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Purpose of jumpers (DN_BN, DP_BP, EN_BN, EP_BP)

Category: Hardware
Product Number: MAX86178 evaluation kit (EV kit), MAX86178


I cannot find the purpose of these four jumpers (DN_BN, DP_BP, EN_BN, EP_BP).

Could you tell me? Thanks.

[locked by: GenevaCooper at 5:35 PM (GMT -5) on 14 Feb 2024]
  • Hi NeoWu,

    I'm currently in the process of finding the full data sheet and schematic for the MAX86178EVKIT.

    I'll also check the purpose of the jumpers (DN_BN, DP_BP, EN_BN, EP_BP) and get back to you shortly.


  • Hi NeoWu,

    Unfortunately, I'm unable to provide information on that topic due to the necessity of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
    All relevant documentation is provided upon purchasing the evaluation kit with an NDA in place.

    May I ask, do you happen to have the schematic for the MAX86178?


  • Hi NeoWu,

    Unfortunately, I'm unable to provide information on that topic due to the necessity of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
    All relevant documentation is provided upon purchasing the evaluation kit with an NDA in place.

    May I ask, do you happen to have the schematic for the MAX86178?


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