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Category: Hardware
Product Number: EVAL-AD5941BATZ

I recently purchased an EVAL-AD5941BATZ kit for EIS measurement and intend to use it with sensorpal but am confused with the wording for DC Bias as one of the parameters.  Does DC bias refer to a DC bias on top of the AC perturbation or is it the open circuit voltage of the battery I'm using as a test? The use of mVpp is also confusing as it relates to DC bias because in other notes and questions, DC voltage has been said to go up to 2.4V while the limit here is 1200mVpp

RE: Software operation of battery impedance spectrum measurement

Maybe a more succinct question would be what I would set DC bias to if I wanted to test a 3.7V battery just using the board and as described in the the user guide.

Thank you

Hi Ebrown,

Akila is the best person to answer this question, but she has already left for the weekend.  Just wanted to let you know when to expect an answer.



  • Hi,

    AC Amplitude in Sensorpal = Amplitude of the AC signal that is superimposed on DC bias voltage.

    0mV < DC Bias voltage < 1200mV

    0mV < AC amplitude peak to peak < 607mV

    For measuring battery impedance of 3.7V battery, you may use the default settings:

    DC Bias =1200mV,

    AC Amplitude = 300mV

    and connect the battery as shown in the image below: