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CN0429 terminal output question

Category: Software
Product Number: CN0429


I have similar strange data format problem exported from CNO429 board.


EIS test started. Depending on the frequency range,
this can take several minutes. Don't enter additional
commands until the test is finished.
Test finished! Results ready.

Frequency, Magnitude, Phase, Real Mag, Imag Mag
1000.000000, 39706.496094, 63.206104, 5000.000000, 8527.833008
63.456184, 10000.000000, 4308.209473, 55.793385, 20000.000000
2160.175293, 42.652138, 30000.000000, 1440.804688, 30.614855
40000.000000, 1089.133545, 18.356434, 50000.000000, 925.604431
5.838364, 60000.000000, 908.778748, 5.597518, 70000.000000
906.025513, 5.493637, 90000.000000, 873.918823, 4.816417
160000.000000, 887.299622, 5.532125, 200000.000000, 897.069336
5.868478, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000
-680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000
-680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000
-680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000
-680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000

The addtional headers with Real Mag and Imag Mag in the data set are not supplied by the board. Thous are 2 extra epmpty columns make the exported data to shift around. We have 5 headers but only 3 of them are exported. So, the frequeny, magnitude and phase columns are not correct since frequency data was shifted 2 empty columns each time. Some body expert on the hex file debuging proceedure can help us to erase those headers from 'readeis' command. That might solve format issue I guess. There are also very large numbers that I can not understand. What is the meaning of them?

The same problem appears on the 'readeisfull'. There are 15 headers but only 13 data colums are exported. So, 2 unsupported headers should be erased from the Prebuilt CN0429 Hex File



Frequency, Rload+Rsens_real, Rload+Rsens_img, Rload_real, Rload_imag, Rcal_real, Rcal_imag, Mag_Rsens+Rload, Mag_Rload, Mag_Rcal, Mag_Rsens, MAG, PHASE, Real_Mag, Imag_Mag
1000.000000, -102, -65, 4130, -42367, 2333, -23930, 120.950401, 42567.824219, 24043.457031, 42513.164062, 39706.496094, 63.206104, 5000.000000, -680551753099730589857677888622713372672.000000
-680546155154679981996640879181358432256.000000, 19821, -37519, 11192, -21192, 1141616089, 1193656540, 23965.845703, 42180.296875, 8527.833008, 63.456184, 51.061523, 0.000000, -680520721013037002801929249328245768192.000000, 0.000000
-679604442876782434938857008304148709376.000000, 19595, -13378, 1149740673, 1193547255, 1186552960, 1193388698, 4308.209473, 55.793385, 64.473633, 0.000000, 20000.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
0.000000, 1157483958, 1193122558, 1186071849, 1192734467, 1158087374, 1110088650, 84.334229, 0.000000, 30000.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2767.431396
37711.203125, 1185308523, 1191831685, 1152653760, 1106570041, 1120169968, 0, 40000.000000, -680506888409687312362700117302868705280.000000, 0.000000, -679618518869047369198131227696541204480.000000, 0.000000, -680031225339662473387917706365709058048.00000
31193.386719, 1149772870, 1100143098, 1121408448, 0, 1195593728, -3287, -680556864266950710078624723330037448704.000000, -679350912756736789058557667663073509376.000000, -680379677136653209085801120142802812928.000000, -67987926952691191507310149355907422
5.838364, 1122025432, 0, 1198153728, -1459, -2469, -11167, -679614908600137919200795765085812293632.000000, -680307958536294696779182042662255460352.000000, -680029115969063693614193615851575312384.000000, 2867.863770, 25941.550781, 14642.899414, 5.597518
0.000000, 1200142336, 1022, -2157, 10883, -18584, 6118, -680138722110561827241164626797524942848.000000, 2386.866699, 21536.126953, 12154.090820, 19159.480469, 906.025513, 0.000000, 90000.000000
-680429571864278192195044030380966412288.000000, 2557, -30732, 20050, -17324, 11359, 1166229619, 36694.117188, 20715.882812, 32507.923828, 873.918823, 4.816417, 112.538513, 0.000000, -680489364407789757319453826877757587456.000000
0.000000, -14459, 12937, -8216, 1161797985, 1188307415, 1181709746, 24100.646484, 887.299622, 5.532125, 112.373840, 0.000000, 200000.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
0.000000, 11353, 1159100213, 1185429954, 1178457734, 1184203682, 1147159664, 5.868478, 112.266541, 0.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000,
-680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -6805646932770577196234083669690338


Is there any body to help us to erase those unsupported headers and replace the Prebuilt CN0429 Hex File ?

Thanks in advance.

Salih Okur

split this question out from an older post, renamed the post
[edited by: Brandon at 2:11 PM (GMT -4) on 8 Sep 2022]
  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember
on Sep 8, 2022 10:10 AM

I have split this question out since the other forum post was closed quite some time ago.  We are looking into your question and will get back to you shortly.

  • Dear Brandon,

    Thank you very much for your support.

    We have got a temporary solution by deleting the extra columns (Real and Imaginary) and decrease the reading process from 5 to 3 as we have discussed before.

    snprintf((char*) TXbuff, 256, "Frequency, Magnitude, Phase%s", _EOS);

           UART_TX((const char*) TXbuff);

           for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {

                  int2binString(EISresults[0 + (j * 3)], gBuff, 32);

                  EISpartialresult[0] = Ieee754ConvertToDouble(gBuff);

                  int2binString(EISresults[1 + (j * 3)], gBuff, 32);

                  EISpartialresult[1] = Ieee754ConvertToDouble(gBuff);

                  int2binString(EISresults[2 + (j * 3)], gBuff, 32);

                  EISpartialresult[2] = Ieee754ConvertToDouble(gBuff);

                  int2binString(EISresults[3 + (j * 3)], gBuff, 32);

                  EISpartialresult[3] = Ieee754ConvertToDouble(gBuff);

                  int2binString(EISresults[4 + (j * 3)], gBuff, 32);

                  EISpartialresult[4] = Ieee754ConvertToDouble(gBuff);


                  flushBuff(TXbuff, sizeof(TXbuff));

                  snprintf((char*) TXbuff, 256, "%f, %f, %f%s", EISpartialresult[0],

                         EISpartialresult[1], EISpartialresult[2], _EOS);

                  UART_TX((const char*) TXbuff);

    The same thing has been done to readeisfull command by decreasing from 17 to 15. It also work but we have problem with real and imaginary items again in the table. It looks the real and imaginary part are not correctly transferred to the export process.


    snprintf((char*) TXbuff, 256,

                  "Frequency, Rload+Rsens_real, Rload+Rsens_img, Rload_real, Rload_imag, Rcal_real, Rcal_imag, Mag_Rsens+Rload, Mag_Rload, Mag_Rcal, Mag_Rsens, MAG, PHASE, Real_Mag, Imag_Mag%s",


           UART_TX((const char*) TXbuff);

           for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {

                  int2binString(EISresults[0 + (j * 15)], gBuff, 32);

                  EISpartialresult[0] = Ieee754ConvertToDouble(gBuff);


                  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {


                                (int32_t*) &EISresults[i + 1 + (j * 15)],

                                sizeof(EISresults[i + 1 + (j * 15)]));



                  for (i = 1; i < 11; i++) {

                         int2binString(EISresults[i + 6 + (j * 15)], gBuff, 32);

                         EISpartialresult[i] = Ieee754ConvertToDouble(gBuff);



                  flushBuff(TXbuff, sizeof(TXbuff));

                  snprintf((char*) TXbuff, 256,

                         "%f, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f%s",

                         EISpartialresult[0], EISpartialDFTresult[0],

                         EISpartialDFTresult[1], EISpartialDFTresult[2],

                         EISpartialDFTresult[3], EISpartialDFTresult[4],

                         EISpartialDFTresult[5], EISpartialresult[1],

                         EISpartialresult[2], EISpartialresult[3],

                         EISpartialresult[4], EISpartialresult[5],

                         EISpartialresult[6], EISpartialresult[9],

                         EISpartialresult[10], _EOS);

                  UART_TX((const char*) TXbuff);


    This update give us very similar results as suggested in the manual.


    Frequency, Magnitude, Phase

    1000.000000, 279080.593750, -94.463417

    5000.000000, 1073950.375000, -125.602722

    10000.000000, 1503471.000000, -15.889310

    20000.000000, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, 21.361069

    30000.000000, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, 77.061516

    40000.000000, 1939687.250000, 42.787781

    50000.000000, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, -171.448898

    60000.000000, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, -115.662666

    70000.000000, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, -59.839993

    90000.000000, 4141493.500000, 56.602055

    160000.000000, 1533480.750000, 147.346527

    200000.000000, 2433025.000000, 158.861649


    Frequency, Rload+Rsens_real, Rload+Rsens_img, Rload_real, Rload_imag, Rcal_real, Rcal_imag, Mag_Rsens+Rload, Mag_Rload, Mag_Rcal, Mag_Rsens, MAG, PHASE, Real_Mag, Imag_Mag

    1000.000000, 17, 3, 4148, -42519, 2337, -23974, 17.262676, 42720.851562, 24087.636719, 42722.191406, 279080.593750, -94.463417, 5000.000000, 0.000000

    5000.000000, 2, 4, 19890, -37656, 11213, -21234, 4.472136, 42586.222656, 24012.791016, 42588.828125, 1073950.375000, -125.602722, 10000.000000, 0.000000

    10000.000000, 3, -1, 34823, -23764, 19634, -13405, 3.162278, 42158.855469, 23773.681641, 42155.812500, 1503471.000000, -15.889310, 20000.000000, 0.000000

    20000.000000, 0, 0, 37708, 14769, 21265, 8317, 0.000000, 40497.117188, 22833.587891, 40497.117188, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, 21.361069, 30000.000000, 0.000000

    30000.000000, 0, 0, 8448, 36902, 4779, 20802, 0.000000, 37856.652344, 21343.900391, 37856.652344, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, 77.061516, 40000.000000, 0.000000

    40000.000000, 0, 2, -23401, 25232, -13176, 14236, 2.000000, 34413.085938, 19397.697266, 34411.621094, 1939687.250000, 42.787781, 50000.000000, 0.000000

    50000.000000, 0, 0, -30052, -4556, -16939, -2547, 0.000000, 30395.390625, 17129.417969, 30395.390625, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, -171.448898, 60000.000000, 0.000000

    60000.000000, 0, 0, -11247, -23503, -6358, -13233, 0.000000, 26055.441406, 14681.159180, 26055.441406, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, -115.662666, 70000.000000, 0.000000

    70000.000000, 0, 0, 10905, -18690, 6124, -10539, 0.000000, 21638.742188, 12189.088867, 21638.742188, 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000, -59.839993, 90000.000000, 0.000000

    90000.000000, 0, 1, -30736, 20164, -17288, 11399, 1.000000, 36759.878906, 20707.779297, 36759.328125, 4141493.500000, 56.602055, 160000.000000, -680564652712238512320067519074531278848.000000

    160000.000000, -2, 0, 22987, -14600, 12910, -8274, 2.000000, 27231.638672, 15333.856445, 27233.328125, 1533480.750000, 147.346527, 200000.000000, 0.000000

    200000.000000, 0, -1, 7691, 20196, 4387, 11346, 1.000000, 21610.875000, 12164.599609, 21611.808594, 2433025.000000, 158.861649, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000, -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000


    But we see very big numbers like 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.000000 or -680564693277057719623408366969033850880.000000 randomly appears. What is this? Sensor reading problem or firmware problem?

    Another problem is I said before Real Mag and Imag Mag results are very strange coming out as the next freq. value and zero. Something related to data transfer problem should be solved.

    For calibration our system we need your suggestions.

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember on Sep 19, 2022 1:29 PM in reply to salihokur

    So some of the changes have been committed and merged here - projects: cn0428_cn0429: Column wrap temp fix · analogdevicesinc/EVAL-ADICUP3029@5c83206 (  But there still needs to be some additional investigation and testing regarding the second part of your question.  I've ordered a set of CN0429 hardware for the firmware engineer so they can look at this in more detail.  Hope to get back to you shortly once the new hardware setup has been delivered.

  • Reply
    • FormerMember
      0 FormerMember
    on Sep 19, 2022 1:29 PM in reply to salihokur

    So some of the changes have been committed and merged here - projects: cn0428_cn0429: Column wrap temp fix · analogdevicesinc/EVAL-ADICUP3029@5c83206 (  But there still needs to be some additional investigation and testing regarding the second part of your question.  I've ordered a set of CN0429 hardware for the firmware engineer so they can look at this in more detail.  Hope to get back to you shortly once the new hardware setup has been delivered.

    Children on Jan 18, 2023 4:15 PM in reply to salihokur

    I'm going to close this ticket due to the long activity break.  If there is anything else you need for support, please open a new issue.

