEL_594X)
    #error Please select the correct chip by define CHIPSEL_M355 or CHIPSEL_594X.
     * @cond
     * @defgroup AD5940RegistersBitfields
     * @brief All AD5940 registers and bitfields definition.
     * @{
    //#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || (defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__ASSEMBLER__))
    #include <stdint.h>
    //#endif /* _LANGUAGE_C */
    #define __ADI_GENERATED_DEF_HEADERS__    1
    #define __ADI_HAS_AGPIO__          1
    #define __ADI_HAS_ALLON__          1
    #define __ADI_HAS_INTC__           1
    #define __ADI_HAS_AFECON__         1
    #define __ADI_HAS_WUPTMR__         1
    #define __ADI_HAS_AFE__            1
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0CON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0CON  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0CON                     0x00000000            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Configuration */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0OEN_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0OEN  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0OEN                     0x00000004            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Output Enable */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0PE_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0PE  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0PE                      0x00000008            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Pullup/Pulldown Enable */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0IEN_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0IEN  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0IEN                     0x0000000C            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Input Path Enable */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0IN_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0IN  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0IN                      0x00000010            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Registered Data Input */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0OUT_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0OUT  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0OUT                     0x00000014            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Data Output */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0SET_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0SET  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0SET                     0x00000018            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Data Out Set */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0CLR_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0CLR  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0CLR                     0x0000001C            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Data Out Clear */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0TGL_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for GP0TGL  */
    #define REG_AGPIO_GP0TGL                     0x00000020            /*  AGPIO GPIO Port 0 Pin Toggle */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AGPIO Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0CON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN7CFG            14            /*  P0.7 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN6CFG            12            /*  P0.6 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN5CFG            10            /*  P0.5 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN4CFG             8            /*  P0.4 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN3CFG             6            /*  P0.3 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN2CFG             4            /*  P0.2 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN1CFG             2            /*  P0.1 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN0CFG             0            /*  P0.0 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN7CFG            0x0000C000    /*  P0.7 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN6CFG            0x00003000    /*  P0.6 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN5CFG            0x00000C00    /*  P0.5 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN4CFG            0x00000300    /*  P0.4 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN3CFG            0x000000C0    /*  P0.3 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN2CFG            0x00000030    /*  P0.2 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN1CFG            0x0000000C    /*  P0.1 Configuration Bits */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CON_PIN0CFG            0x00000003    /*  P0.0 Configuration Bits */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0OEN                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0OEN_OEN                 0            /*  Pin Output Drive Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0OEN_OEN                0x000000FF    /*  Pin Output Drive Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0PE                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0PE_PE                   0            /*  Pin Pull Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0PE_PE                  0x000000FF    /*  Pin Pull Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0IEN                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0IEN_IEN                 0            /*  Input Path Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0IEN_IEN                0x000000FF    /*  Input Path Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0IN                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0IN_IN                   0            /*  Registered Data Input */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0IN_IN                  0x000000FF    /*  Registered Data Input */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0OUT                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0OUT_OUT                 0            /*  Data Out */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0OUT_OUT                0x000000FF    /*  Data Out */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0SET                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0SET_SET                 0            /*  Set the Output HIGH */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0SET_SET                0x000000FF    /*  Set the Output HIGH */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0CLR                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0CLR_CLR                 0            /*  Set the Output LOW */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0CLR_CLR                0x000000FF    /*  Set the Output LOW */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPIO_GP0TGL                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPIO_GP0TGL_TGL                 0            /*  Toggle the Output */
    #define BITM_AGPIO_GP0TGL_TGL                0x000000FF    /*  Toggle the Output */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AFECON_ADIID_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADIID  */
    #define REG_AFECON_ADIID                     0x00000400            /*  AFECON ADI Identification */
    #define REG_AFECON_CHIPID_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CHIPID  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CHIPID                    0x00000404            /*  AFECON Chip Identification */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKCON0_RESET             0x00000441            /*      Reset Value for CLKCON0  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKCON0                   0x00000408            /*  AFECON Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKEN1_RESET              0x000002C0            /*      Reset Value for CLKEN1  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKEN1                    0x00000410            /*  AFECON Clock Gate Enable */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKSEL_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CLKSEL  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKSEL                    0x00000414            /*  AFECON Clock Select */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKCON0KEY_RESET          0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CLKCON0KEY  */
    #define REG_AFECON_CLKCON0KEY                0x00000420            /*  AFECON Enable Clock Division to 8Mhz,4Mhz and 2Mhz */
    #define REG_AFECON_SWRSTCON_RESET            0x00000001            /*      Reset Value for SWRSTCON  */
    #define REG_AFECON_SWRSTCON                  0x00000424            /*  AFECON Software Reset */
    #define REG_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TRIGSEQ  */
    #define REG_AFECON_TRIGSEQ                   0x00000430            /*  AFECON Trigger Sequence */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AFECON Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_ADIID                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_ADIID_ADIID               0            /*  ADI Identifier. */
    #define BITM_AFECON_ADIID_ADIID              0x0000FFFF    /*  ADI Identifier. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CHIPID                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CHIPID_PARTID             4            /*  Part Identifier */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CHIPID_REVISION           0            /*  Silicon Revision Number */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CHIPID_PARTID            0x0000FFF0    /*  Part Identifier */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CHIPID_REVISION          0x0000000F    /*  Silicon Revision Number */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CLKCON0                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_SFFTCLKDIVCNT    10            /*  SFFT Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_ADCCLKDIV         6            /*  ADC Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0_SYSCLKDIV         0            /*  System Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKCON0_SFFTCLKDIVCNT    0x0000FC00    /*  SFFT Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKCON0_ADCCLKDIV        0x000003C0    /*  ADC Clock Divider Configuration */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKCON0_SYSCLKDIV        0x0000003F    /*  System Clock Divider Configuration */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CLKEN1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKEN1_GPT1DIS            7            /*  GPT1 Clock Enable */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKEN1_GPT0DIS            6            /*  GPT0 Clock Enable */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKEN1_ACLKDIS            5            /*  ACLK Clock Enable */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKEN1_GPT1DIS           0x00000080    /*  GPT1 Clock Enable */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKEN1_GPT0DIS           0x00000040    /*  GPT0 Clock Enable */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKEN1_ACLKDIS           0x00000020    /*  ACLK Clock Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CLKSEL                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKSEL_ADCCLKSEL          2            /*  Select ADC Clock Source */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKSEL_SYSCLKSEL          0            /*  Select System Clock Source */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKSEL_ADCCLKSEL         0x0000000C    /*  Select ADC Clock Source */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKSEL_SYSCLKSEL         0x00000003    /*  Select System Clock Source */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_CLKCON0KEY                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_CLKCON0KEY_DIVSYSCLK_ULP_EN  0            /*  Enable Clock Division to 8Mhz,4Mhz and 2Mhz */
    #define BITM_AFECON_CLKCON0KEY_DIVSYSCLK_ULP_EN 0x0000FFFF    /*  Enable Clock Division to 8Mhz,4Mhz and 2Mhz */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_SWRSTCON                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_SWRSTCON_SWRSTL           0            /*  Software Reset */
    #define BITM_AFECON_SWRSTCON_SWRSTL          0x0000FFFF    /*  Software Reset */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECON_TRIGSEQ                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG3             3            /*  Trigger Sequence 3 */
    #define BITP_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG2             2            /*  Trigger Sequence 2 */
    #define BITP_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG1             1            /*  Trigger Sequence 1 */
    #define BITP_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG0             0            /*  Trigger Sequence 0 */
    #define BITM_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG3            0x00000008    /*  Trigger Sequence 3 */
    #define BITM_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG2            0x00000004    /*  Trigger Sequence 2 */
    #define BITM_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG1            0x00000002    /*  Trigger Sequence 1 */
    #define BITM_AFECON_TRIGSEQ_TRIG0            0x00000001    /*  Trigger Sequence 0 */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTLD                     0x00000900            /*  AFEWDT Watchdog Timer Load Value */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTVALS                   0x00000904            /*  AFEWDT Current Count Value */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTCON                    0x00000908            /*  AFEWDT Watchdog Timer Control Register */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTCLRI                   0x0000090C            /*  AFEWDT Refresh Watchdog Register */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTSTA                    0x00000918            /*  AFEWDT Timer Status */
    #define REG_AFEWDT_WDTMINLD                  0x0000091C            /*  AFEWDT Minimum Load Value */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AFEWDT Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTLD                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTLD_LOAD                0            /*  WDT Load Value */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTLD_LOAD               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  WDT Load Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTVALS                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTVALS_CCOUNT            0            /*  Current WDT Count Value. */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTVALS_CCOUNT           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Current WDT Count Value. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTCON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESERVED_15_11    11            /*  RESERVED */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_WDTIRQEN          10            /*  WDT Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_MINLOAD_EN         9            /*  Timer Window Control */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_CLKDIV2            8            /*  Clock Source */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESERVED1_7        7            /*  Reserved */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_MDE                6            /*  Timer Mode Select */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_EN                 5            /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_PRE                2            /*  Prescaler. */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_IRQ                1            /*  WDT Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCON_PDSTOP             0            /*  Power Down Stop Enable */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESERVED_15_11    (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000F800,0x0000F800U, uint16_t  ))    /*  RESERVED */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_WDTIRQEN          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000400,0x00000400U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDT Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_MINLOAD_EN        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000200,0x00000200U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Window Control */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_CLKDIV2           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000100,0x00000100U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clock Source */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESERVED1_7       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Reserved */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_MDE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Mode Select */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_EN                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_PRE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000000C,0x0000000CU, uint16_t  ))    /*  Prescaler. */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_IRQ               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDT Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_PDSTOP            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Power Down Stop Enable */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_RESET             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  IRQ: Watchdog Timer timeout creates a reset. */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_INTERRUPT         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  IRQ: Watchdog Timer  timeout creates an interrupt instead of reset. */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_CONTINUE          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PDSTOP: Continue Counting When In Hibernate */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTCON_STOP              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PDSTOP: Stop Counter When In Hibernate. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTCLRI                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTCLRI_CLRWDG            0            /*  Refresh Register */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTCLRI_CLRWDG           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Refresh Register */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTSTA                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_RESERVED_15_7      7            /*  RESERVED */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_TMINLD             6            /*  WDTMINLD Write Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_OTPWRDONE          5            /*  Reset Type Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_LOCK               4            /*  Lock Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CON                3            /*  WDTCON Write Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_TLD                2            /*  WDTVAL Write Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CLRI               1            /*  WDTCLRI Write Status */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_IRQ                0            /*  WDT Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_RESERVED_15_7     (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FF80,0x0000FF80U, uint16_t  ))    /*  RESERVED */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_TMINLD            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDTMINLD Write Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_OTPWRDONE         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Reset Type Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_LOCK              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Lock Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CON               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDTCON Write Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_TLD               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDTVAL Write Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CLRI              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDTCLRI Write Status */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_IRQ               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  WDT Interrupt */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_OPEN              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  LOCK: Timer Operation Not Locked */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_LOCKED            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010U, uint16_t  ))    /*  LOCK: Timer Enabled and Locked */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_SYNC_COMPLETE     (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  TLD: Arm and AFE Watchdog Clock Domains WDTLD values match */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_SYNC_IN_PROGRESS  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004U, uint16_t  ))    /*  TLD: Synchronize In Progress */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_CLEARED           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  IRQ: Watchdog Timer Interrupt Not Pending */
    #define ENUM_AFEWDT_WDTSTA_PENDING           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  IRQ: Watchdog Timer Interrupt Pending */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFEWDT_WDTMINLD                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFEWDT_WDTMINLD_MIN_LOAD         0            /*  WDT Min Load Value */
    #define BITM_AFEWDT_WDTMINLD_MIN_LOAD        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  WDT Min Load Value */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            Wakeup Timer
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_CON_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CON  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_CON                       0x00000800            /*  WUPTMR Timer Control */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQORDER  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQORDER                  0x00000804            /*  WUPTMR Order Control */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL_RESET            0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0WUPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL                  0x00000808            /*  WUPTMR SEQ0 WTimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH_RESET            0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0WUPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH                  0x0000080C            /*  WUPTMR SEQ0 WTimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL_RESET          0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0SLEEPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL                0x00000810            /*  WUPTMR SEQ0 STimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH_RESET          0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0SLEEPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH                0x00000814            /*  WUPTMR SEQ0 STimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL_RESET            0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1WUPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL                  0x00000818            /*  WUPTMR SEQ1 WTimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH_RESET            0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1WUPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH                  0x0000081C            /*  WUPTMR SEQ1 WTimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL_RESET          0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1SLEEPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL                0x00000820            /*  WUPTMR SEQ1 STimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH_RESET          0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1SLEEPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH                0x00000824            /*  WUPTMR SEQ1 STimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL_RESET            0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2WUPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL                  0x00000828            /*  WUPTMR SEQ2 WTimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH_RESET            0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2WUPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH                  0x0000082C            /*  WUPTMR SEQ2 WTimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL_RESET          0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2SLEEPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL                0x00000830            /*  WUPTMR SEQ2 STimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH_RESET          0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2SLEEPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH                0x00000834            /*  WUPTMR SEQ2 STimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL_RESET            0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3WUPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL                  0x00000838            /*  WUPTMR SEQ3 WTimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH_RESET            0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3WUPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH                  0x0000083C            /*  WUPTMR SEQ3 WTimeH (MSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL_RESET          0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3SLEEPL  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL                0x00000840            /*  WUPTMR SEQ3 STimeL (LSB) */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH_RESET          0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3SLEEPH  */
    #define REG_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH                0x00000844            /*  WUPTMR SEQ3 STimeH (MSB) */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            WUPTMR Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_CON                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_CON_MSKTRG                6            /*  Mark Sequence Trigger from Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_CON_CLKSEL                4            /*  Clock Selection */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQ                1            /*  End Sequence */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_CON_EN                    0            /*  Sleep Wake Timer Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_CON_MSKTRG               0x00000040    /*  Mark Sequence Trigger from Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_CON_CLKSEL               0x00000030    /*  Clock Selection */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQ               0x0000000E    /*  End Sequence */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_CON_EN                   0x00000001    /*  Sleep Wake Timer Enable Bit */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWT32K0              0x00000000            /*  CLKSEL: Internal 32kHz OSC */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWTEXT0              0x00000010            /*  CLKSEL: External Clock */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWT32K               0x00000020            /*  CLKSEL: Internal 32kHz OSC */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWTEXT               0x00000030            /*  CLKSEL: External Clock */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQA              0x00000000            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqA And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQB              0x00000002            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqB And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQC              0x00000004            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqC And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQD              0x00000006            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqD And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQE              0x00000008            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqE And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQF              0x0000000A            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqF And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQG              0x0000000C            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqG And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_ENDSEQH              0x0000000E            /*  ENDSEQ: The Sleep Wakeup Timer Will Stop At SeqH And Then Go Back To SeqA */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWTEN                0x00000000            /*  EN: Enable Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_CON_SWTDIS               0x00000001            /*  EN: Disable Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQORDER                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH            14            /*  SEQH Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG            12            /*  SEQG Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF            10            /*  SEQF Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE             8            /*  SEQE Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD             6            /*  SEQD Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC             4            /*  SEQC Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB             2            /*  SEQB Config */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA             0            /*  SEQA Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH            0x0000C000    /*  SEQH Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG            0x00003000    /*  SEQG Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF            0x00000C00    /*  SEQF Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE            0x00000300    /*  SEQE Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD            0x000000C0    /*  SEQD Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC            0x00000030    /*  SEQC Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB            0x0000000C    /*  SEQB Config */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA            0x00000003    /*  SEQA Config */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH0           0x00000000            /*  SEQH: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH1           0x00004000            /*  SEQH: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH2           0x00008000            /*  SEQH: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQH3           0x0000C000            /*  SEQH: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG0           0x00000000            /*  SEQG: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG1           0x00001000            /*  SEQG: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG2           0x00002000            /*  SEQG: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQG3           0x00003000            /*  SEQG: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF0           0x00000000            /*  SEQF: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF1           0x00000400            /*  SEQF: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF2           0x00000800            /*  SEQF: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQF3           0x00000C00            /*  SEQF: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE0           0x00000000            /*  SEQE: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE1           0x00000100            /*  SEQE: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE2           0x00000200            /*  SEQE: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQE3           0x00000300            /*  SEQE: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD0           0x00000000            /*  SEQD: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD1           0x00000040            /*  SEQD: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD2           0x00000080            /*  SEQD: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQD3           0x000000C0            /*  SEQD: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC0           0x00000000            /*  SEQC: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC1           0x00000010            /*  SEQC: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC2           0x00000020            /*  SEQC: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQC3           0x00000030            /*  SEQC: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB0           0x00000000            /*  SEQB: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB1           0x00000004            /*  SEQB: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB2           0x00000008            /*  SEQB: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQB3           0x0000000C            /*  SEQB: Fill SEQ3 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA0           0x00000000            /*  SEQA: Fill SEQ0 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA1           0x00000001            /*  SEQA: Fill SEQ1 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA2           0x00000002            /*  SEQA: Fill SEQ2 In */
    #define ENUM_WUPTMR_SEQORDER_SEQA3           0x00000003            /*  SEQA: Fill SEQ3 In */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL_WAKEUPTIME0      0            /*  Sequence 0 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPL_WAKEUPTIME0     0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 0 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH_WAKEUPTIME0      0            /*  Sequence 0 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ0WUPH_WAKEUPTIME0     0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 0 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME0     0            /*  Sequence 0 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME0    0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 0 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME0     0            /*  Sequence 0 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ0SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME0    0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 0 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL_WAKEUPTIME       0            /*  Sequence 1 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPL_WAKEUPTIME      0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 1 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH_WAKEUPTIME       0            /*  Sequence 1 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ1WUPH_WAKEUPTIME      0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 1 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME1     0            /*  Sequence 1 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME1    0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 1 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME1     0            /*  Sequence 1 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ1SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME1    0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 1 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL_WAKEUPTIME2      0            /*  Sequence 2 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPL_WAKEUPTIME2     0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 2 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH_WAKEUPTIME2      0            /*  Sequence 2 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ2WUPH_WAKEUPTIME2     0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 2 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME2     0            /*  Sequence 2 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME2    0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 2 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME2     0            /*  Sequence 2 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ2SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME2    0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 2 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL_WAKEUPTIME3      0            /*  Sequence 3 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPL_WAKEUPTIME3     0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 3 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH_WAKEUPTIME3      0            /*  Sequence 3 Sleep Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ3WUPH_WAKEUPTIME3     0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 3 Sleep Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME3     0            /*  Sequence 3 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPL_SLEEPTIME3    0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequence 3 Active Period */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME3     0            /*  Sequence 3 Active Period */
    #define BITM_WUPTMR_SEQ3SLEEPH_SLEEPTIME3    0x0000000F    /*  Sequence 3 Active Period */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            Always On Register
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_ALLON_PWRMOD_RESET               0x00000001            /*      Reset Value for PWRMOD  */
    #define REG_ALLON_PWRMOD                     0x00000A00            /*  ALLON Power Modes */
    #define REG_ALLON_PWRKEY_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for PWRKEY  */
    #define REG_ALLON_PWRKEY                     0x00000A04            /*  ALLON Key Protection for PWRMOD */
    #define REG_ALLON_OSCKEY_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for OSCKEY  */
    #define REG_ALLON_OSCKEY                     0x00000A0C            /*  ALLON Key Protection for OSCCON */
    #define REG_ALLON_OSCCON_RESET               0x00000003            /*      Reset Value for OSCCON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_OSCCON                     0x00000A10            /*  ALLON Oscillator Control */
    #define REG_ALLON_TMRCON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TMRCON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_TMRCON                     0x00000A1C            /*  ALLON Timer Wakeup Configuration */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI0CON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for EI0CON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI0CON                     0x00000A20            /*  ALLON External Interrupt Configuration 0 */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI1CON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for EI1CON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI1CON                     0x00000A24            /*  ALLON External Interrupt Configuration 1 */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI2CON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for EI2CON  */
    #define REG_ALLON_EI2CON                     0x00000A28            /*  ALLON External Interrupt Configuration 2 */
    #define REG_ALLON_EICLR_RESET                0x0000C000            /*      Reset Value for EICLR  */
    #define REG_ALLON_EICLR                      0x00000A30            /*  ALLON External Interrupt Clear */
    #define REG_ALLON_RSTSTA_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for RSTSTA  */
    #define REG_ALLON_RSTSTA                     0x00000A40            /*  ALLON Reset Status */
    #define REG_ALLON_RSTCONKEY_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for RSTCONKEY  */
    #define REG_ALLON_RSTCONKEY                  0x00000A5C            /*  ALLON Key Protection for RSTCON Register */
    #define REG_ALLON_LOSCTST_RESET              0x0000008F            /*      Reset Value for LOSCTST  */
    #define REG_ALLON_LOSCTST                    0x00000A6C            /*  ALLON Internal LF Oscillator Test */
    #define REG_ALLON_CLKEN0_RESET               0x00000004            /*      Reset Value for CLKEN0  */
    #define REG_ALLON_CLKEN0                     0x00000A70            /*  ALLON 32KHz Peripheral Clock Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            ALLON Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_PWRMOD                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_RAMRETEN           15            /*  Retention for RAM */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_ADCRETEN           14            /*  Keep ADC Power Switch on in Hibernate */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_SEQSLPEN            3            /*  Auto Sleep by Sequencer Command */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_TMRSLPEN            2            /*  Auto Sleep by Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRMOD_PWRMOD              0            /*  Power Mode Control Bits */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_RAMRETEN           0x00008000    /*  Retention for RAM */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_ADCRETEN           0x00004000    /*  Keep ADC Power Switch on in Hibernate */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_SEQSLPEN           0x00000008    /*  Auto Sleep by Sequencer Command */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_TMRSLPEN           0x00000004    /*  Auto Sleep by Sleep Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRMOD_PWRMOD             0x00000003    /*  Power Mode Control Bits */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_PWRKEY                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_PWRKEY_PWRKEY              0            /*  PWRMOD Key Register */
    #define BITM_ALLON_PWRKEY_PWRKEY             0x0000FFFF    /*  PWRMOD Key Register */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_OSCKEY                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCKEY_OSCKEY              0            /*  Oscillator Control Key Register. */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCKEY_OSCKEY             0x0000FFFF    /*  Oscillator Control Key Register. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_OSCCON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALOK           10            /*  Status of HFXTAL Oscillator */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK             9            /*  Status of HFOSC Oscillator */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCOK             8            /*  Status of LFOSC Oscillator */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALEN            2            /*  High Frequency Crystal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCEN             1            /*  High Frequency Internal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITP_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCEN             0            /*  Low Frequency Internal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALOK           0x00000400    /*  Status of HFXTAL Oscillator */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCOK            0x00000200    /*  Status of HFOSC Oscillator */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCOK            0x00000100    /*  Status of LFOSC Oscillator */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFXTALEN           0x00000004    /*  High Frequency Crystal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_HFOSCEN            0x00000002    /*  High Frequency Internal Oscillator Enable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_OSCCON_LFOSCEN            0x00000001    /*  Low Frequency Internal Oscillator Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_TMRCON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_TMRCON_TMRINTEN            0            /*  Enable Wakeup Timer */
    #define BITM_ALLON_TMRCON_TMRINTEN           0x00000001    /*  Enable Wakeup Timer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_EI0CON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ3EN             15            /*  External Interrupt 3 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ3MDE            12            /*  External Interrupt 3 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ2EN             11            /*  External Interrupt 2 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ2MDE             8            /*  External Interrupt 2 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ1EN              7            /*  External Interrupt 1 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ1MDE             4            /*  External Interrupt 1 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ0EN              3            /*  External Interrupt 0 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ0MDE             0            /*  External Interrupt 0 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ3EN             0x00008000    /*  External Interrupt 3 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ3MDE            0x00007000    /*  External Interrupt 3 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ2EN             0x00000800    /*  External Interrupt 2 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ2MDE            0x00000700    /*  External Interrupt 2 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ1EN             0x00000080    /*  External Interrupt 1 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ1MDE            0x00000070    /*  External Interrupt 1 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ0EN             0x00000008    /*  External Interrupt 0 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI0CON_IRQ0MDE            0x00000007    /*  External Interrupt 0 Mode Registers */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_EI1CON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ7EN             15            /*  External Interrupt 7 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ7MDE            12            /*  External Interrupt 7 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ6EN             11            /*  External Interrupt 6 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ6MDE             8            /*  External Interrupt 6 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ5EN              7            /*  External Interrupt 5 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ5MDE             4            /*  External Interrupt 5 Mode Registers */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ4EN              3            /*  External Interrupt 4 Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ4MDE             0            /*  External Interrupt 4 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ7EN             0x00008000    /*  External Interrupt 7 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ7MDE            0x00007000    /*  External Interrupt 7 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ6EN             0x00000800    /*  External Interrupt 6 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ6MDE            0x00000700    /*  External Interrupt 6 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ5EN             0x00000080    /*  External Interrupt 5 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ5MDE            0x00000070    /*  External Interrupt 5 Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ4EN             0x00000008    /*  External Interrupt 4 Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI1CON_IRQ4MDE            0x00000007    /*  External Interrupt 4 Mode Registers */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_EI2CON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI2CON_BUSINTEN            3            /*  BUS Interrupt Detection Enable Bit */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EI2CON_BUSINTMDE           0            /*  BUS Interrupt Detection Mode Registers */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI2CON_BUSINTEN           0x00000008    /*  BUS Interrupt Detection Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EI2CON_BUSINTMDE          0x00000007    /*  BUS Interrupt Detection Mode Registers */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_EICLR                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EICLR_AUTCLRBUSEN         15            /*  Enable Auto Clear of Bus Interrupt */
    #define BITP_ALLON_EICLR_BUSINT               8            /*  BUS Interrupt */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EICLR_AUTCLRBUSEN         0x00008000    /*  Enable Auto Clear of Bus Interrupt */
    #define BITM_ALLON_EICLR_BUSINT              0x00000100    /*  BUS Interrupt */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_RSTSTA                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_PINSWRST            4            /*  Software Reset Pin */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_MMRSWRST            3            /*  MMR Software Reset */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_WDRST               2            /*  Watchdog Timeout */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_EXTRST              1            /*  External Reset */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTSTA_POR                 0            /*  Power-on Reset */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_PINSWRST           0x00000010    /*  Software Reset Pin */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_MMRSWRST           0x00000008    /*  MMR Software Reset */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_WDRST              0x00000004    /*  Watchdog Timeout */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_EXTRST             0x00000002    /*  External Reset */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTSTA_POR                0x00000001    /*  Power-on Reset */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_RSTCONKEY                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_RSTCONKEY_KEY              0            /*  Reset Control Key Register */
    #define BITM_ALLON_RSTCONKEY_KEY             0x0000FFFF    /*  Reset Control Key Register */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_LOSCTST                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_LOSCTST_TRIM               0            /*  Trim Caps to Adjust Frequency. */
    #define BITM_ALLON_LOSCTST_TRIM              0x0000000F    /*  Trim Caps to Adjust Frequency. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              ALLON_CLKEN0                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_ALLON_CLKEN0_TIACHPDIS           2            /*  TIA Chop Clock Disable */
    #define BITP_ALLON_CLKEN0_SLPWUTDIS           1            /*  Sleep/Wakeup Timer Clock Disable */
    #define BITP_ALLON_CLKEN0_WDTDIS              0            /*  Watch Dog Timer Clock Disable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_CLKEN0_TIACHPDIS          0x00000004    /*  TIA Chop Clock Disable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_CLKEN0_SLPWUTDIS          0x00000002    /*  Sleep/Wakeup Timer Clock Disable */
    #define BITM_ALLON_CLKEN0_WDTDIS             0x00000001    /*  Watch Dog Timer Clock Disable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            General Purpose Timer
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AGPT0_LD0                        0x00000D00            /*  AGPT0 16-bit Load Value Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_VAL0                       0x00000D04            /*  AGPT0 16-Bit Timer Value Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_CON0                       0x00000D08            /*  AGPT0 Control Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_CLRI0                      0x00000D0C            /*  AGPT0 Clear Interrupt Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_CAP0                       0x00000D10            /*  AGPT0 Capture Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_ALD0                       0x00000D14            /*  AGPT0 16-Bit Load Value, Asynchronous. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_AVAL0                      0x00000D18            /*  AGPT0 16-Bit Timer Value, Asynchronous Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_STA0                       0x00000D1C            /*  AGPT0 Status Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_PWMCON0                    0x00000D20            /*  AGPT0 PWM Control Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_PWMMAT0                    0x00000D24            /*  AGPT0 PWM Match Value Register. */
    #define REG_AGPT0_INTEN                      0x00000D28            /*  AGPT0 Interrupt Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AGPT0 Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_LD0                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_LD0_LOAD                   0            /*  Load Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_LD0_LOAD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Load Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_VAL0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_VAL0_VAL                   0            /*  Current Count */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_VAL0_VAL                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Current Count */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_CON0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_SYNCBYP              15            /*  Synchronization Bypass */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_RSTEN                14            /*  Counter and Prescale Reset Enable */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_EVTEN                13            /*  Event Select */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_EVENT                 8            /*  Event Select Range */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_RLD                   7            /*  Reload Control */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_CLK                   5            /*  Clock Select */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_ENABLE                4            /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_MOD                   3            /*  Timer Mode */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_UP                    2            /*  Count up */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CON0_PRE                   0            /*  Prescaler */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_SYNCBYP              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00008000,0x00008000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Synchronization Bypass */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_RSTEN                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00004000,0x00004000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Counter and Prescale Reset Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_EVTEN                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00002000,0x00002000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Event Select */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_EVENT                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001F00,0x00001F00U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Event Select Range */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_RLD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Reload Control */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_CLK                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000060,0x00000060U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clock Select */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_ENABLE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_MOD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Mode */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_UP                   (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Count up */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CON0_PRE                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000003,0x00000003U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Prescaler */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_CLRI0                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CLRI0_CAP                  1            /*  Clear Captured Event Interrupt */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CLRI0_TMOUT                0            /*  Clear Timeout Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CLRI0_CAP                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Captured Event Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CLRI0_TMOUT               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Timeout Interrupt */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_CAP0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_CAP0_CAP                   0            /*  16-bit Captured Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_CAP0_CAP                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  16-bit Captured Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_ALD0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_ALD0_ALOAD                 0            /*  Load Value, Asynchronous */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_ALD0_ALOAD                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Load Value, Asynchronous */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_AVAL0                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_AVAL0_AVAL                 0            /*  Counter Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_AVAL0_AVAL                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Counter Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_STA0                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_RSTCNT                8            /*  Counter Reset Occurring */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_PDOK                  7            /*  Clear Interrupt Register Synchronization */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_BUSY                  6            /*  Timer Busy */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_CAP                   1            /*  Capture Event Pending */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_STA0_TMOUT                 0            /*  Timeout Event Occurred */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_RSTCNT               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000100,0x00000100U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Counter Reset Occurring */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_PDOK                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Interrupt Register Synchronization */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_BUSY                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Busy */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_CAP                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Capture Event Pending */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_STA0_TMOUT                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timeout Event Occurred */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_PWMCON0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_PWMCON0_IDLE               1            /*  PWM Idle State */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_PWMCON0_MATCHEN            0            /*  PWM Match Enabled */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_PWMCON0_IDLE              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PWM Idle State */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_PWMCON0_MATCHEN           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PWM Match Enabled */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_PWMMAT0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_PWMMAT0_MATCHVAL           0            /*  PWM Match Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_PWMMAT0_MATCHVAL          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  PWM Match Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT0_INTEN                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT0_INTEN_INTEN                0            /*  Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT0_INTEN_INTEN               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Interrupt Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            General Purpose Timer
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AGPT1_LD1                        0x00000E00            /*  AGPT1 16-bit Load Value Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_VAL1                       0x00000E04            /*  AGPT1 16-bit Timer Value Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_CON1                       0x00000E08            /*  AGPT1 Control Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_CLRI1                      0x00000E0C            /*  AGPT1 Clear Interrupt Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_CAP1                       0x00000E10            /*  AGPT1 Capture Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_ALD1                       0x00000E14            /*  AGPT1 16-bit Load Value, Asynchronous Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_AVAL1                      0x00000E18            /*  AGPT1 16-bit Timer Value, Asynchronous Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_STA1                       0x00000E1C            /*  AGPT1 Status Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_PWMCON1                    0x00000E20            /*  AGPT1 PWM Control Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_PWMMAT1                    0x00000E24            /*  AGPT1 PWM Match Value Register */
    #define REG_AGPT1_INTEN1                     0x00000E28            /*  AGPT1 Interrupt Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AGPT1 Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_LD1                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_LD1_LOAD                   0            /*  Load Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_LD1_LOAD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Load Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_VAL1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_VAL1_VAL                   0            /*  Current Count */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_VAL1_VAL                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Current Count */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_CON1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_SYNCBYP              15            /*  Synchronization Bypass */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_RSTEN                14            /*  Counter and Prescale Reset Enable */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_EVENTEN              13            /*  Event Select */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_EVENT                 8            /*  Event Select Range */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_RLD                   7            /*  Reload Control */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_CLK                   5            /*  Clock Select */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_ENABLE                4            /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_MOD                   3            /*  Timer Mode */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_UP                    2            /*  Count up */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CON1_PRE                   0            /*  Prescaler */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_SYNCBYP              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00008000,0x00008000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Synchronization Bypass */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_RSTEN                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00004000,0x00004000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Counter and Prescale Reset Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_EVENTEN              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00002000,0x00002000U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Event Select */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_EVENT                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001F00,0x00001F00U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Event Select Range */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_RLD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Reload Control */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_CLK                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000060,0x00000060U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clock Select */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_ENABLE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_MOD                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Mode */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_UP                   (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Count up */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CON1_PRE                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000003,0x00000003U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Prescaler */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_CLRI1                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CLRI1_CAP                  1            /*  Clear Captured Event Interrupt */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CLRI1_TMOUT                0            /*  Clear Timeout Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CLRI1_CAP                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Captured Event Interrupt */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CLRI1_TMOUT               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Timeout Interrupt */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_CAP1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_CAP1_CAP                   0            /*  16-bit Captured Value. */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_CAP1_CAP                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  16-bit Captured Value. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_ALD1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_ALD1_ALOAD                 0            /*  Load Value, Asynchronous */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_ALD1_ALOAD                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Load Value, Asynchronous */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_AVAL1                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_AVAL1_AVAL                 0            /*  Counter Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_AVAL1_AVAL                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  Counter Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_STA1                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_RSTCNT                8            /*  Counter Reset Occurring */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_PDOK                  7            /*  Clear Interrupt Register Synchronization */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_BUSY                  6            /*  Timer Busy */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_CAP                   1            /*  Capture Event Pending */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_STA1_TMOUT                 0            /*  Timeout Event Occurred */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_RSTCNT               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000100,0x00000100U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Counter Reset Occurring */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_PDOK                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Clear Interrupt Register Synchronization */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_BUSY                 (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timer Busy */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_CAP                  (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Capture Event Pending */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_STA1_TMOUT                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Timeout Event Occurred */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_PWMCON1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_PWMCON1_IDLE               1            /*  PWM Idle State. */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_PWMCON1_MATCHEN            0            /*  PWM Match Enabled. */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_PWMCON1_IDLE              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PWM Idle State. */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_PWMCON1_MATCHEN           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  PWM Match Enabled. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_PWMMAT1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_PWMMAT1_MATCHVAL           0            /*  PWM Match Value */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_PWMMAT1_MATCHVAL          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000FFFF,0x0000FFFF, int16_t   ))    /*  PWM Match Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AGPT1_INTEN1                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AGPT1_INTEN1_INTEN               0            /*  Interrupt Enable */
    #define BITM_AGPT1_INTEN1_INTEN              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001U, uint16_t  ))    /*  Interrupt Enable */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            CRC Accelerator
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AFECRC_CTL                       0x00001000            /*  AFECRC CRC Control Register */
    #define REG_AFECRC_IPDATA                    0x00001004            /*  AFECRC Data Input. */
    #define REG_AFECRC_RESULT                    0x00001008            /*  AFECRC CRC Residue */
    #define REG_AFECRC_POLY                      0x0000100C            /*  AFECRC CRC Reduction Polynomial */
    #define REG_AFECRC_IPBITS                    0x00001010            /*  AFECRC Input Data Bits */
    #define REG_AFECRC_IPBYTE                    0x00001014            /*  AFECRC Input Data Byte */
    #define REG_AFECRC_CRC_SIG_COMP              0x00001020            /*  AFECRC CRC Signature Compare Data Input. */
    #define REG_AFECRC_CRCINTEN                  0x00001024            /*  AFECRC CRC Error Interrupt Enable Bit */
    #define REG_AFECRC_INTSTA                    0x00001028            /*  AFECRC CRC Error Interrupt Status Bit */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AFECRC Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_CTL                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_REVID                28            /*  Revision ID */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_MON_EN                9            /*  Enable Apb32/Apb16 to Get Address/Data for CRC Calculation */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_W16SWP                4            /*  Word16 Swap Enabled. */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_BYTMIRR               3            /*  Byte Mirroring. */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_BITMIRR               2            /*  Bit Mirroring. */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_LSBFIRST              1            /*  LSB First Calculation Order */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CTL_EN                    0            /*  CRC Peripheral Enable */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_REVID                (_ADI_MSK_3(0xF0000000,0xF0000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Revision ID */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_MON_EN               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000200,0x00000200UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Enable Apb32/Apb16 to Get Address/Data for CRC Calculation */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_W16SWP               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000010,0x00000010UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Word16 Swap Enabled. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_BYTMIRR              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000008,0x00000008UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Byte Mirroring. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_BITMIRR              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Bit Mirroring. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_LSBFIRST             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  LSB First Calculation Order */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CTL_EN                   (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Peripheral Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_IPDATA                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_IPDATA_VALUE              0            /*  Data Input. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_IPDATA_VALUE             (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, int32_t   ))    /*  Data Input. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_RESULT                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_RESULT_VALUE              0            /*  CRC Residue */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_RESULT_VALUE             (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF, int32_t   ))    /*  CRC Residue */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_POLY                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_POLY_VALUE                0            /*  CRC Reduction Polynomial */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_POLY_VALUE               (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Reduction Polynomial */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_IPBITS                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_IPBITS_DATA_BITS          0            /*  Input Data Bits. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_IPBITS_DATA_BITS         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000FF,0x000000FFU, uint8_t   ))    /*  Input Data Bits. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_IPBYTE                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_IPBYTE_DATA_BYTE          0            /*  Input Data Byte. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_IPBYTE_DATA_BYTE         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000FF,0x000000FFU, uint8_t   ))    /*  Input Data Byte. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_CRC_SIG_COMP                  Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CRC_SIG_COMP_CRC_SIG      0            /*  CRC Signature Compare Data Input. */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CRC_SIG_COMP_CRC_SIG     (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Signature Compare Data Input. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_CRCINTEN                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CRCINTEN_RESERVED_31_1    1            /*  Reserved */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_CRCINTEN_CRC_ERR_EN       0            /*  CRC Error Interrupt Enable Bit */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CRCINTEN_RESERVED_31_1   (_ADI_MSK_3(0xFFFFFFFE,0xFFFFFFFEUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Reserved */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_CRCINTEN_CRC_ERR_EN      (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Error Interrupt Enable Bit */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFECRC_INTSTA                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFECRC_INTSTA_CRC_ERR_ST         0            /*  CRC Error Interrupt Status Bit */
    #define BITM_AFECRC_INTSTA_CRC_ERR_ST        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CRC Error Interrupt Status Bit */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    #define REG_AFE_AFECON_RESET                 0x00080000            /*      Reset Value for AFECON  */
    #define REG_AFE_AFECON                       0x00002000            /*  AFE AFE Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCON_RESET                 0x00000002            /*      Reset Value for SEQCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCON                       0x00002004            /*  AFE Sequencer Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_FIFOCON_RESET                0x00001010            /*      Reset Value for FIFOCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_FIFOCON                      0x00002008            /*  AFE FIFOs Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_SWCON_RESET                  0x0000FFFF            /*      Reset Value for SWCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_SWCON                        0x0000200C            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_HSDACCON_RESET               0x0000001E            /*      Reset Value for HSDACCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_HSDACCON                     0x00002010            /*  AFE High Speed DAC Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_WGCON_RESET                  0x00000030            /*      Reset Value for WGCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGCON                        0x00002014            /*  AFE Waveform Generator Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGDCLEVEL1  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1                   0x00002018            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid DC Level 1 */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGDCLEVEL2  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2                   0x0000201C            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid DC Level 2 */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDELAY1_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGDELAY1  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDELAY1                     0x00002020            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid Delay 1 Time */
    #define REG_AFE_WGSLOPE1_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGSLOPE1  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGSLOPE1                     0x00002024            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid Slope 1 Time */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDELAY2_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGDELAY2  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGDELAY2                     0x00002028            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid Delay 2 Time */
    #define REG_AFE_WGSLOPE2_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGSLOPE2  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGSLOPE2                     0x0000202C            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Trapezoid Slope 2 Time */
    #define REG_AFE_WGFCW_RESET                  0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGFCW  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGFCW                        0x00002030            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Sinusoid Frequency Control Word */
    #define REG_AFE_WGPHASE_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGPHASE  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGPHASE                      0x00002034            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Sinusoid Phase Offset */
    #define REG_AFE_WGOFFSET_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGOFFSET  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGOFFSET                     0x00002038            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Sinusoid Offset */
    #define REG_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for WGAMPLITUDE  */
    #define REG_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE                  0x0000203C            /*  AFE Waveform Generator - Sinusoid Amplitude */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_RESET           0x00000301            /*      Reset Value for ADCFILTERCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCFILTERCON                 0x00002044            /*  AFE ADC Output Filters Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_HSDACDAT_RESET               0x00000800            /*      Reset Value for HSDACDAT  */
    #define REG_AFE_HSDACDAT                     0x00002048            /*  AFE HS DAC Code */
    #define REG_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPREFBUFCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPREFBUFCON                  0x00002050            /*  AFE LPREF_BUF_CON */
    #define REG_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE_RESET          0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SYNCEXTDEVICE  */
    #define REG_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE                0x00002054            /*  AFE SYNC External Devices */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCRC_RESET                 0x00000001            /*      Reset Value for SEQCRC  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCRC                       0x00002060            /*  AFE Sequencer CRC Value */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCNT_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQCNT  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQCNT                       0x00002064            /*  AFE Sequencer Command Count */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQTIMEOUT  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT                   0x00002068            /*  AFE Sequencer Timeout Counter */
    #define REG_AFE_DATAFIFORD_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DATAFIFORD  */
    #define REG_AFE_DATAFIFORD                   0x0000206C            /*  AFE Data FIFO Read */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CMDFIFOWRITE  */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE                 0x00002070            /*  AFE Command FIFO Write */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCDAT_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCDAT  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCDAT                       0x00002074            /*  AFE ADC Raw Result */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTREAL_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DFTREAL  */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTREAL                      0x00002078            /*  AFE DFT Result, Real Part */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTIMAG_RESET                0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DFTIMAG  */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTIMAG                      0x0000207C            /*  AFE DFT Result, Imaginary Part */
    #define REG_AFE_SINC2DAT_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SINC2DAT  */
    #define REG_AFE_SINC2DAT                     0x00002080            /*  AFE Supply Rejection Filter Result */
    #define REG_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TEMPSENSDAT  */
    #define REG_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT                  0x00002084            /*  AFE Temperature Sensor Result */
    #define REG_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for AFEGENINTSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA                 0x0000209C            /*  AFE Analog Generation Interrupt */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMIN_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCMIN  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMIN                       0x000020A8            /*  AFE ADC Minimum Value Check */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMINSM_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCMINSM  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMINSM                     0x000020AC            /*  AFE ADCMIN Hysteresis Value */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMAX_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCMAX  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMAX                       0x000020B0            /*  AFE ADC Maximum Value Check */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCMAXSMEN  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN                   0x000020B4            /*  AFE ADCMAX Hysteresis Value */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCDELTA_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCDELTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCDELTA                     0x000020B8            /*  AFE ADC Delta Value */
    #define REG_AFE_HPOSCCON_RESET               0x00000024            /*      Reset Value for HPOSCCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_HPOSCCON                     0x000020BC            /*  AFE HPOSC Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTCON_RESET                 0x00000090            /*      Reset Value for DFTCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_DFTCON                       0x000020D0            /*  AFE AFE DSP Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIASW1                     0x000020E0            /*  AFE ULPTIA Switch Configuration for Channel 1 */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIASW0_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPTIASW0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIACON1                    0x000020E8            /*  AFE ULPTIA Control Bits Channel 1 */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIASW0                     0x000020E4            /*  AFE ULPTIA Switch Configuration for Channel 0 */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIACON0_RESET              0x00000003            /*      Reset Value for LPTIACON0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPTIACON0                    0x000020EC            /*  AFE ULPTIA Control Bits Channel 0 */
    #define REG_AFE_HSRTIACON_RESET              0x0000000F            /*      Reset Value for HSRTIACON  */
    #define REG_AFE_HSRTIACON                    0x000020F0            /*  AFE High Power RTIA Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_DE1RESCON                    0x000020F4            /*  AFE DE1 HSTIA Resistors Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_DE0RESCON_RESET              0x000000FF            /*      Reset Value for DE0RESCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_DE0RESCON                    0x000020F8            /*  AFE DE0 HSTIA Resistors Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_HSTIACON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for HSTIACON  */
    #define REG_AFE_HSTIACON                     0x000020FC            /*  AFE HSTIA Amplifier Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODEKEY_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPMODEKEY  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODEKEY                   0x0000210C            /*  AFE LP Mode AFE Control Lock */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL_RESET          0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPMODECLKSEL  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL                0x00002110            /*  AFE LFSYSCLKEN */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODECON_RESET             0x00000102            /*      Reset Value for LPMODECON  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPMODECON                   0x00002114            /*  AFE LPMODECON */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQSLPLOCK  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK                   0x00002118            /*  AFE Sequencer Sleep Control Lock */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQTRGSLP_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQTRGSLP  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQTRGSLP                    0x0000211C            /*  AFE Sequencer Trigger Sleep */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPDACDAT0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0                    0x00002120            /*  AFE LPDAC Data-out */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACSW0_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for LPDACSW0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACSW0                     0x00002124            /*  AFE LPDAC0 Switch Control */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACCON0_RESET              0x00000002            /*      Reset Value for LPDACCON0  */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACCON0                    0x00002128            /*  AFE LPDAC Control Bits */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACDAT1                    0x0000212C            /*  AFE Low Power DAC1 data register */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACSW1                     0x00002130            /*  AFE Control register for switches to LPDAC1 */
    #define REG_AFE_LPDACCON1                    0x00002134            /*  AFE ULP_DACCON1 */
    #define REG_AFE_DSWFULLCON_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DSWFULLCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_DSWFULLCON                   0x00002150            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Full Configuration (D) */
    #define REG_AFE_NSWFULLCON_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for NSWFULLCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_NSWFULLCON                   0x00002154            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Full Configuration (N) */
    #define REG_AFE_PSWFULLCON_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for PSWFULLCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_PSWFULLCON                   0x00002158            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Full Configuration (P) */
    #define REG_AFE_TSWFULLCON_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TSWFULLCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_TSWFULLCON                   0x0000215C            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Full Configuration (T) */
    #define REG_AFE_TEMPSENS_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TEMPSENS  */
    #define REG_AFE_TEMPSENS                     0x00002174            /*  AFE Temp Sensor Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_BUFSENCON_RESET              0x00000037            /*      Reset Value for BUFSENCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_BUFSENCON                    0x00002180            /*  AFE HP and LP Buffer Control */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCCON_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCCON                       0x000021A8            /*  AFE ADC Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_DSWSTA_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DSWSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_DSWSTA                       0x000021B0            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Status (D) */
    #define REG_AFE_PSWSTA_RESET                 0x00006000            /*      Reset Value for PSWSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_PSWSTA                       0x000021B4            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Status (P) */
    #define REG_AFE_NSWSTA_RESET                 0x00000C00            /*      Reset Value for NSWSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_NSWSTA                       0x000021B8            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Status (N) */
    #define REG_AFE_TSWSTA_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for TSWSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_TSWSTA                       0x000021BC            /*  AFE Switch Matrix Status (T) */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSVAR_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for STATSVAR  */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSVAR                     0x000021C0            /*  AFE Variance Output */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSCON_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for STATSCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSCON                     0x000021C4            /*  AFE Statistics Control */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSMEAN_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for STATSMEAN  */
    #define REG_AFE_STATSMEAN                    0x000021C8            /*  AFE Statistics Mean Output */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ0INFO_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQ0INFO  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ0INFO                     0x000021CC            /*  AFE Sequence 0 Info */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ2INFO_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQ2INFO  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ2INFO                     0x000021D0            /*  AFE Sequence 2 Info */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWADDR_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CMDFIFOWADDR  */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDFIFOWADDR                 0x000021D4            /*  AFE Command FIFO Write Address */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDDATACON_RESET             0x00000410            /*      Reset Value for CMDDATACON  */
    #define REG_AFE_CMDDATACON                   0x000021D8            /*  AFE Command Data Control */
    #define REG_AFE_DATAFIFOTHRES_RESET          0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DATAFIFOTHRES  */
    #define REG_AFE_DATAFIFOTHRES                0x000021E0            /*  AFE Data FIFO Threshold */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ3INFO_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQ3INFO  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ3INFO                     0x000021E4            /*  AFE Sequence 3 Info */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ1INFO_RESET               0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SEQ1INFO  */
    #define REG_AFE_SEQ1INFO                     0x000021E8            /*  AFE Sequence 1 Info */
    #define REG_AFE_REPEATADCCNV_RESET           0x00000160            /*      Reset Value for REPEATADCCNV  */
    #define REG_AFE_REPEATADCCNV                 0x000021F0            /*  AFE REPEAT ADC Conversions */
    #define REG_AFE_FIFOCNTSTA_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for FIFOCNTSTA  */
    #define REG_AFE_FIFOCNTSTA                   0x00002200            /*  AFE CMD and DATA FIFO INTERNAL DATA COUNT */
    #define REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK_RESET             0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for CALDATLOCK  */
    #define REG_AFE_CALDATLOCK                   0x00002230            /*  AFE Calibration Data Lock */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETHSTIA_RESET         0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETHSTIA  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETHSTIA               0x00002234            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration High Speed TIA Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINTEMPSENS0_RESET       0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINTEMPSENS0  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINTEMPSENS0             0x00002238            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Temp Sensor Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETTEMPSENS0_RESET     0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETTEMPSENS0  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETTEMPSENS0           0x0000223C            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration Temp Sensor Channel 0 */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN1_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN1  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN1                   0x00002240            /*  AFE ADCPGAGN1: ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN1  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1                 0x00002244            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain=1) */
    #define REG_AFE_DACGAIN_RESET                0x00000800            /*      Reset Value for DACGAIN  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACGAIN                      0x00002260            /*  AFE DACGAIN */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETATTEN_RESET         0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DACOFFSETATTEN  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETATTEN               0x00002264            /*  AFE DAC Offset with Attenuator Enabled (LP Mode) */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSET_RESET              0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DACOFFSET  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSET                    0x00002268            /*  AFE DAC Offset with Attenuator Disabled (LP Mode) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN1P5_RESET           0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN1P5  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN1P5                 0x00002270            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel (PGA Gain=1.5) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN2_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN2  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN2                   0x00002274            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel (PGA Gain=2) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN4_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN4  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN4                   0x00002278            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel (PGA Gain=4) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCPGAOFFSETCANCEL_RESET     0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCPGAOFFSETCANCEL  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCPGAOFFSETCANCEL           0x00002280            /*  AFE ADC Offset Cancellation (Optional) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNHSTIA_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGNHSTIA  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNHSTIA                   0x00002284            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration for HS TIA Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0_RESET        0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETLPTIA0  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA0              0x00002288            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration ULP-TIA0 Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA0_RESET            0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGNLPTIA0  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA0                  0x0000228C            /*  AFE ADC GAIN Calibration for LP TIA0 Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCPGAGN4OFCAL_RESET         0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCPGAGN4OFCAL  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCPGAGN4OFCAL               0x00002294            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration with DC Cancellation(PGA G=4) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN9_RESET             0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINGN9  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINGN9                   0x00002298            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Auxiliary Input Channel (PGA Gain=9) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETEMPSENS1_RESET      0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETEMPSENS1  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETEMPSENS1            0x000022A8            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration  Temp Sensor Channel 1 */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINDIOTEMPSENS_RESET     0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGAINDIOTEMPSENS  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGAINDIOTEMPSENS           0x000022AC            /*  AFE ADC Gain Calibration Diode Temperature Sensor Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETATTENHP_RESET       0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DACOFFSETATTENHP  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETATTENHP             0x000022B8            /*  AFE DAC Offset with Attenuator Enabled (HP Mode) */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETHP_RESET            0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for DACOFFSETHP  */
    #define REG_AFE_DACOFFSETHP                  0x000022BC            /*  AFE DAC Offset with Attenuator Disabled (HP Mode) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA1_RESET            0x00004000            /*      Reset Value for ADCGNLPTIA1  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETLPTIA1              0x000022C0            /*  AFE ADC Offset Calibration ULP-TIA0 Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCGNLPTIA1                  0x000022C4            /*  AFE ADC GAIN Calibration for LP TIA1 Channel */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN2_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN2  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN2                 0x000022C8            /*  AFE Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =2) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1P5_RESET         0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN1P5  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN1P5               0x000022CC            /*  AFE Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =1.5) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN9_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN9  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN9                 0x000022D0            /*  AFE Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =9) */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN4_RESET           0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for ADCOFFSETGN4  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCOFFSETGN4                 0x000022D4            /*  AFE Offset Calibration Auxiliary Channel (PGA Gain =4) */
    #define REG_AFE_PMBW_RESET                   0x00088800            /*      Reset Value for PMBW  */
    #define REG_AFE_PMBW                         0x000022F0            /*  AFE Power Mode Configuration */
    #define REG_AFE_SWMUX_RESET                 0x00000000            /*      Reset Value for SWMUX  */
    #define REG_AFE_SWMUX                       0x0000235C            /*  AFE Switch Mux for ECG */
    #define REG_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO_RESET        0x00020000            /*      Reset Value for AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO  */
    #define REG_AFE_AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO              0x00002374            /*  AFE AFE_TEMPSEN_DIO */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCBUFCON_RESET              0x005F3D00            /*      Reset Value for ADCBUFCON  */
    #define REG_AFE_ADCBUFCON                    0x0000238C            /*  AFE Configure ADC Input Buffer */
    /* ============================================================================================================================
            AFE Register BitMasks, Positions & Enumerations 
       ============================================================================================================================ */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_AFECON                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_DACBUFEN             21            /*  Enable DC DAC Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_DACREFEN             20            /*  High Speed DAC Reference Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_ALDOILIMITEN         19            /*  Analog LDO Current Limiting Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_SINC2EN              16            /*  ADC Output 50/60Hz Filter Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_DFTEN                15            /*  DFT Hardware Accelerator Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_WAVEGENEN            14            /*  Waveform Generator Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_TEMPCONVEN           13            /*  ADC Temp Sensor Convert Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_TEMPSENSEN           12            /*  ADC Temperature Sensor Channel Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_TIAEN                11            /*  High Power TIA Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_INAMPEN              10            /*  Enable Excitation Amplifier */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_EXBUFEN               9            /*  Enable Excitation Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_ADCCONVEN             8            /*  ADC Conversion Start Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_ADCEN                 7            /*  ADC Power Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_DACEN                 6            /*  High Power DAC Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS              5            /*  Disable High Power Reference */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_DACBUFEN             0x00200000    /*  Enable DC DAC Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_DACREFEN             0x00100000    /*  High Speed DAC Reference Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_ALDOILIMITEN         0x00080000    /*  Analog LDO Current Limiting Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_SINC2EN              0x00010000    /*  ADC Output 50/60Hz Filter Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_DFTEN                0x00008000    /*  DFT Hardware Accelerator Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_WAVEGENEN            0x00004000    /*  Waveform Generator Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_TEMPCONVEN           0x00002000    /*  ADC Temp Sensor Convert Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_TEMPSENSEN           0x00001000    /*  ADC Temperature Sensor Channel Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_TIAEN                0x00000800    /*  High Power TIA Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_INAMPEN              0x00000400    /*  Enable Excitation Amplifier */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_EXBUFEN              0x00000200    /*  Enable Excitation Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCCONVEN            0x00000100    /*  ADC Conversion Start Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_ADCEN                0x00000080    /*  ADC Power Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_DACEN                0x00000040    /*  High Power DAC Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFECON_HPREFDIS             0x00000020    /*  Disable High Power Reference */
    #define ENUM_AFE_AFECON_OFF                  0x00000000            /*  DACEN: High Power DAC Disabled */
    #define ENUM_AFE_AFECON_ON                   0x00000040            /*  DACEN: High Power DAC Enabled */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQCON                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQWRTMR              8            /*  Timer for Sequencer Write Commands */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQHALT               4            /*  Halt Seq */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQHALTFIFOEMPTY      1            /*  Halt Sequencer If Empty */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN                 0            /*  Enable Sequencer */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQWRTMR             0x0000FF00    /*  Timer for Sequencer Write Commands */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQHALT              0x00000010    /*  Halt Seq */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQHALTFIFOEMPTY     0x00000002    /*  Halt Sequencer If Empty */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCON_SEQEN                0x00000001    /*  Enable Sequencer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_FIFOCON                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOSRCSEL      13            /*  Selects the Source for the Data FIFO. */
    #define BITP_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOEN          11            /*  Data FIFO Enable. */
    #define BITM_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOSRCSEL      0x0000E000    /*  Selects the Source for the Data FIFO. */
    #define BITM_AFE_FIFOCON_DATAFIFOEN          0x00000800    /*  Data FIFO Enable. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SWCON                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_T11CON                19            /*  Control of T[11] */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_T10CON                18            /*  Control of T[10] */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_T9CON                 17            /*  Control of T[9] */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_SWSOURCESEL           16            /*  Switch Control Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_TMUXCON               12            /*  Control of T Switch MUX. */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_NMUXCON                8            /*  Control of N Switch MUX */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_PMUXCON                4            /*  Control of P Switch MUX */
    #define BITP_AFE_SWCON_DMUXCON                0            /*  Control of D Switch MUX */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_T11CON                0x00080000    /*  Control of T[11] */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_T10CON                0x00040000    /*  Control of T[10] */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_T9CON                 0x00020000    /*  Control of T[9] */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_SWSOURCESEL           0x00010000    /*  Switch Control Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_TMUXCON               0x0000F000    /*  Control of T Switch MUX. */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_NMUXCON               0x00000F00    /*  Control of N Switch MUX */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_PMUXCON               0x000000F0    /*  Control of P Switch MUX */
    #define BITM_AFE_SWCON_DMUXCON               0x0000000F    /*  Control of D Switch MUX */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HSDACCON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSDACCON_INAMPGNMDE         12            /*  Excitation Amplifier Gain Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSDACCON_RATE                1            /*  DAC Update Rate */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSDACCON_ATTENEN             0            /*  PGA Stage Gain Attenuation */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_INAMPGNMDE         0x00001000    /*  Excitation Amplifier Gain Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_RATE               0x000001FE    /*  DAC Update Rate */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSDACCON_ATTENEN            0x00000001    /*  PGA Stage Gain Attenuation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGCON                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGCON_DACGAINCAL             5            /*  Bypass DAC Gain */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGCON_DACOFFSETCAL           4            /*  Bypass DAC Offset */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGCON_TYPESEL                1            /*  Selects the Type of Waveform */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGCON_TRAPRSTEN              0            /*  Resets the Trapezoid Waveform Generator */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGCON_DACGAINCAL            0x00000020    /*  Bypass DAC Gain */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGCON_DACOFFSETCAL          0x00000010    /*  Bypass DAC Offset */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGCON_TYPESEL               0x00000006    /*  Selects the Type of Waveform */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGCON_TRAPRSTEN             0x00000001    /*  Resets the Trapezoid Waveform Generator */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGDCLEVEL1                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1_TRAPDCLEVEL1      0            /*  DC Level 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGDCLEVEL1_TRAPDCLEVEL1     0x00000FFF    /*  DC Level 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGDCLEVEL2                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2_TRAPDCLEVEL2      0            /*  DC Level 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGDCLEVEL2_TRAPDCLEVEL2     0x00000FFF    /*  DC Level 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGDELAY1                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGDELAY1_DELAY1              0            /*  Delay 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGDELAY1_DELAY1             0x000FFFFF    /*  Delay 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGSLOPE1                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGSLOPE1_SLOPE1              0            /*  Slope 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGSLOPE1_SLOPE1             0x000FFFFF    /*  Slope 1 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGDELAY2                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGDELAY2_DELAY2              0            /*  Delay 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGDELAY2_DELAY2             0x000FFFFF    /*  Delay 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGSLOPE2                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGSLOPE2_SLOPE2              0            /*  Slope 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation. */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGSLOPE2_SLOPE2             0x000FFFFF    /*  Slope 2 Value for Trapezoid Waveform Generation. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGFCW                            Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGFCW_SINEFCW                0            /*  Sinusoid Generator Frequency Control Word */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGFCW_SINEFCW               0x00FFFFFF    /*  Sinusoid Generator Frequency Control Word */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGPHASE                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGPHASE_SINEOFFSET           0            /*  Sinusoid Phase Offset */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGPHASE_SINEOFFSET          0x000FFFFF    /*  Sinusoid Phase Offset */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGOFFSET                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGOFFSET_SINEOFFSET          0            /*  Sinusoid Offset */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGOFFSET_SINEOFFSET         0x00000FFF    /*  Sinusoid Offset */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_WGAMPLITUDE                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE_SINEAMPLITUDE    0            /*  Sinusoid Amplitude */
    #define BITM_AFE_WGAMPLITUDE_SINEAMPLITUDE   0x000007FF    /*  Sinusoid Amplitude */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCFILTERCON                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGNUM        14            /*  Number of Samples Averaged */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3OSR       12            /*  SINC3 OSR */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC2OSR        8            /*  SINC2 OSR */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN          7            /*  Average Function Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3BYP        6            /*  SINC3 Filter Bypass */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_LPFBYPEN        4            /*  50/60Hz Low Pass Filter */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_ADCCLK          0            /*  ADC Data Rate */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGNUM        0x0000C000    /*  Number of Samples Averaged */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3OSR       0x00003000    /*  SINC3 OSR */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC2OSR       0x00000F00    /*  SINC2 OSR */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_AVRGEN         0x00000080    /*  Average Function Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_SINC3BYP       0x00000040    /*  SINC3 Filter Bypass */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_LPFBYPEN       0x00000010    /*  50/60Hz Low Pass Filter */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCFILTERCON_ADCCLK         0x00000001    /*  ADC Data Rate */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HSDACDAT                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSDACDAT_DACDAT              0            /*  DAC Code */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSDACDAT_DACDAT             0x00000FFF    /*  DAC Code */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPREFBUFCON                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_BOOSTCURRENT     2            /*  Set: Drive 2 Dac ;Unset Drive 1 Dac, and Save Power */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_LPBUF2P5DIS      1            /*  Low Power Bandgap's Output Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_LPREFDIS         0            /*  Set This Bit Will Power Down Low Power Bandgap */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_BOOSTCURRENT    0x00000004    /*  Set: Drive 2 Dac ;Unset Drive 1 Dac, and Save Power */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_LPBUF2P5DIS     0x00000002    /*  Low Power Bandgap's Output Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPREFBUFCON_LPREFDIS        0x00000001    /*  Set This Bit Will Power Down Low Power Bandgap */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE_SYNC           0            /*  As Output Data of GPIO */
    #define BITM_AFE_SYNCEXTDEVICE_SYNC          0x000000FF    /*  As Output Data of GPIO */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQCRC                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCRC_CRC                   0            /*  Sequencer Command CRC Value. */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCRC_CRC                  0x000000FF    /*  Sequencer Command CRC Value. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQCNT                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQCNT_COUNT                 0            /*  Sequencer Command Count */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQCNT_COUNT                0x0000FFFF    /*  Sequencer Command Count */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQTIMEOUT                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT_TIMEOUT           0            /*  Current Value of the Sequencer Timeout Counter. */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQTIMEOUT_TIMEOUT          0x3FFFFFFF    /*  Current Value of the Sequencer Timeout Counter. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DATAFIFORD                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DATAFIFORD_DATAFIFOOUT       0            /*  Data FIFO Read */
    #define BITM_AFE_DATAFIFORD_DATAFIFOOUT      0x0000FFFF    /*  Data FIFO Read */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE_CMDFIFOIN       0            /*  Command FIFO Write. */
    #define BITM_AFE_CMDFIFOWRITE_CMDFIFOIN      0xFFFFFFFF    /*  Command FIFO Write. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCDAT                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCDAT_DATA                  0            /*  ADC Result */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCDAT_DATA                 0x0000FFFF    /*  ADC Result */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DFTREAL                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTREAL_DATA                 0            /*  DFT Real */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTREAL_DATA                0x0003FFFF    /*  DFT Real */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DFTIMAG                          Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTIMAG_DATA                 0            /*  DFT Imaginary */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTIMAG_DATA                0x0003FFFF    /*  DFT Imaginary */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SINC2DAT                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SINC2DAT_DATA                0            /*  LPF Result */
    #define BITM_AFE_SINC2DAT_DATA               0x0000FFFF    /*  LPF Result */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_TEMPSENSDAT                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT_DATA             0            /*  Temp Sensor */
    #define BITM_AFE_TEMPSENSDAT_DATA            0x0000FFFF    /*  Temp Sensor */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_AFEGENINTSTA                     Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ3      3            /*  Custom IRQ 3. */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ2      2            /*  Custom IRQ 2 */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ1      1            /*  Custom IRQ 1. */
    #define BITP_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ0      0            /*  Custom IRQ 0 */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ3     0x00000008    /*  Custom IRQ 3. */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ2     0x00000004    /*  Custom IRQ 2 */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ1     0x00000002    /*  Custom IRQ 1. */
    #define BITM_AFE_AFEGENINTSTA_CUSTOMIRQ0     0x00000001    /*  Custom IRQ 0 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCMIN                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCMIN_MINVAL                0            /*  ADC Minimum Value Threshold */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCMIN_MINVAL               0x0000FFFF    /*  ADC Minimum Value Threshold */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCMINSM                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCMINSM_MINCLRVAL           0            /*  ADCMIN Hysteresis Value */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCMINSM_MINCLRVAL          0x0000FFFF    /*  ADCMIN Hysteresis Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCMAX                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCMAX_MAXVAL                0            /*  ADC Max Threshold */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCMAX_MAXVAL               0x0000FFFF    /*  ADC Max Threshold */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCMAXSMEN                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN_MAXSWEN           0            /*  ADCMAX Hysteresis Value */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCMAXSMEN_MAXSWEN          0x0000FFFF    /*  ADCMAX Hysteresis Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_ADCDELTA                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_ADCDELTA_DELTAVAL            0            /*  ADCDAT Code Differences Limit Option */
    #define BITM_AFE_ADCDELTA_DELTAVAL           0x0000FFFF    /*  ADCDAT Code Differences Limit Option */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HPOSCCON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HPOSCCON_CLK32MHZEN          2            /*  16M/32M Output Selector Signal. */
    #define BITM_AFE_HPOSCCON_CLK32MHZEN         0x00000004    /*  16M/32M Output Selector Signal. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DFTCON                           Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTCON_DFTINSEL             20            /*  DFT Input Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTCON_DFTNUM                4            /*  ADC Samples Used */
    #define BITP_AFE_DFTCON_HANNINGEN             0            /*  Hanning Window Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTCON_DFTINSEL             0x00300000    /*  DFT Input Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTCON_DFTNUM               0x000000F0    /*  ADC Samples Used */
    #define BITM_AFE_DFTCON_HANNINGEN            0x00000001    /*  Hanning Window Enable */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPTIASW1                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW1_TIABIASSEL         13            /*  TIA SW13 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW1_PABIASSEL          12            /*  TIA SW12 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW1_TIASWCON            0            /*  TIA SW[11:0] Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW1_TIABIASSEL         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00002000,0x00002000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIA SW13 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW1_PABIASSEL          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001000,0x00001000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIA SW12 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW1_TIASWCON           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000FFF,0x00000FFFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIA SW[11:0] Control */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_CAPA_LP            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000014,0x00000014UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: CAPA test with LP TIA */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_NORM               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000002C,0x0000002CUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Normal work mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_DIO                (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000002D,0x0000002DUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Normal work mode with back-back diode enabled. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_SHORTSW            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000002E,0x0000002EUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Work mode with short switch protection */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_LOWNOISE           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000006C,0x0000006CUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Work mode, vzero-vbias=0. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_CAPA_RAMP_H        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000094,0x00000094UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: CAPA test or Ramp test with HP TIA */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_BUFDIS             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000180,0x00000180UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_BUFEN              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000001A4,0x000001A4UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. Connect amp's output to CE1 & RC11. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_TWOLEAD            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000042C,0x0000042CUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Two lead sensor, set PA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_BUFEN2             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000004A4,0x000004A4UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW1_SESHORTRE          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000800,0x00000800UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIASWCON: Close SW11 - Short SE1 to RE1, */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPTIASW0                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_RECAL              15            /*  TIA SW15 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_VZEROSHARE         14            /*  TIA SW14 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_TIABIASSEL         13            /*  TIA SW13 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_PABIASSEL          12            /*  TIA SW12 Control. Active High */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIASW0_TIASWCON            0            /*  TIA SW[11:0] Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_RECAL              0x00008000    /*  TIA SW15 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_VZEROSHARE         0x00004000    /*  TIA SW14 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_TIABIASSEL         0x00002000    /*  TIA SW13 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_PABIASSEL          0x00001000    /*  TIA SW12 Control. Active High */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIASW0_TIASWCON           0x00000FFF    /*  TIA SW[11:0] Control */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_11                 0x00000014            /*  TIASWCON: CAPA test with LP TIA */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_NORM               0x0000002C            /*  TIASWCON: Normal work mode */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_DIO                0x0000002D            /*  TIASWCON: Normal work mode with back-back diode enabled. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_SHORTSW            0x0000002E            /*  TIASWCON: Work mode with short switch protection */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_LOWNOISE           0x0000006C            /*  TIASWCON: Work mode, vzero-vbias=0. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_1                  0x00000094            /*  TIASWCON: CAPA test or Ramp test with HP TIA */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_BUFDIS             0x00000180            /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_BUFEN              0x000001A4            /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. Connect amp's output to CE0 & RC01. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_TWOLEAD            0x0000042C            /*  TIASWCON: Two lead sensor, set PA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_BUFEN2             0x000004A4            /*  TIASWCON: Set PA/TIA as unity gain buffer. */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIASW0_SESHORTRE          0x00000800            /*  TIASWCON: Close SW11 - Short SE0 to RE0. */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPTIACON1                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_CHOPEN            16            /*  Chopping Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIARF             13            /*  Set LPF Resistor */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIARL             10            /*  Set RLOAD */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN            5            /*  Set RTIA Gain Resistor */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_IBOOST             3            /*  Current Boost Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_HALFPWR            2            /*  Half Power Mode Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_PAPDEN             1            /*  PA Power Down */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAPDEN            0            /*  TIA Power Down */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_CHOPEN            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00030000,0x00030000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Chopping Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIARF             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000E000,0x0000E000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Set LPF Resistor */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIARL             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001C00,0x00001C00UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Set RLOAD */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000003E0,0x000003E0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Set RTIA Gain Resistor */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_IBOOST            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000018,0x00000018UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Current Boost Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_HALFPWR           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000004,0x00000004UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Half Power Mode Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_PAPDEN            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  PA Power Down */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAPDEN           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIA Power Down */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_DISCONRF          (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: Disconnect TIA output from LPF pin */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_BYPRF             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00002000,0x00002000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: Bypass resistor */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF20K             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00004000,0x00004000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 20k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF100K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00006000,0x00006000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 100k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF200K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00008000,0x00008000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 200k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF400K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000A000,0x0000A000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 400k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF600K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000C000,0x0000C000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 600k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RF1MOHM           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x0000E000,0x0000E000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARF: 1Meg Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL0               (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 0 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL10              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000400,0x00000400UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 10 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL30              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000800,0x00000800UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 30 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL50              (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000C00,0x00000C00UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 50 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL100             (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001000,0x00001000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 100 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL1P6K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001400,0x00001400UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 1.6kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL3P1K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001800,0x00001800UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 3.1kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_RL3P5K            (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00001C00,0x00001C00UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIARL: 3.6kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_DISCONTIA         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: Disconnect TIA Gain resistor */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN200        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000020,0x00000020UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 200 Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN1K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000040,0x00000040UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 1k ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN2K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000060,0x00000060UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 2k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN3K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000080,0x00000080UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 3k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN4K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000A0,0x000000A0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 4k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN6K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000C0,0x000000C0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 6k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN8K         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000E0,0x000000E0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 8k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN10K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000100,0x00000100UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 10k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN12K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000120,0x00000120UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 12k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN16K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000140,0x00000140UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 16k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN20K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000160,0x00000160UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 20k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN24K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000180,0x00000180UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 24k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN30K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000001A0,0x000001A0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 30k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN32K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000001C0,0x000001C0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 32k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN40K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000001E0,0x000001E0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 40k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN48K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000200,0x00000200UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 48k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN64K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000220,0x00000220UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 64k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN85K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000240,0x00000240UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 85k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN96K        (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000260,0x00000260UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 96k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN100K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000280,0x00000280UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 100k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN120K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000002A0,0x000002A0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 120k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN128K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000002C0,0x000002C0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 128k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN160K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000002E0,0x000002E0UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 160k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN196K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000300,0x00000300UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 196k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN256K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000320,0x00000320UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 256k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON1_TIAGAIN512K       (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000340,0x00000340UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  TIAGAIN: 512k */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPTIACON0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_CHOPEN            16            /*  Chopping Enable */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARF             13            /*  Set LPF Resistor */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARL             10            /*  Set RLOAD */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN            5            /*  Set RTIA */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_IBOOST             3            /*  Current Boost Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_HALFPWR            2            /*  Half Power Mode Select */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_PAPDEN             1            /*  PA Power Down */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAPDEN            0            /*  TIA Power Down */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_CHOPEN            0x00030000    /*  Chopping Enable */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARF             0x0000E000    /*  Set LPF Resistor */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIARL             0x00001C00    /*  Set RLOAD */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN           0x000003E0    /*  Set RTIA */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_IBOOST            0x00000018    /*  Current Boost Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_HALFPWR           0x00000004    /*  Half Power Mode Select */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_PAPDEN            0x00000002    /*  PA Power Down */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAPDEN           0x00000001    /*  TIA Power Down */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_DISCONRF          0x00000000            /*  TIARF: Disconnect TIA output from LPF pin */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_BYPRF             0x00002000            /*  TIARF: Bypass resistor */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF20K             0x00004000            /*  TIARF: 20k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF100K            0x00006000            /*  TIARF: 100k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF200K            0x00008000            /*  TIARF: 200k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF400K            0x0000A000            /*  TIARF: 400k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF600K            0x0000C000            /*  TIARF: 600k Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RF1MOHM           0x0000E000            /*  TIARF: 1Meg Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL0               0x00000000            /*  TIARL: 0 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL10              0x00000400            /*  TIARL: 10 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL30              0x00000800            /*  TIARL: 30 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL50              0x00000C00            /*  TIARL: 50 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL100             0x00001000            /*  TIARL: 100 ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL1P6K            0x00001400            /*  TIARL: 1.6kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL3P1K            0x00001800            /*  TIARL: 3.1kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_RL3P5K            0x00001C00            /*  TIARL: 3.6kohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_DISCONTIA         0x00000000            /*  TIAGAIN: Disconnect TIA Gain resistor */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN200        0x00000020            /*  TIAGAIN: 200 Ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN1K         0x00000040            /*  TIAGAIN: 1k ohm */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN2K         0x00000060            /*  TIAGAIN: 2k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN3K         0x00000080            /*  TIAGAIN: 3k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN4K         0x000000A0            /*  TIAGAIN: 4k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN6K         0x000000C0            /*  TIAGAIN: 6k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN8K         0x000000E0            /*  TIAGAIN: 8k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN10K        0x00000100            /*  TIAGAIN: 10k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN12K        0x00000120            /*  TIAGAIN: 12k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN16K        0x00000140            /*  TIAGAIN: 16k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN20K        0x00000160            /*  TIAGAIN: 20k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN24K        0x00000180            /*  TIAGAIN: 24k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN30K        0x000001A0            /*  TIAGAIN: 30k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN32K        0x000001C0            /*  TIAGAIN: 32k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN40K        0x000001E0            /*  TIAGAIN: 40k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN48K        0x00000200            /*  TIAGAIN: 48k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN64K        0x00000220            /*  TIAGAIN: 64k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN85K        0x00000240            /*  TIAGAIN: 85k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN96K        0x00000260            /*  TIAGAIN: 96k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN100K       0x00000280            /*  TIAGAIN: 100k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN120K       0x000002A0            /*  TIAGAIN: 120k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN128K       0x000002C0            /*  TIAGAIN: 128k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN160K       0x000002E0            /*  TIAGAIN: 160k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN196K       0x00000300            /*  TIAGAIN: 196k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN256K       0x00000320            /*  TIAGAIN: 256k */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPTIACON0_TIAGAIN512K       0x00000340            /*  TIAGAIN: 512k */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HSRTIACON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSRTIACON_CTIACON            5            /*  Configure Capacitor in Parallel with RTIA */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSRTIACON_TIASW6CON          4            /*  SW6 Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSRTIACON_RTIACON            0            /*  Configure General RTIA Value */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSRTIACON_CTIACON           0x00001FE0    /*  Configure Capacitor in Parallel with RTIA */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSRTIACON_TIASW6CON         0x00000010    /*  SW6 Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSRTIACON_RTIACON           0x0000000F    /*  Configure General RTIA Value */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DE1RESCON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DE1RESCON_DE1RCON            0            /*  DE1 RLOAD RTIA Setting */
    #define BITM_AFE_DE1RESCON_DE1RCON           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x000000FF,0x000000FFUL, uint32_t  ))    /*  DE1 RLOAD RTIA Setting */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DE0RESCON                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DE0RESCON_DE0RCON            0            /*  DE0 RLOAD RTIA Setting */
    #define BITM_AFE_DE0RESCON_DE0RCON           0x000000FF    /*  DE0 RLOAD RTIA Setting */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_HSTIACON                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_HSTIACON_VBIASSEL            0            /*  Select HSTIA Positive Input */
    #define BITM_AFE_HSTIACON_VBIASSEL           0x00000003    /*  Select HSTIA Positive Input */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_DACDCBUFCON                      Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_CHANSEL          1            /*  DAC DC Channel Selection */
    #define BITP_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_RESERVED_0       0            /*  Reserved */
    #define BITM_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_CHANSEL         (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  DAC DC Channel Selection */
    #define BITM_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_RESERVED_0      (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000001,0x00000001UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  Reserved */
    #define ENUM_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_CHAN0           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000000,0x00000000UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CHANSEL: ULPDAC0 Sets DC level */
    #define ENUM_AFE_DACDCBUFCON_CHAN1           (_ADI_MSK_3(0x00000002,0x00000002UL, uint32_t  ))    /*  CHANSEL: ULPDAC1 Sets DC level */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPMODEKEY                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODEKEY_KEY               0            /*  LP Key */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODEKEY_KEY              0x000FFFFF    /*  LP Key */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPMODECLKSEL                    Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL_LFSYSCLKEN     0            /*  Enable Switching System Clock to 32KHz by Sequencer */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECLKSEL_LFSYSCLKEN    0x00000001    /*  Enable Switching System Clock to 32KHz by Sequencer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPMODECON                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_ALDOEN            8            /*  Set High to Power Down of Analog LDO */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_V1P1HPADCEN       7            /*  Set High to Enable 1.1V HP CM Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_V1P8HPADCEN       6            /*  Set High to Enable HP 1.8V Reference Buffer */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_PTATEN            5            /*  Set to High to Generate Ptat Current Bias */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_ZTATEN            4            /*  Set High to Generate Ztat Current Bias */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_REPEATADCCNVEN_P  3            /*  Set High to Enable Repeat ADC Conversion */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_ADCCONVEN         2            /*  Set High to Enable ADC Conversion */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_HPREFDIS          1            /*  Set High to Power Down HP Reference */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPMODECON_HFOSCPD           0            /*  Set High to Power Down HP Power Oscillator */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ALDOEN           0x00000100    /*  Set High to Power Down of Analog LDO */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_V1P1HPADCEN      0x00000080    /*  Set High to Enable 1.1V HP CM Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_V1P8HPADCEN      0x00000040    /*  Set High to Enable HP 1.8V Reference Buffer */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_PTATEN           0x00000020    /*  Set to High to Generate Ptat Current Bias */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ZTATEN           0x00000010    /*  Set High to Generate Ztat Current Bias */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_REPEATADCCNVEN_P 0x00000008    /*  Set High to Enable Repeat ADC Conversion */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_ADCCONVEN        0x00000004    /*  Set High to Enable ADC Conversion */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HPREFDIS         0x00000002    /*  Set High to Power Down HP Reference */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPMODECON_HFOSCPD          0x00000001    /*  Set High to Power Down HP Power Oscillator */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQSLPLOCK                       Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK_SEQ_SLP_PW        0            /*  Password for SLPBYSEQ Register */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQSLPLOCK_SEQ_SLP_PW       0x000FFFFF    /*  Password for SLPBYSEQ Register */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_SEQTRGSLP                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_SEQTRGSLP_TRGSLP             0            /*  Trigger Sleep by Sequencer */
    #define BITM_AFE_SEQTRGSLP_TRGSLP            0x00000001    /*  Trigger Sleep by Sequencer */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPDACDAT0                        Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACDAT0_DACIN6            12            /*  6BITVAL, 1LSB=34.375mV */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACDAT0_DACIN12            0            /*  12BITVAL, 1LSB=537uV */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACDAT0_DACIN6            0x0003F000    /*  6BITVAL, 1LSB=34.375mV */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACDAT0_DACIN12           0x00000FFF    /*  12BITVAL, 1LSB=537uV */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              AFE_LPDACSW0                         Pos/Masks         Description
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPMODEDIS           5            /*  Switch Control */
    #define BITP_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPDACSW             0            /*  LPDAC0 Switches Matrix */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPMODEDIS          0x00000020    /*  Switch Control */
    #define BITM_AFE_LPDACSW0_LPDACSW            0x0000001F    /*  LPDAC0 Switches Matrix */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACSW0_DACCONBIT5         0x00000000            /*  LPMODEDIS: REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0 Switch controlled by REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0CON0 bit 5 */
    #define ENUM_AFE_LPDACSW0_OVRRIDE            0x00000020            /*  LPMODEDIS: REG_AFE_LPDACDAT0 Switches override */
    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------