Hi Yunus,
1. What specific error are you experiencing while downloading the evaluation software? You can find the installer in this link USB 3.0 Quad-Channel IEPE Vibration Sensor Measurement System [Analog Devices Wiki], in the installation guide section.
2. Closed loop control in sinusoidal signals is one of the features of both hardware and software. You may follow the setup instructions on the Wiki Page under the Hardware Setup and How to Use the Program section.
USB 3.0 Quad-Channel IEPE Vibration Sensor Measurement System [Analog Devices Wiki]
3. If you purchase the hardware, you can download and use the evaluation software, but the SW-CN0582-API is sold separately. Kindly refer to the product page of the CN0582 for the pricing information.
CN0582 Circuit Note | Analog Devices
Hi Michelle,
Firstly I want tot hank you for quick response.
For the number 3, Do we have to purhcase SW-CN0582-API or can we do our software? Is there any source/document/library etc about creating our own software?
Hi Yunus,
May I ask what specific software are you planning to create on your end? SW-CN0582-API is necessary if you want to create your own GUI. The API contains all the commands needed to communicate with the board.
Hi Michelle,
In fact we want to do our GUI as software so as I see API is enough for this. Is there any detailed document/broshure that shows what includes SW-CN0582-API?
Hello, Yunus. There is a full document/brochure for SW-CN0582-API, however it is not publicly available. If you wish to have full access to the documentation, you need to purchase the SW-CN0582-API.