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SensorPal Crashing

Category: Software
Product Number: EVAL AD9540 ELCZ with ADICUP3029
Software Version:

A student researcher and I have downloaded SensorPal to use with a 5940 ELCZ evaluation board. As we are testing the software and board, the SensorPal program frequently crashes (suddenly closes). When this happens, it is while we are trying to move a tool into the workspace or adjust measurement settings. 

This is happening on two different computers. We downloaded SensorPal on 2022 May 23. The version is which seems to be the most recent. 

If anyone has any tips or suggestions, please let us know. Thanks!

  • Hi,

    may I know the following details?


    • OS used, and version.
    • Do you have admin rights in their PC?
    • Have you tried to right click -> Run as administrator the SensorPal GUI?
    • Have you tried restarting the PC?
    • Have you tried reinstalling the SensorPal GUI?
    • What techniques produces the crash?
    •   the SensorPal program frequently crashes (suddenly closes). When this happens, it is while we are trying to move a tool into the workspace or adjust measurement settings. ”. How frequent does it crash? Always or after a few start measurement?
    • Did you update the firmware using the Firmware Updater?


  • Akila, thank you for the response. This issue is happening on my laptop and on my student's. We both have the same laptop (HP Elitebook) and I believe we both have the same OS (they're school computers).

    • The OS is Windows 10 Enterprise version 20H2, install/update date is January 2022
    • I do have administrative permission.
    • I tried running as administrator and still had the same issue.
    • I tried restarting the PC and still had the same issue.
    • I tried uninstalling and reinstalling SensorPal and still have the same issue.
    • I can better describe the issue: We open SensorPal and will select different experiment types and expand menus to look the the available settings (we're completely new to the AD5940 and SensorPal, so we're browsing to learning what it can do). The SensorPal application will suddenly close after we select a different experiment type or after we expand a settings menu. This happens every time we use SensorPal. Sometimes it closes after the first action, sometimes it closes after a few minutes of navigating around. It closes when we are just browsing the application. Usually we aren't trying to start a measurement and don't even have a device connected, but SensorPal will close within a few minutes. 
    • The version of SensorPal is, the application checks for the most up-to-date version each time it opens. We have opened SensorPal a few times with the AD5940 connected and have been able to update the firmware on the ADICUP3029, but the SensorPal crashing happens both with and without a connected device.

    Let me know if there is any other information that might be helpful. Thank you!


  • Akila, thank you for the response. This issue is happening on my laptop and on my student's. We both have the same laptop (HP Elitebook) and I believe we both have the same OS (they're school computers).

    • The OS is Windows 10 Enterprise version 20H2, install/update date is January 2022
    • I do have administrative permission.
    • I tried running as administrator and still had the same issue.
    • I tried restarting the PC and still had the same issue.
    • I tried uninstalling and reinstalling SensorPal and still have the same issue.
    • I can better describe the issue: We open SensorPal and will select different experiment types and expand menus to look the the available settings (we're completely new to the AD5940 and SensorPal, so we're browsing to learning what it can do). The SensorPal application will suddenly close after we select a different experiment type or after we expand a settings menu. This happens every time we use SensorPal. Sometimes it closes after the first action, sometimes it closes after a few minutes of navigating around. It closes when we are just browsing the application. Usually we aren't trying to start a measurement and don't even have a device connected, but SensorPal will close within a few minutes. 
    • The version of SensorPal is, the application checks for the most up-to-date version each time it opens. We have opened SensorPal a few times with the AD5940 connected and have been able to update the firmware on the ADICUP3029, but the SensorPal crashing happens both with and without a connected device.

    Let me know if there is any other information that might be helpful. Thank you!


  • Hi,

    • Did you change the installation directory when installing the application?
    • Could you locate the HTMLFiles folder under the SensorPal’s installation folder and check the number of files are in there?
      • The default installation directory, it is on C:\Program Files (x86)\Analog Devices\SensorPal\HTMLFiles
      • If there are less than 81 files, can you screenshot the files inside this folder? Just to check if there are missing file in case.
    • I can’t reproduce the bug on my side. I tried opening every technique (all electrochemical and all bioelectric) and expanded the menus and hovered the mouse pointer through all the settings but it didn’t crash.
    • It would really be helpful if you can provide a step by step guide on what you do in the GUI before it crashes.
      • For example: Open GUI. Drag Linear Sweep Voltammetry to Work Area. Hover the mouse pointer here and there, etc.


  • Akila,

    I did not change the directory during installation, and the HTMLFiles folder does have 81 items:

    Previously I'd just been randomly clicking around before SensorPal would close, but today I tried repeated steps. This is a sequence of actions that I attempted 5 times, and SensorPal crashed each time at the same step:

    • Open SensorPal
    • Version check says it is up-to-date, close the version check window
    • Close the tutorial
    • Initial experiment in Work Area is Square Wave Voltammetry
    • Drag Impedance experiment to Work Area
    • Change amplitude to 100 mV
    • Change start frequency to 100000 Hz (100 kHz)
    • Change points to 10
    • Open Frequency Sweep tab
    • Check Enable
    • Change stop frequency to 100 Hz
    • Check Logarithmic
    • Minimize Frequency Sweep tab
    • Open Miscellaneous Settings tab and then re-minimize 
    • Open Resistance Values Settings tab
    • Click on each variable in Resistance Values Settings tab but don't change them
    • Minimize Resistance Values Settings tab
    • Open Digital Filter Settings tab and then re-minimize
    • Open Electrode Settings tab
    • Click on each variable in Electrode Settings tab but don't change them
    • Minimize Electrode Settings tab
    • Drag Cyclic Voltammetry experiment to Work Area
    • Change step potential to 5 mV
    • Change scan rate to 100 mV/s
    • Attempt change cycle count from -1 to 10, but SensorPal closes when I try to click in the box to change the -1.

    I'm curious to see if that sequence is ok on your end. Thanks for the help!
