Hello, I am trying to interface the EVAL ADICUP360 with the EVAL-CN0338-ARDZ sensor to perform a gas measurement demo as shown here - (https://wiki.analog.com/resources/eval/user-guides/eval-adicup360/reference_designs/demo_cn0338). However I am facing some problems while establishing a serial communication between the 2 boards. Everytime I try to drag and drop the ADuCM360_demo_CN0338 bin file into the MBED drive the fail.txt file is generated and gives me a 'TIMEOUT' or 'SWD' error. I tried following the steps to correct the error in the fail.txt file as discussed here - (https://ez.analog.com/reference-designs/f/q-a/544076/cn0338-cannot-drop-in-bin-file-into-mbed-drive) and here- (https://ez.analog.com/analog-microcontrollers/precision-microcontrollers/f/q-a/101700/how-to-flash-the-eval-adicup360/302409#302409) but am still facing problems with it. I am using CCES 2.7.0 and my my processor is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.90 GHz. Please let me know how I can fix these errors to get the demo running to test the sensor.
change in question
[edited by: Gayatri98 at 4:19 PM (GMT -4) on 26 Oct 2023]