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CN0359 to rs485 connection not establishing

Category: Software
Product Number: cn0359

i made connections of rs485 and cn0359 as per intrsutcted,and i am using putty, I entered command ‘100 poll’,  100 poll’\n’,  100poll, I tried many ways but the address in the Cn0359 does not set to 100, i changed address manually to 84 and I tried multiple commands to set frequency/ voltage, with 84 setfreq 120.6 etc but nothing works, it does not set any frequency in device and i dont receive any intput from device as well. i made putty connection with CR/LF on and local echo and line editing, i also checked signals at v+ and - which is square but at A/B i am not getting any signal/ probably its high and when i sent a command it goes low for an instance. but still even after this the device does not take and input. i tried command "84 poll" 84 setfreq 120.9 "84 setfreq 120.0'\n' and many variations nothing works. kindly help

Could you please look into it and address the issue.

 And I could not find any command to FETCH the conductivity values from the CN0359 to PC, all the commands are given to SET the values in CN0359. But our major goal is to set and fetch the values from the board. Could you please suggest a solution for this. I have checked for a solution in engineerZone, and it doesn’t give any solution for my problem.  Kindly help us solve this. If possible, we can set up a meeting whenever is feasible to you, so that it would be easy to communicate and solve the issue. Awaiting your response.

i made putty connection with CR/LF on and local echo and line editing, i also checked signals at v+ and - which is square but at A/B i am not getting any signal/ probably its high and when i sent a command it goes low for an instance. but still even after this the device does not take and input. i tried command "84 poll" 84 setfreq 120.9 "84 setfreq 120.0'\n' and many variations nothing works. kindly help
[edited by: pranavreddy at 9:56 PM (GMT -4) on 10 Aug 2023]

Hi Pranavreddy,

May I ask you which version of the firmware are you using?  Is it the default version or have you reprogrammed it to try and customize the application at all?  Also, what does your exact setup look like?  Do you have a picture of how everything is connected?  What cable are you using to connect back to the PC serial terminal?

   can you please try to replicate this and help troubleshoot this issue?

  • Hello, I didn’t change any firmware. I’m using the exact firmware which came with board and I’m using rev A eb1z board. I am using Rs485 to connect to PC. I have checked all the RS485 line graphs  v + v - etc I didn’t find any issue. But for some reason what ever command I type it doesn’t receive and it won’t make any action. I observed that when ever I type and enter there will be a sort of wave form in the RS485 to Cn0359 line which says signal is sent but cn0359 doesn’t receive, I’m not sure if it’s putty’s settings or device fault or connection fault I’m attaching the pic of how we connected.

    thank you 

  • Hi Pranav,

    Based on the photo, the connection between the RS485 and the CN0359 is correct.

    May I see your PuTTY's settings? Also, have you tried pressing CTRL + J after entering the command line? This will feed the command line to the board.


  • Hello michelle, yes ctrl+j is working but i want to automate this through python code so i was trying to open putty from python code automatically and entering commands but i was not able to replicate ctrl+j in the code i tried '\n' "\n" '0x0a' unless i manually press ctrl+j i am unable to send LF from putty do you know any default settings in putty to make it send the command directly with "enter button" i trired with tera but its effecting my system os i am facing more difficulties with tera so is there a way to make it happen with putty

  • Hi Pranav,

    You may automate it directly by using the pyserial in python instead of opening the putty from python. Carriage return is the equivalent of CTRL + J 

    You may use this code:
    \r and CR (carriage return) 0x0D
    \n and LF (line feed or new line) 0x0A


  • Hi, I read your posts but I can't communicate in any way with my card. I'm using a USB-rs485-we-5000-BT rs485 serial communicator. I connected A with the yellow cable, the ground with the black cable and B with the orange cable I open tera term and do 100 inch but it does nothing

  • Hi,

    Have you tried communicating with the board using PuTTY? You may follow the configuration below.

    For the Connection Settings:

    1. Click connection
    2. Serial, and enter the active COM port on the “serial line to connect to”
    3. Speed (baud rate): 115200
    4. Data Bits: 8
    5. Stop Bitys: 2
    6. Parity: none
    7. Flow Control: none

    For the Terminal Settings:

    1. Select Terminal
    2. Check the Implicit CR in every LF
    3. Local Echo: Force On
    4. Local Line Editing: Force Off


    Also, may I ask for a photo of your actual setup?

    Thanks and Regards,

  • hi thansk a lot for your answer , i make your information but the comunicaton there is not.

  • Hi,

    May I ask what specific error or issue are you encountering? Were you able to open your terminal? Have you tried typing in commands like poll, setvolt or setfreq?

    Also, you may try referring to the CN0359 user guide: CN0359 Conductivity Measurement System User Guide [Analog Devices Wiki]


  • hi, the terminal opens and connects but if I do 100 inches I don't see the conductivity value, Do you know what the configuration for teraterm is?