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CN0540 Questions

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: CN0540. 24-Bit Data Acquisition System for IEPE Sensors

Dear all,

I need to design a 4 IEPE channels DAQ board so I´m very interested in Analog Devices CN0540 development board. But before adquiring de CN0540 I would like to solve several doubts.

About CN0540:

  • I Don´t understand how to manage/control DAC to ADC control loop. I saw DAC have an I2C interface so I supose that the user has to connect this interface to its control DAQ board (E.g. DE10-Nano FPGA Board), then the I2C wil be controled by software through I2C interface. Is correct? If afirmative answer. Does the software include into DE10-Nano FPGA Board provide the algorithm to apply in DAC through I2C interface?

Otherwise , How the DAC control would be?

About EVAL-AD7768-4FMCZ-UG-921

  • This evaluation board allow to take measures in 4 channels simultaneously, but is it suitable for use directly to connect IEPE sensors? I think it is not posible. I think is necesary to add several devices perchannel to make it work (ADG5421 F, LT2606 DAC, LT3092…etc). Could you give any extra information intis way?
